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Walk in Suna[P,NK] - Page 2 Empty Re: Walk in Suna[P,NK]

Tue Jul 16, 2013 3:41 am
It seems that both of them were a little hungry still Yukio kinda scared Kenzo.Hearing Koijin the boy knew they had to go to the same restaurant in which he was the last day with a jonin.As they were walking Yukio told them that he was smelling something and after running she told them to keep up with him.Another thing that scared him."Hey i know a restaurant and it' close."Kenzo told to Yukio.Now Kenzo could only hope that they will not be needed to chase along her after some smell,when a restaurant was so close.  

Last edited by ExiledFaith on Tue Jul 16, 2013 2:13 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Walk in Suna[P,NK] - Page 2 Empty Re: Walk in Suna[P,NK]

Tue Jul 16, 2013 11:31 am
(OOC: LOL, Tudo, Yukio is a guy xD)

Kojin chuckled a bit when Yukio said he smelled pork. It made sense that he would, Inuzuka do have strong senses. He heard Kenzo say he knew a restaurant near by. "Well we can't really go to both places. If Yukio is okay with it, we can go to the restaurant you just suggested." he said. As fun as it sounded, Kojin didn't really want to be running after the Inuzuka in the sun. It might just burn up his energy since it was so hot out here. "What do you say Yukio? Do you want to go to the restaurant?" he asked. He didn't really care which one they choose, he would have to come either way.

{WC: 118}
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Walk in Suna[P,NK] - Page 2 Empty Re: Walk in Suna[P,NK]

Tue Jul 16, 2013 2:22 pm
"It would be better if Yukio would go directly at this restaurant with us.Is she member of any clan?"Kenzo asked not knowing that she was from the Inuzuka because of the way he smelled something so quickly in almost a few seconds.Still Kenzo decided that they must go at the restaurant and not to follow Yukio and to run after a random smell.Hearing that he asked Yukio,Kenzo hoped that Yukio will choose to go at the restaurant.
And with this Kenzo remained with the hope still following Yukio waiting to hear something and quickly as he was very hungry. 

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Walk in Suna[P,NK] - Page 2 Empty Re: Walk in Suna[P,NK]

Wed Jul 17, 2013 5:56 am
Kenzo listened Yukio finding out that the smell was from the restaurant and not from the desert,or in someone's house which was far away from their current location.Then Yukio knocks into a waiter provoking mass destruction.Fortunately none of them had to pay nothing for what happened,Kenzo not believing  this.Yesterday i was here with a jonin Xuro,and i payed with a large sum of money.So we can eat on the sum of money that i payed yesterday.Well you can take what you want."Kenzo told them after that he walked toward a table and took a seat.
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Walk in Suna[P,NK] - Page 2 Empty Re: Walk in Suna[P,NK]

Wed Jul 17, 2013 11:17 am
Kojin sweat dropped as Yukio bumped into a waiter. 'Oh man, I get a feeling this guy is really clumsy' he thought. Sighing, he then turned his head to Kenzo's direction. "Really? Take all we want? That's awesome, thanks a lot!" he replied. The boy quickly dashed to a seat at the table and started to decided on what he should eat. 'Hmm, maybe I should get some dango with riceballs. And then I could get some Grape Soda. Yep, that sounds good!' he thought. Kojin started looking around to see if there was a waiter coming to serve them. Or maybe the one that was supposed to serve the group... was the one Yukio bumped into? 'I really hope that isn't true' he thought.

{WC: 125}

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Walk in Suna[P,NK] - Page 2 Empty Re: Walk in Suna[P,NK]

Wed Jul 17, 2013 2:42 pm
Kenzo waited for someone to come and take their command hearing Koijin he had no problem with what he wanted to order.Even if the one who was supposed to take their order was the same waiter,if he would have a problem with what happened Kenzo would speak with him.Hearing Yukio what ordered he blocked for a few seconds not knowing what to say thinking how much that will cost."I will take just a bowl of rice and sushi."Hoping that all what they ordered will be enough and that he will not have any problems with money.  
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Walk in Suna[P,NK] - Page 2 Empty Re: Walk in Suna[P,NK]

Wed Jul 17, 2013 3:20 pm
Kojin heard all the food that Yukio wanted to order. 'Is he seriously going to be able to eat all that food?' he thought, 'His stomach must be a black hole if he can!'. Still looking around the restaurant, he finally saw their waiter come towards them and stop at the table with their food in his hand. As the waiter set their orders down on the table, the boy would reach out and grab his food. "Kenzo I think you might want to get yours quickly too. Don't want Yukio accidentally eating it, now do we?" he suggested with a laugh. He then started to eat his delicious food.

{WC: 110}

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