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Tanji Heiji
Tanji Heiji
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Chow Time (private, NK) - Page 2 Empty Re: Chow Time (private, NK)

Wed Jan 30, 2013 12:04 pm
Ukita gave Fai a slight nod as he followed him to the store across the street. As he walked wisps of mist curled around him and made it seem as though he was born from the mist. He had a slight grin on his face-he was going to get to use a power he had not used in his fight with Fai-had he used it then it probably would have put them on an even playing field, but Ukita did not want to risk the drawback. This was the pinnacle of all taijutsu moves: the eight gates. Currently Ukita only knew how to open the first three, but it would be more enough for these punks. Not wanting to hold back one bit he would go straight to the third gate: the gate of life. In an instant he felt power surge throughout his body like it was on fire, but a good fire-a powerful fire. The only noticeable difference was that Ukita's hair would spike ever so slightly. Ukita was left to deal with the three thugs that had tried running outside once Fai started kicking their asses outside while Fai dealt with the ones inside.

With his new found power Ukita was on the thugs in a heartbeat and beating them into the ground quite literally. He beat two into the ground such that there were rather large craters left in the ground. While the other one ran away-apparently he was smart. A slight grin on his face still Ukita called to Fai: "Ya done in there? If you are we should get back to the ramen shop your dinner is probably getting cold." Ukita gave a brief nod to the old granny and went on his way. It seemed Fai and him worked pretty well as a team. Maybe it would be prudent to finish a few missions with him and see where they could get to rank wise.

{TWC: 2278}
Wandering Blind Man
Wandering Blind Man
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Chow Time (private, NK) - Page 2 Empty Re: Chow Time (private, NK)

Wed Jan 30, 2013 12:38 pm
Fai was having an absolute fun time as both thugs came at him at the same time. Fai laughed as one came and attack him, throwing a punch at Fai's face. Fai would move out of the way like he was dancing and throw three jab sent small shockwaves from his back. The first jab would hit the sternum knocking all of the air out of his body, the second would hit rib cage breaking three of them, and the third... well he went flying through a wall after that. Fai would look at the last one as he trembled a bit and tried to run away-bad move on his part as Fai darted in front of him grabbing his face and bringing him to the ground. As so as the man hit the ground, Fai would send a devastating right hook to the his stomach, which made him cough up blood.

The blood would splatter on his face. Fai would look over to the old lady his eyes closed and squinted as he smiled to her," your safe now ma'am this low life forms here will never bother you again," as he grabbed both the bodies throwing one outside and holding on to the other as he dragged him out kicking him in the same spot as he hit the last time sending him flying. Looking to Ukita he would smile," of course i am done no one does it better than me," as he walked back to the Ramen shop and began to eat his ramen without speaking. For some reason he felt good beating the shit out of those thugs, and if he could he would do it again. Looking to Ukita when he came back in," did you have fun like i did," giving a grin. His blood was pumping at the fact that he was capable of having such a rush and wanted to continue it for a little be longer. Looking to Ukita again he would stand up and walk towards the door," lets go do some missions, i am on quite a rush and i need a little more to do, so what do you say," as he stood there and awaited for his answer. This day was turning out to be a very fun day and the best was yet to come.


Tanji Heiji
Tanji Heiji
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Chow Time (private, NK) - Page 2 Empty Re: Chow Time (private, NK)

Wed Jan 30, 2013 1:38 pm
Ukita sighed as Fai came out of the granny's shop with some blood a bunch of beat up thugs. He did clean up well. Though Ukita did have a feeling that Fai took it a little too far, but it mattered not as they had saved the old lady. Taking his cue from Fai he followed him back to the ramen shop. When Fai asked him if he liked it Ukita wrinkled his nose a bit and responded with a even tone: "It had to be done. I dont take much joy in going through unneeded violence, but I suppose it did give me a chance to use the eight gates." Noticing that he still had the third gate on he closed it up and his hair despiked. However, what Fai said next was something he could agree with-missions. He needed to get that done regardless, so why not with another person? With a smile back on his face Ukita gave an affirmative nod to Fai. He then tossed the chef some ryo. He then went on his way to the mission center to pick up the first of the next few missions.

{TWC: 2460, Exit, +12 stats, +24 JP}
Wandering Blind Man
Wandering Blind Man
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Chow Time (private, NK) - Page 2 Empty Re: Chow Time (private, NK)

Wed Jan 30, 2013 1:48 pm
Stood up by the door as he listened to Ukita," sometimes unneeded violence is needed to get the job done, but interesting ability you have there," as he walk out of the door he would turn to Ukita who had just paid the chef," well lets get a move on, if were lucky we can get the better mission," he chuckled. he would look at the chef," thanks again for the food old man," as he waved at him. Fai was an odd individusl indeed but he had his reasons why. He would wipe the blood off of his face as he smiled and walked out. For now he would head to the mission board with Ukita to see what kind of missions they could get

(TWC= 1964 +9 stats +19 JP Reserved) [EXIT]
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