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Walk in Suna[P,NK] Empty Walk in Suna[P,NK]

Mon Jul 15, 2013 1:56 pm
Kenzo was walking in the village of Suna,a walk he decided to make it in this evening as he was too bored and didn't had what to do or that's what he thinked,since the boy leaved in a great hurry when he heard it was his turn to guard the store,of their clan.Anyway it was better to walk and see the pepples he got used too and the village that was his home then to guard a store for a whole night.
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Walk in Suna[P,NK] Empty Re: Walk in Suna[P,NK]

Mon Jul 15, 2013 2:06 pm
A dark haired boy was also walking in the streets of Sunagakure. Staying in his house and watching T.V was getting boring, so he decided to look around the village. There wasn't much new people or shops around, but it was still better than doing nothing at home. Looking around Kojin noticed another genin walking in the village. He had gotten a note the other day about being put on a team, and was looking out for his teammates. "Hey, you!" he called out as he walked towards the fellow ninja.

{WC: 91}
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Walk in Suna[P,NK] Empty Re: Walk in Suna[P,NK]

Mon Jul 15, 2013 2:25 pm
Kenzo was walking in the village through the crowd of persons thinking how nice it was to take a walk in this beautiful and cold evening even if there weren't many peoples around.Then someone shouted toward him Kenzo stopped and walked toward the boy,it seems he was a ninja too."I am Senju Kenzo."Kenzo then thinked since he was a genin he thinked that he could have a nickname."Or Senju of The Desert."Kenzo told,not being sure if this was a good nickname he just told it.

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Walk in Suna[P,NK] Empty Re: Walk in Suna[P,NK]

Mon Jul 15, 2013 2:44 pm
Immediately just after a few moments he meeted this new person another unknown person bumped Kenzo making the boy curious.You didn't had this kind of chance to run into,two strangers surely both of them being ninja.This person,he didn't know it but maybe the two of them were friends.He told to Yukio"I am Senju Kenzo genin,or Senju of the Desert.You?"Then he started laughing  the reason being his nickname.
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Walk in Suna[P,NK] Empty Re: Walk in Suna[P,NK]

Mon Jul 15, 2013 2:54 pm
Kojin grinned. "So you are one of my teammates! My name is Manashi, Kojin it's real nice to meet you." Well, what a surprise! Meeting one of the people he was looking for while he was on a walk, that doesn't really happen often. He then looked behind Kenzo, wanting to see who bumped into his teammate. "Oh! Hi Yukio, nice to see you" he said as he waved at him.

{WC: 71}

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Walk in Suna[P,NK] Empty Re: Walk in Suna[P,NK]

Mon Jul 15, 2013 3:07 pm
Kenzo was surprised to find out that he was assigned so quickly into a team.Anyway it was a pleasure for him,and good luck,to meet his team mate in this kind of situation.It rarely happens maybe it never happened to anyone to meet his team mate while taking a walk like this.The other person cleaned itself after he bumped into kenzo telling that it was nice to meet him.It seems that this person wanted to go on a restaurant,his stomach growled so lough that surely Kenzo and Kojin could hear it."Yes,your stomach it scares me." 
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Walk in Suna[P,NK] Empty Re: Walk in Suna[P,NK]

Mon Jul 15, 2013 3:24 pm
Kojin laughed at Kenzo's comment. "Yea it kind of scares me too, why don't we see if we can get anything." he suggested. The boy then put a hand on his stomach. Now that he thought about it, he was kind of hungry as well. He started to look around the area, trying to find a place to get food at. "Uuh, do you guys know anywhere where we can eat? I don't see any." he asked. Not really one to go out much, he didn't know any places of the top of his head. Kojin might even treat all of them if he has enough ryo to pay for a meal.

{WC: 112}

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