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Chimitsu Tanka
Chimitsu Tanka
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Finding Chii. [Open][Friendly] Empty Finding Chii. [Open][Friendly]

Thu Apr 18, 2013 10:23 pm

F i n d i n g C h i i

tell me why this happened

“My legs are on fire.. It feels like I’ve been walking for days… And it’s so cold out..” Chii shivered as her vision became blurry, her legs gave out, she didn’t know where she was… She didn’t know what to do.. For the first time, this trained killer, was scared. She thought it was her end.. All those people she killed.. Her father.. Everyone she knew.. Gone.. Everything was going white.. Her body felt like it was shutting down. Her chest was heavy… Her eyes were longing to close. Where was she…

She was in a dream world, some place she had never been, her worries were gone, her heart felt at ease… But for some reason it felt like she was being watched.. She didn’t know by who.. She didn’t know why, but wasn’t able to leave this world… Her mind was gone but her body remained… She could hear people calling “Miss! Are you okay?” But soon enough those sounds were drowned out and she was alone.. Or so she thought.

Her mind was left to wonder, to dream of a far away place, some where that is unknown to all… She could see herself in a mirror… And she could see all the people she killed everyone was there, even the man she called her father was to.. Her heart ached at the sight, but she wasn’t sure what that feeling was…

She watched as each person left and then she was alone, with a letter… She opened the letter and it said her name on it, in what seemed like blood… She could feel her heart go faster, as if it was going to fly out of her chest. She was finally scared, not knowing this feeling ever before she knew that it couldn’t be real.. But what if it was… What if it was happening… She couldn’t seem to get her self up… She grew more upset.

She was weak.. But never this weak.. Maybe someone would find her.. Maybe someone could save her…

Last edited by Chimitsu Tanka on Sat Apr 20, 2013 2:42 pm; edited 1 time in total
Wandering Blind Man
Wandering Blind Man
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Finding Chii. [Open][Friendly] Empty Re: Finding Chii. [Open][Friendly]

Thu Apr 18, 2013 10:32 pm
Kurogane was out on a walk around the village, his black hair was its usual spiky arrangement with the white streak being apparent. Today he only carried his book with him and a small smile, his attire being his red Yukata and black Obi. He had no idea of what was to happen today, but if anything he thought it was going to be good. In his head he was humming a small tune that was sung to him in his childhood, coming up to the village gates.

After some moments of walking he would arrive to the gates...and see a sight he thought sorta odd. Near the gates his ice blue eyes caught wind of a body laying in the ground, of course his natural curiosity made him walk over to see what or who exactly was it. When he got near the unknown body he would kneel down and sigh," I wonder if she is alive or not...if she is the hospital is where i need to take her. Miss, hey miss are you alright," poking at her for a moment before checking to see if she was still alive. After that he would slowly pick her up and look at her face," i hope you are fine."
Chimitsu Tanka
Chimitsu Tanka
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Finding Chii. [Open][Friendly] Empty Re: Finding Chii. [Open][Friendly]

Thu Apr 18, 2013 10:40 pm

F i n d i n g C h i i

tell me why this happened

She could feel her body being picked up, the breath of someone speaking to her lifeless body, although she wasn’t dead, she wasn’t exactly there. The only thing she was able to do was to coutine to try to bring her mind back to her body. And thus she tried, although she could feel who ever it was holding her walking, she kept trying. She had heard a distance voice say hospital and Chii wasn’t going there, not now or ever.

Her limbs finally became lighter as she began to slip back into her body but as she did she couldn’t remember a thing… The only thing she knew was her name… Chimitsu Tanka… She didn’t know anything else…

Her eyes flickered open as she seen the person holding her, she let out a cry and fell out of his arms and onto the ground, scurrying away from the man in front of her. Her eyes stared blankly she couldn’t think of anything to say.. She didn’t know what to say… “W-W-Who are you…” She whimpered out, her body was shaking, her mind was racing.

Last edited by Chimitsu Tanka on Sat Apr 20, 2013 2:43 pm; edited 1 time in total
Wandering Blind Man
Wandering Blind Man
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Finding Chii. [Open][Friendly] Empty Re: Finding Chii. [Open][Friendly]

Thu Apr 18, 2013 10:47 pm
He wasn't back into the gates yet, but he was thinking of flying to the hospital. The faint movements of the girl were not apparent until she fell from his arms and moved away from him, probably scared for some reason. Kneeling down to where he was sitting maybe two meters from her he would smile," sorry if i just touched your body without permission, but i couldn't just leave you out here where the real creeps would try something," giving her a sitting bow he would smile," My name is Kurogane Shiba, a genin of Tegakure and it is a pleasure to meet you...uh what is your name if you do not mind me asking Miss," moving to where he was at a comfortable distance away from her but not to close to scare her. The last thing he needed was to scare her away when all he wanted to do was help her.
Chimitsu Tanka
Chimitsu Tanka
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Finding Chii. [Open][Friendly] Empty Re: Finding Chii. [Open][Friendly]

Fri Apr 19, 2013 7:35 am

F i n d i n g C h i i

tell me why this happened

Her eyes, looking distance as always stared at him, her body was shaking still from the fact he had touched her… But now understanding why she closed her eyes and bowed, “I… I’m pretty sure my name is Chii… Chimitsu… Tanka…” She looked towards the sky, her eyes filling with water.

She couldn’t remember anything… What was a genin? What was Tengakure… Where the hell was she. “I… I’m sorry but… Wh.. What is a genin…? And what.. Is Tengakure?” She bowed again, her face was bright red. Why couldn’t she remember… Why was it blank… Why was this happening..

This man who sat in front of her seemed like he only wanted to help her… But for some reason she felt as if she shouldn’t trust him… He was a man after all… Her heart told her to listen, to trust her head told her to run, and run as fast as she possibly ever could run. Chii wasn’t sure what to do, her body was still frozen in fear at the sight of what had happened just now.

Last edited by Chimitsu Tanka on Sat Apr 20, 2013 2:43 pm; edited 2 times in total
Wandering Blind Man
Wandering Blind Man
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Finding Chii. [Open][Friendly] Empty Re: Finding Chii. [Open][Friendly]

Fri Apr 19, 2013 8:59 am
Kurogane took it one step at a time smiling to her as he nodded," Nice to meet you Chimetsu, and are you sure you are don't seem to have any injuries from what i can see," looking at her for a moment before returning to her question. The difficult question of if she had memory problems was starting to come up in his mind, but he would answer her questions one at a time," Well a Genin is a ninja rank...or for better terms a beginning job. The village for which i work is the one behind me, Tengakure no Sato or the Skyscraper Village," smiling as he reached his hand out to shake hers," I promise i won't do anything to hurt you, but if you are hurt we should get you looked at. However if you would like to sit here and talk we can do that as well," a small chuckle escaped his lips as he got more comfortable.
Chimitsu Tanka
Chimitsu Tanka
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Finding Chii. [Open][Friendly] Empty Re: Finding Chii. [Open][Friendly]

Fri Apr 19, 2013 2:28 pm

F i n d i n g C h i i

tell me why this happened

She looked at him, she wasn’t understanding a single word that came out of his mouth… What was this guy on? A rank…? Ninja? What on earth was happening, it was simply impossible.. He couldn’t be telling the truth… She closed her eyes and let out a small but almost unbearable sigh.

She looked at him then towards the city… She wasn’t sure what to do or say… But she wanted to know if she belonged here… Or if she was lost… Which she was anyways even if she did belong here, did she have a home? Family? Friends? She knew nothing…

Everything… Was gone… She remembered not a single thing another then her name but did it matter? Did anyone know her…? She could remember! “D.. Do you know if I live here to?” She looked at him, her eyes almost beginning to water..

Last edited by Chimitsu Tanka on Sat Apr 20, 2013 2:44 pm; edited 1 time in total
Wandering Blind Man
Wandering Blind Man
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Finding Chii. [Open][Friendly] Empty Re: Finding Chii. [Open][Friendly]

Fri Apr 19, 2013 2:37 pm
Kurogane couldn't possibly imagine what was going on with her, but if there was one thing he knew that was knowledge lies within books. Standing up he would smile," i can help you find out all the answers you want and need Chi, but i need you to trust me will you come with me to go get your answers," his smile was genuine as his hand extended to her he would set his book atop of his head," also...if you need a place to stay i know of a place where you could lodge without much trouble, but the first place we should go is to the leader of the village, he has all information on anybody who has or does live here," he now moved a little closer to her to show he was only trying to help.
Chimitsu Tanka
Chimitsu Tanka
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Finding Chii. [Open][Friendly] Empty Re: Finding Chii. [Open][Friendly]

Fri Apr 19, 2013 8:38 pm

F i n d i n g C h i i

tell me why this happened

Chii wasn‘t sure what he meant… But if this person he spoke of actually knew if she belonged here, then she was going to find out… She wanted to know who she was… What she did, why she was here. Who her family was, there was so many questions she had to ask but it seemed like there wasn‘t enough time for her questions to be answered.

Slowly she took a hold of his hand her face was a bright red… She didn‘t enjoy touching other people… Or was it.. Being touched? She wasn‘t sure which… But she didn‘t like the feeling of the skin touching. She smiled to herself, for she had just learned something that she didn‘t know. At this rate, maybe she will gain back what she has lost.

“If this person is able to find out who I am… And where exactly I belong… How will I know where to go? Or even if I have a job.. Or something… I‘m just not sure…” She looked at the man in front of her, hoping he may already have answers…

Last edited by Chimitsu Tanka on Sat Apr 20, 2013 2:44 pm; edited 1 time in total
Wandering Blind Man
Wandering Blind Man
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Finding Chii. [Open][Friendly] Empty Re: Finding Chii. [Open][Friendly]

Fri Apr 19, 2013 8:46 pm
Kurogane felt the softness of her hand and smiled as he looked at her," If you do not have those answers after this, then i will help you find them. After all i couldn't leave a new friend to be all alone, you'd need the company wouldn't you," As he began to walk slowly with her, his book would still be perfectly balanced on his head. As they entered the gates of the village, he would point to the tallest building and smile," That is where the leader resides and where the start of your journey will being. after that i can always show you around the village," his steps were slow so he would not be pulling her.
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