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Vagabond (C-Rank)
Vagabond (C-Rank)
Stat Page : Wildforce Red
Familiar : Wildforce Grey
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Village : Vagabonds
Ryo : 22000

Revelation/Relapse [P,IO,NK] Empty Revelation/Relapse [P,IO,NK]

Wed Jul 10, 2013 10:57 pm
Deep within the mountains of Kumogakure, the sound of destruction, rather the sound of lightning and rock smashing could be heard as it echoed throughout the plains as a loud roar was followed soon after. It had been three days since his defeat at the hands of Oliver and two days since his release from the hospital, although he had left prematurely due to the fact that he could not sit still worth a damn. His mind was caught on one thing at the moment and that was getting stronger to defeat anyone who came to him for a fight. Ever since he was first imprisoned he always was the top dog, even at his young age. Any inmate that had fucked with him or even wanted to was either beaten to near death or even dead on the spot, which was how he first got his moniker “The Animal of Death”. The sound of crushing boulders could be heard if one would step foot up there,” It had been so long since I had come up here to train, although the last time was what got me incarcerated in the first place. Although my time in prison helped me hone my skills not only as an animal, but as the monster I could become. Why though… after being defeated by Oliver and meeting Hibana and the Raikage, I feel like I have lost my edge. Everything is still the same yet… I cannot seem to figure out these “emotions” as they call it. If only.. heh being normal isn’t my cup of tea anyways,” chuckling as he sat down on a pile of rocks, looking at the dark moist walls of the cave.His mind wandered off to his time being incarcerated and how he first went in opposed to how he is now, although the change had be drastic it was like a small part of that small cub still remained in him.


Yaju arrived at the prison in the morning, heavily chained and luckily he was able to keep his cap over his face, the judge finding it befitting for a murderer like him. His arrival to the prison sparked the inmates interest, seeing such a young boy coming into the prison and of course some of them started to cat call at him like he was a piece of fresh meat,” So… where am I going and when can I get something to eat,” Yaju muttered to the guard on the right of him, who simply gave him a look before throwing him in his cell,” You will know when it is time, so try not to cause any problems or else,” the guard barked at Yaju, although he could only chuckle as he looked at his empty cell. A bed, sink, and a toilet was the only furniture he had besides the walls that made his box, although it wasn’t that bad at first. Hopping onto the bed he would sigh and look up at the ceiling,” So this is my home for the next couple of years eh, well can’t be as bad as that crappy home I used to live in,” and that’s where his life became a living hell. Three inmates would come to the cell and knock on it before coming in , the smallest one stepping in while the other two stood guard,” Hey boy, since your new here I will let you in on some news, you belong to me and anything you get comes to me get it,” a small chuckle came from his mouth as he sat up and looked at the man,” Look here pipsqueak you have  3 seconds to get the hell out of my face or your throat is going to be on that ground, savvy.”

Of course his throat never reached the ground due to the guards stopping him from ripping it out, although that guy never really showed his face anymore. After the first confrontation, his name had already been marked as a troublemaker and was repeatedly thrown into solitary confinement either every week or every month. One thing he enjoyed however was the underground fights he participated in, the guards would bet on him due to his reputation in the cells. Life was just as he wanted it, an animal In a cage.

{FlashBack End}

Shaking his head he would smile,” those were the days huh, when killing was a second nature when you were already in there for the same offense, although the punishment system was lacking abit but I would never tell them that,” laughing to himself as he stood up and stretched for a moment, his fingers weren’t even bruised from the punching yet he was looking forward to his body breaking eventually. Yaju slowly walked down the tunnel of the cave, some were here since the beginning of the village supposedly but not knowing of the past of the village made it difficult to actually know. The sound of running water which was much like a running waterfall on a mountain cliff was off in the distance, although its direction would be known due to not only his ears but also due to the echoing of the crashing water off of the rocks.

Fifteen minutes would be passed as he traversed the tunnel, the sounds becoming closer and closer the further he walked. The water seemed to be calling him to come closer, almost as if he was meant to find it or something along the lines of fate itself. Within another ten minutes he found his way to the cave’s lake, its crystal clear water calling him to its edge,” This…how is this here? There doesn’t seem to be a way for the water to get in unless it is an underwater source then that could explain it but… why is it that it called to me  like it was alive or something,” scratching his head wildly trying to come up with some conclusion.Taking off his shirt, gloves and pants he would jump into the clear lake and float in it for a while. The water itself felt like it was cradling his body, the way a mother would hold her new born child.

Yaju spent what seemed like hours upon hours in this underground lake, staring at its ceiling and thinking about himself and his progress with his life. This was a sudden thing with him since he never really cared where he had or would end up in his life, as long as he could do what he loved he would be fine yet… something had been bothering him since then. At first he blamed them people he had met, all of them had changed him in some form or way, but that wasn’t the case when it was himself to blame for his changes.

He lifted his hand from the water slowly as he looked at it, his nails were still as sharp as ever but they lost their meaning to what he was and what he did. Balling his hand into a tightly clenched fist he would let his hand fall back into the water, an audible sigh escaping his lips,” What can I do to become stronger? Do I need to kill to become stronger, or train and become like “them” to get acknowledgement for my power? The options aren’t in my favor are they, yet I continue to move as if nothing bothers me. This land is my forest and my prey is anyone who stands in my way, yet every time my prey steps forward I lose the resolve to kill them and feel their life vacating through my hands, their blood spewing onto my hands as I rip through their jugular and spitting it onto the ground.  Why is it that everything I love is conflicting me,” slamming his fist onto the water’s surface he would look towards the ceiling again, his anger was getting to him and yet he could not determine why he could not remain the way he was.

The questions racked his brain for so long so the only way he could even try to relieve the stress of it was to go back to training. Grabbing his pants he would throw them back on and head to where he was doing his training, determined to find the answers that he so desperately needed. As he finally reached his training site he would remember the boulders he had not broken and those were going to setting his inquiries… or so he thought at the moment. From the first punch he could feel nothing, but he wanted that to change… he wanted to feel the pain that he felt when he fought her, that pain was something new to him and now he was going to see why it made him so happy.

Yaju felt the boulder cracking and warping under his power as he continually punched it. He felt nothing at the moment, no pain or fatique so he would   continuously punch the boulder until he noticed a small crack constantly getting bigger,"This boulder will symbolize my resolve and weakness, until it breaks neither will I and I will leave this cave stronger, better, and able to defeat any who stand in my way. By the blood of my body all will know my howl and run in fear," Yaju said smiling as he started wiping the sweat from his face. As the continued to punch the boulder he felt his right hand starting to feel the small pain from hitting the boulder continuously, but he did not care he continued to punch the rock, feeling like if  he did then he would be showing his true weakness, if he could not break this huge boulder then he would not be able to do anything else. He started to kick the boulder in conjunction with his punching, never skipping a beat.
He started remembering the gentle fist technique that  he learned during his last fight and how she used them," Those stances I will never forget… 64 palms… rotation and vacuum palm. I will master the gentle fist and mold it into my own animal style", He said as he moved his feet into the position she was in. He took off the gloves off and wrapped his hands in gauze before setting the gloves aside, now they were a hindrance to his training and he needed the body to feel what he was doing." Ok here we go," he said as he took at deep breathe and started to strike the boulder. As he struck the boulder he felt it cracking and breaking until the last hit was made and the boulder crushed beneath him. Yaju concentrated his chakra into his nails, changing its properties into lightning as he grinned, “ Gentle Fist: Animal Style,” his Byakugan activated as his body began to move like that of a snake. Running at the boulder he would strike it quickly and rapidly as he imagined he was striking a human bodies pressure points, each one weakening and destroying the muscles that lied in that specific area. Each strike was planned and coordinated with precision, but as he moved it would make him seems unpredictable as the next boulder fell beneath him. The third boulder would be 15 meters behind him, although this one was left for a particular reason. He would concentrate his chakra into the palm of his right hand, condensing it yet letting it flow like the wind until he moved his hand forward, shooting a shell of condensed chakra at the boulder, the speed of it was not much but as it hit the boulder it would basically be decimated as little chunks flew everywhere. The chunks soon flew at him, some as sharp as swords but he smiled as he began to spin, pushing chakra out of the tenketsu in his hands making a sphere of chakra spin with him as he began to spin in a clock wise rotation. The rocks would collide with the dense chakra shield and bounce off, reflecting and shooting in the opposite direction.  After breaking two the boulders more of, He started to make a small campfire in the circle he drew in the middle of the cave.

2015 wc.

+10 stats +20 JP
Xuro Bakuton
Xuro Bakuton
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Revelation/Relapse [P,IO,NK] Empty Re: Revelation/Relapse [P,IO,NK]

Thu Jul 11, 2013 9:39 am
Vagabond (C-Rank)
Vagabond (C-Rank)
Stat Page : Wildforce Red
Familiar : Wildforce Grey
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Village : Vagabonds
Ryo : 22000

Revelation/Relapse [P,IO,NK] Empty Re: Revelation/Relapse [P,IO,NK]

Tue Jul 16, 2013 2:08 pm
(Continuing from top post)

Hours went by as Yaju laid on the cold stone floor, well it wasn't to cold since he had made a little fire and used some of the blankets he had brought with him to lay on. He looked around to the broken boulders and rocks that encompassed the cave around him, giving a small chuckle as he rolled over onto his side. The cold night's air would flow through the cave giving a small chill, but nothing to big as he looked up to the ceiling. Usually he would be out running through the woods trying to find something to eat although tonight he just wanted to sit and think about how he could get stronger. Speaking of something to eat, his stomach would let out a loud roar letting him know to get his lazy ass up and go get something to eat. Shaking his head slightly he would stand up and begin traversing through the cave to the entrance where he would stare at the beautiful star lit sky.

It made him miss sleeping outside in a tree when he was younger, although the old him was long since dead. The only thing that stilled remained from how he used to be was his love for the wild, which was what pushed him to embrace his inner feralness. After reminescing for a bit, he decided to walk down the long windy path and make his way to the village to get something to eat and maybe find something interesting to do before heading back up to train. The night life of Kumo was amazing to say the least, its bright lights and many people made Yaju curious yet withdrawn abit since he did not like being around what he called "civi's". He grew up here but longed for the wild, where he could actually be himself and not give a fuck about the trivial and mundane lives of the civilians and normal people. For a while he actually had it until he killed the prick of a father he had and was sent to prison. Although his time there made him stronger, and more seclusive he could not help but wonder if his heart wanted to try living in the civilized world. Shaking his head he would mentally smack himself for thinking like that and continue walking to his favorite resturant where they served the best meat in his opinion.

It took him fifteen minutes to get to the restuarant and be seated, the waitress that usually served him came up with a smile and nodded to him," So how is the little wolf doing tonight, still chasing animals like an animal," she was obviously teasing him, but she was doing it just for fun. Mimicking her slightly he would smile," Yea i still am and only because its something to do, so did you change what you washed in...your scent has changed although it is more pleasant now," he smiled for a moment, not intentionally flirting but she knew he meant no harm or anything. Looking at the menu he would chuckle and point to the special, or in case the usual for him. The dish consisted of five different types of meat, each seasoned and cooked to perfection with a side of sushi which he ordered personally and onagi. His drink would be a simple cup of sake, although she knew he was too young to drink but the owner did not mind since he was the only person to come in here consecutively and buy their food in bulk. As he waited for his food he would sip from his cup, taking in the texture and taste of the sweet rice-wine before downing the rest. Looking up to the brightly decorated ceiling he would remember the first time he came in here with his mother, although those times are long past he could still remember them fondly. He would be snapped out of his daydreaming when an all to familiar voice made him look around.

His eyes locked on to his mother, whom he had not seen since his sentencing all those years ago. He remembered her look when he had killed his father, a look that he thought no mother could give her own son- a look of pure disgust like she wanted him dead and nothing to do with him. He sighed and took another drink from his sake, hoping she would not recognize him and just leave before he did but life loved to fuck him over. She had came over to him and sat in the same booth, looking at him intentively before smiling," Hello Yaju... how have you been since you got out of prison," his eyes cut into her like daggers but he sighed and looked away from her. His yellow eyes had looked over to a window," I have been fine although i never expected to see you of all people ever again, seeing as you never came to see me or even checked on me, but its not like i needed you anyways," speaking rather bluntly as he looked at her. She still wore that motherly look as wasn't to surprised that he felt that way about her," so i guess you are still mad at me for what i did to you all those years ago, its to be expected of a son like yourself but i did it out of fear for myself and you," immediately he would slam his fists onto the table which caused the whole restuarant to look at him," what the fuck do you mean that you did it out of fear for myself, you saw what he did to me and you still defend that old bastard to this day and you have never changed since. I knew you still blamed me for it and you still do, why the fuck should i care about you fearing for my life, when i dont even have the life you gave to me," his fists trembling as he tried to hold back punching her in the face and killing her off as well.

His mother had rested her hands on his and moved over to hug him tightly, almost like how she used to when he was younger. It was at this moment she sighed, almost like she was crying," I cannot correct the mistakes that i have made in life, but i want you to know that i am sorry for what i have done to you Yaju... but now you have something that needs to be done," after that she kissed his forehead and walked off into the night, leaving him wondering what the fuck just happened. Moments after his mother left the restuarant his food would come to him, his face was riddled with confusion and anger although he did not know what do with it. He spent an hour eating his food, for some reason that woman's words stuck on him and were troubling his mind to no end. With this he decided to go back to training to see if that would clear his mind a bit.

He left the resturant and went to a nearby bookstore that just happened to be open during this time, what a lucky break that turned out to be for him. Sighing he would walk inside and look for a book specifically for water release, something he thought would help him relax or even strengthen him to an extent. The shopkeeper who was an elderly lady and wore a basic brown apron and white pants and shirt came over to help him look for the book he was looking for, while also having a small conversation about nothing in particular. Yaju spent most of his time looking through the books, although some were old and dusty, they were still in good condition and readable. After finding the book he wanted he went into a corner of the store and sat there, reading it intentively. It seemed like water was the easiest of the elements to learn next to wind of course since it was so straight forward, it made him wonder why so many of the ninja started with lightning here.

After a couple of hours of sitting there and reading he was finally through looking through the first three volumes of the series, which also entailed a couple of jutsu and strategic ways to use the water. Of course he took all of this to heart and decided to head back up to the mountains to try and learn this element. Bowing to the old lady he would give her some ryo for her troubles and head on off into the mountains. It was almost close to midnight and the moon was at its apex and the stars were now shining down onto the mountains. As he walked up the mountain trail he could hear the animals of the night singing and moving around, either hunting or just living their daily lives like they always did. Yaju walked into the cave with a little bit of haste, quickly transversing the area to get to the source of water that he had found earlier on in the night which would host his training.

The water began to shine much like the way it was when he first stumbled upon it, its gentle surface moving slowly around almost like it was dancing to the beat of life. Shaking his head he would begin to get ready to train, sitting down beside the giant pool of water. He would first begin to breathe, getting his body prepped and ready to begin a different journey. He did not know how hard it was to learn a different element but now he was going to. In the book it described it as changing your element affinity from one spectrum to another, which sounded easy but was in fact the hardest part. Most ninja only new three elements and with certain occasions they knew four. Yaju himself never knew anyone who had went past two elements before, but he wanted to get stronger so he was going to push for more. He would concentrate his chakra into his hand and change it into lightning which was his primary element, and this would be easy for him because he was used to having such a destructive and wild element in his disposal.

The lightning would crackle in his hands and dance for him, giving him abit of a performance. Feeling the energy flow from his core into his hand felt so good, but now he needed to get this water element to dance for him. Concentrating chakra into both of his hands he would slowly make hand seals for a basic water jutsu that he saw in the book and try to make a small whip of water from the source in front of him. The whip would begin to form for a single moment, although as it came out of the water its form would fail and fall back into the large clear water. Cursing mentally he would try it again and again, each time failing more and more until he fell back onto the dirt and sighed," Well for an easy element it sure is a bitch to do... what exactly am i doing wrong here. Am i not concentrating hard enough or is it that i just do not get it," just when he said that he remembere something probably important. He smiled and weaved the hand seals again and this time concentrated the chakra in a way that the water would solidify, giving the whip a snake like body. Once he did this he would smile and laugh seeing as he now had learned the basics of the Suiton element giving him a new advantage in a fight. With this finally done he would strip down and hop into the water for a swim, contemplating on how he could now incorporate his new element into his fighting styles.

{Topic now closed}

Total wc. 4035 (only 2050 of it can be claimed for stats)
+10 Stats +20 JP
Suiton element learned
Echo Uchiha
Echo Uchiha
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Revelation/Relapse [P,IO,NK] Empty Re: Revelation/Relapse [P,IO,NK]

Tue Jul 16, 2013 3:34 pm
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