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Stat Page : The Plague
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Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 134237

Taking in the scenery  Empty Taking in the scenery

Fri Dec 06, 2013 7:30 pm
Youka couldn't believe how big the inside of this village was, he had just been allowed entrance not to long ago and the thought of seeing everything this place had to offer was daunting to say the least. As he continued to walk and pass by the slew of villagers busing around him he just hummed a catholic hymn, there were so many people it was completely different from the convent, he was used to 3 or 4 people walking by him but this was just astounding.

He was getting hungry though and he didn't know the layout of the village, maybe someone could point him to the direction of a tasty meal.
Demetri Kaguya <3
Demetri Kaguya <3
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Taking in the scenery  Empty Re: Taking in the scenery

Sat Dec 07, 2013 1:40 am
The young boy, Hikarishi Uchiha, had happened to be walking around the village when he saw a familiar face in the crowd. Stopping to make sure it was indeed who he thought it was and smiled as he walked up to him. "Yo whats going on with you?" he asked as he walked towards the priest Youka. Hikarishi had been in the village for a while now and knew the layout well enough that if the man needed help finding anything he could point the way.

[lol up for some training? as i dont think a spar will do to well right now xD but if you want we can train togather run laps or something]
Stat Page : The Plague
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Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 134237

Taking in the scenery  Empty Re: Taking in the scenery

Sat Dec 07, 2013 10:30 am
Youka hearing a familiar voice turned to face the young man who he had recently met near the mountains and breathed a sigh of relief "Oh god thank you for sending me a guiding angel in my time of need" he yelled to the heavens as he reached to hug the man if he would let him. "I've just been granted entrance here and i'm quite lost,but how are you friend" Youka also couldn't pass up a chance to learn a little bit more from Hikarishi now that he was here, maybe if he asked the man would show him his training regiment and they could train together.

Completely forgetting about his hunger Youka clasped his hands together and showed a sincere smile "Could I possibly bother you as well for maybe a training session with you, I can offer prayer and absolvement of sins as compensation since I am rather broke at the moment"
Demetri Kaguya <3
Demetri Kaguya <3
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Taking in the scenery  Empty Re: Taking in the scenery

Sat Dec 07, 2013 10:14 pm
Hikarshi smiled as the boy screamed out something about god sending him an angel in his time of need and he reached to hug him. Hikarishi would return the hug a bit awkwardly though as he listened to the boy begin to talk once again. "Im good and glad you have been given entrance to my village." He said as he looked at the boy. "A training session...Well i could always use the training but as for the absolveing of my sins.....what i have done can not be erased now." he said as he turned to lead the boy to the training grounds. "Tell me what is it that you want to train?" He asked the man as they neared the fields that would be used for the training of what he would need as well.

The fields were open with not many woods around them a few target stumps stood for kunai practice but that was about it the field was dirt with very few patches of grass here and there, but as Hikarishi walked flowers began to grow on the field these flowers held bits of Chakra in them but would do no harm they would simply grow some were yellow some were blue others red and purple, He walked into the field and turned to face Youka to see his response to his.

He wore his normal attire of his Chunnin gear and Genjutsu clothes under neath with his special one way glasses that hid the activation of his Eternal Mangekyo Sharingan from other doujutsu users by having chakra run over the film of the glasses. The smile on his face was genuine this time around as he thought he had someone he could teach that would be worth while in this world of blood and war.

[using a MS jutsu i just bought in this topic with Permission from Youka.]

Stat Page : The Plague
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Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 134237

Taking in the scenery  Empty Re: Taking in the scenery

Sat Dec 07, 2013 10:38 pm
As the man returned the hug Youka let out a sigh because he finally found someone that he could talk to,"all sins can be forgiven friend, you just have to be true in your request" Youka paused he didn't want him to think he was pressing his beliefs on him."I'm sorry Hikarishi my calling sometimes gets ahead of me".

"As far as what I would like to train just let me shadow you friend today I will be your student". As they walked into a field Youka could smell the fresh scent of newly bloomed flowers and as he looked down towards the ground there were different vibrantly colored flowers scattered everywhere. They were growing as Hikarishi was walking, it was an amazing sight that drew Youka's full attention for some reason he couldn't turn away.
Demetri Kaguya <3
Demetri Kaguya <3
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Taking in the scenery  Empty Re: Taking in the scenery

Sat Dec 07, 2013 11:01 pm
He had nothing really in paticulat that he had wanted to train but still Hikarishi could think of a few things that he could work on with him. Looking out in front of him he exucuted a cool Rather cool Jutsu 'The Tree of Life.' It had been born in the eyes of Kuro and passed on to Hikarishi when they traded eyes. It would be as it formed that Youka would see what it was in front of him grew a Fire red tree, the color almost shifting like real fire would with Orange and yellow red and hints of white in it, with blue veins running along it. The tree grew up to the height of 100 meters and 10 meters in width. At the top of this tree grew a fruit the size of an apple "Ok then." he said as another tree formed next to the first one "Get me that fruit!" he said as he pointed at the first tree with a devious smile on his face. "OH AND WHEN YOU GET UP THERE DONT EAT THE DAMN THING!" he yelled out after the man would start his climb.

[Ok simple enough here....You are to climb the tree to reach the top i want 500 words which can be split into different post but keep in mind each post will cost you 10 chakra! GO GO GO]
Stat Page : The Plague
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Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 134237

Taking in the scenery  Empty Re: Taking in the scenery

Sun Dec 08, 2013 12:01 am
This man continued to amaze Youka every time he moved, He didn't know what the man had done or how he had made it so, but from what Youka could tell a tree had started to grow in the general vicinity of where the man was looking. Youka couldn't tell if his theory was right because Hikarishi was wearing a pair of shades and also his back was turned to him, he would have to ask how this technique worked later on but for now he stood in awe. As the tree continued to grow Youka didn't believe it would stop but the height of it all wasn't the attracting feature it was the many bright colors and hews of red it went though as if fire was running through the tree keeping it alive with blue lines running through the center. This..whatever it was, was amazing "Bless me father" the priest mumbled to himself as he stared up at the final height. The tree had grown and had to be anywhere between 90 to 110 meters tall, it was hard to judge the actual distance of it seeing as he was staring straight up at the enormous structure.

He barely caught on to the end of what Hikarishi had said, something about going up to the top and something had to come down was all he needed to hear bringing his cross as usual to his lips he uttered a silent prayer and kissed the red jewel held in the middle of the golden cross. "All i have to do is climb this tree, doesn't sound too hard friend" he said through a sarcastic smile as he walked towards the tree "I'll make it in one go" as he said that while still walking forward he healed up the sign for victory with his left hand". Youka bounded towards the tree focusing his chakra to the bottom of his feet which had become easy for him due to his previous training in this very same thing. As he attached himself to the tree and began running up at a complete vertical he decided to stop and gloat a little "Is this really training me Hi.." before he could finish he felt a little weak in the legs as if, no it wasn't an as if this tree WAS absorbing his chakra. He pushed more chakra into his feet but slipped up as he applied more chakra to his right foot causing the connection to become unstable and he lost footing, luckily there was a branch close to where he could reach out for it.

As he caught hold of the branch with his right hand he pushed off the tree in that direction to complete the two hand grab and pulled himself up into the tree which he thought was a lot better than hitting the ground "Very funny Hika!" he shouted trees that drained chakra were no fun but he continued the climb, bounding through the tree and climbing branches was actually a little bit more work than he had liked to admit. Not only was the tree insanely tall but also it was sapping his chakra while he was doing this, as he made it more than halfway up the tree with his surface walking technique he decided to make one final push of running straight up the tree to get this over with he might need to reserve his chakra if his trainer had anymore tricks like this up his sleeve. While running up he had to doge the branches and leaves that would have surely smacked him in the head had he not dodged as he finally made it to the very top of the tree he stopped and sat on a branch to take a breather.

"Now what was I supposed to do up here, just come back down I think, Ah no a fruit!" that would have been bad if he would have forgotten the whole reason for him being up there. As he looked back and forth he finally saw to his left an apple or so he thought it was dangling from the highest branch, as he scooted over to grab it it looked pretty tasty as well and this climb had made him hungry "I'm a man of morals and even if no one can see me my god can still see me and theft is wrong" he put the fruit in the front of his shirt and began his decent. Of course going down was easier than going up and he had seen the best route for travel he began his travel down the god forsaken tree, he would make sure that Hikarishi got a earful of this.

It only took him about 10 minutes to reach the ground level, he reached into his pocket and tossed the fruit using a under hand method towards Hika before plopping on the ground in a sitting position "Next" he said smiling up at him.

(TWC 834)
Demetri Kaguya <3
Demetri Kaguya <3
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Taking in the scenery  Empty Re: Taking in the scenery

Sun Dec 08, 2013 1:07 am
As the tree formed Youka quietly said "Bless me father." as the tree reached its total height. "Yep thats all there is to it...." He told the man leaving out the part of it sucking his chakra from him. He watched as the man began his climb, and as he paused to say "Is this really training Hi..." That had to be when he found out what the tree was doing. It was then that the boy made a mad dash up the tree dodging branches as he did. It wasnt long before he made it to the top of the tree and sat down for a minute as he grabbed the fruit, a good thing he didnt eat it as it would have poisoned him, before he began to head back down the tree. It would be here that Hikarishi would begin his own form of training, he formed a few clones a feat which wouldnt take long. After said clones were made he would have them attack him, with no weapons fist only, Hoping to be able to harden his body so the hits he would take later on would not hurt as much.

This went on the whole time that Youka was heading down the tree, he would dodge some attacks here and there while getting kicked in the face by the other clones using this to learn how to read body language at the same time. It would be as the man finished his decent that he would dodge both clones and hit them making them turn into nothing. The fruit was retrieved and the tree was beginning to die now, turning black at a rapid pace before be nothing but a dull hull of what it used to be. Youka sat down adn looked at him while smiling asking what was next. "Well..." Hikarishi said as he looked back at the now dying tree, as he caught the fruit and put it in his pouch, As he looked at the a fore mentioned tree it burst into flames of black and began to burn getting rid of the tree once and for all, this would be done by closing his unseen right eye and then firing the black flames just above the sunglasses so as not to damage them in any way if at all possible. Once the flames had done their job, a matter of moments, he would continue with his statement. "Well now with that fruit obtained lets begin a little speed course. We will run, i will keep pace with you, as fast as you can around the training field then out of it and back to where we met be sure not to hit anyone or break in item in the bazaar." He said as he began his stretch.

[Ok now we up the Ante a bit...700, i know not a whole lot but meh, of running the course when you post give me a WC to post with as well and we will go from their.]

Stat Page : The Plague
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Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 134237

Taking in the scenery  Empty Re: Taking in the scenery

Sun Dec 08, 2013 11:46 pm
Youka gave up on trying to understand anything about these strange techniques Hika used first he was growing trees and a moment later he is burning them down it was baffling to say the least, not only were they burning but they burned a black fire. He didn't know if this was just how the tree acted normally or if it was another jutsu the man used, he wouldn't ask it wasn't important he would just catalog what little info he did have. "So Hika if you don't mind me asking, You said earlier this is your village what exactly is it that you do here?" he asked, Youka knew nothing of how these things were run and if he was to visit another town someday he would like to know what was proper and in proper to do.

Hikarishi had said they would go running through the village and pretty much end back where they first met for the finish line and after he had finished had begun stretching to warm up, Youka decided to follow suit as well he would hate to catch a charlie horse or a cramp in his legs that would be pretty embarrassing he thought. "Hey Hika if you don't mind I don't want to lose you if we get into a crowd of people as well so i'm going to follow your chakra signature as best as I can". Youka activated his chakra senses to sense out Hika's trail which wasn't hard seeing as he was standing right in front of him and no one else was around in the vicinity of his field of perception, hopefully he didn't lose him as they began traveling through the streets but he hoped as time passed with them together he could differentiate his chakra from everyone else. As he finally locked on to Hika hes was ready to start their speed run through the village.

After they finished their stretching Youka was ready, even though he figured his speed wouldn't even touch what his friend could max out at he would give it all he had and with that he took off. As he ran out from the training area he had been led to by Hika he was headed for the center of the village he kept a moderate pace at first to ensure his breathing was centered and on point as he made his way in to what he could only assume was a food district of the village his stomach started to growl, he still hadn't eaten and needed the energy but he bit his tounge and kept running forward now was not the time to think about food. As he was running past people who he could read their expressions on their faces as if they were asking themselves who was the crazy man running through the crowds for no reason. He could also make out their chakra signatures as he passed by but everyone was just a mass of chakra not really anything discernible about them, he could only read his pratners chakra for the huge amount that it was but he still needed more time to actually be able to tell it was him just by sensing it.

As he rounded a corner there was a man carrying a few ceramic pots in both his hands also not paying attention to where he was going or didn't have the capability of looking and carrying, whichever it was it almost ended badly for the both of them as youka had to quickly hope over after putting his weight on his left leg to propel him to the right he still needed to perform a spinning maneuver to completely clear the moving obstacle without incident. He could see the finish line or what he thought was the finish line hopefully everything looked the same to him in this village. The crowds were getting more dense as he made his running pattern through what was he assumed the trading district of sorts. He had to duck and weave to get in between some of the crowds almost running over a few little children that were standing stationary. Making it to the finish line slightly out of breath from the tree climbing and now this he kneeled over to catch his breath "You sure know how to be mean Hika" He said playfully. "I'm enjoying this!"

(TWC 1974, WC 733 go ahead and do the same amount 700)
Ryuk Uzumaki
Ryuk Uzumaki
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Taking in the scenery  Empty Re: Taking in the scenery

Thu Dec 12, 2013 5:16 pm
Hikarishi was just in the middle of bringing his left leg up and bent behind his back, as to strecth it, when the boy asked him what it was he did here in the village. "Well im a ninja so i run a few missions here and there and watch the village for intruders." he said feeling as though he had failed on both of those aspects of his 'job' as a ninja. "not to much to do just basic things like dont kill the other villagers and such." he stated thinking of one thing he had been able to do in his short time here. He would set his leg down and look at the man and smile slightly "all right lets get going." he spoke as Youka said he would follow his chakra signature. "cool with me." he told him as he started jogging after the boy was ready. "Tell me did you have a good life where you came from Youka?" the much younger Uchiha asked as he 'ran', it was more of a walk to him than anything, with the boy. He would listen to what the boy had to say and keep his pace, not having to worry about fatigue really as he was used to moving much faster for further distances than this, they rounded the corner and into part of the mountains that led back to the village. As he ran flowers would begin to grow behind him where his feet touched the ground and they would continue to grow until they reached the village where they would break back down into chakra and return to him.

the path twisted and turned before leading back into the village which was flooded with people at this point in the day. The gates where they entered at would have two gaurds who knew Hikarishi pretty well and allowed access to both him and Youka with no question as they went by. The run would be over here shortly and Hikarishi was running out of things to do for training at this point, his mind went back to the tree that was waiting in the training grounds he would go back later of it. They came into the food district of the city and the place smelled of all kinds of spices and ramen, among other foods like bento and steak, inhaling deeply and closing his eyes he heard the mans stomach growl. He seemed to keep moving on ignoring the smells of the place as he moved on through, 'so he at least has some willpower.' he thought to him self as he saw this act. Youka performed a graceful dodge around a man carrying ceramics as he made it to the end of the run. "nice dodge." he said before Youka told him he knew how to be mean. "Oh you should have met navi know he has a mission out to cut the training feilds grass in the leaf village with a pair of scissors and a ruler...not to mention he is the kage and had me and two other team mates spar him." he said reminiscing back to the days when Hisao was still alive and before he got these cursed eyes of his.

"Tell me more of your home sounds different growing up in a convent than a ninja village." he said wondering more about the mans past and what led him to leave to travel the ninja world. He would listen to the mans story and take in all that he could. "how about some lunch?" he asked as he walked the man back towards the food district. "let me know what you feel like eating today its my treat for your work." he said rewarding his, if only for today, stundent. Hopefully the man, youka, would decide to eat as Hikarishi was feeling a bit hungry as well at this point in the day. He would take the boy to were it was he wanted to eat at and sit down while ordering a glass of tea while he looked over the menu to decide what it was that he wanted to eat.

[wc for this post is 700]
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