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Second Familiar, Cerberus (Private, Yami) Empty Second Familiar, Cerberus (Private, Yami)

Sat Apr 20, 2013 3:06 am
Yami hummed gently as he walked through the streets of Funkagakure a bag of ham burgers under his arm one in hand as he bit into it softly chewing to savour the taste of the delicious meat. He would admit the burger bar here was quite popular and the food was excellent one of the few places he enjoyed eating at. Yami finished the burger off as he reached into his bag pulling out a second out of the ten he had bought. He turned a corner near an alley when he heard a strange growling noise. Yami raised an eyebrow and looked down the alley finding a three foot tall dog growling at a group of young boys around ten or eleven carrying baseball pats. The kids were sneering at the dog as they surrounded him. One of the boys lunged at the dog swinging the bat. The dog swerved around the bat with great speed and latched onto the bat digging its razor sharp teeth into the wood and bit hard. The bat shattered in half as the dog spit the wooden bits from its mouth snarling again before lunging and biting onto the boy’s right hand digging his teeth in with such force he drew blood. The boy screamed as the dog release large puncture wounds in his hand as he held onto it crying.

Two boys charged at the dog swinging their baseball bats. The dog jumped back and grabbed one of the bags and swung his head pulling the boy and threw him into the second sending them flying into a stone wall. The boys groaned as they landed into each other colliding with the concrete. The dog seemed to laugh at them as he bared his razor sharp teeth. The dog licked his lips as two more boys rushed him swinging the bats wildly. The dog rushed in dodging the swings and leapt slamming his head into the first boy’s stomach with such force the child coughed up blood and was driven into the earth. The dog landed and turned latching on the second boy’s ankle and threw him into the other boy. The dog stood tall and opened his mouth snarling loudly before giving a vicious bark as his growls grew in volume. His fur stood on end as his tail flicked dangerously through the air. Yami watched the scene unable to turn away. Yami finished his burger off and slowly stepped forward down the alley way as the boys slowly stood up. Yami performed a few hand seals and breathed in moulding water into his lungs, ‘Suiton: Mizurappa!” Yami shouted as he opened his mouth expelling a large stream of water that struck the group of boys pushing them into a pile of trash cans.

Yami shook his head as he approached the dog. The dog opened his mouth snarling as Yami got closer. Yami stretched out his free hand only for the dog to bite him his teeth digging into the palm bad back of his hand drawing blood. Yami raised his hands together forming hand seals and held his right over his left as green chakra engulfed them. The wounds slowly closed shut as the blood stopped as Yami performed the Shousen no jutsu. Yami reached into his bag pulling out one of the burgers from its contents and placed it in front of him as he sat down on the ground. He pushed it towards the strange dog, “Go on eat you must be hungry from that. Don’t worry I won’t hurt you” said Yami as his face softened with a smile that grew in size. His aurora shifted growing warm and gentle as he reached out to the animal with it.

The dog approached the burger and sniffed it suspiciously growling before taking a bite of it testing it. The dog’s eyes never left Yami as he munched on the burger before swallowing. The dog gave a small bark before eating the rest in one giant bite munching happily on the tasty treat. The dog sat down in front of Yami eating. Yami piled the remaining seven burgers in front of them and grabbed one taking a bite himself as the dog grabbed a second eating it, “Although this village is rather shitty it does have some great burger’s right Inu-san (dog)?” said Yami as he nibbled on the burger savouring the tasting meat and sauces. The dog barked in agreement as he munched on it happily before grabbing a third. This human didn’t seem so bad it had fired some sort of water jet at the boys who had been attacking him and gave him this tasty meaty food. The dog barked happily as he ate another one while Yami did the same. The two ate in silence before all the burgers were finally gone. Yami patted his pants getting the crumbs off before smiling at the dog, the kids had crawled off crying heading home to sulk.

“You know you’re pretty tough you know that? I’d love if you were to come home with my and be my familiar to help me in battle” spoke Yami as he smiled down at the dog who titled its head to the right in confusion, “You see I’m a healer I’m more for support than attack but I need someone tough to be my partner and help me out in battle. I have Bester my liger but I need someone else. You are strong and would have a powerful nose to at that making you an excellent tracker which I could use. So what do you say want to be partners?” asked Yami as he held out his right hand for the dog to take. The animal sniffed his palm before lifting its right paw and placing it in Yami’s accepting the deal, ‘All right then from this day forth I shall name you Cereberus!” the dog barked at the name before biting Yami softly in the palm his teeth not puncturing before letting go. Yami grinned and got up stuffing his hands into his pockets and starting walking off, ‘Come Cerberus!” the dog barked and ran after his new master.

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Second Familiar, Cerberus (Private, Yami) Empty Re: Second Familiar, Cerberus (Private, Yami)

Sat Apr 20, 2013 3:08 am
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