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Stat Page : The Plague
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Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 134237

Taking in the scenery  - Page 3 Empty Re: Taking in the scenery

Sun Dec 29, 2013 9:56 am
As Youka hurried to ensure he followed Hika to their destination he eagerly ran strategy through his mind and tried to access how he would maneuver in this rematch. Last time they had a match Hika overpowered him in a very dominant way. As he was thinking to himself he had managed to lose where his partner had went and with a very confused and almost defeated look he hung his head in shame for allowing himself to space out so much to actually lose Hikarishi. As he did hang his head he noticed the same flowers that he had seen before and quickly noticed that they had Hika's chakra signature on them. Again with renewed vigor and happiness that he wasn't a complete klutz he stared following the flowers till he was eventually right beside Hika again, this time he would ensure he stayed there. They had passed where Youka thought the fight would take place in the training grounds but they were traveling through a lush forest area with a huge clearing coming in the horizon.

As they both reached the exit of the the semi jungle that they had traversed through it turned into a beautiful field that showed off the vast sunset as well. The sunset turned everything into beautiful colors all around him and the sun was low enough that he could actually stare at it and the surroundings without having to squint his eyes. It almost took his breath away to behold such a beauty in an area that was hardly untouched by man. The area was also a flat land as well which was to Youka's liking because no one would hold any sway on the battlefield, Hika had said it reminded him of his homeland and Hika couldn't tell if he heard a tinge of homesickness in his voice as well. Youka wouldn't ask about this though no man should be seen in a weak state and he wouldn't want people asking him about his home either. Hika also asked Youka if he had ever seen anything this beautiful, Youka just shook his head back and forth as if to say no he hadn't, it was such a peaceful area and Youka didn't even want to disturb this quite piece of heaven. However he was here also to have a match and he had to push those other thoughts out of his head, Hika had already taken a defensive stance and was ready for Youka to attack.

Youka began to unbutton his black shirt to the 2nd to the last button before removing both his arms from the sleeves letting it hang down on his waist showing off his slim muscular body and his six pack toned slightly. Youka planned to use this moment to hopefully take advantage of their last fight where he was completely lacking in any speed he would start the fight off just as he did in their last fight. Youka again took up his formal kickboxing stance and slowly again etched in closer to close the distance between them Youka was about 3 meters in distance away from Hikarishi and he had began methodically closing it to the 2 meter range he was doing this to hopefully to give off the illusion that this would be the same fight as their last.

As soon as the two meter mark was hit Youka had planned his first few steps and countermeasures in his mind but for it to work he needed this one moment in time, When he had scooted closer to 2 meters he would use his full speed (90) to disappear from Hika's peripheral vison and make his way around to his backside if uninterrupted and noticed he would make one hand sign by bringing his right hand up with his index and pointer finger pointing up towards the sky, he would perform the substitution technique this would happen in very little time as he rounded to the back of Hika. This would put him one meter behind Hika enough with enough moving room to counter but his attack wasn't done yet, stepping on the ground right after he made the substitution sign the earth two meters in front of Hika would begin to shake 5 spikes would shoot out at their max speed (80) to grow 3 meters in length with only 1 foot of distance between them they would shoot over Hika's head to prevent any jumping hopefully. To Hika's left and right in a *U* formation 3 spikes on each side only 1 meter away from him would extend again at their full speed after a few seconds of forming heading towards Hikarishi to hopefully guide him into moving backwards.

While this was all happening Youka would have already unstrapped the Heavens sorrow ninjato that Hika had given him and would use it to charge in the last meter in distance as Hika was backing up to slightly nick him on the left side of his neck and if this close quaters move wasn't interrupted he would flip the ninjato in his hand so that it was facing backwards towards the two men and draw it back into both of them stopping before puncturing anything and Youka would peek around to Hika's said smiling and say "Your move". That was his strategy but if any of this was interrupted he would have to adjust and respond from where Hika had broke through his attack formation.

(Also requesting that I know Hikarishi's chakra signature as I've spent 2k words with him)
(WC 912)
(If substitution is broken Youka will re appear to the right of you a meter and a half away with a small boulder apperaing where the sub was and you can act from that)
Daemon Yuki
Daemon Yuki
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Taking in the scenery  - Page 3 Empty Re: Taking in the scenery

Mon Dec 30, 2013 4:54 am
[approving chakra senses for you.]

Youka had nodded his head in agreement that this was truly a beautiful place that held no equal. He seemed excited about the spar as he began to unbutton his shirt only to let it fall down his waste showing off his muscle toned body and taking the same stance as before. The distance between the two was that of three meters right now and Youka was slowly closing on in that distance and at the two meter mark he blasted by Hikarishi, while begging to form a few hand seals. Not needing to stop the boy at this point Hikarishi let him pass by with no harm to him, and with no need to see where he was thanks to the boys high level of chakra his sensing skill let him passivly track him with no problem, It would be as he heard a rumbling that he would act his own plan out.

Remembering that he had given the man the ninjato he would take into account that he would most likely use it to his advantage in this spar. The rumbling had just started at this point and with a backwards dash with a spin on it he would close in on the boy, who was only one meter behind him at this point, before he had started weaving the seals for the next jutsu. Rearing back with his right arm he would form a fist and throw it at full speed(120), holding back his strength (30) so as not to hurt the man or his pride for that matter, at the mans face going for a shot between the eyes.

If this were to happen successfully then, for one fact the man would be stunned at the least and probably staggering, Hikarishi would make his next move by dropping low and sweeping out with his left leg in a circular motion trying to trip to the boy. If for some reason, which was very likely seeing as the man had improved his speed exponentially, the punch had missed Hikarishi would be ready to counter the move at a moments notice.
Stat Page : The Plague
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Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 134237

Taking in the scenery  - Page 3 Empty Re: Taking in the scenery

Mon Dec 30, 2013 8:52 am
As Youka had started the beginning of his attack pattern to close Hika in, Hikarishi turned and was upon him in almost a instant as he was about to begin his other jutsu. At first Youka didn't know how he was sensed till he started thinking on it a little more seriously, Youka could sense chakra and perceive its location without having to physically look and it wasn't too far of a stretch to think that other ninja would be able to do the same. He slightly sighed in his mind as he saw this fist flying towards his face, this was going to hurt but something strange was happening.

He could actually still make out the fist coming towards him which he would have never been able to do in his previous state, it was just barely still inside his realm of reaction time so he had to act fast. With Hika throwing his fist full speed at Youka's face he decided to use most of Hika's speed and velocity against him. The fist was still slightly faster than he could move so Youka decided to go with the blow to minimize damage, While the fist was coming he would turn to his right cheek and as the fist would make contact he would pivot his body to the inside of Hikas frame while allowing the fist to stay on it's course. As he would finish his action and be on the inside of Hika he would grab Hika's forearm with his right hand and Hika's wrist with his left while lifting up and over, this hopefully would end with Hika being thrown over Youka using his own momentum as the catalyst. He wouldn't let go of the wrist as this move would end with Hika on the ground on his back if this was uninterrupted and Youka still holding on to Hika's wrist. Youka would then step over the arm he was holding so that he's facing it and place the reverse goose neck hold on Hika's wrist with most of his body weight behind it taking care to actually not break Hika's wrist.

If this all would happen successfully he would hold Hika here either until he conceded and tapped out or found a way out of the hold. If it got this far without being interrupted if Hika looks at Youka's back he will see something moving under Youka's skin like tiny worms or veins crawling around as it's getting harder for Youka to subconsciously control his excitment.
Demetri Kaguya <3
Demetri Kaguya <3
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Taking in the scenery  - Page 3 Empty Re: Taking in the scenery

Fri Jan 03, 2014 9:53 pm
The hit connected, not where it was aimed at but still a hit none the less, on the boys right cheek where Youka pivoted his body to be on the inside of the arm at this point. Youka reached up and grabbed a hold of Hikarishis forearm and wrist the boy had used Hiakrishis speed against him and sent Hikarishi into a flip that ended with him slamming onto the ground with his back. Pain was felt through out his arm, not much pain but enough as to say 'OH FUCK NO.', as Youka begin to put pressure on his wrist.

Needing to think quickly Hikarishi would swing his legs up and latch onto the boys neck, locking them together, and forming a impromptu choke hold on the boy which he would increase pressure on until the boy let go of his wrist. If the boy where to let go of his wrist Hikarishi would slowly lead him to the ground before letting him go. In the excitement Hikarishi did not realize what it was that was under the boys skin, but it would be remembered for another day or even later on today.
Stat Page : The Plague
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Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 134237

Taking in the scenery  - Page 3 Empty Re: Taking in the scenery

Fri Jan 03, 2014 10:34 pm
Hika was a very fast thinker and in a moments time had already begun to wrap his legs around Youka's throat and he was applying pressure in an attempt to get Youka to break his hold as quickly as possible. His excitement was really escalating to near uncontrollable heights, he thought about using his tendrils to help break the grip but he didn't know if now was the time for that, he needed to really trust anyone before showing that. Now wasn't the time to think about that, he was losing air and rapidly so he decided to go with Hika's legs after he let go of the wrist and went to the ground as he was led there by Hika and let go.

With both of them laying on the ground in very close quaters Youka didn't know where this would end. Right now he focused on gathering his breath that was expended in the choke hold, it was a mixture of heavy breathing and laughter as he looked over at Hika. This was indeed fun and he hoped he was providing a little bit more of a challenge for his friend than he did last time. He would lay on the ground gathering his strength back and wait to see what Hika's next move would be.
Demetri Kaguya <3
Demetri Kaguya <3
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Taking in the scenery  - Page 3 Empty Re: Taking in the scenery

Sat Jan 04, 2014 1:35 am
The choke hold was a success and the pain on his wrist eased up as Youka was lead to the ground. A mixture of laughter and heavy breathing escaped both of them from the strenuous actions they had just performed. Not wanting to end the moment of relaxation just yet Hikarishi spoke to the man beside him before making any move. "You got faster since last time Priest." he said as he closed his eyes. "I thought you said you needed some speed training but here you are almost as fast as i am." Hikarishi said after a moment of silence and opening his eyes again. If Youka were to speak no action would be taken until afterwards, and assuming that both males were still on the ground as well.

The next action to be taken would be the young, and unknown member of the, Uchiha, clan. He would raise his right arm into the air while forming a fist, almost as if he were trying to catch a cloud in it, before swiftly slamming back at the ground, at a moderate speed of 85 and strength of 30 he didnt want to kill the poor man, aiming it at the boys stomach if the boy were to block he would feel it either way just not as bad.
Stat Page : The Plague
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Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 134237

Taking in the scenery  - Page 3 Empty Re: Taking in the scenery

Sat Jan 04, 2014 10:19 am
As they both breathed heavily in and out while laughing Hika had mentioned that he had indeed gotten faster to which Youka just said "Mhm" as he still labored to catch his breath although it was getting easier. "Ha I still do need the speed training-", He was cut off by Hika's fist plummeting towards his stomach at an alarming speed. Luckily he had opened his eyes at the right moment or this would hurt a lot more than it was about to. bringing both of his arms up from his sides he would cup his hands over his stomach just as Hika's fist would reach his stomach.

The pain wasn't as harsh as it would have been, but it still was slightly painful because the man was still stronger than Youka was. Youka almost had to gasp again for air as some of the air was pushed back up from his diaphragm. "I also apparently need strength training as well" he would say as he would toss Hika's hand non violently back at him. In one movement he would place his own arms behind him and springboard himself up and off the ground before jumping back 2 meters.

"Lets up the ante a bit shall we?" he would say as he would kneel to the ground placing his open palms on the ground, all the earth around the two men would start to shake for a moment as he was funneling his chakra to what would seem like into the ground. Shortly after, the earth around them would begin to collide against each other molding into an actual earth monstrosity. As this was finished what stood in front of Youka was a 6 meter tall golem of bulky stature and one eye less socket with jagged rocks all around its body and it let out a earthly roar in Hika's direction.

As Youka would stand he would try his best to hide the exhaustion that using this had put on his body. He would walk over to the right leg of the golem placing his hand on it to stabilize himself "Let's continue" he would say and wait for Hika's reaction if he was still on the ground.

(Golem health=142 Strength=142 Speed=24)
(All of this is based on if you don't get up and continue the fight right away, you still can interrupt the jutsu)
Demetri Kaguya <3
Demetri Kaguya <3
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Taking in the scenery  - Page 3 Empty Re: Taking in the scenery

Sun Jan 05, 2014 4:49 am
Youka had blocked the blow and a smile crept upon Hikarishis face, a rare treat these days it seemed, Youka had stood up, after commenting about needing strength training, while Hikarishi laid there for a few for moments when the ground began to shake he began to stand slowly as a tall earth like being was formed from the ground and roared at the young uchihas direction.

"Gladly." Hikarishi said in reply to youka as he took a stance. 'This thing is made from earth and that poses a problem for me as it is probably really strong...but i should be able to out maneuver it.' he thought to himself as he waited for the boy to make the first move. He would keep his eyes in the normal state for now but should a problem arise he would take the necessary precautions and use them he would just have to erase the boys memory of this if it came to down to it.
Stat Page : The Plague
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Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 134237

Taking in the scenery  - Page 3 Empty Re: Taking in the scenery

Sun Jan 05, 2014 10:42 am
Youka still needed to practice fighting with this golem he created, he needed to learn how to combine his attacks with that of the golem since it was indeed slower than most things. Youka walked behind the Golems leg since it towered over both of them drastically and performed the the five hand seals for the substitution jutsu before he started running up the back of the golem applying chakra to the bottom of his feet. If this was all uninterrupted he would make it to the shoulders of them golem where he was ready to launch his attack.

This attack had to be orchestrated very carefully if it were to work, and he hoped he had luck on his side as well because Youka could plan all he wanted but everything needed luck. Youka willed the golem to begin the attack, it lurched forward with its right arm extended going in to grab Hika. Youka would kneel on the golems shoulder and place his left arm on it's shoulder letting his tendrils slide down the back of the golem approximately 30 of them from his hand going down it's arm on the back side where hopefully Hika couldn't see. They would stay right at the base of the golems wrist. The golems other arm would have made it's way up to the sky before it would send it crashing down to the earth causing a seismic wave to erupt at it's full speed (142) but only at a fraction of it's strength (50) just enough to cause ripples to go through the earth around them throwing off the stability of anyone not in the golems center.

These acts would all be performed together so as the seismic waves would hit the earth the golem would be reaching to grab Hika. When the golem opens its arm 2 meters away from him the tendrils will fly out at a speed of (90) to catch and wrap around his body and hold him for just long enough to get him in the golems grasp where he would hold him till he gave the victory to Youka.

He hoped his strategy would pay off but if not at least he had his sub to fall on to get out of a tight spot.
Demetri Kaguya <3
Demetri Kaguya <3
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Taking in the scenery  - Page 3 Empty Re: Taking in the scenery

Sun Jan 05, 2014 9:47 pm
Youka moved behind the giant creations leg where he was unseen and began to climb up to its shoulder. The beast made a lurch to grab at the young boy he would act accordingly, the beast was indeed slow so the movements needed were not to hard, He saw both arms begin to move and could only assume that one of them would be smashing the ground based solely on how it was pointed He would wait for the last second before impact before he would form a single hand seal and move at unbelievable speeds to the back of the golem and standing six meters away at that point, assuming that the tendrils did not make a move towards him as he had not seen them yet, The ground still had a slight rumble to it and Hikarishi was able to see the tendrils coming out of the boys back and sliding around the arm of the golem 'thats a weird jutsu.' he thought to him self as he formed the handseals he would need for the Shadow clone jutsu, a variation of it atleast as these clones could explode on command, a large cloud of smoke could be seen and in the place where before only one Hikarishi stood there was now two, there was really three but one of the clones had turned itself into a kunai while the smoke was still up which the real hikarishi now held in his hand, a plan had formed in the young boys head but first he had to get Youka off the beast on which he rode.

The clone would make a move going at full speed, 120, to the back of the beast and began to climb up the it using the surface walking jutsu. When at the top of it he would reach out for the man trying to grab him and force him off the front by using a bull dog like move, a dash where one grabs the back of another head and jumps forward to smash their face into the ground or a mat, hoping the man would fly forward with him where he would grab ahold of the boys arm, letting go of the head first, and flip him in mid air, a slow flip which could be eaisly landed, if this succeced they would be a safe distance from what would happen next.

After the a fore mentioned happened, and only if the man were no longer on the back of the beast, The real Hikarishi would throw the fake Kunai at the back of the massive creature aimed just below where the spine would be on a human where it would stick before going "BOOOOOM" in a marvelous display of fire, the power of which would be 100, Most of the beast back side of the head would be gone and Hikarishi would think it was over man would he be wrong when the smoke cleared but for now it had not.
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