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Walk in Suna[P,NK] - Page 3 Empty Re: Walk in Suna[P,NK]

Wed Jul 17, 2013 1:39 pm
In just a few minutes the waiter came and bringed what they ordered still not believing that Yukio was going to eat so many food.Hearing Koijin Kenzo  really thinked at this and didn't laughed because he could remain without food and remain without the option to order something again."Man this is  not funny."He told to Koijin while eating,while he was eating Kenzo was looking at Yukio and the way in which the food was eated,it was like the food was dissapearing slowly but surely.Then in the boy's  mind came an idea and he asked Yukio"You are from the Inuzuka clan?"
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Walk in Suna[P,NK] - Page 3 Empty Re: Walk in Suna[P,NK]

Wed Jul 17, 2013 2:51 pm
After finishing his food except the soda, Kojin stared at Yukio in shock. 'Man, I was right! This guy is definitely a black hole!' he thought. He hasn't seen anyone eat that much food before! It was truly amazing to him. But the real question was, where did it all go? While drinking what was left of his soda, the boy heard Kenzo ask if Yukio was an Inuzuka. "Oh, yea he is. You don't even need to ask him, the way he acts is enough to tell." he replied, "And I heard your from the Senju clan. Is that really true?".

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Walk in Suna[P,NK] - Page 3 Empty Re: Walk in Suna[P,NK]

Wed Jul 17, 2013 3:09 pm
Koijin was right after the way Yukio acted you could tell very easily that he was an Inuzuka but he didn't figured that until recently when Yukio ordered food in a large cantity."Yes it's true i am a Senju."He replied to Koijin,Kenzo wasn't the type of person to speak more then necesarry.Hearing Yukio Kenzo looked at him for a few seconds not laughing and told to Yukio"Even if i am a Senju those from the Uciha are serious fighters.The Sharingan is what makes them powerful without it they would have been just a normal clan.Maybe in the future someone will collect the Sharingan and use those eyes for the sake of Suna.In fact i hope that this will happen in a few years,who knows we will wait to  see.And Yukio i've heard about those from the Inuzuka clan,they are great fighters.Wait a second where is your dog?I mean those from the Inuzuka have a dog as a partner if i am right."He told them seriously then asked Yukio,Kenzo's dream was to have his own ANBU faction so in the future if his dream would become reality Kenzo would  try to collect the Sharingan.Even if Yukio was eating too much Kenzo truly considered that Yukio was a great fighter.
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Walk in Suna[P,NK] - Page 3 Empty Re: Walk in Suna[P,NK]

Wed Jul 17, 2013 3:21 pm
After hearing Yukio's joke, it caused Kojin to laugh a little bit. "I guess selling Kenzo would give us a nice amount of money. Maybe enough to pay for the amount of food you ate!" he exclaimed. He then thought about what Kenzo said. Using the Sharingan for the sake of Suna? He does have to admit the Uchiha were a powerful clan with those eyes of theirs. Still if you were to collect the eyes, doesn't that mean you would have to take it from them? If so, Kojin disagrees with the idea, even if it was for the good of Suna.

"Yea, Inuzuka are supposed to have dogs as partners. Don't you get one once you become a genin?" the boy asked.

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Walk in Suna[P,NK] - Page 3 Empty Re: Walk in Suna[P,NK]

Wed Jul 17, 2013 3:50 pm
Hearing Yukio it seems that Koijin was right,Yukio was going to have his dog as partner after becoming a genin and Kenzo was thinking that maybe Yukio will become a genin in just one day like he did,afte he waited 3 years."I'm sorry Yukio i don't have any money."He told hoping that Yukio will not start eating something or that the owner of the restaurant will not sent a paper to his father,the leader of the senju clan,to pay for what they eated.Kenzo was thinking what could happen now looking closely at Yukio,after he eated so much he still wanted to eat something,even if it was about desert.   
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Walk in Suna[P,NK] - Page 3 Empty Re: Walk in Suna[P,NK]

Wed Jul 17, 2013 4:29 pm
Kojin felt a bit bad for Yukio. He must be very eager to get is companion to fight along side with. "Well, how about when you become genin, I will have a match with you and your dog! I think it would be pretty fun, and yea I think I want some desert as well." he replied. After hearing what Kenzo said he chuckled a bit. 'He must be saying that since he doesn't want to pay so much money' the boy thought. "Then I guess no desert. I'll go ahead and wait at the entrance for you guys" he said. Coming out of his seat, Kojin did as he said and waited in the shade at the door of the restaurant.

{WC: 122}

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Walk in Suna[P,NK] - Page 3 Empty Re: Walk in Suna[P,NK]

Wed Jul 17, 2013 4:50 pm
"As you wish." Kenzo told to Koijin after he  followed them to the entrace of the restaurant answering Yukio's questions."It was a great moment for me what can i say.No,i just had to do 3 jutsu then i received my headband and with that i became a genin.And Yukio what do you say about a fight?If i win you don't gain your desert,but if you win you will get your desert and also something else."He told to Yukio waiting for an answer,even if this was going to be a friendly spar in the case that Yukio would accept he will fight seriously.After all he was the son of the leader of Senju clan in Sunagakure so he could pay for what Yukio would eat,if Yukio will win.
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