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Meeting and Training (Private: Yami, Akuryo) Empty Meeting and Training (Private: Yami, Akuryo)

Tue Apr 16, 2013 7:32 pm
The scolding winds blew as a lone figure entered the training field designated as number ten. To the right estimated roughly twenty metres away a large man made lake that helped to supply the village with running water like many others. Ash covered the ground as the clouds were black from the soot that would fall from the active Volcano's. The figure raised a hand brushing a strand of hair away from his bishounen features. His dark hues scanned the fields as his hands slowly started to go through different seals. The water by the lake shot out flowing through the air towards him rapidly covering the twenty metres. The water landed beside him twisting ad changing its shape slowly turning into an identical copy of the traditional cloth wearing Genin. His Kimono tops sleeves flicked through the air as he turned to face his clone. His Hakama pant leggings blowing in the hot stinging winds.

The clone shot towards him as Yami breathed in calmly. His eyes darted after the clone as it zigged and zagged heading at top speeds towards him. The clone leapt through the air lashing out with its right foot. Yami blocked the kick with his right forearm and went with a left hook. The clone twisted in mid air spinning out of the way. The clone landed and shot forward again sending a barrage of punches towards the original. Yami swerved around them as if dancing gracefully his steps never making a sound. He spun around the clone and lashed out with his left leg. The clone blocked with its own leg and lunged. Yami ducked under the lunge and rolled forward to avoid a descending kick. He rolled across the ash covered ground as embers fell around them.

Time seemed to slow as the two combatants lunged at one another once more. Their fists colliding with one another countering each blow as shins connected. Their elbows struck one another as the blocking went on. Yami ducked under a blow and used his right foot to sweep the clone causing it to tumble forward losing its balance. Yami pulled a senbon needle from his pouch with his left hand and thrust it forward into the clones throat and slashed at the Jugular. Water sprayed through the air as the clone dispelled forming a puddle at his feet.

Word Count: 393

Last edited by Yami on Wed Apr 17, 2013 5:36 pm; edited 1 time in total
Jinichi Terumi
Jinichi Terumi
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Meeting and Training (Private: Yami, Akuryo) Empty Re: Meeting and Training (Private: Yami, Akuryo)

Wed Apr 17, 2013 9:45 am
Jin woke up on time for once in his life this morning as he knew that he had to meat his Team One comrade today for some training, and to be honest he wasn't very confident, Jin passed the Genin exam only a short few days ago and didn't have much experience in combat and hadn't really trained with another ninja, and Yami, his companion was apparently someone who trained an awful lot, and he had been in the team for much longer than he had, not to mention he had a lot more completed missions under his name, but honestly speaking it felt good, knowing that Team One was almost full, only requiring one more member to fill it, annoyingly there were no Jounin to lead, as for some reason they were all busy doing something else instead of teaching Genin, probably it was something to do with the village's questionable fidelity to any form of human rights, in which they didn't care much for them at all, this village was completely mad, something which probably translated easily through the village's Kage.

Nonetheless Jin basically lived in a state of utter cluelessness as to how the village actually worked and how they could violate human rights so easily without anyone knowing, to be honest Jin just hoped the Kage would kick the bucket so that the village would sort itself out, but that'd probably never happen due to the gargantuan amount of insane people.

Jin walked out of his house near the market district of the village, and everything was how it usually was, hot, grey and full of ash from the eternally smouldering volcano which the village got its name from, everything seemed very glum, which was unfortunate as through the seemingly endless layers of ash clouds the weather was basically always nice, Jin was headed to a training ground however, so he quickly made his way out of the market district and headed right towards the academy where the training grounds were, in fairness, they did have good training grounds in this village, probably because the Kage took the military incredibly seriously over here.

Upon his arrival at the training ground he saw a black haired man in training ground 10 training with a water clone, it seemed obvious then that this man was a water user, and a damn good one too, the water clone jutsu was by no means an easy jutsu to learn, he figured he'd approach his comrade and give him a proper greeting and get acquainted before they both got training.

"Hateshiginai, Yami, right?" He asked, inquiring if it was really him.
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Meeting and Training (Private: Yami, Akuryo) Empty Re: Meeting and Training (Private: Yami, Akuryo)

Wed Apr 17, 2013 6:17 pm
Yami ran his fingers through his hair and flicked his wrist sending his bangs flying up into the air as sweat flew from his forehead sparkling in the light. He breathed out slightly before inhaling. He looked at his right hand clenching and unclenching it into a tight fist over and over. It seemed all the training he had been doing lately has been paying off. He grinned at this aspect as he clenched his left hand into a tight fist. He had been concentrating purely on his speed and chakra but they had grown beyond what he had hoped in the past week. Yami wiped his chin as he stood to his full height of six feet four inches. He heard movement to his side and slowly turned his body as a male older than him by about a year entered the field was this, his new team-mate Jin?

Yami titled his head to the right thinking. If this was his new comrade in arms than team one would possess two people all it would need was one more and a Jounin to command it. Sadly a lot of Jounin weren't interested in teaching the next generation, others to lazy and others far to busy trying to make up for the slack caused by the others, didn't help that the Kage was rarely ever about. Yami went through his memory of hospital records. For new Genin they always had a physical so their records may be kept on file, it was the same for New Chunin, Jounin and anyone new to their rank they also had bi yearly checkups to keep updating the records.

Yami fished through them heading into the 'T's'. If he recalled the boy's last name was Terumi. He titled his head to the left as the file came to mind. He snapped his fingers as he looked up towards the boy as he inquired if he was Hateshiginai, Yami. The medic nodded his head, "Indeed I am nice to meet you. If I recall you are freshly minted Genin Jin Terumi physical undertaken just days after your implementation into the Genin ranks, age sixteen, date of birth may fifteen, home to the duel bloodline of the Terumi Clan the famed, feared and revered Youton (Lava Release) and Futton (Boil Release).” The medic brushed a bang from his face as he pulled a water flask from his hip taking a sip from its contents.

“As a training Iryou-Shinobi or Medical Ninja it is my duty to memorise and no all records of every shinobi and Kunoichi that is kept on file within the Funkagakure no Sato’s hospital. I can even access the more classified files under the supervision of two higher Medic’s within the hospital” stated Yami explaining why he knew a bit about Jin encase he wandered. Yami placed a hand under his chin, “It will be a pleasure to work with you. I will be mostly your support acting to heal you should you be injured, however should it be called for I will come to join you on the front lines, however I wish to avoid this as much as possible I detest violence and death”

Last edited by Yami on Fri Apr 19, 2013 7:19 am; edited 1 time in total
Jinichi Terumi
Jinichi Terumi
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Meeting and Training (Private: Yami, Akuryo) Empty Re: Meeting and Training (Private: Yami, Akuryo)

Wed Apr 17, 2013 6:49 pm
Jin STILL didn't feel overly confident at this point in time, he had only just passed and didn't really train much, although, in fairness, that wasn't much of an excuse as he had already learned a jutsu, it was a basic jutsu, but it was an Uchiha favorite so learning this technique did have some merit, albeit it wasn't a record breaking feat by any means whatsoever, but, hey, he was meeting his teammate, and he was here to train and have a good time anyway, that what this was all about to him, while, yes he did lack some form of seriousness at times, he was just eager to make friends, Jin knew full well that a good, solid chemistry between teammates was an absolute neccessity to form a working camaradery, a team without chemistry was a missile with no target, he figured that he might as well get to know his teammate and what he's capable of, yes, they might only be a duo thus far, but Jin saw potential in himself, and he believed that even if they were left as a duo, proper teamwork and intense training should propel them head and shoulders above any trio the village had to offer, Jin was already planning on working towards taking his mastery of elements to even higher levels, and Jin thought he recognized Yami being one of the staff at the local hospital, even if he didn't go often, mostly to pick up prescriptions for his adopted parents or whatever, in any case, it was a refreshing welcome to have a medic in a team, it severely reduced the chances of serious injury or death on the frontlines, something that Funkagakure's military didn't need, especially with the dwindling amount of Jounin they had, losing their younger talent would be a serious downfall.

Jin was somewhat peeved at the resident Jounin, they were either: A) Corrupt, B) Lazy, or both at once, none of them seemed to care that the lower-ranked ninja need mentors and teachers to not only show them the right path but to also teach them how to use all their potential in combat and how to fight flawlessly against other ninja should the need arise, but, it was unlikely that the Kage himself was going to take time out of his schedule to teach a bunch of Genin how to fight, he was probably busy doing something else, maybe just being mysterious as all hell, for a Kage nobody has really seen him, he never makes trips to the academy, never makes public service announcements, never really turns up, he was a rather mysterious man, maybe even being acknowledged by the Kazankage was some form of honor, who knew?

Jin was going to speak when Yami quoted that it was nice to meet him, but he had managed to send out a slew of facts his way, Jin's eyes widened, he wasn't creeped out, he was impressed, this guy sure took his job as a Medical-Ninja seriously, not only that he must have been proud of his job if he was going to remember the medical files of every single ninja in the village.

"Christ." Jin spluttered, "That's right, I literally don't even need to introduce myself since you know basically everything there is to know about me, it's also a godsend that I'm teamed with a medic, I've heard good things about you before I was drafted here. "

"Also, bonus points for remembering my family name cause I usually don't go by Terumi." He stated, he was still rather surprised at how seriously this guy took his job, and he wasn't even properly stuck-up about it, he actually seemed nice and like someone Jin could easily get along wth, that was really what he wanted.

He listened to Yami recite his duties and what his role will be in this team, he was going to be a support member, which is a very rare role for most ninjas today, as everyone seems to want to take the limelight when it comes to roles and be on the offense, but an offense without support was open and completely useless, this guy truly embraced the role of Medical-Nin.

"Alright, nice to know you've got my back, cause I've got yours too, and gotta say, I'm looking forward to working with you in future." Jin politely responded, he deserved it anyway, you were going to be on good terms for your first meeting anyway.

"I was told I'm here to act out multiple roles, offense primarily, kind of a risky move since I didn't have much time to train after passing the exams, guess the higher ups learned about my elements and then placed me here as swiftly as they could. But I should be at peak form before the Chuunin's pop up."

He explained, hopefully he understood, he cursed not having enough time to actually seriously train, as he was probably going to make a fool of himself during this training session, and that would end in serious catastrophe, because you don't want your teammates doubting your abilities, as it could end up in a lack of trust between teammates, which could hinder overall performance.
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Meeting and Training (Private: Yami, Akuryo) Empty Re: Meeting and Training (Private: Yami, Akuryo)

Wed Apr 17, 2013 11:49 pm
Yami's eyes scanned the newly minted Genin sizing him up trying to a feel for him. His face stayed expressionless eyes calm as he tucked his hands into his pockets a natural way for him. His eyes moved from the older male’s head starting with his hair and slowly moving down. His dark hues headed downwards noticing small details from the way he stood, to the aurora he radiated which would match her personality and his muscle structure even his clothing. One could tell a lot about a person just by looking at them. For instance Yami’s stance while he was slightly slouched over and hands tucked in his pockets would normally give off a rather lazy and bored expression his blank sharpened eyes and calm look gave off a powerful aurora about him. The very air around him was riddling with assurance as deep in the folds of Yami’s eyes was a great confidence in not only himself but his abilities.

He titled his head slightly to the right as the boy spluttered about his knowledge on his ability through the hospital records quoting that it was a godsend to have a medic on the team. Yami brushed a single bang from his face once more listening to the book speaking committing them to memory, information regardless of what it was should also be stored even just a single conversation between allies, family or foe. Even with Jin being adopted the usage of his clan name was still an important fact and was placed within his file as well as his new surname Seijuro. Every little detail was an important key and should be noted.

“I wouldn’t be overly worried regarding the matter of trying to become strong enough by the exams. We still have some time till then. Until we complete a total of one S rank, one A rank, one B rank, one C rank and one D rank mission together we can’t undertake them. So concentrate on training hard in the meantime. Even if we miss this up and coming chunin exams there will be others to follow. So concern yourself with the soul idea of increasing not only your Jutsu, speed, strength, chakra, stamina and overall skill level but your battle experience. A shinobi isn’t supposed to be not only known for their raw strength and the amount of techniques they know but their experience. One can know all the Jutsu under the sun but without the overall experience level one achieves through combat and age then that all means nothing.

For example look at the Kami no Shinobi Hiruzen Sarutobi the Sandaime Hokage. He was known for not only his mastery over Jutsu but his experience in battle and his brilliant mind. He had experience from three Shinobi World Wars fighting countless opponents not tom mention battle experience training under Hashirama Senju and Tobirama Senju the Shodai and Nidaime Hokage. Thanks to his experience in three wars Hiruzen Sarutobi was able to gain his skills from that by knowing how to think like his foe to anticipate their moves. It was thanks to this amalgamation of skill, Jutsu and experience that made him the strongest out of all the past Kage’s in his prime and even in his older years he was still revered as strongest then all ‘five’ current kage’s.

If anything I wish he was still around to this day as the well of information he would have stored inside his head would be incomprehensible! To be able to learn from him would be a great experience! One I wish I could have but sadly won’t not until I can device a Jutsu that will allow me to view the memories of the dead which I hope to create! Can you imagine that to be able to view the lives of the dead to learn from them directly and see their encounters first hand! To see what they went through to become the legends they are today. Legends such as Madara Uchiha, Muu the no Man, Tsunade Senju, Tobirama Senju, Gaara, Naruto Uzumaki, Minato Namikaze, Mito Uzumaki, Kushina Uzumaki, Hashirama Senju, Hanzo, Chiyo, Itachi Uchiha, Kisame Hoshigaki, Zabuza Momochi, Mei Terumi, Hiashi Hyuga, Mifune, A, Killer Bee, Kakashi Hatake, Maito Gai and so many more. The wealth of knowledge one could obtain! To learn see history how it was made!”
spoke Yami with such passion as his eyes burned with a fire of determination. He spoke with such conviction as if he would one day achieve his goal.

Yami blinked and chuckled sheepishly scratching the back of his head dropping his calm persona momentarily, “Ah sorry I prattle when I get invigorated!” he chuckled before stopping returning to his blank expression, “I look forward to working alongside you Jin-san” Yami stepped forth toward him, “I suppose the best way to get to know each other is introductions. If you don’t mind I can go first. As you know my name is Hateshiginai, Yami son of Jounin Medics Hizashi Hateshiginai and Hitomi Hateshiginai age 15. My likes are sweets, medicine, Iryou-Ninjutsu, chemistry, biology, Reading, sleep, healing and helping others. I dislike violence, war, sour foods, arrogance and the mistreatment of medicine. My hobbies including studying medicine extensively and reading history. My dreams are to become the world’s greatest medic one who will surpass even Tsunade Senju! As well as creating my ultimate techniques that will make me famous as the world’s greatest medic ninja and to create a jutsu to allow me to view the memories of the dead! My element is water and I specialise in Medical Ninjutsu”
Jinichi Terumi
Jinichi Terumi
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Meeting and Training (Private: Yami, Akuryo) Empty Re: Meeting and Training (Private: Yami, Akuryo)

Thu Apr 18, 2013 1:41 pm
Jin couldn't help but feel slightly unnerved as Yami examined him, it just gave him a feeling which was really difficult to describe, but it was probably just a rather awkward vibe, Jin wasn't exactly examined very often so he couldn't help but feel somewhat nervous about all of this, then again Jin was always rather wary of his surroundings, this was a useful trait but however it seemed to clash heavily with his lax attitude towards things, but right now, he was getting a good look at Yami too, he seemed like that smart kid that every village had, that wasn't a bad thing, he didn't really care much it wasn't as if he was going to insult his intelligence, Jin wasn't that kind of person, he was far too calm and collected around people to do that, however Jin did have a burning temper once he cracked, perfectly reminescent of his clan, Jin had unrivalled fury when he really got annoyed, but his lax and short tempered demeanor usually means that people don't see this side of him very often, and that was a good thing, Jin usually displays a somewhat joking and playful attitude around some of his best friends, and attempts to find a silver lining in every situation.

Jin's clothing was usually pretty lax also, varying from shirts and loose ties and trench coats to a proper white and black attire, he usually dressed how he feels and doesn't really let practicality get to him, well, this was the case with most ninja lower than Chunin, a lot of them don't wear the full uniform until Jounin, Jin wasn't going to think about his costume all too much, but right now he was wearing a more casual attire.

Jin figured that the whole learning about people thing was something he did so he could better remember the name of patients and their conditions should they have any, probably to take better precautions, but that was just Jin's hunch, the reason could be something completely different.

And then Yami started speaking again, Jin cocked an eyebrow as he continued talking, he didn't want to be rude and interrupt him, but he was rambling pretty hard right now, about all sorts of things, and honestly this just made him regret ever saying anything, and he just hoped that rambling of this caliber wouldn't be a recurring thing with this guy, anyway, Jin tried his best to reply to what he had just said. "Uh, I dunno who that is, he sounds pretty cool I guess." he responded, obviously somewhat stricken by his comment.

"Yeah, uh, Name's Jin as you know and I guess I like hot stuff, weather, food, girls, and my goal is to find out where the hell my birth family is."
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Meeting and Training (Private: Yami, Akuryo) Empty Re: Meeting and Training (Private: Yami, Akuryo)

Fri Apr 19, 2013 7:10 am
Yami raised a single eyebrow when Jin said he did not know who Hiruzen Sarutobi was. He held back a groan on annoyance. Those who did not know of history were doomed to repeat it. Yami rubbed a temple slightly before looking back at Jin, "I suppose I can't really blame you for not knowing of him, though I would suggest doing research on the Sandaime Hokage. Hiruzen was a master of Katon and Doton based Ninjutsu, the two primary elements that create your Youton. If you’re going to learn to use them I would say it is impediment for you to learn of him. No doubt if you looked back on his historical exploits and battles you may find details to help you improve your element mastery as well as learning some powerful Katon and Doton Ninjutsu when the time comes. If you want I can assist you, my families Library while not as large as the villages does have records of shinobi past." spoke Yami as he looked up to the sky as embers fell around them.

Yami sat on the ground in a lotus position before placing his left fist under his chin going into a thinking pose. He slowly shut his eyes as he began to think of what to do at this point. They didn't have a Sensei to rely on and learn new skills. Although Jin was older by a year he had only just became a Genin. Then there was himself he had spent the last three years training in medicine at the hospital this meant his overall experience wasn't that high when it came to missions nor battles. It would no doubt be some time before they were given a Jounin Sensei so they would need to fend on their own till then. He cracked open his left eye and glanced at Jin from the corner before closing it going back into thinking mode. Jin was of the Terumi clan with a fine tuned alignment to the advanced elements of Youton, Lava Release and Futton, Boil Release. From records Youton was Earth and Fire mixed together while Futton was Fire and Water. Yami had already mastered his water element so he could assist Jin there when the time came. Fire and Earth were a completely different matter but maybe not really. The books he had read on chakra manipulation training methods were always similar then there is Lava it’s not a complete solid and it flows like water so similar methods of training could apply to it.

Yami cracked open both eyes and looked at Jin, "For now without our Sensei we'll have to cover for each other and assist one another, as the old saying goes 'you scratch my back and I'll scratch yours'. I can assist you with training your water affinity when the time comes however earth and fire I may not be attuned to but the theory is applied in the same way. As for lava it’s similar to water so I can assist you there the best I can. Together we can only take E to C rank missions until we are skilled enough for B rank or until we get a third team-mate and a sensei, but until then we are in the deep end without a paddle. I suppose the best option at this point would be to train our bodies to their peak as for sometime it will be just us two. With that in mind it will be adamant we train not only our Jutsu to increase our mastery over the ones we have but our Jutsu repertoire, our chakra control and reserves, stamina, speed, strength and minds.” Almost in a way he sounded wise beyond his years as if he was a veteran who had and learnt much.

Yami slowly stood up brushing his pants off getting the ash and soot off them, “If you are prepared to hear it I have a training plan already constructed within my mind” Yami tapped the left side of his head at this before slowly crossing his arms over, “Mind you it will be rigorous and no doubt painful but I have incorporated not only my knowledge of medicine from my three years of training but from the moment I was born living with my parents and was taught under them from my youth. If it all works out we will have reached the pinnacle of strength we can achieve through a training method where we can train for only a month but….receive a full years worth of training! However there are great risks involved with this. So please if you allow it I will explain my training method to you with not only the positives but the negatives!"
Jinichi Terumi
Jinichi Terumi
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Meeting and Training (Private: Yami, Akuryo) Empty Re: Meeting and Training (Private: Yami, Akuryo)

Fri Apr 19, 2013 8:26 am
"Oh yeah I remember reading about that guy in a book, wasn't he that Hokage who died against one of the Legendary Sannin? Because he seemed like a proper Kage, y'know, one that actually cares about the village. And didn't he also have one of those legendary staves? With that monkey thing? Cause I think I've seen a photo of him with it." Jin suddenly had a mental awakening as he finally remembered about a photo in a book he saw ages ago at the library when he was revising for some history, no doubt that the Academy made you learn about the Kages of other villages if wartime came around, and due to the absolutely insane Kage this village had, it probably would end up happening some day, this village was like the North Korea of the ninja world.

"Heh, yeah, I suppose I could see him as someone to look up to, heard the guy did some pretty heroic things to save the village, then again, most of the Hokages from a couple centuries ago did the same, didn't they? I mean, Tsunade healed pretty much an entire village when the Akatsuki attacked."
He mentioned, Tsunade was one of the more well-known Hokages for her valiant acts towards her village and her exceptional skills in medical ninjutsu, Tsunade was often a key role-model for many ninja aiming to perfect their medical ninjutsu techniques, and Yami was definately one of them.

Jin saw Yami sit on the ground and Jin decided to sit down as well, no point standing up if they were just going to talk and plan things for the moment, so he sat cross-legged and listen to Yami continue with what he was saying, this guy was definately one of the more intelligent people in the village, and Jin was actually rather grateful to have this guy be in his team, and in a way he was sort of eager to see what benefits the third member of the team would bring to the table, however it might take a while for the third member to actually join, which would definately be an annoyance as the team can't take missions over C-Rank without a sensei and a third member, this village's lack of reliable Jounin was definately becoming an issue here.

"Agreed, better keep fit, god knows when the Kage's going to actually assign a Jounin to us, I mean it's as if we don't have any whatsoever." Jin groaned annoyedly, he wished that everything would just speed up already, no wonder so many people want to defect from this village if the ninja can't even do their job properly as they're not assigned to teams.

"Sure, let's hear it." Jin affirmed, waiting for another slew of ideas and plans from Yami's end.
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Meeting and Training (Private: Yami, Akuryo) Empty Re: Meeting and Training (Private: Yami, Akuryo)

Fri Apr 19, 2013 9:22 am
Yami returned to his seating position on the ground placing a hand under his chin as he tried to decide the best way to word out his idea, "I suppose the first key aspect of this training is I will impart some knowledge onto you. The human body is an amazing thing as you no doubt already know. Its ability to recover is quite outstanding when it comes to the muscles, skin and bone structure, when you rest after a hard days training of straining the muscles when you awake your body is recovered and rejuvenated. This training exercise is designed to take advantage of this ability into a training method that has been on records in hospitals for some time now. This method is known as the 'Death's Vice' and it involves strenuous exercise for over the course of forty day just over a month. However the effect of such training has caused many Shinobi to retire as they gave up or their muscles tore apart to such a point they couldn't be healed even death has claimed them" said Yami as he started to explain going into a form of teacher mode.

"The 'Death's Vice' is a form of training where instead of training for a full twenty-four hours then resting for twenty-four hours for the body to recover is where one trains for forty-eight hours then have forty-eight hours rest. It is used to push the body beyond its normal capabilities and has a unique training method for each aspect. The results of this method after the forty days should one manage to finish it are quite outstanding. A rapid increase in strength, speed, stamina and chakra. It is designed this way that you can gain the equal amount of a single years worth of training in forty days." explained Yami again before he reached into his item pouch retrieving a number of senbon needles.

Yami planted one senbon between them, "First this is the speed aspect. For the first twelve days of training and recuperating is based on speed and stamina but more so on the speed. For this to work one must constantly run at their max pace for forty-eight hours straight over a large distance! I would say that it would be forty-eight hours of non-stop full blown running around the entire village. As you begin to rest your body mends your pained muscles repairing them making them stronger as well as building up your stamina drastically from the sheer amount of running conducted" Yami slowly placed a second senbon in ground using another to draw the words speed into the ground above the first and strength above the second.

"Next is the strength exercise. For this we will require something large and heavy like a large boulder easily five times our combined weight. The idea is to push the boulder non-stop for the duration of time given over twelve days six days of training and six days of rest. With the pushing of the boulder one must not use their chakra nor focus on the arms. The idea is to use the entire body to push it. This is designed to increase your physical strength as well as your stamina and build up your health allowing you to take strong blows but not be as affected as you normally would. For example at this current point say a C rank Raiton ninjutsu could easily kill me, after the training I could easily withstand it and a B rank"

Yami placed a third Senbon in the ground with the words 'chakra' above it, "The third exercise is building and learning to properly use ones chakra. This is the most brutal out of all the previous training as you are constantly burning your reserves which can lead to death. The idea of this will be for both of us to continue to burn through our chakra constantly for forty-eight hours. To use this we will be using the surfacing walking technique to most across water and tree hopping to avoid the ground as much as possible all the while firing Jutsu at each other. As we exhaust and sue your reserves our control will build allowing us to use less chakra per technique to last longer but will force our reserves to grow in size."

Yami planted the final senbon into the ground above it the words 'fight', "The last four days are nothing but forty-eight hours of non-stop sparring and on the last two days rest. We will be fighting one another in a forty-eight hour long sparring session to help build battle experience as well as awareness to help build reaction time, judging and the ability to predict and anticipate your opponent" explained Yami as he sat back. Yami then lifted his right hand raising all five digits, "Afterwards we have a total of five days rest, no training what so ever to allow our bodies to fully recuperate"

Yami placed three more senbon into the ground writing above them 'element', 'jutsu' and 'missions' in that order, "After the death vice is more. For a full week we'll be dedicated to learning to master our chosen elements this will also acts as mental training to sharpen your mind. The follow week will be dedicated to learning new Jutsu and researching Jutsu, not only are we to learn techniques but to memorise other techniques that we may face one day. If you come across a technique you know off then you will be able to hopefully know its weak points and how to avoid it. Finally we will do thirty days of nonstop missions. We will rise early and do as many missions we can in a single day and by night rest and recover to begin it all the next day." Yami brushed a single bang from his face before looking eyes with the older male.

Yami's eyes hardened as he eyed him, "So...what do you think. Are you willing to undergo this intense form of exercise to better yourself? By doing this you throw away all your current morals and set your mind onto nothing more than the training you forget about everything else! Once you start there is no turning back even if you quit the effects will still linger? Pain filled muscles, despair and regret at never finishing. Your reserves will be that depleted your ninja career will be over! But if you finish and push past the final hurdle you will have power you've never dreamed of!”

Jinichi Terumi
Jinichi Terumi
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Meeting and Training (Private: Yami, Akuryo) Empty Re: Meeting and Training (Private: Yami, Akuryo)

Fri Apr 19, 2013 1:22 pm
Here we go, Yami was going to explain what the training session comprised of, first Jin was treated to a lecture about the human body and its exploitable healing system, knowing that taking strenuous training simply made the body stronger even through pain, Jin knew about this, and he definately remembered a similar lecture during the academy, that the harder and more vigorous the training and the more pain felt, the stronger the body became, Jin had a pretty high tolerance for pain, and he figured he had the potential to become a great ninja, and that whatever training Yami had reserved for the two would turn out to make them much stronger than before, all this before the Chuunin exams, where they would have to prove their worth against the ninja of all the other villages, and they had to be prepared for the onslaught and the carnage that they'd have to deal with, not to mention that deaths weren't uncommon in the exams, so Jin needed all the resistance to attacks he could get especially since having bladed weapons was all the rage with ninjas nowadays, some good resistance to blades was ideal, along with resistance from blunt trauma.

Yami's training was beginning to sound dangerous at this point, with the immense probablility of stretched, sprained, or even severed muscles, but that didn't really phase Jin, to him, he was going to do everything he could to be one of the best, he had a bad reputation for being lazy and unmotivated, and he was going to change, prove that he was one of the village's finest assets and that no-one would be able to stop him.

Yami seemed to have planned everything from the start, proper training regimes, proper exercises, proper treatments, and he was a medic, so he had full knowledge of the human body, so he obviously knew how they should be training and the proper regimes needed to train for the buffs that they wanted to achieve, every single possible characteristic was going to be tested, and was going to suffer, health, chakra, stamina, speed, strength, and chakra, everything was going to be tested and improved on, and Jin was ready for it whenever.

He continued to listen to Yami, mentally noting down the activities so Jin knew what he had to do, Jin wanted to train his strength too, while Jin did bench press a lot, it seemed that Yami's strength improving technique was much more effective and the effect materialized a lot faster, they only had 40 days, and after that it was a whole month's worth of missions, all of this to prepare for the Chuunin exams and maybe raise enough money to buy equipment.

"Well, you know what they say; No guts, no glory. I'm in." Jin announced, he was ready for the torture that he would no doubt have to bear during this physical Hell, but he was going to struggle through it, and shoulder every burden, surmount any obstacle, and he was going to come out of it infinitely stronger than before, he was ready.
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