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Tanji Heiji
Tanji Heiji
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Chow Time (private, NK) Empty Chow Time (private, NK)

Tue Jan 29, 2013 7:58 pm
In a world of power hungry people many missed the finer points in life. One of those being able to sit down and eat a good meal without a care in the world. Ukita thought it was truly sad how people seemed to pursue power yet lost themselves and the simple things in life. For now though Ukita could care less about the troubles of others. He had just come from a spar with one named Fai. Granted he was a bit disgruntled, because he had lost, but he shook it off and did not let it show. Hopefully Fai was still following him, because Ukita doubted he could stop himself from walking without falling over-he was that tired.

In matter of minutes he arrived at the ramen bar and took a seat. Ukita got a few odd looks from patrons there as a sheet of dry mud came off Ukita's back upon sitting down. Luckily the blood from his forehead had stopped running, so he did not look that bad. Save for the mud plastered hair, dried blood on his face and the creepy ass red eyes that now took the place of his normal eyes like some ghost. The eyes it was always the eyes. He still had no idea what they were or how they were even activated. As such he kept turning them on and off without knowing it-one second his eyes were normal the next they were blood red. Naturally He grabbed a menu and looked down the list. Assuming that Fai had arrived as well he would pass him a menu without a word. Right now Ukita was reviewing the spar they had just had in his head. It had been a good spar despite the fact that he had lost. Maybe next time he would win, but he would need to get stronger for that first. If Fai wanted to speak with Ukita could, but at this moment Ukita seemed to be in a world all his own as he read over the menu that he had already read a thousand times before.

{TWC: 352}
Wandering Blind Man
Wandering Blind Man
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Chow Time (private, NK) Empty Re: Chow Time (private, NK)

Tue Jan 29, 2013 8:58 pm
Fai would still be walking behind Ukita would a little hop in his step as they were walking to the Ramen shop in Kumo. Fai's clothes would be riddled with little spots of mud and blood but that the least of his problems. He was kinda worried if he broke something in Ukita, but he would wait until they had arrived in the Ramen shop. Everything in the world was going to shit, and here he was making a new team to combat whatever came his way. They would finally make their was as Ukita sat down first then Fai. Everyone would give Fai a dirty look, not because he was riddled in mud, but because of his family and what Fai generally did. He would give the chef a wide grin," Been a while old man how ya been," as he looked to Ukita," i didn't break anything did i and those eyes of yours are interesting, what Doujutsu is that," he asked curiously. The Chef would snort and point a knife at Fai," Dont you start any trouble hear like the last time or your ass is getting thrown out," as he went back to making ramen. Fai would laugh and point at the man," Why do you have to be like that, it was not my fault that those guys picked a fight with me and i almost sent them to the grave, after all i am just an innocent boy," giving an evil grin. He would turn back to Ukita," so what would to like to have here and do not worry about what he said that was a while ago," or so he thought. Looking back to the chef," i would like the usual and don't try and poison me," smirking at him. He liked to mess with the chef alot so it was normal

Tanji Heiji
Tanji Heiji
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Chow Time (private, NK) Empty Re: Chow Time (private, NK)

Tue Jan 29, 2013 11:42 pm
Ukita took note of the general reaction to Fai entering-it seemed he had some kind of history here. As it were, so did Ukita. This was the place he had spent countless nights when his parents were just a little too drunk. This being the case Ukita knew the chef well-he was more like a uncle to him than anything else. So, instead of saying a thing to the chef he caught his eye and gave him a curt nod. With that he knew his order would be filled-he even had a tab. As Fai sat down and asked Ukita if anything was broken. Looking up from his menu with a rather confused look on his face Ukita proceeded to feel his ribs really quick. he then responded to Fai in a rather lighthearted tone: "Nah, nothing is broken save for my pride. However these eyes...I have no idea. They just...happened. Honestly I do not even have a doujutsu person in my whole family. How about you? Whats with that nifty seal you got? With these eyes I saw it exude a immense amount of power and chakra." The part about the doujutsu blood was true to Ukita's knowledge. He truly believed that it was the truth, however he would have to ask his grandfather later. After all, he had never had the time to get to know his parents they were usually flat out drunk and abusive. The only thing he was certain of was that these eyes had allowed him some kind of power he had not had before. Maybe it was fate maybe not, but either way Ukita could care less. All that mattered to him at this point was his lunch being brought out to him. One steam bowl of deluxe ramen and some orange tea-the finest in all of the five nations or so the chef claimed. One day Ukita planned to test that. Tea tasting was somewhat of a hobby of his.

{TWC: 677}
Wandering Blind Man
Wandering Blind Man
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Chow Time (private, NK) Empty Re: Chow Time (private, NK)

Wed Jan 30, 2013 1:27 am
Fai would lift his hand to the table as he was asked a question, but the shop owner would answer,"The seal is a curse left by his cursed family to keep him under wraps. If you ask me it brands him as a misfit," as he gave another glare at Fai. Fai's hand would glow a bit as lightning came from it," You do not know shit old man, it is not a curse and my family isn't cursed either. So you have two options, shut up know the second," as he turned to Ukita and smiled," See in my famliy all of them were Kouitashi, or Kumo's Famous Paper Ninjutsu users. I on the other hand was not gifted or even given the bloodline, so my father and mother gave me this seal to make me just as powerful as them, but due to some unforeseeable incident's the formula of the seal changed, i used to get enraged when i used it for two long but now i have overcame that obstacle," as his hand slowly stopped glowing. The chef would bring him his large bowl of pork ramen and sat it down in front of him, Fai knew that most of the villagers hated him but he did not care in the slightest. That is why he lives in the woods.

Tanji Heiji
Tanji Heiji
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Chow Time (private, NK) Empty Re: Chow Time (private, NK)

Wed Jan 30, 2013 2:46 am
Ukita took his time to eat the ramen that had been given to him as he listened to the chef and Fai. It seemed Fai and the chef had had some kind of a run in in the past-not that Ukita really cared, but they did not seem on the best terms to say the least. The information on the seal was indeed intriguing. Ukita himself did not know much about seals, but it seemed that Fai had gotten a strong one. Even more interesting was that his own parents had given the seal to him, so he could match the power of the paper release, which was another thing Ukita did not know much about. Really he knew about taijutsu and he was ok with just knowing that and maybe some kenjutsu for variety here and there. Ninjutsu was still an odd thing, but something occurred to him.He could test what doujutsu he had. If he recalled correctly the Uchiha's had a genjutsu eye, which could be used to send someone into a genjutsu. Glancing to the side Ukita spotted a cute looking girl about his age- a red head at that. A cool smirk spread across his face as he though up a plan.

Turning back to Fai he responded to him in jovail tone: "Huh, well, it seems we are both in the same boat. I didnt exactly fit in with my birth family either. Now I live with my grandfather. Now watch this..I think I have a way to figure out what doujutsu I have." Ukita got up and walked over to the red headed girl. Walking over he activated his red eyes, which were getting easier to control. He was not really sure how this would work and if it did not then he was going to look like idiot. Taking a seat next to the girl introduced himself and in doing so caught her eye. He was not too sure what to do next, but somehow it worked. The red head fell over onto Ukita's shoulder. A slight smile spread across his face-it would seem that this doujutsu was indeed the sharingan. Rousing the girl he asked if she was ok. Luckily she had not idea what happened and Ukita simply nodded and said he had to return to his friend. The girl gave a pleasant smile and Ukita returned to the table Fai was sitting at. Picking up the tea he had ordered Ukita took a sip and then spoke: "Did you see that? Tell me I am not dreaming. I am pretty sure these eyes are sharingan, but how I got them is the a bit off track there, so tell me what rank are you?" Ukita took a few more sips of his tea as he waited for Fai's response.

{TWC: 1150}
Wandering Blind Man
Wandering Blind Man
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Chow Time (private, NK) Empty Re: Chow Time (private, NK)

Wed Jan 30, 2013 6:21 am
(going to have some fun here.)

Watching as Ukita went over to the girl and activated his doujutsu he would smile as he began to talk to her and she passed out which made his smile even bigger. As he walked back over Fai would notice another girl walk in and smile as Ukita sat down," yea we are both in the same boat but if you want to truly impress a girl you also have to have charm as well, you see that girl over there, watch this," as he got up and walked over to her. He would sit beside her and look her into the eyes with a beaming smile. Only after a minute or two of talking he would return back looking at the girl and winking to her as her face turned red," that is how you do it, but the sharingan is like one of the most powerful Doujutsu, is it not. Its relative the Byakugan, is similar but has major differences," as he pointed to his bandaged right eye,"i have the Byakugan in my right eye here but my natural color is of course Dark Red," smiling as he finished off his Ramen. At the question of his rank he would nod," i am a Genin much like you, but this will also be my first team since i graduated from the academy," setting the large bowl down.

The chef would come back and look at Fai, but a little easier now," so you seem to have made friends since your delinquient phase, your much like your father after all. Too bad he couldn't see you now," his sentence was cut short by Fai's gaze," please refrain from talking about my family, it is something i buried along time ago, now can i have another bowl of ramen," as his fist was slowly trembling as his breathe would shallow for a moment. He would compose himself as he walked outside for a moment before taking a deep breathe. He would be fine but for the time being he would sit outside.

Tanji Heiji
Tanji Heiji
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Chow Time (private, NK) Empty Re: Chow Time (private, NK)

Wed Jan 30, 2013 7:13 am
Staring pensively into his now empty tea cup Ukita was pleased when the chef brought over another cup. Taking the new cup he returned his attention to Fai who at this point was talking up some brunette-personally Ukita was not all that impressed with brunettes, but Fai did have some innate charm that was for sure as Ukita could clearly not deny that he got stuff done. In a matter of minutes Fai had returned and started talking to Ukita about the doujutsu. Ukita merely nodded in agreement. Honestly it seemed that Fai knew more about them than Ukita did himself. As such it came as no surprise to Ukita that Fai had a doujutsu of his own, which struck him as rather odd. How did he come by it exactly? He might press the question at later time, but not just yet-the time was not right. Ukita was indeed pleased that Fai was a genin. Were he any other rank then Ukita would feel bound to mentor him or be mentored by him as it were.

At this point the chef came over again and mentioned something about Fai growing up and how his father would be proud. Fai's reaction was anything, but expected-the comment seemed to bite him to bone and leave him bitter as he stalked out of the bar for a breather. Not really wanting to be left alone Ukita got up as well. Taking his tea with him Ukita stepped out onto the small patio along with Fai. Night was starting to fall and he could just barely hear the thunder off in the distance-the storm was leaving. In its place a cool mist started to descend upon the village hidden in the clouds. Walking up next to Fai Ukita took a sip from his tea and then spoke up in a low gentle tone: "So, how did you come by that doujutsu of yours?.....You don't have to answer if you don't want to I am merely curious....Also I know it is not my place, but you should give your family some credit...they did try to do whats best for you didn't they?" Ukita was referencing the seal they placed on Fai at a young age. However, Ukita's question struck a cord in himself: had his parents done what was best for him as well? Pondering the thought he watched as an elderly lady lit a lantern across the street in a small shop.

{TWC: 1570}
Wandering Blind Man
Wandering Blind Man
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Chow Time (private, NK) Empty Re: Chow Time (private, NK)

Wed Jan 30, 2013 7:51 am
Fai would sit outside for a moment as his mind went blank and everything around him suddenly went dark as he would see the events that led to his parents death. Though it would seen that Fai was home, the lights however were off. In his mind he would see his father and mother talking to someone, a stranger with a hood and a mask on, Maybe ANBU but he could not tell, but they were talking about something he could not quite understand. At the end of it his father would come over to him and pat him on the head saying him and his mother had to attend to an urgent mission and would be back shortly after they were done. Fai would go to his room without arguing knowing they would but on that day when he had awoken, it turned out they would never return. He found out later that his parents died during the mission, and the only thing he had from them was the seal.

Fai would come back in time to hear Ukita speak, giving him a look as he sighed and stood up slowly," i got it from someone who is dead now as a gift and it has been pretty useful. My family has done nothing for me, this seal is more like a remembrance of my stupidity, My father and mother were one thing, but my family as a whole were another. The critized me for not being able to use their techniques, but i showed them. Those bastards are all dead and i remain," giving a laugh as he covered his left eye," it is almost irony is it not Ukita," as he sat down and sighed," but irony is not the right word for my life more like disaster but that is just me, how was your life," looking over to him.

Tanji Heiji
Tanji Heiji
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Chow Time (private, NK) Empty Re: Chow Time (private, NK)

Wed Jan 30, 2013 8:13 am
Ukita listened silently to Fai speak continuing to take intermittent sips from his tea. Ukita was not sure, but he felt like there was something more to Fai then he originally thought. When asked about his family he seemed to change entirely. Ukita half considered asking how they died, but thought better of it at the last minute. The last question Fai asked was the one thing Ukita dreaded being asked. Letting the question hang in the air for a while Ukita took a sip from his tea. His mind was full of inconsolable rage, fury, hate and oddly enough pity. His parents had been miserable. Finishing off his tea Ukita took a deep breath and started off in a low monotone voice that betrayed no emotion in the slightest: "Well, thats a story. Both my parents were truly awful. One, my mom, was a gambler who always lost. The other, my father the drunk, squandered his money on sake and the like. Basically it was an awful childhood. At the age of seven I ran away and lived as I live now with my grandfather. He is the only real family I have left. My parents themselves died when I was eleven-not that I really care. I dont even know how they died-yep thats me in a nutshell or so."

Ukita looked across the way where the old lady was still stringing up lanterns. However, something caught his eye. It was the appearance of a group of burly men, about six of them, with weapons going toward the old ladies shop. Not really sure what was happening Ukita paid it no mind until the six men and the old lady went inside and he he heard one yelp and that was it. Rathewr worried now Ukita would point it out to Fai with a hand gesture-hoping that he would wordless understand that they should go and investigate what was happening over there. Ukita was prepared for the worse despite still feeling a bit beat up from the spar. If it meant saving an old lady he would do it without a thought. Plus it would see if Fai and him could truly work as a team.

{TWC: 1947}
Wandering Blind Man
Wandering Blind Man
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Chow Time (private, NK) Empty Re: Chow Time (private, NK)

Wed Jan 30, 2013 9:26 am
Fai listened to Ukita's story as it was similar to his but he had a reason to leave his family. He would pat him on the back," its okay man it looks like were not so different after all man," as he looked he would notice the men goin to the old lady and would already be ready for it. Looking at Ukita he would smile," lets go kick some ass well split them down the middle but do not wreck the grannies stuff," as he jumped off of the patio adn walked over to the shop.

He would knock on the door and point to three of the men," You, You, and You. All of your assess are mine for fucking with the old lady there, if you want to fight someone you lowly lifeforms, fight me but i guess you are so weak you can only fight grannies," waving his hand at them. One of them would take his bait perfectly and rush him, which was a bad idea. As he got withing a meter of him he would grab his fist and flip him over him, as he was near his foot, his leg would do a mid crescent kick sending him clear out of the door and past Ukita hitting a nearby trash can. He would sit his foot down slowly waiting for the other two or until Ukita arrived inside. Either way Fai was about to let out alot of steam and these guys were his punching bags.

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