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Takizawa Kenchi
Takizawa Kenchi
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New Aquaintance {P, No Kill} - Page 2 Empty Re: New Aquaintance {P, No Kill}

Tue Feb 05, 2013 2:18 pm
Kenchi sighed in relief as Takeo buckled from the stomach attack, causing his fist to swing harmlessly above the lowered head of the boy. He step backwards and let the boy re-gain his balance after the attack. Though If Kenchi was in Kiri, there was no doubt in mind that he would have continued his assault on the boy, but such things were uneeded. He wanted to have as much fun as possible during his spar with the boy. Taking advantage of him while he was recovering would not be good for wither of them. Instead he waited until the boy was ready.

It was not long before he stood back onto his feet. It was his turn to attack and Kenchi was curious on how the boy would attack him. With a swift lunge the boy moved towards Kenchi. Kenchi noticed the boy attempt to jab at his face, though at the same time as he noticed the jab he also noticed the boys knee rising in an attempt to hit his stomach. Takeo was a quickl learner indeed, kenchi could not help himself, he laughed. With the way things were going the boy would know all of his tricks by the end of the spar.

With the situation still at hand, Kenchi would raise his left hand from his side and with his wrist he would knock Takeos hand upwards away from his face. At the same time that his left hand had moved, Kenchi's right hand would be moved within the path of the boys knee, catching it before it was able to hit him. He would then push the boys knee away from him, downwards towards the ground. All of these actions would be done at full speed.

With Takeo's attacks finished, Kenchis would smile and body flicker a great distance from Takeo (20 meters) He would then begin to perfrorm hand signs, soon two shadow clones of Kenchi would be standing on both sides of him. Kenchi would smile and say,

"Very good. I can see improvement already. Ok, this next test will be to see how you perform against more than one opponent. The are advanced shadow clones, they will be your opponents."

Kenchi would look towards both of the shadow clones and nod his head, signaling for them to begin.The clones would both be moving at the same level as Takeo, all of their skills would also be limited to match that of Takeo's.

The first clone would run towards Takeo and attempt a jab at his face. While the second clone would dive downwards into the ground, attempting to tackle the legs of Takeo. All of these actions would be at the same level of Takeo's.

[WC:1615, Noting that the clones have limited their abilities during their actions to match yours. ]

Stat Page : The Child
Mission Record : Mission Log
Remove Taijutsu Bukijutsu Remove Jikūjutsu Default
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Clan Focus : Taijutsu
Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 24470

New Aquaintance {P, No Kill} - Page 2 Empty Re: New Aquaintance {P, No Kill}

Tue Feb 05, 2013 4:47 pm
As Takeo was in the midst of his attack he heard the sound of laughter. Then before he even realised it he was on the ground in front of Kenchi, this confirmed Takeo's assumptions, the difference between the two of them was massive at the moment. Takeo straightened himself up and looked was Kenchi seemingly disappeared, then re-appeared a fair distance away from him. Takeo noticed how the boy began to perform some hand seals and Takeo moved into a more defensive stance once more, ready to jump out of the way in case he was going to fire something towards him.

Takeo's eyebrow raised when two identical clones of Kenchi appeared next to him. He waited for a minute and listened in on what Kenchi had to say. 'More than one opponent huh?' Takeo thought to himself, 'This should be interesting.' He noticed that Kenchi nodded and the two clones began to move towards Takeo at a speed rather similar to his own. Takeo narrowed his eyes as the two got closer towards him, the first clone arrived and threw a quick jab towards his face. Takeo raised his own hand up to meet the clone's and gave a hard shove into its wrist pushing it off to the side. It was then that he noticed the other clone diving towards his legs, a little slow in his reactions he jumped upwards his feet clipping off the shoulder of the clone. This caused Takeo to fall forward in mid-air, his hands shot forward to the ground to prevent himself from falling to the floor completely. When his feet hit the ground again he pushed himself up, turning and sending a kick to the downed clone's head. His right arm would extend out and swing into the other clone's cheek with the back of his hand. If both of these hits landed then he would quickly spin around pushing off with his feet to jump backwards, putting the distance between him and Kenchi at around 30 metres.

[Total Wordcount: 1522]
Takizawa Kenchi
Takizawa Kenchi
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New Aquaintance {P, No Kill} - Page 2 Empty Re: New Aquaintance {P, No Kill}

Tue Feb 05, 2013 5:37 pm
Both of the clones would disperse upon impact. Kenchi watched from afar, Takeo's actions and movements were flawless, well except the tripping part, but there was always improvement for everyone to make. Kenchi began clap loudly the sound echoing throughout the plains. He had nothing else to teach the boy the rest would be fun. Kenchi would make sure to have displayed his full strength by the end of this spar, but he also as always wanted to have fun.

He sprinted into the direction of the boy (Moving at the same speed as Takeo) Once he was close enough he would jump slightly into the air, he would then turn his body around 180 degrees, until he facing the boy again. His leg lifted he would attempt to perform a spinning kick, aiming for the face of the boy.

Stat Page : The Child
Mission Record : Mission Log
Remove Taijutsu Bukijutsu Remove Jikūjutsu Default
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Clan Focus : Taijutsu
Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 24470

New Aquaintance {P, No Kill} - Page 2 Empty Re: New Aquaintance {P, No Kill}

Tue Feb 05, 2013 6:06 pm
Takeo blew his hair from his eyes and glanced over towards Kenchi when he began to clap. He blinked in confusion for a moment and tilted his head to the side. A small smile appeared on his face for a moment and he simply waited for Kenchi to do something else. Perhaps he would use more shadows clones? Only time would tell and the answer was soon given to Takeo. He tensed up as Kenchi began to run towards him at the same speed the shadow clones ran at earlier. As the distance between Takeo and Kenchi closed Takeo wondered if this would be another one of those, he has to take a hit thing. He watched as Kenchi jumped up infront of him and began to turn, Takeo also noticed the boy's leg come towards him. 'A spin kick huh?' Takeo thought about what he could do to combat this and decided upon one quickly.

Takeo ducked his body downwards almost falling to the ground so that the kick would fly over his head. Takeo planted his hands onto the ground and pushed himself upwards once more and stepped forward to close the distance between him and Kenchi even more. His right hand would swing upwards towards Kenchi's jaw and just in case he also sent his left forearm into Kenchi's chest area in an attempt to shove him backwards. That was the plan anyway, if all of this worked Takeo would once more jump backwards to put a distance of 10 meters between the two of them once again.

[Total Wordcount: 1784]
Takizawa Kenchi
Takizawa Kenchi
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New Aquaintance {P, No Kill} - Page 2 Empty Re: New Aquaintance {P, No Kill}

Tue Feb 05, 2013 6:43 pm
The fist of the boy would slam against the jaw of Kenchi, causing him to stumble backwards dodging the elbow that would come after the attack. Kenchi would watch as Takeo would jump back several meters. Kenchi would rub his jaw, the adreneline setting in. Physical combat was beginning to bore him because without the use of his swords it wasn't much fun. Kenchi had to think of another way to make this spar interesting. He thought for a few seconds and finally an idea entered his mind.

With Takeo at a distance of 10 meters, Kenchi would take this opportunity to perform one of his long range attacks. He would stare at his left hand and begin to focus chakra inside of his hand. Once he gathered enough chakra he would leap into the air, swiping his hand towards Takeo, he would perform this motion 3 times. Creating 3 separate waves of chakra and sending them all towards Takeo. If he managed to dodge the attacks they would all slam into a tree behind Takeo, cutting it down and ripping it from its roots. Though if the technique were to hit, it would be deadly.

Stat Page : The Child
Mission Record : Mission Log
Remove Taijutsu Bukijutsu Remove Jikūjutsu Default
Remove Remove Remove Lightning Remove Default
Clan Focus : Taijutsu
Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 24470

New Aquaintance {P, No Kill} - Page 2 Empty Re: New Aquaintance {P, No Kill}

Wed Feb 06, 2013 1:44 pm
His fist had connected with the target which had caused the other boy to stumble backwards. Takeo remained silent despite the joy that he felt as this spar continued to progress. Takeo tilted his head to the side when he noticed that Kenchi was staring at his own hand. When the boy had leapt into the air Takeo already began to dash to the right his eyes still on Kenchi. The three chakra waves continued on the designated path towards him and Takeo pushed off the ground with his feet and dived forward to the floor. The chakra waves flew past Takeo and continued onwards tearing into the tree behind him. Takeo turned his head and watched from his position as the tree was destroyed from the attacks. His eyes widened slightly before he pushed himself back to his feet once more.

It was then that the fatigue hit him, his fitness wasn't that great currently and he found himself utterly out of energy. He fell backwards to the ground taking a few breaths in and out as he sat there trying to regain his energy. Sweat droplets ran down his face as he remained seated on the ground and he barely paid attention to the fact that Kenchi was still actually there. Takeo felt slightly embarrassed that he had run out of energy this quickly but didn't dwell on it long, he had to remain focused on actually catching his breath once more. "I think I'm done." Takeo called out to Kenchi before he fell back the rest of the way, his back resting on the grassy floor and his eyes staring straight upwards towards the clear sky.

[7th post of combat, out of stamina.]

[Total Wordcount: 2063]
Takizawa Kenchi
Takizawa Kenchi
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New Aquaintance {P, No Kill} - Page 2 Empty Re: New Aquaintance {P, No Kill}

Wed Feb 06, 2013 2:16 pm
Takeo was lucky to have escaped the blast. Kenchi watched as the tree fell to the ground, even where Kenchi stood, he was able to feel the ground shake beneath him. He watched as Takeo laid on the ground. It was obvious that he was fatigued. Kenchi was sorry that the spar could not last longer, but he figured the next time they met up the spar would last longer. Takeo had no choice, but to have gotten better from the spar. He would indeed in the future be a great ninja.

Placing his hands in his pockets, his thumb being the only finger exposed, he would bend his back forwards slightly and say,

"Well, I hope we can spar again in the future. It will be great to see how well you have improved. Until then, keep training. That is all."

Kenchi would then remove his left hand from his pocket and wave towards Takeo. In an instant, Kenchi would use his raw speed to run towards the tree where he had thrown his kunai. He would remove the kunai from the tree and place it back in his pouch. He woulopd then place his hands together and perform the bodyflicker technique, disappearing from the plains with the use of this ability. The day had gone well and not a second was wasted, what had started out as a boring day ended up being rather enjoyable.

[TWC-2203, +11 stats 22 jp, 1500 words for chidori mastery.]

Last edited by Kenchi on Thu Feb 07, 2013 10:31 pm; edited 1 time in total
Stat Page : The Child
Mission Record : Mission Log
Remove Taijutsu Bukijutsu Remove Jikūjutsu Default
Remove Remove Remove Lightning Remove Default
Clan Focus : Taijutsu
Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 24470

New Aquaintance {P, No Kill} - Page 2 Empty Re: New Aquaintance {P, No Kill}

Wed Feb 06, 2013 2:27 pm
Takeo remained lying on the ground as Kenchi had spoken. He remained silent and raised one hand in the air in return for the wave before Kenchi disappeared from the area. Takeo remain laying on the ground for several more minutes before he deemed himself fully recovered enough to actually move. He struggled to his feet, rubbing any dirt of from his clothing before letting out a sigh and glancing towards the destroyed tree. "Damn." Was all he said before deciding that it was time to head back home. As he walked back to the village his mind ran over the events that had just happened. That was a lot better than simply running Takeo had to admit. He made a silent vow that next time he met Kenchi, he would be at least on par with the other boy.


[Total Wordcount: 2203
+11 stats 22 JP]
Takizawa Kenchi
Takizawa Kenchi
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New Aquaintance {P, No Kill} - Page 2 Empty Re: New Aquaintance {P, No Kill}

Thu Feb 07, 2013 10:32 pm
edited to add in chidori mastery for training and requesting approval..
Yasahiro Yagami
Yasahiro Yagami
Stat Page : Link
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Village : Kemonogakure
Ryo : 27500

New Aquaintance {P, No Kill} - Page 2 Empty Re: New Aquaintance {P, No Kill}

Sat Feb 09, 2013 2:44 pm
Approved for both.
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