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Ryo : 271700

What happened to your face? (Private/No kill) Empty What happened to your face? (Private/No kill)

Sat May 04, 2013 8:41 pm
Den wondered out of the gates of the village, wondering what he should do today. His pet dragon, Yuudai, was perched on his shoulder as he usually was. The young red scaled dragon looked around, purring softly as the two began to make their way down the road leading from the village. It was the first time he had stepped out of the village since his arrival, being to busy getting accustomed to the giant buildings that constantly surrounded him as well as getting used to his new life.

Den looked a lot older than he had in Kirigakure. He possessed the same, cold blue eyes that he had in his early youth, but now rather than looking about 14 he could easily have been confused for 18. The space time warping abilities of Sanctuary had caused this. Den's much longer black hair fell around his face as he walked, looking around him to see if there was anything interesting. He wore his Lightweight Jounin Gear, which had been refitted so that he could comfortably wear them, as he was much taller than he had been when he originally bought them.

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Missing-Nin (A-rank)
Missing-Nin (A-rank)
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Ryo : 271700

What happened to your face? (Private/No kill) Empty Re: What happened to your face? (Private/No kill)

Sat May 04, 2013 9:06 pm
The sound of the squeaking noise startled Yuudai, whose head quickly turned to look at the origin of that noise, his wing spreading out to make him look bigger. He wasn't used to such noises. He woudl look at the strange rubber duck headed being as Den turned to glance at him.

"Who are you?" Den of course, wouldn't recognize him. How coudl he? With his head now that of a rubber duck, the Mizukage looked nothing like he had while he was still alive. Den walked towards the being, wondering if he had been caught in a genjutsu somehow. He stopped 9 meters away from the... person? The young man's chakra would swirl around the creature, verifying it as real unless he stepped away and was no longer within 10 meters of Den.

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Missing-Nin (A-rank)
Missing-Nin (A-rank)
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Ryo : 271700

What happened to your face? (Private/No kill) Empty Re: What happened to your face? (Private/No kill)

Sat May 04, 2013 9:40 pm
Den's first thought was that the rubber duck was some for of weapon, yes he was that paranoid. He was so surprised by the projectile however, that he was unable to react as Yuudai jumped through the air, catching the rubber duck in his mouth. His teeth had not fully grown in, so there was no damage done to the rubber duck as the small dragon, now 3 meters in front of den, removed the toy from his mouth using his front claws as he shifted his weight to his hind legs. He inspected the toy curiously, finding it to look quite amusing.

Den wasn't paying attention to the dragon, hearing the familiar voice coming from the duck, "Suzaku?" to say he was surprised to hear that voice was an understatement, especially coming from the strange creature in front of him. "What happened to you?"

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Missing-Nin (A-rank)
Missing-Nin (A-rank)
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Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 271700

What happened to your face? (Private/No kill) Empty Re: What happened to your face? (Private/No kill)

Sun May 05, 2013 10:53 am
Den wondered if he had been mistaken, there was no way this creature in front of him could be Suzaku. Still, he decided to at least give the man with a rubber duck head and answer, "I'm Denkiteki, currently a Jounin of Tengakure." He would then continue to look at the man curiously as he waited for him to give a response, could something have happened to Suzaku to put him in a form like this? No, he surly had been killed with the rest of Kirigakure.

All the while Den's dragon would continue to play with the rubber duck, now making it squeak in his hands. Yuudai purred loudly as he did so, his curiosity and playfulness taking over completely now. He looked up towards Suzaku's head, wondering what would happen if he would try and make that squeak too.

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Missing-Nin (A-rank)
Missing-Nin (A-rank)
Stat Page : Stat Page
Living Clones : Isamu
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Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 271700

What happened to your face? (Private/No kill) Empty Re: What happened to your face? (Private/No kill)

Sun May 05, 2013 11:06 am
Den wasn't sure how to answer that question.

"I know, a few survivors managed to make their way here. When I joined, it didn't surprise them when I said I got out of Kiri. But a lot of people didn't make it. I know that Attuu Uzumaki, that Kaguya that destroyed the training fields, and a majority of the rest of the village." Den had rarely talked about the events of Kiri, feel guilt threaten to consume him every time he thought about it, "I wish I could have been there when it happened, maybe I could have done something." for a moment he forgot about the fact that Suzaku was right in front of him, unless he was hallucinating that is, as he remembered finding out that the entire island was gone.

But he managed to pull himself together quickly enough, and waited for Suzaku to explain how he was alive.

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