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Stat Page : The Plague
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Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 134237

Taking in the scenery  - Page 4 Empty Re: Taking in the scenery

Sun Jan 05, 2014 11:34 pm
Just like that all of Youka's planning had been for naught, luck clearly was not on his side in this, He had done well he thought so far in this rematch of theirs. He would have been defeated countless times over in the past. Hika had vanished in a blink of a eye that even Youka's passive sensing ability didn't pick him up till he was already behind him. He could sense one no it was two....sigh it was three Hikarishi behind him, he didn't know how this was possible but everything in this world was confusing, hell he had tentacles coming from his body.

As he was starting to turn around it was already too late Hika number 3 was already placing his body into him pushing him off of his creation. Youka decided to go with this without breaking his sub jutsu just yet as there was no violent action being done to him it was just pushing him away. He needed to deal with this Hika and hopefully this wasn't the real one, retracting all oh his tendrils back into himself as they were still in mid air. Youka would allow his tendrils to rip out from his side and they would latch around his borrowed ninjato and swing it full speed(90) through the Hika in front of him. This would happen before they hit the ground if it went according to plan. As Youka would make contact with the ground and if the Hika that he slashed didn't die he would speed towards the other two Hikarishi in the distance.

He couldn't actually see the other one only the Hika that was holding a kunai, this didn't seem right and he was too into the heat of the battle to actually follow it's signature. As he would run towards him Hika would throw the Kunai at his golem which Youka thought was weird as it was a creature made of rocks and earth. Suddenly there was a explosion at the base of the golems neck, Youka smiled deeper to himself as he closed the distance Hika indeed was a resourceful man, but he didn't need to worry about it because as long as the golem wasn't attacked again it would rebuild itself. He willed the golem to fall over in a slump as to feign it's death to give it time to regenerate. As Youka made it two meters he reached into his pocket grabbing two exploding tags out.

Using his free right hand that wasn't holding the tags he would now be 1 meter away from hika If he hadn't moved from the palm of his hand and finger tips he would expel 50 tendrils to attack and prod Hika's body (speed 90), He would also do something that would creep himself out as he opened his mouth and dislodged his jaw 100 more tendrils would form almost like a net over Hika at a speed of 90 to restrict his movements and also take his mind off the movements that the tendrils were doing. They were searching his body for where he kept his money but he had to ensure Hika wasn't paying attention to that so with his left hand he wrapped two tendrils around the explosive tags and sent them into the net hoping that Hika would see them and draw his attention. These tags were not primed to explode only distract and he would attach them to Hika's chest where he could clearly see them and hopefully be panicked enough to not notice the pick pocketing happening. These tendrils only would carry a strength of 20 so Hika could easily break out. If this was all successful Youka's tendrils would have found Hika's cash and deposited it into his body and now he just would have to see how Hika reacted and mount a defense.
Demetri Kaguya <3
Demetri Kaguya <3
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Taking in the scenery  - Page 4 Empty Re: Taking in the scenery

Mon Jan 06, 2014 12:13 am
Youka had made a move with the tendrils to grab the sword that Hikarishi had given him and strike out at the clone, the clone would quickly form hand seals for a jutsu and as the blade hit him a single blade of grass took his place. The clone its self would be out of the way and hiding behind the boulder that was 10 meters away from Hikarishi. It would wait there until needed for further things.

The plan had worked and the Kuani had impaled the beast which was belived to be dead at this point. but Youka had done something even Hikarishi didnt calculate at this point he ran past the dead beast and towards Hikarishi sprouting tendrils out of his body as he did so. The tendrils would reach what they were looking for right now, which was the boy himself, and trap him so to speak as Youka opened his mouth and one hundred more of the damned things popped out prodding his body. The real threat was not the tendrils though it was the exploding tags that were placed on his chest. 'FUCK.....IS HE FOR REAL?' he asked himself as he signaled to the clone to move in, at this point though the man, Youka would have found what it was that he was after and all of Hikarishis money would be gone but not yet known to him, kind of like how you have a wallet in your pocket and have grown use to it being there that you dont question if it is gone.

The clone would arrive just after the ryo was taken and hit a bunch of the tendrils that held onto the young boy as the real Hikarishi perfomed his signature jutsu. Out of his feet formed a pink flame that surrounded the two the total of the sphere would be 50 meters with them right in the middle. Once the flames shot up and met with each other Hikarishi would lightly say "Tenshi no Hikari." as it turned into a black dome that was lined with swords of blue colored chakra. If the tendrils where still on his body at this point a sword would be aimed at the biggest bunch hoping to cut them off as it flew from the sky towards them, speed of 99.

This being done the clone would turn his attention to the boy moving towards him while striking a stance of attack. As he moved within a meter of him, almost a foot away now, he would begin got perform some attack of his own striking out at the boys left cheek with his left hand followed by a strike with his right leg to the right side of the boys mid section, this strike would be carried out unless the man was to far away for it to hit, if the kick hit home the real Hikarishi would follow up by summoning a sword to his hand where he would wait to see what the man did next.
Stat Page : The Plague
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Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 134237

Taking in the scenery  - Page 4 Empty Re: Taking in the scenery

Mon Jan 06, 2014 12:52 am
As the clone he had watched disappear made a comeback on the scene it started knocking away the heaps of tendrils that were surrounding Hika which gave him enough moving room to do something that was overly out of the ordinary. Things were just getting overly weird now and he felt as if Hika was getting a little more serious, they were both in a dome with swords hovering all around them. Youka was assessing his surroundings which caused him to miss something that he really should have noticed. There was a freaking sword flying towards Hika and it chopped off the tentacles.

Youka was at a loss right now this zone that Hika created was truly amazing and it seemed very dangerous. He started to retract the tentacles back into his body and stitching his body back up as one of the Hikas in him had started to run towards him. He allowed him to do what he was going to do and he took the hit to his cheek and the kick to his abdomen. With the kick his substitution would break and in a poof of white smoke a rock would appear and he would appear right behind Hika where he would try to grab the back of the throat of Hika and pick him off the ground increasing his grip by allowing 5 tendrils to wrap around the neck as well gently squeezing till Hika gave up. He was hoping this was the real Hika as he looked towards the other that now had a sword in it's hand. "Please tell me the one I have in my hands if the real one" he sighed.
Demetri Kaguya <3
Demetri Kaguya <3
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Taking in the scenery  - Page 4 Empty Re: Taking in the scenery

Mon Jan 06, 2014 6:01 am
Hikarishi was really smiling now as Youka disappeared in a puff of white smoke and made a move to the back of the clone as he picked him up using the tendrils to add to the strength but the boy had made a small, if known or unknown, mistake he had grabbed the clone in instead of the real person. As Hikarishi stood there with his sword in hand he said one word "Boom." before letting the clone dissipate into nothing hoping to fake the man out as he made his real move.

The single word being spoken he would take off towards the man at a high rate of speed while his eyes subconsciously activated to their most powerful state the Eternal Mangakeyo Sharingan take on a unique patteren of his and Kuros Mangekyo Eye patteren. As he neared the man he swung the sword only to stop it before it touched the mans throat this was just an attempt to scare the man and nothing more than that. The move being done he would drop the sword and release the jutsu that he had brought up sitting down on the ground hoping the spar would be over but then again there was always the boys golem that was not but a few meters from where they both were and a weird sight could be seen as he looked a bit closer at it. The golem that had been destroyed almost to nothing had regained some of the rocks that it had lost not but a few minutes before. 'The hell is that?' he thought to himself as he watched as it very slowly rebuild itself. It looked as if it was almost done at this point and he did not want to have to deal with that thing right now as he was rather tired, and that meant that youka was probally pretty tired as well, closing his right eye, almost in a wink like postion, he fired a flame of jet black at the construct The power of which would hopefully ensure the death of the dammned monster that was before them both.

After the deed was done, and once it was destroyed, Hikarishi would open his right eye and close the left one at the same time as blood began to flow down his cheek in a tear like fashion which would snuff out the flames that he had summoned up.

[twc 5183 -4150 stolen by youka]

Last edited by Hikarishi Uchiha on Sat Jan 11, 2014 11:26 pm; edited 2 times in total
Stat Page : The Plague
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Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 134237

Taking in the scenery  - Page 4 Empty Re: Taking in the scenery

Mon Jan 06, 2014 10:10 am
Sure enough as luck would have it he grabbed the wrong Hika and to top it off he had undone his own substitution as well. Things were looking bleak as he looked at where the real opponent was now charging at him. Youka's strength was waning drastically as well and he didn't have the time or energy to dodge what was about to happen. "wai...Wait" he would say as he read the trajectory of where Hika's blow was coming for and if he was correct it was right for his neck,"shit" he thought to himself, maybe he had pissed him off and he was going to end it. Youka was tired and he didn't think the tendrils would reattach a severed head by themselves. As he tried to muster up the strength to block Hika dropped the sword in front of him and released the dome that they were in before sitting on the ground.

Youka could hardly stand either and it was getting rather hard to even maintain his balance, but now was the time to attack and Hika wouldn't expect it. He still had his golem and it was completing its regeneration he would will it stand back up and fight again. It seemed his friend had the same idea as his next move was to set his creation fire? Ok this is really getting weird now and he could feel the heat from here, he willed the golem to start trying to absorb the skill that he was hoping was chakra based. He felt the golem beginning to absorb but as he thought it was indeed to much chakra for the creature to take and it exploded and crumbled back into just mounds of rocks and dirt. "Well....yep...we're done" he would say as he plopped on the ground as well in front of Hika. As he looked at his friends face there was blood sliding down his cheek, he hadn't cut him or remembered it at least "Hey you're sort of bleeding friend" he would say. As they sat he would also look Hika over to ensure there were no more surprise attacks from either of them. "That was a lot more fun than our previous match Hika, I hope I made it a little more challenging for you"

(TWC 7080)
Demetri Kaguya <3
Demetri Kaguya <3
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Taking in the scenery  - Page 4 Empty Re: Taking in the scenery

Sun Jan 12, 2014 12:57 am
Hikarishi would wipe his eye from blood after which he would slam his hand on the ground pulling it up to reveal what some would call a twig but served as a bo staff. He felt a slight rush in his eyes as power filled him. he turned his eyes closed at this point in time and smiled saying "Just a draw back of the Amaterasu." in a matter o factly tone.

[TWC=over 5k Requesting Rinnegan thanks to using MS jutsu and a wood jutsu.]
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Taking in the scenery  - Page 4 Empty Re: Taking in the scenery

Sun Jan 12, 2014 1:01 am
Stat Page : The Plague
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Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 134237

Taking in the scenery  - Page 4 Empty Re: Taking in the scenery

Sun Jan 12, 2014 1:28 am
Hika procceded to pull a what looked like a piece of wood from the ground, which made Youka think they were about to start fighting again. Which served as a discomfort for him, he was tired, and honestly couldn't go on anymore even if he tried. But Hika turned away from him as if he was slightly in pain. Youka was confused as he sat there wondering what this was all about.
Demetri Kaguya <3
Demetri Kaguya <3
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Taking in the scenery  - Page 4 Empty Re: Taking in the scenery

Sun Jan 12, 2014 1:33 am
Lifting his other hand he removed his glasses and opened his palm that was on the stick. He would look back at the man beside him his eyes open and showing a pale blue with ripples in them. A smile would be on his face as he said Almighty Push, directing the chakra at the stick, which would cause the stick to begin to fly away from them. "So tell me what is it that you plan on doing next?" he asked the man wondering if he would like to travel with him. "Im planning on going to leaf if you want to join me." He stated as the boy finished what he was saying.
Stat Page : The Plague
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Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 134237

Taking in the scenery  - Page 4 Empty Re: Taking in the scenery

Sun Jan 12, 2014 1:39 am
Hika was acting as if they just didn't finish having a energy draining spar flinging sticks around, and his eyes had circles going around them. That was weird Youka had never seen eyes like that he would remember this for later conversation."I really didn't have a plan, I'm honestly just traveling looking for my own way friend" He would say taking in more air into his lungs. "I'll go with you as long as you promise me it will be fun, There are...things I need" he would say with a slightly evil grin on his face.
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