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Chimitsu Tanka
Chimitsu Tanka
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Finding Chii. [Open][Friendly] - Page 2 Empty Re: Finding Chii. [Open][Friendly]

Sat Apr 20, 2013 2:46 pm

F i n d i n g C h i i

tell me why this happened

Chii smiled at him and nodded, her eyes seemed to be less distance, but still she was scared on meeting more people, it wasn’t something she really felt like doing… But she had to if she was going to get more information on herself… To know who she was… Her eyes looked towards the gate, as her face turned a light red. She was scared… Nervous… Her mind and heart were racing faster then they could of ever before. Her hand touched his as she nodded. “Please.. Show me.” She whispered. She wanted to know.. She needed to know who she was and how she got there.

She was hopeful with this.. Maybe this man he spoke of really knew about her… That this man could help her.. But at the same time… Did she really want to know her past? What if it was a horrible past… With lots of hurt and pain… Did she truly want to know that? Or did she want to leave it behind…

Wandering Blind Man
Wandering Blind Man
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Finding Chii. [Open][Friendly] - Page 2 Empty Re: Finding Chii. [Open][Friendly]

Sat Apr 20, 2013 2:57 pm
His smile would never waver as he nodded and began to walk with Chi, as they walked he would show her various buildings and stores that sold good food and even things could like. Soon they would be getting closer to the tenkage's building as he pointed out the library out of everything," That there is a powerhouse of knowledge and where i spend the most of my time if i am not training. If you would want to hang out or even want to talk, you can always find me their," he would wait for a moment in case she wanted to look at some things before moving closer to their destination, hoping her answers were here. Finally at their destination, he would slowly stop at the door and turn to her," So are you ready for your answers Chi," looking at her with concern.
Chimitsu Tanka
Chimitsu Tanka
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Finding Chii. [Open][Friendly] - Page 2 Empty Re: Finding Chii. [Open][Friendly]

Thu Apr 25, 2013 7:34 pm

F i n d i n g C h i i

tell me why this happened

Chii blushed as she thought about it… She wasn’t sure if she did want the answers, but she knew that she did need them.. But would they really actually find the information on her that she wanted to hear… Or would it be information that she didn’t want to hear at all… Once more she had questions that even herself couldn’t answer correctly because she honestly didn’t know what to think about her self anymore…

Chii nodded, her voice didn’t want to leave her mouth, infact it didn’t even seem to work, her mouth was dry and her throat was sore… She was scared and didn’t know how to react to being scared at this point she really wasn’t sure what to do anymore other then be scared for what she was about to find out… Would it be good… Bad… Or what would it be?

Only the person known as the ‘kage’ would have answers.

Wandering Blind Man
Wandering Blind Man
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Finding Chii. [Open][Friendly] - Page 2 Empty Re: Finding Chii. [Open][Friendly]

Thu Apr 25, 2013 7:40 pm
Kurogane knocked on the door of the Kage's office as he turned to Chi and smiled," If you need some extra courage to overcome what will happen, you got me here for you...Now we must simply wait for the Kage to answer and tell us what we need to know and then maybe we can go and get something to eat," he was awfully optimistic about alot of things, but he never really saw the negative in anything. Waiting for the response of the Kage he would tap his foot in a soothing rhythm and sorta nod his head.
Yasahiro Yagami
Yasahiro Yagami
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Village : Kemonogakure
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Finding Chii. [Open][Friendly] - Page 2 Empty Re: Finding Chii. [Open][Friendly]

Thu Apr 25, 2013 10:00 pm
Normally Shinji was sleeping at this time, but oddly enough today he was not. Instead he sat at his desk reviewing the severely lacking village defenses. He wore a white undershirt that revealed his impressive physique. He also wore jeans with a woven belt that wrapped around his waist in an almost haphazard manner. Although he did have his power bracers on comfortably around his wrist and ankles. Basically Shinji looked nothing like a kage-he was not expecting guests so he felt no need to dress up formally. Alas he would not remain undisturbed as a knock came at his door. With an inaudible sigh he ran his right hand through his hair in a vain attempt to make it a bit smoother. Giving up Shinji called out to whomever it was behind the door in a crisp kind voice that oddly enough was devoid of it's usual sleepiness: "Come on and in and take a seat." With that he fell silent and waited for his guests-he knew there were two, because of his passive mind's eye of kagura, but he did not recognize the chakra signatures, so he kept them in his mind. His guests, upon entering, would find Shinji sitting at his desk looking over a few papers that littered the workplace. They may also notice the half drank orange soda that sat on his desk-it was always good to have refreshments when revamping the defenses.
Chimitsu Tanka
Chimitsu Tanka
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Finding Chii. [Open][Friendly] - Page 2 Empty Re: Finding Chii. [Open][Friendly]

Thu Apr 25, 2013 10:15 pm

F i n d i n g C h i i

tell me why this happened

Chimitsu looked at the man in the desk as they walked in and sat down… Her eyes watched him closely… He didn’t look as if he was someone important… In fact she couldn’t really tell if he was the one they were there to speak to or not. But Chii held her breath and looked at Kuro—hoping he would speak first so she didn’t have to talk to this man…

From where he was sitting; Chii could tell this man was much taller then herself… She always felt short around other people because it seemed everyone was taller then her.

Wandering Blind Man
Wandering Blind Man
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Finding Chii. [Open][Friendly] - Page 2 Empty Re: Finding Chii. [Open][Friendly]

Thu Apr 25, 2013 10:25 pm
Kurogane came in and sat beside Chi and nodded to the Kage as he smiled," Hello Kage-sama my name is Kurogane Shiba and this is Chii...she wanted to know if you had any information on her past or rather who she is for she has lost her memory. I was hoping that you could help her out," looking to her as he smiled. Although he wanted her to speak, he felt that she wouldn't be ready yet so he did it for the moment.
Yasahiro Yagami
Yasahiro Yagami
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Village : Kemonogakure
Ryo : 27500

Finding Chii. [Open][Friendly] - Page 2 Empty Re: Finding Chii. [Open][Friendly]

Mon Apr 29, 2013 10:22 pm
Listening to the boy Shinji got up from his desk without a word and walked to a nearby file cabinet. Pulling open the cabinet he rummaged through it. Finding no one with the name Chi or anyone with that name even remotely near it. Shinji returned to his desk and took a seat in his chair. With a sigh he looked up at the two kids and started talking in a slow lackadaisical voice: "I am sorry, but there is no record of her in the files. However, if she wishes to be taken into the village I am sure that can be arranged. After all the past can be important, but the present and the future are wide open." Shinji now directed his voice to Chii specifically: "The choice is yours alone. If you decide to stay you may talk to my secretary who will provide you with all the needed forms. To the best of my knowledge you are not wanted by any other villages, so your application will be streamlined. Now, are there any questions?" Shinji still sat in his chair and waited for a response from either of his two guests. For some reason he was no longer feeling sleepy-how odd? The winds of change? Unlikely, but one could always hope.
Chimitsu Tanka
Chimitsu Tanka
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Finding Chii. [Open][Friendly] - Page 2 Empty Re: Finding Chii. [Open][Friendly]

Tue Apr 30, 2013 7:34 am

F i n d i n g C h i i

tell me why this happened

Chimitsu frowned a little, although it wasn’t what she was expecting she nodded towards the Kage. “I would like to join then.” Without thinking, Chii stood up and went to speak to the secretary to get everything filled out. Her eyes closed as she left the room without a second thought of the two people she left sitting in the room…

She turned around, and bowed, “Sorry! I have one more question, where would I live?” She smiled at him; after his answer Chimitsu turned her heel and went to get everything filled out so she could be apart of this village.

Yasahiro Yagami
Yasahiro Yagami
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Village : Kemonogakure
Ryo : 27500

Finding Chii. [Open][Friendly] - Page 2 Empty Re: Finding Chii. [Open][Friendly]

Thu May 09, 2013 6:57 pm
{Its been a while, so I am going to exit}

Shinji merely nodded to the girl and the boy. At this point an anbu came up to him and whispered to him something about a sale on orange soda. Not conflicted in the least Shinji stood up and walked to his window. He then pushed it open and carefully stepped out, so that his feet were firmly connected to the side of the skyscraper. Then all at once he was running down the skyscraper at a blinding speed through use of the tree walking technique. The duties of the Tenkage could wait. For now there was a sale on the most godly drink ever invented by man and that was much more important than anything that the office of the Tenkage could offer him.

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