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Walk in Suna[P,NK] - Page 4 Empty Re: Walk in Suna[P,NK]

Wed Jul 17, 2013 7:08 pm
Kojin nodded as Kenzo explained what happens at the genin exams. "What he said is right, all you have to do is the basic 3 academy jutsu. Honestly, I think I passed the exams with flying colors!" he said. The boy tightened his Suna headband. Thinking about his genin exams makes it feel like the test was ages ago! He could never forget the excitement and happiness he felt. He was positive Yukio would feel the same way knowing him. Kojin then heard what Kenzo suggested. "Yea, that's a great idea! You guys could probably test your strength while you fight as well" he said.

He started to grin at the thought of seeing a fight, even if it was a friendly spar! "If you don't mind I'll be like a referee or something like that!" he exclaimed.

{WC: 139}

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Walk in Suna[P,NK] - Page 4 Empty Re: Walk in Suna[P,NK]

Thu Jul 18, 2013 2:59 am
Yukio was running toward the training area Kenzo slowly walking anyway they were going to find a place good for a spar so Kenzo didn't hurried.He was thinking what kind of techniques should he use knowing that those from Inuzuka are great opponents because of their jutsu so Kenzo was thinking how much jutsu and when should he use them in order to not remain without chakra.Looking at the Inuzuka the boy found out that he was going to use the four legged technique.Kenzo took a kunai too from his small bag and then waited looking at Yukio,thinking  how to better avoid every move of Yukio."Senju vs Inuzuka.A great match."
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Walk in Suna[P,NK] - Page 4 Empty Re: Walk in Suna[P,NK]

Thu Jul 18, 2013 11:29 am
While following the others, Kojin looked at both ninja. Kenzo might be more experienced and have a lot of jutsu, but Yukio has unpredictable and wild attacks. He couldn't wait to see the both of them battle. He was positive it was going to be awesome! "Oi, Yukio! You better win, or else I won't be able to fight you next!" he exclaimed. The boy could tell that even though Kenzo is already a genin, Yukio will be able to keep up with him. 'It looks like they're ready to start the spar now' he thought."Okay, on my signal you can start", Kojin said as he brought his hand up into the air.

 Double checking to make sure they were ready, he then brought his hand down and shouted, "You may begin!!". 'Wow, I am an amazing referee' he thought with a grin.

{WC: 145}

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Walk in Suna[P,NK] - Page 4 Empty Re: Walk in Suna[P,NK]

Fri Jul 19, 2013 4:17 am
As Yukio was rushing toward him Kenzo what thinking what he must do.Jutsu,or attack.In his fighting position Kenzo observed that his left ankle was vulnerable and that Yukio noted that too,in fact he believed was a great fighter.As Yukio approached Kenzo he jumped in the air barely avoiding to get hitted then Kenzo took out five Senbon and throwed them toward Yukio's hands  throwed five Senbon,toward his chest when Yukio's legs. .After that Kenzo landed on his legs and not knowing if his attacked was succesful he  asked Yukio keeeping the distance of one meter from him"Do you want that i to use a B rank jutsu?"He asked Yukio on a calm and respectful tone looking at Yukio taking out his katana from  it's sheat and holding it in both of his hands.
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Walk in Suna[P,NK] - Page 4 Empty Re: Walk in Suna[P,NK]

Fri Jul 19, 2013 1:12 pm
Kojin looked at their movements with a grin. This was great! No, it was amazing just as he expected. The boy didn't really get to watch fights much, most of the time he was the one doing the fighting. He watched as Kenzo dodged Yukio's attack at his ankle. It was good that the Inuzuka already noticed a flaw and went for it. He then saw Kenzo throw five senbon towards Yukio while he was in the air. For some reason, Kojin didn't really like senbon. It was like someone stabbing you with a needle, which is what they were doing.

He heard Kenzo ask if Yukio wanted him to use a B-rank. "Uh, are you sure that's a good idea? After all this is just a friendly match." he asked. This, however, wasn't his decision since the question was directed towards Yukio. He sighed and waited to see what would happen next.

{WC: 154}

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Walk in Suna[P,NK] - Page 4 Empty Re: Walk in Suna[P,NK]

Fri Jul 19, 2013 4:31 pm
"Of course it is  a friendly match,i was just asking."He told putting the scroll down preparing for his next move.Looking at Yukio he managed to avoid his attack,so the boy after all even without his dog he was a tough opponent.Yukio then asked Kenzo if he can fight blinded and in the next moment used smoke bombs to cover the area with smoke.Still Kenzo was wondering when Yukio will get tired,because that will be his chance of attacking and maybe winning.Kenzo put his right arm on the place where Yukio wanted to hit him,in the stomach,it was a pretty powerful punch.Kenzo started running on the opposite direction at a distance of 5 meters from Yukio then stopped and put the scroll down."Koijin,Yukio this is going to be serios."Kenzo started concentrating kneading chakra,after 10 seconds he formed a fireball with the help of the scroll.So he was at a distance of five meters from Yukio and the fireball was approaching with a great speed,clearing the smoke too.He was hoping that Yukio will not be hurt too bad.Maybe the Inuzuka will have some chances of avoiding,at least partialy a ball of fire at a distance of 5 meters which was going toward him. 
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Walk in Suna[P,NK] - Page 4 Empty Re: Walk in Suna[P,NK]

Fri Jul 19, 2013 5:49 pm
Kojin was impressed with the skill Yukio and Kenzo were showing. He would definitely need to fight with one of them someday for fun! He watched as Yukio filled the grounds with smoke. It was truly a great idea, concealing yourself so the enemy can't see you and then you strike. Though, he wasn't sure that it would work on Kenzo. And he was right, it didn't. The boy heard Kenzo say that it was going to be serious. 'I wonder what he means by that' he thought. Maybe he had a trick that was going to work on the Inuzuka? He really didn't know. Kojin then saw a giant fireball heading towards Yukio!

"W-wait! Kenzo, since when did you have a scroll!?" he exclaimed. However that didn't really matter at the moment. He just really wanted to see what Yukio was going to do about the fireball coming his way.

{WC: 152}
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