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Stat Page : The Plague
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Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 134237

Taking in the scenery  - Page 2 Empty Re: Taking in the scenery

Mon Dec 16, 2013 9:48 am
Listening to Hika explain explain his duties Youka didn't feel as if it would be that hard to be a part of a village if that was what he wanted to do, but of course those were not his plans. He laughed when the man said pretty much as long as you didn't kill people in the village everything was fine, Youka smiled at that comment and the tentacles wormed around in his body at the excitement of hearing the words about killing. As they started their run Hika agreed to allow him to follow his chakra signature which would be helpful in identifying him if they were ever in the same vicinity again which he assumed would be likely, he had already ran into twice in a few days. Hika had asked about Youka's life and if it was good where he was from, there was a brief moment of sorrow in the mans eyes as that was the only part of his face he could control, the smile was permanently engraved on his face.

"I did have a good life...for a time" he was still smiling but a slight tear rolled down his cheek on the opposite side of Hika, he hoped that he didn't have x-ray vision and could see the tear. Youka wiped his cheek and moved up to his forehead so it would seem that he was wiping sweat from his forehead. He could definitely tell that the young man was drastically decreasing his speed in order to keep in rhythm with Youka and as they were running Youka turned back to see how far they had went and again the flowers were growing and it seemed like they were coming from Hika. He didn't understand what kind of technique it was "this is the second time i'm seeing these flowers Hika, what exactly are you using to make this happen" he would ask intrigued.

The guards just nodded when they saw the two men running towards the village, he assumed it was because he was with someone from the village that they didn't stop them or attack on site. Hika had said "nice dodge" seeing Youka almost hit the ceramics carrier "thanks" he would say as they were nearing the end of the run they had started. As they finished their run Hika had told him of his Kage and how he had made a mission where they had to cut grass with tiny scissors and a ruler  "That does seem rather mean and unusual, how many people have actually taken that mission and passed" he would ask. Hika had said he had also made people fight him " Is your kage strong" he would ask as they started walking.

"My home is really nothing to talk about, I was dropped off by my family and left there or so I was told from the father that practically adopted me" he thought of his "father" as he told Hika of his past. "It was a very nice place everyone was very friendly to me and taught me all I know today from all the prayers I've learned" clutching his cross in one hand and touching the blue sash wrapped around his waist with the other "These were gifts given to me by my adoptive father slightly before he was killed in front of me and all of my other family" Youka looked up to the sky picturing everyone in his mind. "I was taken as a war trophy as the last survivor of my group and they forced me to learn all their mannerisms, thats why I have this smile on my face" He said while pointing towards it. "They didn't talk at all during the 5 years they had me captive and they used sign language and grunts to communicate" He said. Youka again was deeply smiling as he thought of killing the leader of the group and the look on his face as all the blood was spattered over himself and the surroundings.

Youka rolled up his sleeve showing Hika the scar he had gotten from when the leader had stabbed him with a knife "I got this from when I....escaped from the compound they had captured me in" it was a slightly bigger scar that had never healed completely. Youka still didn't know if he was going to be able to trust this man fully and tell him the honest truth about his past and maybe about what he was now. But that all left his mind when Hika mentioned food his stomach started growling extremely loudly "Well that's embarrassing, yes...yes I'm hungry" he said quite embarrassed. "What about grilled barbecue you can never go wrong there" he said happily. As they sat down he ordered just a water to re hydrate himself this was actually a good time and wanted it to continue for as long as it could.

(WC 821)
Daemon Yuki
Daemon Yuki
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Taking in the scenery  - Page 2 Empty Re: Taking in the scenery

Fri Dec 20, 2013 3:21 am
"The flowers are being formed thanks to my wood natured chakra that i have obtained." Hikarishi explained to the man before he began to talk about his past. He seemed to have a sad past but what ninja did not have one? He was the only survivor and was taking prisoner for five years and Hikarishi doubted that they would just let him go which meant one thing....The priest had sinned to get out of hell an ironic thought really. Youka suggested Barbecue which was good as Hikarishi was tired of eating ramen here lately. "alright go ahead and order what you like." He told the man as they were sitted at a booth and he ordered a glass of sweet tea. He looked over the menu and tried to decide what it was that he wanted perhaps he would just go with what Youka ate.

"So tell did you get out of that camp?" Hikarishi asked wondering if the man would try to lie he hoped he didnt he would hate to force the truth out of him if he did. Hikarishi was only doing this as he was going to suggest that he speak to Misaki about Joining Kumogakure as a full ninja, and maybe on his squad when he lead one if that is what he wanted.

[Meh post sorry]
Stat Page : The Plague
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Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 134237

Taking in the scenery  - Page 2 Empty Re: Taking in the scenery

Fri Dec 20, 2013 5:56 pm
Youka stared at the menu before deciding on getting the sampler it had a little bit of everything on it, and he was hungry enough that he wasn't in a picking mood he just wanted to eat. As the waiter passed Youka raised his hand " I'll have the sampler please with a sweet tea as well" he said through his grin. Hika had asked him how he had escaped the encampment which made him immediately regret saying he was held hostage, he didn't know how much of the young man he could trust and he wasn't sure that if he told him he would kill him right then and there. Youka briefly sighed before turning to look Hika in the eyes still with his normal smile on his face " I killed the leader in his sleep after they had trained me in their ways and let their guard down" he said flatly. " I enjoyed it as well" he added before sipping his tea after he put the glass down he grabbed his cross and kissed it gently saying a inaudible prayer "father forgive you're child".

After he finished he looked around sheepishly for the waiter, this could get awkward very fast and honetly all he could think was he hoped it was after he ate.

(super short >_< )
Daemon Yuki
Daemon Yuki
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Taking in the scenery  - Page 2 Empty Re: Taking in the scenery

Fri Dec 20, 2013 7:48 pm
"One had no choice in the matter Holy man." Hikarishi said as he finished his prayer. "Ill take the sampler as well Waiter." He said as he came back through a small nod from him to show that he had heard him was all that was given as two glasses of sweet tea were put down in front of them. Reaching forward Hikarishi grabbed a hold of the glass and picked it up bending his arm as he lifted to his lips to take a drink. It was cold and cooled his entire body as the first gulp was taking. "Every ninja has to kill at some point in time...just some sooner than others." He said talking to youka after he put his glass back down on the table and waiting on his food.
Stat Page : The Plague
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Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 134237

Taking in the scenery  - Page 2 Empty Re: Taking in the scenery

Fri Dec 20, 2013 8:30 pm
Youka thought it sounded strange for him to be so openly accepted after someone heard what he had done, it felt..strange to say the least and he didn't know if he liked it or felt weird about it all he knew was that it was a interesting thing to experience. He also appreciated that Hika didn't make it extremely weird for the both of them by condemning him like he thought was going to happen. "I appreciate the kind words friend, I saw that going a completely different way" as he finished his sentence their food arrived and it smelled delicious.

"So Hika you said wood release, what is that" he asked as he picked up a barbeque rib and took a bite, and yes it was very good, he almost drooled while eating.
Daemon Yuki
Daemon Yuki
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Taking in the scenery  - Page 2 Empty Re: Taking in the scenery

Sat Dec 21, 2013 12:04 am
"Its a advanced Element release unique to the Senju. If you dont have Senju DNA in you well its impossible for you to get it." He told the man as the food arrived smiling at the waiter he would thank him before picking up what looked like a kebab with lamb and pork and beef on it, covered in some very tasting smelling sauce. "How about after this we have a spar back at the training grounds?" he asked knowing of nothing else to do at the moment.
Stat Page : The Plague
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Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 134237

Taking in the scenery  - Page 2 Empty Re: Taking in the scenery

Sat Dec 21, 2013 9:55 am
As Youka was eating Hika told him that the wood release he had spoken of was an advanced type, Youka wasn't privvy to any of that as he had only just recently known of different types of chakra. To avoid looking stupid he nodded his head in agreement and said " of course of course" before continuing to eat. Hika had begun to eat a kebab like dish which looked perfectly delectable to him putting down his rib he reached for his own and brought it to his lips to take a bite. After the first taste he forgot himself completely and began savaging the meat without a care in the world, till Hika mentioned a spar again he stopped and looked at the man happily. "I was waiting for you to ask that" He said joyously "I've trained a little more and would like to test the fruits of my labor, I only ask that we go some place secluded in order for me to keep up apperances after all I am a priest"
Daemon Yuki
Daemon Yuki
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Taking in the scenery  - Page 2 Empty Re: Taking in the scenery

Sun Dec 22, 2013 3:24 pm
The boy spoke as of though he understood the advanced element but Hikarishi was unsure, just to help him understand more he would go into more detail. "With the Senjus Dna in me and by combining the Water and Earth Nature Chakras i am able to produce the wood constructs that you have seen today. Those two trees where thanks to it along with those flowers. The flowers are harmless as of right now but im sure that i could find a way to make them lethal....after all i am a ninja." He said the last part with a wink as he took his sunglasses off and deactivated his sharingan eyes. He listened to the man as he said he was waiting for him to ask "Hmm alright im sure i can make a nice place for us to spar at without having others look down on you." he told him as he finished his kebab and picked up the rib, after taking another drink of tea, and beginning to eat on it.
Stat Page : The Plague
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Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 134237

Taking in the scenery  - Page 2 Empty Re: Taking in the scenery

Tue Dec 24, 2013 10:08 am
"Ah, ok I trully hear you my friend, but I am a very simple man all this talk about Senju dna and the such is beyond my grasp" Youka stated matt of factly. "It does look like it could be rather useful as well if you could use it as a harmful agent" as Hika had winked and removed his glasses, Youka was finishing up the food on his plate he was trying to scarf it down as fast as he could. He wanted to hurry up and get this spar on its feet, ever since their last spar he had been itching to get stronger. As he told him he would find a place where people wouldn't look down on him Youka sighed with relief "I thank you my friend I also really want to cut loose and this will be for your eyes only" he said with a smile waiting excitedly for his friend to be finished.
Daemon Yuki
Daemon Yuki
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Taking in the scenery  - Page 2 Empty Re: Taking in the scenery

Fri Dec 27, 2013 11:24 pm
Hikarshi hurried with his food as well wanting to see how much stronger Youka had become. Ushering the waiter over he paid the tab and gulped down the last of his tea. "Well then lets go." he said with a smile on his face as he slid the Sunglasses back on as he exited the place they had ate at. He made his way, with Youka hopefully following, back to the training grounds. Instead of going straight in he made a left on the road and headed into the woods, which would lead out side of the gates the guards not questioning him as he did this, and down the side of the steep mountain to the medow he had visted before, the flowers that bloomed behind him would be pink with purple runs like blood down the petals with a yellow Stem so that if Youka got lost he would be able to find his way to where Hikarishi was going.

The meadow was beautiful with the sun in the sky, not at noon but more down with the day almost spent if one were good at time without a watch they could discern that the time of day was 4 o'clock in the afternoon, the sun set the tall grass ablaze with a hue of red and purple that one could not see in the dense mountain area but here in this low lying area the sky was as clear as, sorry about the pun here, well day. The terrain itself was fairly basic knee high grass that varied from fresh green to an almost dead yellow, the ground was flat for the most part so no one would hold an advantage due to a hill or something along that line, there were no logs but plenty of rocks that, again, varied in sizes from a grain of sand to a gigantic boulder in the middle of the field. All in all it reminded the young uchiha boy of his homeland of Kohonagakure no sato, the name had been changed for simplicity to the village hidden in the leafs.

Hikarishi would turn and look at Youka, if he had followed him, the smile still on his face as he did. "This place reminds me of my home the village hidden in the leafs." He told the man as he raised his hands up and gestured at the Meadow before them. "Tell me have you ever seen anything so beautiful?" He asked him as he lowered his hands and looked at the sky waiting for Youka to answer him, at which point he would look back at the boy. "Alright then make your move." He told him as he took a defensive stance and watched the man to see what it was he would be doing.

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