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Jason Fredriksson
Jason Fredriksson
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Jason Vs Koaru: Desert fight Empty Jason Vs Koaru: Desert fight

Tue Mar 25, 2014 4:12 pm
Jason stood in the middle of the desert, about 500 yards away from the gates. Jason stood there, waiting for his friend koaru to show up. the blistering sun above the desert beat down hard on Jason's body. sweat glands appeared at his neck and back. Jason took out his sword multiple times to make sure it could draw out quick, should the need for it happen. Jason cracked his neck and wiped off the sweat pouring down from his forehead. "just where is he?" Jason thought to himself. this is surely gonna take a while. after what seemed like an eternity, Jason spotted someone running towards him at top speed. and what a speed it was. Jason thought and hoped that this wasn't gonna spell out trouble for him.
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Jason Vs Koaru: Desert fight Empty Re: Jason Vs Koaru: Desert fight

Tue Mar 25, 2014 4:52 pm
Koaru traveled into the Wind country on foot. Koaru came prepared with three full canteens of water from the freshest of Konoha rivers, which he passed on his journey here from Funkagakure. Koaru was in the middle of his journey around the world. Rumor had spread through the Konoha forest that Jason had also started a journey of his own, and was traveling to Sunagakure. After catching wind of this, Koaru just had to go see his old friend. The two of them had been friends for a while, and were quickly growing into fine shinobi. They had exchanged words and fists on several occasions and in the end, helped each other become more powerful. Koaru decided that when they met this time, they would continue their round of sparring, pushing each other to the far extremes of their power. He hoped Jason had become stronger since their last encounter.

Koaru panted heavily as he trudged through the deep sands of the desert. He was baking the hot sun for a long time, and collapsed on several occasions. Koaru often found refuge under the shade of a boulder or a large cactus. But, after a few moments of rest, Koaru would be back at it, marching onward through the sand and towards Suna. Koaru was excited, and would take more steps through the desert than there were grains of sand in the Wind Country if that is what it would take to get to his destination. Koaru observed the beauty of the Wind Country that most people overlooked. There was surprisingly a lot of wild life in the desert, including lizards, snakes, desert crocodiles, wild camels, scorpions, desert foxes, tortoises, roadrunners, and loads insects. Why, it seemed the Wind country’s deserts were just as rich with life as Konoha’s dense forests.

Koaru eventually had to take refuge in one of the nearby caves that he stumbled upon during his travels as the sun fell. As light faded in the desert, the temperature dropped to dangerous levels. Koaru would freeze if he continued, even more so because of all the sweat that soaked his clothes he wore to adapt to his travels. These were the infamous nights of the Wind Country that he had often learned about in the ninja academy. Koaru lit a small fire from within the cave using some of the dry, dead parts of the plantlife. As the fire burned, Koaru squeezed the sweat out of his clothes and propped them over the fire to dry properly. Koaru sat against the cave walls while the fire burned and his clothes dried, Koaru looked out into the night sky. He was freezing, but though the sound of his chattering teeth could deafen anyone, Koaru managed to hear the footsteps of a nearby animal. Koaru instinctively threw a kunai in the direction of the stalking animal crouching within a bush near the cave he was in. Koaru took a closer look and saw that it was a hare, now bloodied by the knife. Koaru felt a guilty at first, but as his stomach rattled, he reassured himself that the rabbit’s life would not go to waste. Koaru cooked and ate the hare, then nodded off.

Koaru woke up to the sound of hissing. Koaru jumped up when he saw that a giant serpent snarling on the ninja that was clearly intruding on its territory. By this time it was early in the morning, yet it was still quite dark outside. Koaru gingerly grabbed his traveling robes while the snake watched carefully, poised to attack. Without so much as a moment’s notice, Koaru dashed off, and the snake immediately followed in hot pursuit. The snake chased Koaru through the desert for hours as they traveled to Sunagakure. By the time they arrived, the sun had risen and the heat had resumed. Koaru and the basilisk dashed through the sand in a frenzy, scattering clouds of sand in the process. The area was thick with cacti bushes and boulders jutting up from the sand below, along with the burrow holes of several of the wild life that lived there. Soon, Koaru would spot Jason, waiting patiently in the desert. As he closed in, the snake still in pursuit, Koaru would shout while flailing his arms about, dodging the dashing strikes from the snake as they came.

“Jason!!! Help meeeee!”

Jason Fredriksson
Jason Fredriksson
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Jason Vs Koaru: Desert fight Empty Re: Jason Vs Koaru: Desert fight

Tue Mar 25, 2014 5:04 pm
Jason leaned forward and saw a giant snake chasing koaru. obviously, it was gonna have him for it's next dinner. "No way in hell is that gonna happen." Jason thought to himself. Jason walked until he was 10 meters away from the snake. Jason channeled a chakra chain that was 20 meters long and 2 inches wide and had hooks in-between the links of the chain that started 20 centimeters off from Jason's hand where he held the chain. Jason threw the chain and the chain wrapped around the giant snake's body and pierced the skin of the snake.Jason then used all his strength to pull the snake down. the giant snake crashed towards the sandy surface with a loud thud and several sand got scattered everywhere mixed in with the snakes blood coming from the wounds from the snake. Jason turned to koaru. " come on, koaru! kill it! i can't hold it forever!" Jason yelled to koaru. Jason didn't have enough to hold it, and Jason's hand started to get sweaty.
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Jason Vs Koaru: Desert fight Empty Re: Jason Vs Koaru: Desert fight

Tue Mar 25, 2014 5:41 pm
Koaru dashed for dear life, as the giant serpent followed behind him. They closed in on Jason, only having about about 5 more meters to run before butting heads with his friend. As soon as Jason saw what was happening, he launched a chain from his hand. The sharp hook on the tip of the chain sped through the air and brushed just over Koaru's shoulder, just clipping one of his dreads. The chain would would wrap around the giant snake  and constrict it. Koaru skidded to a stop and turned to face the snake wriggling and squirming in plain. It would not be long until the desert basilisk wiggled free and would be in pursuit once more. Determined not to become snake chow, Koaru heeded his partner's words and grabbed hold of his ninjato's handle. He revealed about an inch of the blade, which reflected the harsh sunlight, then leaped 5 meters into the air while performing a few front flips. Koaru completely unsheathed the the blade and ran it through the beast's skull. When it was all over and the serpent's blood had stained the golden brown sand, Koaru would remove the blade, then lean on the snake carcass like a living room sofa. Koaru exhaled with relief and greeted his friend, whom he had not seen in a while.

"Sup, friend. Long time no see"

After their reunion was over, and Koaru had caught his breathe from running for miles on end, he would go on to challenge Jason to another sparring match. He wiped his blade clean of snake blood and sheathed it. He rolled up the majestic purple sleeves of his traveling robe and flexed his bicep before Jason. With a large grin he said,

"I bet we can keep at it all day, this time. I'm loads stronger now. C'mon, lets get started."

Jason Fredriksson
Jason Fredriksson
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Jason Vs Koaru: Desert fight Empty Re: Jason Vs Koaru: Desert fight

Tue Mar 25, 2014 6:43 pm
Jason made the chains go away and turned to his friend. Jason smiled as it was a long time ago that they met. Jason would surprise Koaru in many ways. mostly due to the fact that he hasn't trained in an eternity. Jason smirked as he made a fight stance and jumped back a few meters away from koaru. Jason made a fighting stance by putting up his arms in a defensive style to shield his body and face. Jason put his left leg forward 10 inches away from his right leg and bend his body forward. Jason awaited for any attacks that Koaru would do. Jason couldn't wait to see what kind of strength Koaru has.
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Jason Vs Koaru: Desert fight Empty Re: Jason Vs Koaru: Desert fight

Wed Mar 26, 2014 8:13 am
Koaru removed the majestic purple robe that he used to travel across the desserts, then he removed his usual mesh undershirt. When he was finally bare chested, he stretched out his muscles and took a deep breathe. One would think that after sprinting half way across the Wind Country, Koaru was more than warmed up and ready to go. Koaru also kicked off his shoes so that he was barefooted because he found that he was more in tune with the natural energy below him this way. Koaru felt that the sand beneath his feet was wet. When he looked down to the ground, he saw that he was right, and the blood from the snake had seeped into the sound around it.
Koaru lingered in the bloodied sands a while longer, because it reminded him of the first time he had been to the hot springs, where he first learned the surface climbing technique that was basic to all ninja. Just like now, the liquid beneath his feet back then was warm, much like the wet sand he was currently standing on, and so it had a therapeutic effect on him. That was a long time ago, and it was then that Koaru was sure that he was not cut out to be a shinobi. He was no good at ninjutsu, genjutsu, or even taijutsu. Koaru did more damage to himself that his practice targets when it came to all the weapon a shinobi should be able to use in combat. Koaru had always been fascinated with medicine, but one could only imagine the horrific turn out when he tried to heal an injured animal. Koaru could not even grasp the concept of space time theory, let alone master it and use it, and when it came to fuuinjutsu, he always found that he screwed up the circle seals as a result of his poor drawing skills. All in all, Koaru was pretty useless until he found a reason to study and train harder. Jason was a part of that reason, and Koaru could not be more grateful.
Koaru quit staring into space and refocused his attention on Jason, who had assumed his fighting stance after backing up a few meters. Koaru acknowledged and assumed a stance of his own. Koaru laterally distanced his bare feet from each other, giving about half a meter of distance between them. With one hand held before him, forming the seal of confrontation for his friend Jason, to signal that this was to be a fair fight between two acquainted shinobi, while the other hand was placed gently on the handle of his ninjato. Koaru waited for a good moment while looking Jason directly in his eyes. They would go on to stare for a while, and Koaru would wonder what Jason was currently thinking about. Their last discussion had been about being on the same team, after Kenzo had left the village for a while without permission. It would not be long before Koaru and Jason would be assigned to perform difficult missions side by side. To be successful, Koaru and Jason would have to be in complete sync with each other, an inseparable tag team duo that knew each other’s every move before they did it, and use that to their advantage when combining forces against the enemy. Koaru closed his eyes while forming a smile. When he opened his eyes, the Moringan had been activated.

Koaru launched himself toward Jason. A couple centimeters of his ninjato blade was exposed outside of its scabbard as Koaru closed in on Jason. Then, in a swift motion, Koaru would cover those few meters he was away from Jason in less than a second. To Jason, it would appear as if Koaru had just teleported in front of him. Koaru would have his ninjato completely unsheathed at this point, though he was not holding it in its traditional fashion. Koaru would force the hilt of his blade deep within Jason’s stomach. The speed of this action (90 speed) would be just barely visible to Jason, who would perhaps wonder how his friend and rival had gained such speed in such a short amount of time. Because Jason’s speed could barely compete with Koaru’s, if all the actions before Koaru strike were allowed, Jason would have trouble dodging the attack. Koaru would jab the blade into Jason’s stomach with 50 strength, possibly winding Jason and sending him flying up to five meters backwards. Should Jason go flying, the force of the impact would send a large cloud of sand flying upwards, like a sand volcano had just erupted. After his action was finished, whether it landed or not, Koaru would quickly twirl the ninjato into its normal defensive position, ready to follow up with his next attack.

Jason Fredriksson
Jason Fredriksson
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Jason Vs Koaru: Desert fight Empty Re: Jason Vs Koaru: Desert fight

Wed Mar 26, 2014 2:31 pm
Jason got hit by the attack so fast that he didn't know what happened. Jason hit the sand with such a force that it resembled a sandy volcano. Jason got up while clutching his stomach. "ow, that hurt! how did you do that?" Jason staggered up to his feet while they were shaking. "ok, koaru. see if you can dodge this!" after Jason said those words, Jason channeled 26 chakra chains after he walked towards koaru so that he was 10 meters away from him. Jason guided the chains so that they circled around koaru and wrap themselves around koaru's body, should they hit. Jason channeled hooks between the links where koaru was wrapped and would cut into Koaru's body, injuring him slightly, for they would dig into his skin. should Koaru dodge this by jumping forward then Jason would cancel the chakra chains and counter by taking out his sword and ram it against koaru's shoulder with the hilt of Jason's sword. should that strike hit, then Koaru would be left stunned and Jason would follow up with several strikes to Koaru's face with the hilt of the katana sword.Jason would then end the combo with a backhanded punch to Koaru's face which would make Koaru crash towards the sandy surface of the ground. Jason then sheathes his sword to the scabbard.
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Jason Vs Koaru: Desert fight Empty Re: Jason Vs Koaru: Desert fight

Thu Mar 27, 2014 6:08 pm
Koaru successfully performed the Battojutsu, jabbing the hilt of his Heaven's Sorrow Ninjato deep into Jason's stomach. Jason went flyinging, occasionally bouncing off of the sand's surface like a skipping stone thrown across a lake. When Jason landed, causing a cloud of sand to erupt, Koaru watched him get up, with his Moringan eyes observing him closely. He observed Jason move closer after a few remarks, to which Koaru grinned, and saw him summon a myriad of chains. Koaru's jade green eyes zig zagged from chain to chain, counting all twenty six of them in less than a second (Reaction Speed 140). Without a movement, Koaru saw as the chains circled around him, forming hooks that threatened to claw his entire body up. In a flash, Koaru  performed the Body Flicker technique, and his entire vanished from the grasp of Jason's chains. Koaru reappeared twelve meters in the air and five meters away from Jason.

Koaru saw jason follow up with a sword attack after he had dissipated his chakra chains. Jason jumped upward to reach where Koaru was, his katana in hand. Suspended in mid air, Koaru had no choice but to wait for Jason to come. Jason rammed the hilt of his katana in Koaru's right shoulder. With a brief wince of pain, Koaru attempted to dodge the remaining attacks. Because his right arm was briefly shot, Koaru used his left arm to deflect the strikes Jason then performed, aiming for his face. Koaru blocked a few, but because of his stunned arm, Koaru also got hit by a few of the hits. With only one arm to defend himself, it would appear that Koaru would not be able to defend himself for Jason's last attack, which was a back handed punch aimed at Koaru's face. However, as both Koaru and Jason descended from their position in the air, Koaru revealed a trick up his sleeve. Koaru literally had a trick up his sleeve, and summoned a large tower shield from the sealing bandages on his left forearm. The shield would serve as instant method of defense from Jason's last mid air attack. Jason's hand would meet the cold, hard metal of the shield, and would probably hurt his hand as a result.

Koaru would land on his feet, and work his arm around in his socket, regaining feeling in the arm. When he was done, Koaru would dash toward Jason before he motioned to sheathe his sword and would clash swords with him, giving the brief opportunity to exchange words. Should they clash, Koaru would say,

"You've gotten stronger, Jason. That must have been damn near thirty chains back then!"

Jason Fredriksson
Jason Fredriksson
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Jason Vs Koaru: Desert fight Empty Re: Jason Vs Koaru: Desert fight

Thu Mar 27, 2014 7:13 pm
Jason hit the shield and winced in pain. Jason took out his sword with the speed of 50 and clashed blades with koaru. "so have you, my friend." said Jason while grinning. Jason pushed back with his blade with all his might. should Jason manage to overpower koaru, then Jason would punch koaru in the face with his left hand and follow up with a combo of a right hook to his face and end the combo with a spinning roundhouse kick to koaru's solar plexus. should Jason fail to overpower him, Jason would block with his sword as best as he could to absorb as much damage as he possibly could. this is gonna be one tough sparring fight. Jason felt in his mind and heart that Koaru would fight using all of his strength and not hold back. maybe.
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Jason Vs Koaru: Desert fight Empty Re: Jason Vs Koaru: Desert fight

Fri Mar 28, 2014 12:06 am
Koaru met Jason's grin with a smile of his own. Koaru also pushed off of his blade, letting it grind against Jason's katana. The two grinding steel blades sent small sparks flying, demonstrating the power each shinobi put into their half of the clash. Koaru has 30 strength while Jason had 13, so when both of them pushed off of their blades at the same time in attempt to overpower the other, Koaru would come out on top. Jason would indeed fail to overpower Koaru, and would be sent flying back a small distance, after which he would attempt to block any oncoming attacks. Koaru studied his sparring partner. He could tell from the look in his eye that he was expecting a full on match, with no holding back. So, that is exactly what Koaru planned to give. 

Koaru performed the shadow clone jutsu and summoned two clones to jump out at either side of Jason and grab each of his arms. The clones would use both of their arms to lock Jason's arm in place outstretched into the air. The clone grabbing Jason's sword arm would attempt to disarm Jason, tossing the katana aside, letting it land tip first in the sand two meters away from where they stood. The clones would try to hold Jason firmly in place, assuming a crucifixion stance. All the while the original Koaru would watch the ongoing struggle while sheating his ninjato.

Both clones move at 70 speed, and pin Jason down with 30 strength each.

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