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What happened to your face? (Private/No kill) - Page 2 Empty Re: What happened to your face? (Private/No kill)

Sun May 05, 2013 2:19 pm
Den hadn’t known the attackers had not only defeated suz, but the Sanbi itself. They even managed to control it and use it to destroy the village. The former Mizukage was right, there was no way Den could handle someone with that kind of power, especially in his current state. Even though Min had told him this a thousand times, he finally accepted that there would have been nothing he could have done, he would have simply died with the rest of the village.

Den didn't know what to say about Suz waking up with a rubber duck head, but the strange creature he had become stood right in front of him. Was this some sort of prank? He couldn't believe that, though he didn't know what to believe now. He wasn't sure what to say.

"So.. why are you here?" it was the only thing that could come to mind, was he going to try and spread his strange religion in Tengakure, or was there some other purpose? While he waited for an answer, Yuudai continued to look at Suzaku's head, saddened by the fact that he didn't want the dragon to play with it.

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Missing-Nin (A-rank)
Missing-Nin (A-rank)
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What happened to your face? (Private/No kill) - Page 2 Empty Re: What happened to your face? (Private/No kill)

Mon May 06, 2013 10:41 pm
"I left the village looking for Minorin. She went off by herself before the quarantine, ad I was worried what would happen to her when she got back because of the number of people who died when they tried to leave. So I found her, we hid for awhile, hoping that things would calm down in the village and we could return." Den didn't like talking this much, but he felt he had to explain why he hadn't been in the village when it was attacked, "When we returned though, there wasn't even an island. The whole continent had sunk. So we wandered around for a bit, and eventually settled down here."

Den looked down at Yuudai after he finished explaining why he was in Tengakure. "He's a dragon, I actually created him. I've been studying medical ninjutsu as well as the ability to manipulate space and time. I used that knowledge to create him. He's small right now though, I thought it would be better to make a baby of this race rather than attempt to create a fully grown one, otherwise people might be a bit scared if they weren't used to him, he'll get pretty big once he's older."

Knowing that he was being talked about, Yuudai turned to look at Den for a moment, remembering that he was there. He had been so fascinated by the rubber dead headed man, he didn't realize den was still there. With the small rubber duck in his hand, Yuudai walked over to Den before jumping onto his arm, clinging to the fabric of his sleeve as he climbed up back to his perch on Den's shoulder. There, h would continue to play with the rubber duck.

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Missing-Nin (A-rank)
Missing-Nin (A-rank)
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Ryo : 271700

What happened to your face? (Private/No kill) - Page 2 Empty Re: What happened to your face? (Private/No kill)

Thu May 09, 2013 9:01 pm
Den wasn't sure if it was rears falling from Suzaku's face or not, he didn't know how a rubber duck headed person's body worked. Silence passed as Den tried to figure out if Suzaku had been upset in some way, perhaps seeing Den had reminded him of the village? He knew Suz had cared about the villagers, remembering the incident in which a Kaguya had murdered a number of the villages shinobi. Suzaku and him had talked briefly about the event shortly after it had transpired, the Mizukage having been visibly upset by the incident. Finding out the village was gone must have torn him up inside.

Den didn't feel like he had handled the destruction of the village well, but it felt good hearing Suz say that.

Yuudai looked up at Suz at he mentioned the dragon being cute, the small beats unsure as to how he should take that compliment. He decided he like it, and looked at Suz with what would hopefully be interpreted as a happy look. He then went back to playing with his duck, while Den and Suz continued their serious talk.

"It's gone. When I attempted to find the island, there was nothing there. They managed to sink the entire thing, somehow." he remembered teleporting into what he though would be the center of the village. He had ended up falling into the ocean instead, and after searching for hours had managed to find no trace of Kirigakure.
Missing-Nin (A-rank)
Missing-Nin (A-rank)
Stat Page : Stat Page
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Ryo : 271700

What happened to your face? (Private/No kill) - Page 2 Empty Re: What happened to your face? (Private/No kill)

Sun May 12, 2013 1:06 pm
(Sorry, have to do some threads in preparation for bad things that are about to happen <.<)

A silence passed after Den spoke, the young Jounin wondering if there was anything else to say to the former Mizukage. A silence passed as Yuudai's stomach began to rumble. He poked Den's neck, making a soft noise to tell the young Jounin that he was hungry.

"I'm sorry Mizukage-sama, but it seems that this little guy needs to go eat. Are you planning on staying here, in the village? If so, I'd like to have a chance to talk to you more." Den would wait long enough for the Mizukage to respond before closing his eyes. After a moment, the young jounin and his dragon woudl disappear, and white light taking their place as they traveled to Sanctuary.


TWC: 1611

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What happened to your face? (Private/No kill) - Page 2 Empty Re: What happened to your face? (Private/No kill)

Sun May 12, 2013 1:18 pm
Approved for the aforementioned stats & JP.
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