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Ryusei Shinkou
Ryusei Shinkou
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Om-nom-nom (private) - Page 2 Empty Re: Om-nom-nom (private)

Wed Oct 08, 2014 9:29 pm
Ryusei was happily munching on noodles too when Kenshin grabbed his bowl and started eating. He saw all the gestures his new friend made, and paused... that was his third bowl?

He swallowed, not wanting to talk with his mouth full. "That's your third bowl? Man, you can really pack it away, huh!"

He continued stuffing his face. Not wanting to be outdone by a younger boy, he hastily ordered a third bowl in the 5 minutes since he had entered. "Same eyes... I wonder if that refers to the other man, or the Nine-Tails. If it was the Nine-Tails, then that might partially explain why Madara was able to control it. I wonder how much your father doesn't want to tell you...."

His third bowl arrived. Before he started swallowing the noodles, he asked Kenshin - "What kinds of things do you do to get stronger? I'm just curious if there is a particular regimen you follow."
Kenshin Uchiha
Kenshin Uchiha
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Om-nom-nom (private) - Page 2 Empty Re: Om-nom-nom (private)

Thu Oct 09, 2014 1:28 am
Nodding slowly as Ryusei commented on his ability to eat large quantities of food he would simply remain quiet until the boy had finished speaking to him. It was then that he would drink the remaining broth and push the bowl towards the chef to allow him to take it and clean it later. Wiping his face with his napkin once again he would turn to face Ryusei again and speak. "He was speaking of the other man, Madara, telling me they both had the same eyes and whenever I questioned him about it he just shrugged it off so I really don't know how much he kept from me". It was then that Ryusei would speak of Kenshin's strength once again, questioning how he was capable of obtaining it and with a second of thought he would continue "Well, I usually just find other people in the training grounds and end up fighting them and winning. The weirdest thing about it is I've never actually lost other than a spar I had a few days ago with a man named Shinji Uzumaki". Purposely avoiding telling Ryusei anymore details on the man he didn't want to bring any attention to the kind man that would end up being annoying or burdening in some way.
Ryusei Shinkou
Ryusei Shinkou
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Om-nom-nom (private) - Page 2 Empty Re: Om-nom-nom (private)

Thu Oct 09, 2014 2:10 am
Ryusei sat back, having finished his third bowl of ramen entirely as Kenshin was speaking. In fact, it had only taken him about 1 minute, to consume all of it. He was starting to get... full. In fact, he wondered if he was going to get fat from eating all of that. He patted his stomach appreciatively, listening carefully to Kenshin's words.

He would reply to Kenshin - "I guess that method of training gets you a lot more battle experience huh? That Shinji Uzumaki must be pretty tough if he was better than you. I'm not sure I want to meet him yet."

(ooc: sorry shinji, but I don't know ic what you are like yet :)) )
Kenshin Uchiha
Kenshin Uchiha
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Om-nom-nom (private) - Page 2 Empty Re: Om-nom-nom (private)

Thu Oct 09, 2014 4:15 am
Slowly shaking his head at Ryusei he would speak "No, losing to him was completely different considering he was a..." he stopped himself mid-sentence not wanting to reveal anything to the boy. Thinking quickly he would try and come up with something but he simply couldn't so to try and take the pressure off himself he ordered one last bowl of ramen, an excuse not to finish what he was about to say. Hoping Ryusei wouldn't push the point he would simply wait for his bowl and begin eating rather slowly, not even being close to full but simply not enjoying the food like he was before as the taste was getting old to be honest.
Ryusei Shinkou
Ryusei Shinkou
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Om-nom-nom (private) - Page 2 Empty Re: Om-nom-nom (private)

Thu Oct 09, 2014 5:12 am
"A...? An arrogant jerk? That would infuriate me too! No offense but I got kind of angry when I lost completely to you again, last time. If this was not the time to eat, I might have considered sparring with you again, if only to see if I can put up a fight instead of being a punching bag! Losing to someone who is just... mean would make me even madder, I understand why you might not want to talk about it!" Ryusei burst into laughter. "Well, there's all kinds of people in the world, some of whom may have personality issues that hamper their progress."

Ryusei observed that Kenshin did not seem to be savoring the taste as much this bowl. "Do they allow takeout? There's so many flavors to try here. Say, is the spice getting to you finally but you think you have to only eat that stuff to toughen up? Or just savoring it? You're not eating it as fast as before, I notice."

Before Kenshin would be able to protest, Ryusei would stand and frantically wave his hand in a large arc. "Hey Mister, one more bowl of ramen over here!"

When the chef asked what type, Ryusei turned to Kenshin and asked "What flavor would you like? It's on my tab, since you don't seem to be enjoying those noodles too much.". If Kenshin tried anything funny instead of saying what flavor he wanted, like fleeing the restaurant, or protesting that he did not want to buy another bowl of ramen, Ryusei would try to stop him, using almost any means....

(ooc: sorry shinji, this might get cleared up if I meet you ic xD )
Kenshin Uchiha
Kenshin Uchiha
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Om-nom-nom (private) - Page 2 Empty Re: Om-nom-nom (private)

Thu Oct 09, 2014 5:22 am
Sitting there as Ryusei began to berate Shinji regardless of the fact he knew nothing of him Kenshin would grow slightly more frustrated as he went on. It was when Ryusei was finally done speaking bad of Shinji that he prepared himself to speak "No, he was an okay man" he said as he stared at Ryusei, the man was obviously a chatterbox seeing how he was almost always speaking. It was after Ryusei asked several questions that he was prepared to speak again but was quickly cut off before he could answer, the boy offering him another bowl of ramen, even though Kenshin did not particularly want another. "It's just that the spicy ramens flavor has gotten a little too old seeing how I have already ate three bowls before this one. I don't need another one or want another, finishing this one will suffice". Speaking purposefully and sternly he would hope that the boy would not continue to protest as he did not wish to get into some kind of altercation right after eating such a large amount of food.
Ryusei Shinkou
Ryusei Shinkou
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Om-nom-nom (private) - Page 2 Empty Re: Om-nom-nom (private)

Thu Oct 09, 2014 6:25 am
Ryusei was rather taken aback.... "Oh, he wasn't such a bad guy? My bad... alright, next time when I finish a mission, the noodles are on me."

Ryusei noticed that Kenshin had been about to speak when Ryusei had not stopped talking. Awkwardly waving at the chef to cancel the order, he said "Sorry, did I keep you from speaking?"

Ryusei sat back on his stool, it nearly tipping over. Rebalancing himself and the stool by grabbing the counter, he loosened his belt slightly, and would listen to whatever Kenshin said. It was good to relax after a meal. Man, Kenshin was on his... 4th bowl, and Ryusei was taller than him by a bit. He must have one crazy metabolism if he was not yet fat like many Akimichi.
Kenshin Uchiha
Kenshin Uchiha
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Om-nom-nom (private) - Page 2 Empty Re: Om-nom-nom (private)

Thu Oct 09, 2014 6:36 am
Kenshin would simply continue eating his bowl of ramen as Ryusei began speaking once again and luckily for him it did not bother him that the other boy talked so much. It was only after he had finished his bowl that he would push it towards the chef for him to clean that Kenshin slowly stood from his seat, his hands appearing from underneath his cloak as he began patting it down to get rid of any dust or dirt that may have found its way onto the fabric. His body turning towards the exit to the stall he would look to Ryusei "It was nice seeing you" he would say as he stepped out. It was not as if Kenshin was in a rush to leave but it did feel like it was time for him to do just that as he needed to get home soon anyway seeing how he did not plan to stay so long to begin with. Making his way down the street after getting ten or so meters away from the stall he would vanish from Ryusei's sight if he was watching him, obviously using the body flicker technique to increase his speed to a level the other boy could not follow even in the slightest, completely vanishing to him. It was only moments after that he would quickly land in front of his apartment, the local children screaming at him to play and with a soft smile he would practically kill their hope and enter his home causing them all to sigh in disappointment. Kenshin walking up the stairs would simply make his way to his bedroom and lay down to rest.

Attempting exit
Ryusei Shinkou
Ryusei Shinkou
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Om-nom-nom (private) - Page 2 Empty Re: Om-nom-nom (private)

Thu Oct 09, 2014 10:17 am
Kenshin appeared to be finishing up, and Ryusei had already done such. "See ya later!" Ryusei shouted after Kenshin's retreating figure in the street.

He took a deep breath - well, meeting Kenshin had been most unexpected. He was going to be late for his next training session, and the movie theatre after that (not that he had anyone to go with lol). Pausing to make sure he would be ok for the journey, Ryusei took off at a slow jog to the training grounds, where he intended to work off every single calorie he had just consumed.....

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