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Clan Focus : Space/Time
Village : Missing Ninja
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Revelation [IO] [NK] Empty Revelation [IO] [NK]

Sun Dec 31, 2017 3:00 am
Yurei sighed, walking along the streets from the center of the village. Anger boiled within him, for he knew he was being lied to. A genin getting past the gate? Especially one such as Akio, who could barely form handsigns? The bleach, what Esu smelled, Valen’s defense, none of it made sense. And for someone so bent on capturing Akio, perhaps killing him, one had to call into question why he was not capture after Kenshin supposedly spotted him leaving the gates. And if Valen was willing to give Kenshin’s name, then Yurei found it doubtful that the Uzumaki would be anymore willing to give up information. The alabaster Uchiha clenched his fist, the veins inside his hand bulging and his bones popping. I’ll find out what happened to you, Akio. People don’t just disappear, especially Genin.

Yurei huffed in anger as he walked, but he soon came to a familiar face. It was Damon Uchiha, his clansmen in blood. Perhaps he had found something at the gates, but, if not, Yurei would have his own idea.

WC: 177

Last edited by Yurei <3 on Sun Dec 31, 2017 5:20 am; edited 2 times in total
Stat Page : The Tengu
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Clan Focus : Genjutsu
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Ryo : 44150

Revelation [IO] [NK] Empty Re: Revelation [IO] [NK]

Sun Dec 31, 2017 3:01 am
Damon walked down the streets with his hands in the pockets of his jacket. He twirled the piece of shattered wood in his pocket, away from the eyes of others. His chakra was suppressed, he did not want to be found by chakra sensory. He was too well known in Hoshi, now, yet it was not what he had ever wanted. He wanted his name to be known, yes, but he wanted to be respected. To be loved. To have a family, even. The only people who came to mind with the word ‘family’ were Yurei and Akio. The only two people he seemed to know anymore. Everyone else has appeared to have abandoned him, he felt ostracized from this village. It was true that he was not born here. Damon knew more of the outside world instead of what was just within the walls of this village.

Looking up, he noticed Yurei Uchiha. The boy’s chakra signature did not register, as the black haired Uchiha had been distracted. Damon gave a faint wave, his mind elsewhere. If Yurei was back from the Hogokage’s office, still with Esu, then he must not have found a clue as to where Akio had gone. Damon’s gaze was directed at the ground as he approached the other chuunin.

“No luck, I take it.” Damon’s usual upbeat tone was gone, replaced with the frustration of a mystery unsolved. He looked at Yurei. “Suppress your chakra. I don’t know who may know yours, but better safe than sorry.” He looked around at the village. “Without Akio, it’s only you and me.”

WC: 266
Survived 2021
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Stat Page : The Oni
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Clan Focus : Space/Time
Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 0

Revelation [IO] [NK] Empty Re: Revelation [IO] [NK]

Sun Dec 31, 2017 3:01 am
Yurei instinctively suppressed his chakra, and, though brimming anger, spoke in a hushed voice. “The Hogokage was gone, of course. I spoke with a Jounin named Valen, but, strangely,” Yurei’s voice emanated with sardonic sarcasm, fluffed with agitation, “Esu smelled something in the Hogokage’s chambers. Valen wouldn’t permit me entry. And to add more to it, the whole office smelled of bleach. Like they were trying to mask a scent. I have no doubt that Akio was in that room at some point, but it was as if he just appeared there. Esu didn’t smell anything up until the Hogokage’s chambers, either, and, if Esu got a hint of Akio’s scent, then it must have been recent. People don’t just do that, especially someone like Akio. We both know he wasn’t that strong.”
Yurei paused, raising his hand to his lips. “Valen also said that Akio abandoned the village. That someone named Kenshin saw him leaving in a cart. He also said that it was his mission now to bring Akio back.”
The Uchiha cut his eyes at his friend. “He lied through his teeth. I’ve seen this village for a long time. No way a genin managed to get passed the guards, and, if Kenshin was one of the guards, it stands to reason one of the others wasn’t Valen. Otherwise, Valen would have identified himself as seeing Akio leaving. Given his rank, if Akio did leave the village, he would have went to the gate with the least security. And if Kenshin was stationed there, maybe there was another guard. We should find out.”
Yurei clenched his hand in anger. “This is all screwed up, Damon. They’re trying to cover something up, but… I don’t want to admit what I think it is.”

WC: 472
Stat Page : The Tengu
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Clan Focus : Genjutsu
Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 44150

Revelation [IO] [NK] Empty Re: Revelation [IO] [NK]

Sun Dec 31, 2017 3:02 am
Damon nodded grimly at the news. “I know Valen. Or ‘knew’, I suppose. He’s a jounin now?” Damon let that sink in. The two had taken their chuunin exam together, but now Valen had surpassed him. And from what Yurei was saying, it seemed as though he had become involved in the village hierarchy, if he was charged with filling in for a missing Hogokage. “To think that he would lie…” Damon rubbed his eyes with his right hand. He pinched the bridge of his nose before continuing, “Is this what it means to be a Hoshigakure shinobi? To cover up the disappearance of a missing genin?” His hand lowered. “Is this what happened to my father?” His hand flew to the side, emotions getting the better of him. “Did someone cover it up the same way they’re doing to Akio now.” His eyes began to water. “I… I don’t remember them ever receiving justice.” He clenched his fists. “DAMMIT!” He punched the wall of a building next to them. His knuckles scraped against the rough wall, causing them to began to bleed.

The dark haired Uchiha was breathing heavily. “Yurei…,” Damon began. He paused while trying to catch his breath. “I don’t like the way that this looks. For Hoshi. For us. For Akio.” He dropped his arm and looked towards Yurei. “I may not have known him as well as you… but you two were the only ones in my life that I felt like I could rely on. Everyone else I’ve known has drifted away, but you two were there for me, outside of training, outside of missions.” He looked towards the walls of the city. “We should check some of the gates.” Damon pointed to a particular spot of the wall. “That one is near Akio’s house. If I was trying to escape… I’d pick the smallest gate. The one that gives me the least amount of chance to be discovered”

WC: 591
Survived 2021
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Stat Page : The Oni
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Clan Focus : Space/Time
Village : Missing Ninja
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Revelation [IO] [NK] Empty Re: Revelation [IO] [NK]

Sun Dec 31, 2017 3:03 am
“Yes, he is a jounin. And a liar at that.” Yurei frowned, watching Damon’s actions. It ate him up inside, watching a typically stoic and boastful man reduce himself to this. But behind that frown was anger and determination, and once Damon suggested a gate, Yurei nodded. “May as well start with the most likely gate. Keep your chakra suppressed and hide your headband. I want to get a close look at the guards. Maybe one of them saw Akio.” Yurei paused thinking to himself. “And with the way Valen mentioned Kenshin, I don’t think we should speak to him. If he was confident in mentioning this person by name, he probably won’t tell us anything.”

With that, Yurei removed his headband, placing it within his kimono and securing it on his belt. “Let’s go,” Yurei said, patting his side and glancing at Esu.

WC: 616
Stat Page : The Tengu
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Clan Focus : Genjutsu
Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 44150

Revelation [IO] [NK] Empty Re: Revelation [IO] [NK]

Sun Dec 31, 2017 3:03 am
Damon untied his headband from his arm, and used the storage displacement technique to make it disperse into a small, practically unseeable stream of particles. He would then look towards Yurei, “I can displace yours as well, if you’d like.” He would wait for Yurei’s response before either taking it and sending it to his pocket dimension with an affirmative nod or withdrawing his hand and saying, “Suit yourself.” Regardless of whatever route occurred, he would still allow for Yurei to take the lead to the gate, as two took steps in order to try and find their friend… or find his fate.

WC: 694
Survived 2021
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Stat Page : The Oni
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Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 0

Revelation [IO] [NK] Empty Re: Revelation [IO] [NK]

Sun Dec 31, 2017 3:04 am
Yurei withdrew his headband, giving it Damon. “Here you are,” he said, not changing his gaze from the guards ahead. “They likely change shifts.” Yurei turned to face Damon. “We should check with Akio’s parents. Maybe they’re back. If they are, we can ask when they last saw Akio. Keep those headbands safe, though. They don’t like shinobi, and if we don’t appear as ninja they’ll be more likely to talk to us. If we get a good time range, then we’ll be able to figure out what guards were active when he likely tried to escape.”

WC: 713
Stat Page : The Tengu
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Clan Focus : Genjutsu
Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 44150

Revelation [IO] [NK] Empty Re: Revelation [IO] [NK]

Sun Dec 31, 2017 3:04 am
Damon clenched the hand he had just used to send their headbands to his pocket dimension. His bloodied knuckles still pained him, but he did not care. Relaxing his hand, he looked towards the direction of the Inuzuka’s house. He felt compelled to find Akio, as though his life would change if he was not able to. Whether this was for better or for worse was still to be seen. “My father’s shop was burned to the ground and no one batted an eye. I can’t let Akio have the same fate.” A solitary tear rolled down Damon’s face, but he turned away before Yurei could see, subtly wiping it off. “Come on. We should get moving.” The dark haired Uchiha turned down the dark pathway, potentially towards a darker path. The boy had always been rather emotional, using his own confidence in order to cover up that fact. But now, he had lost his confidence. He had lost his friend, and he had not been able to protect him when it mattered. Is this my fault? Could I have done something? He turned his head slightly to see if Yurei was still with him. He felt as though he could not let Yurei out of his sight, lest he lost his only remaining friend.

WC: 909
Survived 2021
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Stat Page : The Oni
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Clan Focus : Space/Time
Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 0

Revelation [IO] [NK] Empty Re: Revelation [IO] [NK]

Sun Dec 31, 2017 3:05 am
Yurei nodded slightly, glancing at Damon. He pursed his lips, sighing through his nostrils. Hot air emanated from his body, the tension swelling inside him. However, with his anger, sadness rose with it. The two emotions worked in tandem as Yurei thought of his father and of the consequences his death had wrought. That lose, that pain, was biting at his ankles once more. Akio was at risk.

“It’s right here,” Yurei said, stating the obvious. Yurei typically took great care with his words, but he felt his need dissipating, instead thinking of the situation with his lost friend and the necessary questions he need ask. With a knock, Yurei would wait outside for Akio’s parents to open the door.

Much to the Uchiha’s surprise, Akio’s mother answered.

“If you’re looking for Akio, he’s not here,” she would say dryly. Despite her tone, her eyes were obviously irritated, likely from the amount of crying she had done.

WC: 870
Stat Page : The Tengu
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Clan Focus : Genjutsu
Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 44150

Revelation [IO] [NK] Empty Re: Revelation [IO] [NK]

Sun Dec 31, 2017 3:05 am
“Ma’am, if I may,” Damon said, stepping in front of the white haired Uchiha. Yurei had been doing all the talking lately while he had been warming up the bench. “We haven’t heard from him for a week, if not more. We were just wondering if you had any idea as to where he was?” Damon’s speech had changed, addressing someone in authority over him. He needed answers, and kindness was one such way to those answers. You can always catch more flies using honey. Damon looked at her pleadingly, the emptiness in his body showing on the surface. His glossy eyes looked up at her, searching for any tell in her face. He clasped his hands together. “We’re worried about him.”

WC: 1031
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