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Takizawa Kenchi
Takizawa Kenchi
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New Aquaintance {P, No Kill} Empty New Aquaintance {P, No Kill}

Mon Feb 04, 2013 4:51 pm
Kenchi walks through the grassy plains of Tengakure. He had been searching recently for a more efficient way to train his skills. He wanted to become as strong as he could possibly become. He did not want to be second to anyone anymore. He stood in the center of the field. The wind blowing through his white hair, as he waited to begin his training. Though he wished that he did not have to train solo, that was slowly beginning to bore him.
Stat Page : The Child
Mission Record : Mission Log
Remove Taijutsu Bukijutsu Remove Jikūjutsu Default
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Clan Focus : Taijutsu
Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 24470

New Aquaintance {P, No Kill} Empty Re: New Aquaintance {P, No Kill}

Mon Feb 04, 2013 5:02 pm
Takeo placed his hand to his mouth to stifle a yawn as he wandered through the streets of Tengakure. It had only been a few days since he had graduated from the Ninja Academy and had become a Genin and he hadn't done anything at all since that day. So today he had decided he might as well actually begin training himself once more. That was the reason that Takeo was currently heading out to the village gates, there he planned to go out into the plains and do...something. Probably just run around again, that was all there was for the sixteen year old to do these days. Exiting through the gates he walked out into the plains and kept on going for around a minute or so when his eyes caught sight of a figure standing there in the distance. Takeo's curiosity was raised and he decided to head over towards that direction. As he got closer to the person his eyes were drawn to the distinct white hair of the other person. His eyebrow raised slightly and he folded his arms his eyes flickering over the figure. Not anyone he had seen before. He decided it was just best to call out to the person, "Hello."

[Wordcount: 209]
Takizawa Kenchi
Takizawa Kenchi
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New Aquaintance {P, No Kill} Empty Re: New Aquaintance {P, No Kill}

Mon Feb 04, 2013 5:14 pm
Kenchi would step forwards, his hand ready to draw his ninjato, as he heard a voice near him shout hello. Kenchi's eyes would go cold for a split-second, but only for that moment. After he realized the person was not a threat, his eyes returned to their warm and friendly state. "Yo." Kenchi said as he quickly removed his hand from his ninjato. He would walk over towards the person, once the boy was close enough to Kenchi he would offer a kind handshake, "My name is Kenchi, would you be interested in a spar? I'm dying of boredom." Kenchi would smile after saying this. He was afterall in the mood for meeting new and different people. In Kirigakure he only knew a few people. He had to change that in Tengakure, he wanted to be as friendly and nice to everyone as possible. He did not want to miss a single thing.

He would wait to see if the boy would accept or refuse his kind gesture.
Stat Page : The Child
Mission Record : Mission Log
Remove Taijutsu Bukijutsu Remove Jikūjutsu Default
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Clan Focus : Taijutsu
Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 24470

New Aquaintance {P, No Kill} Empty Re: New Aquaintance {P, No Kill}

Tue Feb 05, 2013 11:47 am
Takeo would be slightly alarmed for a moment as the white-haired person seemed to be hostile. When the other person seemed to relax Takeo did as well. The other boy would walk towards him and extend a hand which Takeo took in his own and shook. "Takeo." He replied with his own name as Kenchi introduced himself. He the heard the offer for a spar and looked up towards the smiling male. He simply nodded his head and gave a simple reply of, "Sure, let's spar." He jumped backwards away from Kenchi to put a small distance between the two of them and ran a hand through his hair. "I'll say right now that I'm not very good at this." Takeo stood there for a moment once more letting his eyes move up and down the boy across from him. 'Suppose I might as well start this thing.' Takeo though to himself, "Well then, time to begin." With that said Takeo leapt forward closing the distance he had created between the two of them, his right leg up high aiming a kick towards his head. Really he was curious to see how strong this Kenchi was compared to himself.

[Total Wordcount: 409]
Takizawa Kenchi
Takizawa Kenchi
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New Aquaintance {P, No Kill} Empty Re: New Aquaintance {P, No Kill}

Tue Feb 05, 2013 12:14 pm
After they shook hands Kenchi would step backwards away from the boy. Takeo would tell him that he was not too good at sparing. Kenchi would smile and say,

"There's no problem. I will be sure to make this entertaining."

Kenchi would then prepare himself for the spar. Placing his footing firmly into the grounds, he would enter his battle stance. He figured there would be no need for him to use any weapons, yet. He just simply wanted to test the boys skills and help him become stronger.

Takeo would lunge forwards attempting to kick Kenchi on his head. Kenchi would raise his hand in an instant and catch the boys leg, he would then shove him backwards slightly. He wanted this spar to be a lesson for the boy, he felt no real need for him to participate fully. This was to make the spar as equal as possible.

After shoving the boy backwards away from him, Kenchi would lunge forwards towards the boy, his speed at a traceble pace, Once he felt that he was close enough Kenchi would feint a kick towards the boys temple, he would then duck onto the ground and attempt to sweep the boys legs out from under him, this was to gauge the boys reflexes. the kick would not be moved at Kenchi's full speed. he simply wanted to see if the boy was quick enough to jump over the sweep maneuver. Which Kenchi believed he was.
Stat Page : The Child
Mission Record : Mission Log
Remove Taijutsu Bukijutsu Remove Jikūjutsu Default
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Clan Focus : Taijutsu
Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 24470

New Aquaintance {P, No Kill} Empty Re: New Aquaintance {P, No Kill}

Tue Feb 05, 2013 12:31 pm
Takeo's kick had been blocked rather easily by Kenchi who had then pushed him back. Stumbling backwards he regained his balance in time to see Kenchi approaching him. Kenchi seemed to go for a kick and Takeo moved to raise his hand up to block it. Then Kenchi disappeared from his view, his eyes shot downwards where he saw a crouched Kenchi going to sweep his legs out from under him. Takeo jumped up as quick as he could bringing his knees up to his chest as the leg swung on past. He landed back down and sent a knee upwards towards Kenchi's head. This would be followed by his right hand, balled into a fist, coming downwards aimed towards the ear of Kenchi. He wasn't really sure how long it would take for this spar to end, or who would be the victor. Takeo smiled slightly, this might turn out to be rather fun and interesting, it beat simply running around anyway. Even while he was counter-attacking against the boy he tried to remain as alert as possible, he was pretty sure that these attacks wouldn't be effective so he was ready to go back on the defensive after this.

[Total Wordcount: 610]
Takizawa Kenchi
Takizawa Kenchi
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New Aquaintance {P, No Kill} Empty Re: New Aquaintance {P, No Kill}

Tue Feb 05, 2013 12:49 pm
As expected the attempted sweep at the boys legs failed. The boys reflexes were impressive. Though as the boy came down from his leap into the air, he attempted to attack Kenchi once more. The conscious side of kenchi encouraged him to dodge the attack, but the dare devil inside Kenchi urged him on to take the attack head on.

The boys knee would hit the designated location. His fist too, would slam intot he ear of Kenchi. The hits had an unexpected effect on Kenchi. He misjudges the boy. When Kenchi was a genin his attacks were not as strong as the Takeo. The boy seemed to impress him in each move he made.

After taking the blows, Kenchi would remain still for a moment, he would then stand back onto his feet smiling. "You're pretty good. Though I'm gonna make you better. You don't mind if I push you a bit do you?" Kenchi would say as he rubbed his cheek.
Stat Page : The Child
Mission Record : Mission Log
Remove Taijutsu Bukijutsu Remove Jikūjutsu Default
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Clan Focus : Taijutsu
Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 24470

New Aquaintance {P, No Kill} Empty Re: New Aquaintance {P, No Kill}

Tue Feb 05, 2013 1:00 pm
Takeo watched as his two attacks landed and didn't seem to visibly do anything to the other boy. He briefly wondered how different the strength between the two of them was for the second time. His mind tuned back in as Kenchi stood back to his feet. He heard the words by the boy and couldn't help but grin towards him, "Push all you want." He almost instantly regretted his decision, and he adjusted his stance.

Moving his right leg back he planted his feet firmly on the ground and stood there waiting to see what the other boy was about to do. From the sounds of it it just seemed like he would stop holding back as much. What unnerved Takeo was just how much would be stop holding back by? He shook his head slightly to get such thoughts out of his head. Now was not the time for him to get distracted. His eyes remained on Kenchi as he awaited the boy to make his move.

This spar was getting more and more interesting by the minute, and perhaps more and more dangerous. Only time would tell.

[Total Wordcount: 800]
Takizawa Kenchi
Takizawa Kenchi
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New Aquaintance {P, No Kill} Empty Re: New Aquaintance {P, No Kill}

Tue Feb 05, 2013 1:25 pm
The boy accepted Kenchi's offer to increase the difficulty of the training. The reason Kenchi asked the boys permission before assaulting directly, was that he had grown up in Kiri, a place where training was taken seriously. As a child kenchi remembered training until he dropped from exhaustion. He respected the idea of training against stronger people. He knew that if he never fough anyone stronger than him then he would never get better. Having now met someone stronger than him, Xyxer, he now has a goal to reach pass. He only wished that takeo can find his rival, that would drive him to train harder than ever.

Kenchi smiled, an idea already in mind. It seemed Takeo was waiting for him to make a move this time. Kenchi would reach near his side and pull out a single kunai. holding it in his right hand he would grip tightly onto the handle of the kunai. He would then throw it forwards towards Takeo, but the kunai was not aimed to hit him. It was simply to display the strength of Kenchi. The kunai would whiz pass the boy at a terrifying speed. It would then slam into a tree a great distance behind the boy. Kenchi would smile and begin to loosen his shoulder rolling it in a cirular motion.

The display out of the way, Kenchi would begin his attack. He would lunge forwards at the boy (moving at about 20 speed) his speed slightly increased from before. He wanted to test the boys ability to decipher through movements. To figure out which moves to let land and which ones to avoid. Once Kenchi was within a close enough distance of the boy he would punch towards the boys temple. It was obvious that Kenchi was prepared to use his full strength during this attack. Though the speed would be slightly faster (about 22), if this technique would land it would be deadly. At the same time that his fist was swung towards the boys temple, another attack would be in the making. Kenchi would with his opposite hand quickly attempt to punch the boy aiming at his stomach. Both attacks would be moving at different speeds. The attack towards the temple would be moving faster. While the attack for the stomach was moving slower.

If the boy chose to let the stomach attack hit him, then his body would more than likely buckle, causing him to dodge the attack towards the temple, which would be deadly. Kenchi hoped the boy chose to let the attack hit him in the stomach. Though if he saw that the boy was making the wrong choice, ending in his fist being slammed into the boys temple, Kenchi would pull out of the attack. The choice was entirely up to the boy.

Stat Page : The Child
Mission Record : Mission Log
Remove Taijutsu Bukijutsu Remove Jikūjutsu Default
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Clan Focus : Taijutsu
Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 24470

New Aquaintance {P, No Kill} Empty Re: New Aquaintance {P, No Kill}

Tue Feb 05, 2013 1:46 pm
Takeo remained motionless as he waited for Kenchi to make his move. His eyes caught sight of Kenchi moving to grab something and his nerves spiked up as he noticed the familiar shape of a kunai. Is this what Kenchi had meant by pushing him a bit? An answer was soon given as with his right hand Kenchi threw the kunai towards Takeo. Takeo's eyes widened as the kunai flew past him at an insane speed, almost a blur to Takeo. So this was the true power of the boy. Takeo clenched his jaw and tensed up ready for the slighest movement from Kenchi. Takeo's eyes narrowed as Kenchi began to move once more. It was noticeable that he was moving slightly faster than before and Takeo simply stood there waiting for the strike.

When Kenchi was close to him he saw a punch being thrown towards his temple. Takeo was ready to block it but then a horrible feeling came over him, he wasn't holding back. Takeo's mind raced as he also noticed out of the bottom of his vision Kenchi going to punch towards his stomach. He went to jump back but Takeo's legs were unwilling to move. Takeo had no choice but to take a hit, he grit his teeth and ducked down, moving his arms up to his face incase this didn't work. He felt his stomach take a hit from the punch and his legs buckled from under him and Takeo felt his breath being knocked out of him as he fell to the ground. Due to this the punch being swung at the temple would meet nothing but thin air as Takeo clutched at his stomach.

It was around a minute before Takeo managed to recover from the blow and he stood up once more taking in a deep breath through his nostrils and exhaled before looking towards Kenchi, time for Takeo to make his own move. He pushed off with his right foot and leapt forward throwing a quick jab with his right hand towards Kenchi's nose. While this was going on his left knee would be brought up towards the boy's chest area. Takeo was curious to see what Kenchi would do this time, would he take the hit once more or would he dodge?

[Total Wordcount: 1183]
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