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Jason Fredriksson
Jason Fredriksson
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Jason Vs Koaru: Desert fight - Page 2 Empty Re: Jason Vs Koaru: Desert fight

Fri Mar 28, 2014 5:47 am
Jason struggled to get free of the clones grip on him. suddenly, Jason got an idea. from all of his chakra nodes, Jason channeled chakra chains that pierced the clones and made them disappear. Jason then ran towards his sword and while he ran, grabbed the handle and continued to run towards Koaru and when he was in arm's reach, Jason proceeded to slam the hilt of the sword to Koaru's ribs. should the attack hit, then Jason would follow up with a left punch which would end with a roundhouse kick to the face with his right leg. should the attack miss then Jason would dodge by making backflips 5 yards and then channel a chakra chain at his left hand that were filled with hooks at the links that begins 20 centimeters from his hand and twirl it around in a defensive manner.
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Jason Vs Koaru: Desert fight - Page 2 Empty Re: Jason Vs Koaru: Desert fight

Sat Mar 29, 2014 12:13 am
The clones tried to grapple Jason and hold him in place, but were ultimately overpowered by Jason's frenzy of chains, which he shot out to disperse the clones from sight. Koaru sucked his teeth with attitude. He should have known that his shadow clones would be be less than a match for Jason now that he had new mastery over his Uzumaki Chakra Chains. Koaru would have to utilize the clones better than that, because a frontal attack wouldn't work.

Koaru reached into his ninja pouch by the time the clones dispersed, standing two meters away from the action. He pulled out a bladed whip and cracked it at Jason when he attempted to grab his katana. If Jason was not quick to withdraw his outstretched hand that was reaching for his sword, Jason would recieve a shallow cut down the length of his forearm. Koaru would withdraw his whip, then bring it around for a second assault. Depending on Jason's next move, Koaru dodge Jason's punch, and would attempt to wrap the whip around Jason's left leg. If Jason continued to try a right leg roundhouse, Koaru's whip would grab the only leg Jason was standing on and Koaru would pull it out from under him, causing him to fall down hard on the ground.

Jason Fredriksson
Jason Fredriksson
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Jason Vs Koaru: Desert fight - Page 2 Empty Re: Jason Vs Koaru: Desert fight

Sun Mar 30, 2014 5:14 am
Jason retracted his hand from grabbing the sword handle and dodged to Jason's left and shot out a chakra chain towards Koaru with his left hand. if Koaru would dodge in time, then it'd graze his chest. if he blocked it, then it'd graze his arms. right after Jason does that, Jason would channel a chakra chain at 20 meters in length and 2 inches wide from his right hand and throw it towards Koaru's legs and should Koaru dodge by jumping up then Jason would guide the chakra chain at his left hand to attack Koaru. should the chakra chain at his right hand hit Koaru's legs then the chakra chain would bind itself at his legs and Jason would pull on them, forcing Koaru to collapse down. Jason would then retract the chakra chains and acknowledge Koaru's strength.
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Jason Vs Koaru: Desert fight - Page 2 Empty Re: Jason Vs Koaru: Desert fight

Sun Mar 30, 2014 2:47 pm
Koaru cracked his whip against the hot dry air, because Jason withdrew his arm that was outstretched for his katana. Koaru thought Jason was smart to do so, as the katana couldn’t have been worth losing an arm over. When Koaru reeled his whip back in after he first assault, Jason shot a chakra chain out, aimed directly for him. Koaru brought the shield on his left arm upwards to completely cover himself from the incoming chain. The shield would deflect the chain upward because of the way Koaru angled it. He knew that it was only a matter of time before Jason gave up hope at the realization that nothing could penetrate Koaru’s trusty shield. By the time Jason channeled the chakra into his right arm for a second, longer chain, Koaru had already cracked his whip for the second time, targeting Jason’s legs. Since Jason had done nothing to counter the assault, the whip would have wrapped around Jason’s leg, with the blade on the whip embedded within Jason’s skin and muscle tissue.  Koaru yanked the whipe in attempt to cause Jason to trip and fall before he could swing his long, twenty meter long chain. Koaru’s Moringan would have allowed him to see and target Jason’s Achilles tendon to the tee, and as a result, limiting Jason’s mobility through his left leg.

Koaru would expect Jason to fall on his back because of the way Koaru yanked his leg from under him, as well as because of the severing of one of the most important tendons in the leg. The wound would not be too serious, that is, if the two of them made it to the hospital after their sparring match. Whether or not Jason fell completely or not would not matter though. Koaru would immediately use all his strength to lift Jason by pulling the whip overhead, and send Jason crashing down into the sand, back first, three meters away. Koaru did this to make sure that Jason could not make use of that long twenty meter length of chain that, at this point in time, would have just been finished. The force of Jason’s collision with the sand below him after this attack would loosen the whip’s grip on his leg. Koaru would reel the whip back towards him and whip it in place, this time, to flick the remaining blood from its blade.

“Erm, sorry about that, Jason. But you know what our senseis always say. If you’re not trying to kill your sparring partner, you aren’t doing them any favors. Now come at me with everything you’ve got!!”

While Koaru spoke to Jason, he would be wrapping the length of the whip around his knuckles gingerly so that the blade would be facing outward. Koaru would keep light on his feet by displaying some foot work and shadow boxing in place. Koaru punched the air about ten times with just his right arm, wrapped with the bladed whip, before he decided it would be fit to approach Jason. With his tower shield mounted on his left forearm and his right fist poised to attack, Koaru approached with a prepared battle stance, the boy’s face partially blocked from view by the large shield. Koaru crept closer towards Jason, waiting for him to make the next move.

“I mean it! From this match on, I’m coming at you with full force!”

Jason Fredriksson
Jason Fredriksson
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Jason Vs Koaru: Desert fight - Page 2 Empty Re: Jason Vs Koaru: Desert fight

Sun Mar 30, 2014 5:39 pm
Jason fell towards the sandy ground and couldn't get up or move. "no. stop! stop! i can't move...! god...!" Jason lied there on his back. "god... you and your stupid shield and whip... god..." Jason mumbled as he lied there on the ground. "how do you expect me to fight with a damaged Achilles heel? i can't even stand up!" Jason shouted to him. while Jason was lying there, he was observing Koaru, waiting for his next move.
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Jason Vs Koaru: Desert fight - Page 2 Empty Re: Jason Vs Koaru: Desert fight

Sun Mar 30, 2014 6:28 pm
Koaru approached Jason, who had just been slammed on his back into the sand. Jason was mumbling his complaints about his injured leg as he nursed it. His mumbling turned to shouts, which made Koaru laugh uncontrollably. Koaru removed the shield from his left arm, planted it firmly in the sand next to him then leaned on it. Koaru unraveled his whip and placed it back into his pouch after he neatly coiled it. When his uncontrollable laughter reduced into chuckles, Koaru said

"Come on man! It's just a stratch! Hop on one leg if you have to haha!"

Koaru knelt down next to Jason and tore the sleeve off of his own cloak. Koaru fashioned a bandage out of the cloth and would wrapp it firmly around Jason's injured leg. The bleeding would stop and Jason would gain some mobility in the leg, at least enough to limp. When Koaru finished wrapping the bandage, finalizing the knot in the shape of a bow, Koaru would stand up and cross his arms, standing next to his shield. Because of the way they were positioned, Koaru's head shielded Jason from the sun. Koaru would then offer Jason a hand in getting onto his feet while he said,

"There, that should do it. Can you move it?"

Jason Fredriksson
Jason Fredriksson
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Jason Vs Koaru: Desert fight - Page 2 Empty Re: Jason Vs Koaru: Desert fight

Mon Mar 31, 2014 2:52 pm
Jason moved his leg slightly to see if he could move it. and he could. "yes. yes i can." Jason said as he got up. "thanks." Jason thanked Koaru and punched him in the face. Jason would follow up with several combo punches at his chest and stomach and ended the combo with a judo throw towards the ground. "that's for your stupid whip and shield. asshole!" Jason would slowly back away due to his hurt leg. "let's see you fight hand to hand, koaru. i want to test your taijutsu skills." Jason said with confidence.
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Jason Vs Koaru: Desert fight - Page 2 Empty Re: Jason Vs Koaru: Desert fight

Tue Apr 01, 2014 12:47 am
The unsuspecting Koaru took blow after blow after he helped his friend get up off of the sand. The pangs in his chest and stomach seemed to go on forever under the baking Suna sun. Koaru stumbled backwards, and wiped the blood that trailed down from the corner of his mouth. Koaru clutched his fists hard and banged his fist against his open palm. He accepted Jason's challenge by saying,

"Bring it on!"

Koaru ran towards Jason with great speed(70). He would feign a left jab, attempting to throw Jason off his guard. If this worked, Koaru would reveal a smug grin before dropping his entire body down to the floor for a leg sweep. Koaru was attempting to throw Jason completely off balance in preparation for a follow up attack combo. If Jason was clever enough to see through the faked left jab and evade the leg sweep, Koaru would spring upward into the air with his powerful leg muscles and descend into a mighty heel drop that would cause a plume of sand to erupt upon impact. If Koaru's previous leg sweep was a success, he would deliver the same kick, allowing more damage to be dealt to Jason do to his uprooted guard stance.
Jason Fredriksson
Jason Fredriksson
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Jason Vs Koaru: Desert fight - Page 2 Empty Re: Jason Vs Koaru: Desert fight

Tue Apr 01, 2014 12:21 pm
Jason wasn't affected by the feign of the punch, though he was surprised by his sudden speed. Jason saw that he was going for a leg sweep so Jason dodged by doing a backflip. after Jason landed he channeled 7 chakra chains from his chest that were 20 meters long and 2 inches wide. they flew at koaru with the chakra of 71, and were aimed at koaru's legs. should they hit, then Jason would attack his legs, cutting them up and return the favor. he'd also make the remaining chakra chain to wrap around koaru's legs and throw him down to the ground. if they miss then Jason would channel two chakra chains, one in each hand at the same length and twirl them around in a defensive manner and attack koaru should he come closer.
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Jason Vs Koaru: Desert fight - Page 2 Empty Re: Jason Vs Koaru: Desert fight

Wed Apr 02, 2014 8:04 pm
Koaru would pull out a kunai from his hoster and use it to slice trough all 7 of Jason's chains. The slash would cut horizontally so that he could span all of the chains in one stroke. He would land inches away from Jason and stare him directly in the eye. Koaru would offer a soft smile, then collapse, hoping Jason would catch the worn out boy.

When he came to his senses after a brief moment, Koaru would stand upright and return his knife to his pouch. Koaru could not continue under this heat. He wiped the sweat from his brow, then put his taveling cloak on. He put a hand over his eyes to shield them from the sun as he looked out at the horizon. Nothing but sand as far as the Moringan eye could see. If he was to make it back before sundown, Koaru had to get moving.

"Sorry Jason. Looks like you win this round. I gotta get out of this unbearable heat. Catch you later"


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+39 JP

Last edited by Koaru on Wed Apr 02, 2014 8:10 pm; edited 1 time in total
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