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Demetri Kaguya <3
Demetri Kaguya <3
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Time to Himself. Empty Time to Himself.

Thu Sep 05, 2013 7:13 pm
Noon. The sun was directly overhead the boy as he was dropped off by Navi Yamki, The Hokage, at the Gates of the Village he now called Home. But it didn't feel like home something was off he felt as though he was Missing something but couldn't quite tell what that was right now. The full force of seeing Hisaos Dead body now coming over him he felt it would be better if he moved to a more disclosed location as to not have any unwanted interruptions or deaths on his hands. He would first go and gather some supplies for an extened stay in the mountains The young Uchiha thought of what he would need. 'Food, Water, and things to hunt and make fire with just incase.' Headed back to his house he grabbed a couple canisters of water that he would reuse if need be along with some dry goods such as things to make bread with along with a little seasoning, 'why not have good food?' he thought to himself his eyes taking on a look of death as things began to fall into place for him, he grabbed a hand full of meat that would stay good on his trip. He looked around and grabbed a few pots Forks Spoons Knives and a few bottles of Milk and headed off to the Raikage's Office.

He would make it there with good time as he knew where it was, the Kage buildings had become something Hikarishi memorized when he went to a new village so that he would never truly be lost, He would walk inside and knock on the door, that is if no Anbu stopped him first. He would await entrance and if Misaki did grant it to him he would open the door. The first thing she would see was how he was dressed. Starting from the head down he wore his new headband which was black and had both the Kumogakure and the Leafs symbol on it that went Leaf Kumo Leaf. His Chest area consited of his Full Chunnin Gear, some from Kumo and some from Leaf, under which he wore his Genjutsu Armor and Metal enforced shirt, Along with his pants. His feet wear consited of only the boots Fenese. On his back he wore his Heavans sorrow ninjato and on his side was the holster for his Kunai. He held his special sunglasses from the Leaf in his hand and had no Dojutsu Active. In his other hand was the bag of provsions he would be taking with him on his journey if the Raikage let him go, and even then he may leave depending on what Misaki had to say.
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Time to Himself. Empty Re: Time to Himself.

Thu Sep 05, 2013 8:29 pm
The sun would of been shining through the new designed windows as the young kage was looking through these windows. Her mind in deep thought as her legs would of been crossed as she sat in her chair. The whole office looked different as it was redesigned with white carpet and cabinets that filled both left and right walls. A light was shined from the room as now new white couches sat facing one another. The one single door was replaced by double doors. She made the office as she visioned when her father was in power.Misaki is a well-endowed female with long, flowing, wavy scarlet hair with an elegant, loosely tied knot at the back, Misaki wears a very provocative outfit comprising of a revealing, halter-type armor breastplate top, that leaves much of her cleavage and stomach exposed, with light-armored gauntlets and greaves on her forearms and forelegs, respectively, as well as her thighs. She also wears a dark bikini bottom with a piece of cloth obscuring her hips. She wears a dark scarf around her neck. Her hands were cupped together as they rest on her lap as she would of closed her eyes. The back mark on her left hand would be in view as it was a mark Navi gave her.

Anbu would not stop the boy from approaching as they nodded there heads in approval. Her senses would pick up on Hikairishi chakra as she smiled"So he made it back,that was pretty fast"she would say to herself as she hear the knock on her door. Snapping her fingers two girls would open the double doors to grant the boy entry to the new designed office.Turning around in her chair to face him she will smile"Welcome back how was your trip in Konoha Hikarishi"she would ask the voy looking at his new attire at that moment especially the headband."So i take it you got te headband custom made well crafted i must say,are you trying to go elsewhere?"she asked noticing how the boy was carrying around things. Then remembering what he just went through she wasn't te best at comforting anyone but she tries but this time she will remain silent on the subject."I noticed how you are dressed and carrying extra things"she woukd say putting why she asked her previous question. She woukd get up and walk to her cabinet grabbing a 40 oz bottle of Jack and walking towards Hikarishi as she would hand it to him hoping he take it"Take this make you taste the rainbow daddy's version tho"she couldn't help but giggle at those words.
Demetri Kaguya <3
Demetri Kaguya <3
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Time to Himself. Empty Re: Time to Himself.

Fri Sep 06, 2013 12:18 am
Hikarishi had not even made it to the door when it was swung open and he was permitted entrance. He took in the new office with white couches and some cabinets it looked amazing what she had turned the place into."looks good in here." he said before Misaki inquired about how he enjoyed his time and even committed on his new headband. "My head band was stolen from me by some girl while i was in the sorry for allowing that to happen Lady Raikage." he said as he took in a breathe and prepared for the next part. "As for my did not go well i was attacked by the girl, at least i would say it was her, and was robbed of my headband. I met a boy name Inijo who is part of this village and had started a spar with him but had to leave quickly after it began. I went to see my sister and was not allowed to find her and was thrown from the hospital where she was.....all and all it was a very bad welcome home...I was wondering if i would be permitted a leave of Absence for a few weeks so that i can get my head straight i probably won't go further than the borders of the countries and may stay as close as the Mountain ranges here either way i need space right now." he said answering her in turn for each of her questions.

By the time he had finished Misaki had grabbed a bottle of Jack Daniels and offered it to him. "Thank you." He said as he took the bottle and smiled slightly at the giggle that escaped her lips as she finished speaking. "Is there any paperwork that we need to do before i leave out?" he asked as he slid the bottle of Jack into his bag.
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Time to Himself. Empty Re: Time to Himself.

Fri Sep 06, 2013 3:18 am
She would of been listening intently to the worlds of Hikarishi as he explained about his visit to leaf. She had to make note to ask,Navi Yamaki for Hikarishi to get visitation to his sister when they return to leaf. Hearing and pondering when he said he was attacked she will have to look into that very soon and what better way to do that then going to her uncle."Don't worry Hikarishi we will make sure you see your sister i promise you that"she says encourgingly as she smiled. She knew the boys pain as she lost her mother when she was young and lost her sister recently ythe pain is just to great for anyone to carry alone."Please accept my Condolences for your friend Hikarishi"she will finally bring herself too say. "If it's time you need very wellyou have my permission but for safe keeping i will have to keep a eye on you"she said as she thought of Athena who rested in the mountians. Looking towards one of her Anbu she couldn't let him get attacked again,she will keep him under her watch for now on."No need i will fill out all paperwork needed so go o  the sun will be etting soon"she woild say as she attemots to place her hand on his shoulder.

"We live in a time of war and suffering,but we lose sometimes so ething we can't move on from,but even the strongest of shinobi show sorrow doesn't mean were weak,but its up to us to get stronger for those we lost remember that Hikarishi you are a good kid stay pure as you are"she would say as she looked towards him in his eyes. She would walk back at her desk as she would sit and stamp a piece of paper"This here is a permit to travel and exit the gates it will only be able to be seen by you and those at the gates of anyone else not of this village it is a blank piece of paper"she would explain as she slides ot on the desk"Take it and enjoy the week you have....going toneed you to report backas soon as ot's over"she would of finished.
Daemon Yuki
Daemon Yuki
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Time to Himself. Empty Re: Time to Himself.

Fri Sep 06, 2013 1:05 pm
Misaki put her hand on his shoulder as she said they would make sure he got to see his sister again and that she was sorry that his friend had died Tears almost started to fall from his face as a new feeling entered his head 'Love? but Compassion.' he thought as he looked at the ground. He heard Misaki say something about him being watched while he was gone. "Thank you." He said as Misai began talking again about The time we live and sorrow doesnt make you weak. In a way he knew that but he still didnt want to loose it again in front of people so much stronger than him instead he would do it while he was in the moutains and thanks to Misaki Drunk. He took the paper and found it odd the way it worked but he put it in his pocket all the same. "Ill be back in a week then." He said as he formed A single hand seal and was gone from the room in a puff of smoke, Using Body flicker to get around had become one of his favorite things.

He would appear at the front door of the Kages Building and open it stepping back out into the Village. Looking around he would head towards a shop to buy a few things before he headed out to the mountains for his Visit with himself.

[Exit TWC=1012 So 10Jp and 5 stats also Requesting 1012 Goes to Tenshi No Hikari Mastery.]
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Time to Himself. Empty Re: Time to Himself.

Tue Sep 10, 2013 1:32 am
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