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Ryusei Shinkou
Ryusei Shinkou
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Om-nom-nom (private) Empty Om-nom-nom (private)

Mon Oct 06, 2014 9:09 pm
Ryusei wandered through the streets. It had been a long day and frankly, he was hungry. Tired of eating the same stuff every afternoon for his late lunch, he decided he would eat something different for once. His stomach rumbled, for the 100th time in the last few minutes, and he looked around for somewhere to eat, not wanting to wait any longer. The first place that caught his eye, was the Ichiraku Noodle Shop.

Noodles? He had not eaten noodles since before he became an academy student. He would treat himself to something a little more scrumptious this time. He walked up to the entrance, and looked for an open table.
Kenshin Uchiha
Kenshin Uchiha
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Om-nom-nom (private) Empty Re: Om-nom-nom (private)

Tue Oct 07, 2014 3:45 pm
Sitting within the Ichiraku Noodle Bar he would be consuming a large bowl of spicy ramen with a gleeful look on his face as these place was generally the only place he was able to enjoy at a modest price compared to the majority of other places. The other was an all you can he buffet a long ways down the road that simply would cost him far too much with what he had on him now. It was around the time he was finishing the first bowl when the boy he had met a few days ago entered and with a smirk on his face he would pull out the seat next to him to try and tell him to sit. It was then that he would greet the young boy "So what brings you here kid?" he said as he continued to chow down on what was left of his ramen before he slurped down the broth rather quickly. Tapping on the table again and nodding to the chef the man would immediately begin making another bowl of the spicy ramen for him as he was a regular after all.
Ryusei Shinkou
Ryusei Shinkou
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Om-nom-nom (private) Empty Re: Om-nom-nom (private)

Tue Oct 07, 2014 6:32 pm
Ryusei happily entered the restaurant, not noticing anyone he would recognize. Humming, he sat down next to a guy with the Uchiha crest on his back. He ordered a pork ramen bowl, and sat back. His stomach rumbled, and he said "Hi Kenshin" to the guy next to him. He started twiddling his fingers while waiting for his ramen, before suddenly it hit him -

"Kenshin! What're you doing here?!?!?!?" - then he saw the chef hand Kenshin another bowl, he was already finishing one. "Oh, never mind, that is a silly question. Everyone has to eat at some time... hahaha. Sorry, it seems a little weird to see you eating here like a normal person when you are so strong."

Not wanting to sound rude, he tried to strike up a conversation. "Wait, so you can get so strong no matter your diet? I had heard that ramen is delicious, if not the most wholesome."
Kenshin Uchiha
Kenshin Uchiha
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Om-nom-nom (private) Empty Re: Om-nom-nom (private)

Tue Oct 07, 2014 6:47 pm
"Why would my diet matter in my strength?" he said as he slowly began eating his next bowl of ramen, shoving large amounts of noodles into his mouth each time he stuck his chopsticks into his bowl. Taking a few moments to enjoy the taste of his meal he would look to Ryusei, wiping his mouth clean with a small napkin he had set by his owl. "Also, why the surprise seeing me here? Do you think i'm any different from a normal person?". Slowly looking back to his food he would continue eating until he finished his second bowl, tapping on the bar once again to tell the chef to keep it coming. Perhaps Ryusei couldn't notice under his long and bulky black cloak but Kenshin was actually quite the hefty teen, generally more muscular and heavy than the other kids at his age, as well as taller, nearing that of a grown man.
Ryusei Shinkou
Ryusei Shinkou
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Om-nom-nom (private) Empty Re: Om-nom-nom (private)

Tue Oct 07, 2014 7:06 pm
"well... some foods are more nutritious than others. you have a point though. I heard that Naruto Uzumaki, the wild guy, he was always eating ramen here whenever he could, so maybe it doesn't matter so much."

He watched in fascination as Kenshin began gulping down huge amounts of noodles. He would try to better that then, if quantity mattered more than quality, at least concerning diet. His bowl was almost ready, man those guys worked really fast.

He answered Kenshin's question - "Well, you seem so much stronger than most people, it seems weird to not see you consuming steroids or something. Though, that might make you look like Tank Akimichi instead. Say, I haven't eaten here in quite a long time, and am rather hungry. Got any suggestions for flavors?"

His first bowl of noodles, pork ramen, arrived, and he began eating voraciously.
Kenshin Uchiha
Kenshin Uchiha
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Om-nom-nom (private) Empty Re: Om-nom-nom (private)

Tue Oct 07, 2014 7:14 pm
Listening to Ryu speak he gave him an odd look as he spoke the name Naruto Uzumaki and to be quite honest he found it awkward that he knew the mans dietary habits like that. Simply eating his ramen until their was only a small amount left he would slowly push the bowl over to Ryusei as the chef was nearly done making his third bowl. "That's the spicy ramen if you want to try it, but I warn you, it's some potent stuff" he said as he watched Ryusei and waited for him to taste it and feel the intense burn of the spices, a taste Kenshin himself had learned to love after coming her many days without much money seeing as it was the cheapest bowl on the menu and it was usually the only thing he could afford in quantity. "And Tank, he is something else entirely, a brute rather than a shinobi if I say so myself but I can see he will eventually become far more physically imposing than I will ever be, and by a large margin".
Ryusei Shinkou
Ryusei Shinkou
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Om-nom-nom (private) Empty Re: Om-nom-nom (private)

Tue Oct 07, 2014 7:51 pm
Seeing Kenshin's unusual glance out of the corner of his eye, Ryusei gobbled down the entire bowl in one go. Wiping off the remnants of his first course, he waited for Kenshin to resume eating before talking. "Well, I was curious to know more about that guy, as he started out rather... feebly. Similar to me. So I was curious after our last training session what he did. Needless to say I kinda doubt I would be able to fight the Nine-Tails."

Ryusei watched as Kenshin pushed over the remnants of his once mighty bowl. He could see peppers everywhere in the thing. "Sounds interesting. I'll give it a go, thanks buddy". He looked at the menu and saw why Kenshin had bought it today. If he ate here more often he would eat the same stuff. "At least Tank is a nice bru-"

He took a bit of the ramen Kenshin had left behind.

Then he almost fell out of his stool.

That stuff was HOT. HOT in big capital red letters. His tongue was on fire. He was tempted to claw at his tongue except that he knew it would not help much with his affliction. His eyes watered as he surpressed his panic, and slurped down the rest of the bowl quickly, to get it over with. "Argh"

He apparently had swallowed liquid lava, or that was how it had seemed at least. He carefully set down the bowl and tried to control his scream, turning it into part of a laugh....

"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAUUUUUUUUUUUGGGGGGGHHHHHHH... Aaaahhh... ha... haha... hahaha..." He ended weakly. "Man, that was hot. Is that how the Uchiha unlock the fire element? If this was a comic I'm pretty sure I would have spouted some flames there."

Draining his glass of water, he set it out to be refilled, the ice slightly reducing the massive burning sensation on his tongue. hopefully the pork ramen he was starting would wash down some of the spices without setting the rest of his insides on fire....
Kenshin Uchiha
Kenshin Uchiha
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Om-nom-nom (private) Empty Re: Om-nom-nom (private)

Tue Oct 07, 2014 8:20 pm
Chuckling softly to himself as he watched the boy panic at the intensity of the spice he would await the chef to set down his third and final bowl of ramen, yet again spicy. Slowly slurping the noodles into his mouth he would stare at Ryusei as he struggled to fight off the heat of Kenshin's preferred flavor, quickly emptying his entire cup of water and eating his pork ramen to try and survive his brush with the flaming hot noodles. "The nine-tails you say? I believe I read somewhere that a man of my clan once controlled that beast long ago to battle the founder of the village. Oh, what was his name again?" Kenshin wondered as he scratched his chin trying to draw the memory back into his thoughts and after several seconds he would snap his fingers. "Madara Uchiha was his name!" he said with confidence as he was sure he had pronounced the name correctly and going back into deep thought once again he would remember what the village named The Valley of The End, the place where Madara had battled the founder of konohagakure. "Yes, it was Hashirama Senju he battled, over by that valley with the waterfall, their statues are there even now I believe". Looking back down at his bowl of ramen he would once again begin slowly eating the noodles wanting to savor his final bowl as much as he could considering it could be a while until he could afford this much again.
Ryusei Shinkou
Ryusei Shinkou
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Om-nom-nom (private) Empty Re: Om-nom-nom (private)

Tue Oct 07, 2014 8:51 pm
Ryusei contemplatively finished his bowl of ramen, the fiery taste die-ing down now. He quickly ordered a second bowl, all the while listening carefully to what Kenshin said. Even he had heard of Madara Uchiha, he being one of the most famous Uchiha, and missing-nin in history. It was not like he knew any real details though. If he was going to elevate his clan to the status of the Uchiha, he wanted to know what it was that made them so strong. "Sounds like an interesting guy... do you happen to know anything more about Madara Uchiha?"

Starting a second bowl of noodles, he noticed that Kenshin seemed to have slowed down a lot, enjoying the bowl of ramen much more. "Just wondering... that is the same flavor, no? How many have you had so far? You seemed pretty hungry later, is this your second?"

In the back of his mind, he was wondering what it was that made Uchiha so strong. Perhaps it was their determination. After all, the Nine-Tails was a rather ferocious beast, and it must have been hard to control it to the extent of having it attack a village. It was rumored though that Naruto Uzumaki had somehow.. befriended it. Anyways, perhaps the Uchiha had ruthless determination going for them.
Kenshin Uchiha
Kenshin Uchiha
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Om-nom-nom (private) Empty Re: Om-nom-nom (private)

Tue Oct 07, 2014 9:06 pm
Shaking his head slowly as Ryusei questioned him further about Madara he would speak "Sadly I do not, perhaps I could eventually look up some more things about him. All I really know is what my father used to tell me, something about them having the same eyes, not really sure what that means though, maybe he was talking about the sharingan". Hearing Ryusei's second question he would simply shake his head once again as he filled his mouth with more noodles holding up three fingers to try and tell him he was on his third bowl. Swallowing the noodles he had in his mouth he would speak once more "My father was really weird like that I guess though, often spoke in rather shady ways like he was constantly trying to hide something from me or something, kind of weird to hide something from your son if you ask me".
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