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I would like to play a game round 2 (P,IO) - Page 2 Empty Re: I would like to play a game round 2 (P,IO)

Fri May 30, 2014 10:42 am
Sanada nodded his head without saying a word as Naoki agreed to the rematch, he had to earn his dignity back from the decisive beating he had taken the first time around. Using one of his hands to rearange the board back and flipping pieces over, he reached into his vest pocket and popped up one cigarette pushing it into his mouth before sliding it back in. Going for his pants pocket where he always kept his trusty lighter he pulled it out lighting the smoke and blowing to the side into the fresh beach air.

"Ok boss, everything is set again, and I think i'm on to your strategy, you won't get me again so easily."

With that he waited on his friend to make the first move or give the move to him, after all winners got to choose who went first.
Naoki Gekou
Naoki Gekou
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I would like to play a game round 2 (P,IO) - Page 2 Empty Re: I would like to play a game round 2 (P,IO)

Mon Jun 02, 2014 1:46 pm
The Uchiha's attention was mostly in his books and paper. He only noted briefly that Sanada took another cigarette. Some moments later the Chuunin announced the board was set again. "Keep that attitude, pal... I'll let you start." Naoki replied to the guy's comment about his strategy. Because so far, there was only one strategy shown.
Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Ryo : 850

I would like to play a game round 2 (P,IO) - Page 2 Empty Re: I would like to play a game round 2 (P,IO)

Sun Aug 03, 2014 12:53 pm
Sanada leaned ever so slightly forward into his chair looking over the board at the silent pieces hoping that somehow they would give him a clear and obvious movement tactic for him to try. He had been beaten in such a clear fashion that he needed to show his superior that he was capable of forming clear thoughtful actions. Sanada quickly sighed and it was more of lets get it started as he consigned himself to begin another mental challenge.

"I'll go first then senpai"

Ruffling his hair one more time with his left hand to give his hair that messy yet still stylized look he began. Picking up one of his pawns to a forward position as the advance began he moved his silver from I3 to H3. He would play this game just a little more carefully.
Naoki Gekou
Naoki Gekou
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I would like to play a game round 2 (P,IO) - Page 2 Empty Re: I would like to play a game round 2 (P,IO)

Sun Aug 03, 2014 1:20 pm
Naoki observed the first move. Unlike before Sanada decided to be more careful and play safe. Well, the Uchiha would not pull his punches. Without much delay he moved his pawn forward from C3 to D3.
Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Ryo : 850

I would like to play a game round 2 (P,IO) - Page 2 Empty Re: I would like to play a game round 2 (P,IO)

Sun Aug 03, 2014 3:30 pm
It seemed that Naoki was again going in for the kill quickly to gain the upper hand while Sanada was playing to a slower pace so he could better handle his turns. He just hoped it payed off for him this time and he was able to get one up on his senior ninja. Moving his hand again he grabbed one of his pawns and moved it from g3 to f3. He just hoped that it wasn't a huge mistake that spelled the same disaster as last time.
Naoki Gekou
Naoki Gekou
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I would like to play a game round 2 (P,IO) - Page 2 Empty Re: I would like to play a game round 2 (P,IO)

Mon Aug 04, 2014 5:27 am
It was unclear if Sanada had figured out Naoki's play style, which was to find weak spots in his opponent's position and slam them in with all force, throwing his lines in disarray. Of course, the man had not made the exactly same mistake as before, but he made a similar opening on the opposite side. And that could be exploited depending on how he deals with it.

Naoki's hand picked up his bishop at B2 and moved it to the center of the board.
Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Ryo : 850

I would like to play a game round 2 (P,IO) - Page 2 Empty Re: I would like to play a game round 2 (P,IO)

Mon Aug 04, 2014 11:14 am
Sanada watched as the bishop stopped moving on its final position that ended up occupying the middle of the board like a lone knight sent out to protect the entire castle on its own. It was a very interesting move and Sanada could see a few moves that could lead to him plugging up holes again if nothing was done. He still however was going to stick to his guns, picking up his Silver he moved it one row forward from h3 to g3.
Naoki Gekou
Naoki Gekou
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I would like to play a game round 2 (P,IO) - Page 2 Empty Re: I would like to play a game round 2 (P,IO)

Mon Aug 04, 2014 1:37 pm
That appeared to be one of ways to play it smart. The Uchiha had to look for other possibilities. After a bit, he decided to move out some other figures onto the scene. Knight from A2 would stride to C3.

1401 w.
Naoki Gekou
Naoki Gekou
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I would like to play a game round 2 (P,IO) - Page 2 Empty Re: I would like to play a game round 2 (P,IO)

Thu Aug 28, 2014 4:08 pm
On the next turn Sanada moved his middle pawn in striking position to threaten Naoki's bishop. This was a foreseen move, actually and without much delay the Uchiha moved his bishop out of harm's way, one step diagonally.

Another pawn at G4 would move forward, probably to cover the hole in his lines, making it harder for him to get through. After a moment of thought Naoki moved his knight to E2. He was going to see just how well Sanada built his defense and if a strike to its base will allow it to crumble or if it will get reinforced.

In response to the knight another pawn was moved, now threatening the piece. But that was a wasted gesture as Naoki already knew he was sacrificing that piece when he put it in that position, so his next move was to claim Sanada's silver general at G3, promoting his knight at the same time.

No doubt, since that spot was secured, Sanada would claim the promoted knight with one of his own. But the assault would not stop there. The lack of silver produced an unsecured spot in his lines and Naoki's bishop moved to replace a pawn at F4.

In order to save the knight, Sanada would move his rook to cover it. Seeking new angles and to gain a stronger piece the Uchiha would move the bishop to G5, promoting it to dragon horse.

In response to that the Chuunin moved one of his golden generals in front of his king, covering it and threatening the dragon horse. However, as it was no longer a regular bishop Naoki could move it back vertically, claiming a pawn behind it, at the same time getting out of harm's way.

What that position also granted as something that Sanada missed, it would seem. As the Chuunin moved his knight forward in an attempt to counter attack, skipping the bishop, Naoki would frown. Either this was a clever trap or a silly mistake, because it looked like he was getting the Chuunin's rook for free... After a minute it was confirmed that it was a mistake as nothing actually covered the piece and Naoki's promoted bishop swiftly captured it.

This was probably the turning point of the second match. Up to this point it was mostly just Naoki probing his opponents defenses, but now he had a big advantage. Not willing to give up the attack Sanada moved his knight into a free slot in Naoki's line of pawns, promoting his piece. However, he should have instead focused on what was happening in his own house, since Naoki then put down the captured rook right next to the Chuunin's king, gaining an even stronger presence. It was also the first check.

Only one move was possible and that was to hide the king behind the moved golden general. Pushing on the attack Naoki would drop another piece - a silver general, in such a way it was covered by both the bishop and the rook, while also threatening the golden general that covered the king.

At this point it was becoming rather desperate, with his rear lines broken and devastated Sanada struggled and moved the king next to the silver, on its blind spot. It could be a stand-off, but Naoki's immediate goal was to reduce his opponent's numbers so he moved the silver to capture the gold.

But that was actually a trade and Sanada claimed his promoted silver with his remaining golden general. Now with one less piece to protect the king Naoki would begin his final attack, even though this whole game was practically one unending assault. He would drop the gold he just captured right in front of his opponent's king, checking it of course.

Once again there was only one move possible and the king went back to hide behind the golden general. Naoki would move his new golden general to where his silver originally stood, next to the promoted bishop, making a strong trio of pieces that covered one another. With this he was going to push for checkmate.

Sanada placed his silver at F6. That honestly seemed like a wasted move, as the piece was too far away to help with anything. Moving a pawn to opening an escape route for the king would have been better. Now Naoki would move his golden general to trade with his opponent's and the King would claim it. Moving the rook one step the Uchiha would check the King, forcing it into a corner, also promoting the rook to dragon king, a fitting name. After the King declined, he would move the dragon horse one step diagonally, to cover the promoted rook and check his opponent's King. At this point there was only one way to defend, was to drop a piece to cover the king. A golden general would take the place and Naoki made the final move, capturing it with dragon king. Checkmate.

It was a shorter match than the previous and this time he did not really hold back. Smiling he would stand up and offer a handshake to his friend who just lost. Though he was ruthless in the game, it was his way to show grace in victory. "It was a good game, thanks for suggesting it."

2274 w.

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I would like to play a game round 2 (P,IO) - Page 2 Empty Re: I would like to play a game round 2 (P,IO)

Thu Aug 28, 2014 4:33 pm
(We ran through all of the moves on skype-just for anyone thining he is godmodding my moves, we agreed he would post the whole thing.-)

Sanada's arms flew up in the air as he lost his second game in a row, this time faster than the first. It was in the same manner as his last loss however, Naoki came from behind and destroyed his structures effortlessly.

"That was pretty harsh boss, not even a slight handicap."

Ruffling his hair he stood and shook his seniors hand as well to not come off as a sore loser. Plopping back in his seat he pulled out another cig and lit it, inhaling the crisp nicotine into his lungs before blowing it back out.

"Are we done for the day?"
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