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Demetri Kaguya <3
Demetri Kaguya <3
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Taking in the scenery  - Page 5 Empty Re: Taking in the scenery

Sun Jan 12, 2014 1:49 am
"I cant promise fun all the time but the adventure should be worth it." He said as he closed his eyes and brought them back to the normal black state they were naturally. "Alright then...i just need to talk to Misaki and get some more money before we leave." he said everything seeming fine when beside the man appeared the visage of Hisao.

"You like him dont think he will replace Me....Dont even think that with out me you would be stuck as you were before weak and useless." Hisao spoke the man unable to hear him.

Hikarishi would ignore him for now hoping that getting a different stage of eyes would have made him go away but to no avail it appeared.

"YOU CANT GET RID OF ME HIKARISHI......" Hisao yelled as he walked up to Hikarishi and shoved his hand through his head.

"MOTHER....." He yelled as he hit the ground grabbing his head his face shown with pure pain and nothing more. It was there he writhed on the ground as the torment of Hisao continued on with kicks and punches that, unknown to him, he was letting effect him. His eyes changed back into his new power and stayed there as the kicking continued to happen.
Stat Page : The Plague
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Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 134237

Taking in the scenery  - Page 5 Empty Re: Taking in the scenery

Sun Jan 12, 2014 1:59 am
"As long as the adventure is worth it then, I'll follow you" he would say standing up and patting the dirt off his backside. As Youka was standing he noticed that Hika had stopped talking and seemed slightly distracted before something weird happened. Hika screamed out as if something was attacking him before he fell to the ground, thinking someone might be attacking them Youka sent out his chakra senses. He didn't feel anyone else close to them, rushing over to Hika's side he would place his left hand on the boys body to stabilize him from rolling around so much. "Snap out of it friend, what's wrong, there's nothing here" he would say while holding him still.
Demetri Kaguya <3
Demetri Kaguya <3
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Taking in the scenery  - Page 5 Empty Re: Taking in the scenery

Sun Jan 12, 2014 2:18 am
"Dont listen to him....ill always be here in the back of you mind." Hisao said as He dissipated just as Youka ran through his "Body".

Hikarishi opened his eyes a look of fear on his face for a split second as he just nodded his head before speaking. "As i said i need to talk to my Kage about this first....but for now im ready to go home." He said as he formed a single hand seal and Poof he was gone.

At his house Hiakrishi laid on his bed with his eyes closed. 'Its getting worse.....I need help.' he thought to himself as he drifted off to sleep.

[EXIT TWC=5696 28stats and 56jp please.]
Stat Page : The Plague
Remove Iryōjutsu Ninjutsu Remove Jikūjutsu Default
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Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 134237

Taking in the scenery  - Page 5 Empty Re: Taking in the scenery

Sun Jan 12, 2014 2:34 am
Hika said something about talking to his leader before they left to which Youka just nodded to. But with that he dissapeared to where Youka knew not. But it had been a long day and he needed to retire as well and begin prepping for a trip and with that he walked back the way he was brought to reach the village again
(TWC 7443 stats +37 stats +74 JP)
Demetri Kaguya <3
Demetri Kaguya <3
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Taking in the scenery  - Page 5 Empty Re: Taking in the scenery

Sun Jan 12, 2014 2:36 am
[Aprovving youka]
Xuro Bakuton
Xuro Bakuton
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Taking in the scenery  - Page 5 Empty Re: Taking in the scenery

Tue Jan 14, 2014 6:27 am
approved at last!
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