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Walk in Suna[P,NK] - Page 5 Empty Re: Walk in Suna[P,NK]

Sat Jul 20, 2013 3:07 am
"Not for a long time.I just got it recently."Kenzo responded  he was thinking that Koijin was really amazed that he had one but still this was just a spar even if Kenzo made it serious.After all he really wanted to win the match no matter but he wasn't going to hurt Yukio badly.At these kind of things Kenzo was thinking while he was sitting down resting while the fireball was going toward Yukio.After a few moments hearing Yukio he told him"Sorry this match got more intense and greater and i used a fireball.With what happened i think i won.Still if you want you can fight with Koijin now."Now the boy was waiting for an answer from Yukio not knowing what he might tell,still this fight was a great one even if it didn't lasted for too much time.In fact he won because of that fireball or else this fight could have continued until he would have ran out of chakra and then lose. 

Last edited by ExiledFaith on Sun Jul 21, 2013 5:07 am; edited 1 time in total
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Walk in Suna[P,NK] - Page 5 Empty Re: Walk in Suna[P,NK]

Sat Jul 20, 2013 11:51 am
Kojin laughed as Yukio tried to put out the fire on his head. "Haha, more like he barbequed it!" he exclaimed with a grin.  But he had to admit, what Yukio did was very clever. Making a hole for him to jump into, he could never think of something like that. After hearing what Kenzo said, the boy frowned a bit. 'Aw, it's already over? I thought fights lasted until one person was unable to continue' he thought. Dismissing the thought, Kojin shrugged and turned to Yukio. "Yea, if you still want to fight you can fight me. It's only if you still have some fight in you though" he said.

{WC: 112}

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Walk in Suna[P,NK] - Page 5 Empty Re: Walk in Suna[P,NK]

Mon Jul 22, 2013 12:21 am
Seeing Yukio the boy started running in the opposite direction.Yukio started throwing for the beginning one smoke bomb,Kenzo then knew it was the moment to use a technique he kept it hidden just in case something like this would even happen.Kenzo started weaving the handsings forming the next jutsu"Hidden Mist."Now that he mastered it,he wasn't going to need a water source now he was able to create the mist only from the moisture in the air.After a few seconds the mist was dense and thick,and it was going to become even more dense and thick.He started running toward Yukio,while his initial position was at 4 meters of Yukio now it was at only one meter of Yukio but Kenzo also did one clone and the clone walked to it's initial position and so shortly the clone was destroyed by Yukio's clones,maybe his opponent was still thinking  that Kenzo was at 4 meters of him or that was what Kenzo believed,then used another jutsu weaving the handsing"Starch Syrup Capture Field"Kenzo started expelling from his gullet a sticky liquid,this liquid started spreading,because Yukio was only at one meter of Kenzo he was catched in this sticky liquid as this liquid spreaded on a area of 25 meters.With this he throwed a kunai toward Yukio's leg,knowing that with the mist and the syrup he wasn't going to have any chances to escape.He would have got one way to escape if he was a genin or he had two important things,
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Walk in Suna[P,NK] - Page 5 Empty Re: Walk in Suna[P,NK]

Mon Jul 22, 2013 2:00 pm
Kojin focused on the continued battle before him. Yukio kept him impressed with all the moves he performed. He didn't really use the Bushin no Jutsu for something like that, but he just might. After all it was a really good idea. He was a bit confused when Kenzo performed a mist jutsu. 'How did he do that when there's no water?' he thought. The idea was definitely confusing to him. What surprised Kojin the most, however, was when Kenzo used a syrup jutsu! "W-wha? Someone actually made a syrup jutsu?!" he exclaimed while laughing.

The boy had to admit, it was an original jutsu though. While walking over to the syrup, he would put his index finger in his mouth and dip it in the sticky substance. He then put his finger back in his mouth. "Wow, this tastes really good!" he commented.

{WC: 145}

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Walk in Suna[P,NK] - Page 5 Empty Re: Walk in Suna[P,NK]

Wed Jul 24, 2013 12:18 am
Kenzo hearing Yukio started thinking that his attack wasn't succesful but he decided that now it wasn't the right moment to attack so Kenzo started walking out from the mist.In a few minutes he was out from the area with the mist and syrup,deciding to take a small break and at the same time to wait for Yukio.Kenzo was now planning his strategy,what he was supposed to do and what kind of jutsu should he use once Yukio finaly gets out of the mist and syrup.He didn't had any idea now,but for Kenzo this was a good situation. 
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Walk in Suna[P,NK] - Page 5 Empty Re: Walk in Suna[P,NK]

Wed Jul 24, 2013 12:34 am
Kojin has heard Yukio yell about the cut he got. Probably from a kunai Kenzo threw. He laughed as he said it was like a paper cut. "I don't think you should be comparing a kunai to paper" he said with a chuckle. He quickly dipped his finger in the syrup again, only picking up more this time. He put it into his mouth and grinned as he tasted the sweet sticky substance. 'Maybe I should ask Kenzo to do that jutsu more often..' he wondered. The boy then saw Kenzo walk out of the mist. He continued to focus on the battle before him, wondering what might happen next.

{WC: 110}

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