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Cargo drop off(Tatsuya Zach)

Jason Fredriksson
Touka Keisuke
Domri Meijin
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Jason Fredriksson
Jason Fredriksson
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Cargo drop off(Tatsuya Zach) - Page 2 Empty Re: Cargo drop off(Tatsuya Zach)

Thu Oct 30, 2014 5:15 pm
Jason was wearing his power suit that fully protected him from head to toe. he had followed Xyxer and had waited for him to speak. as he heard that he, that is Jason, was gonna behead them, he walked forth and stood next to Xyxer. Jason crossed his arms as he stood tall and intimidating. Jason moved the prehensile tail so that the tip was facing towards the two genin. Jason had moved at the speed of 115 and swung the tail towards the genin that isn't up on the cross. if he missed, which he shouldn't, considering his speed, it would merely coil around his body like a snake. if it hit, then the flat side of the tip would hit his face and make the genin hit the wall.
Touka Keisuke
Touka Keisuke
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Cargo drop off(Tatsuya Zach) - Page 2 Empty Re: Cargo drop off(Tatsuya Zach)

Thu Oct 30, 2014 5:41 pm
Tasuya takes a step back as he sees the bones come out of Zach. "Zach you are not a monster you are a member to the leaf."
Tatsuya says trying to calm him.
"You are a good person and I consider you my friend. Dont worry we will get out of this situation some how but for now we need to stay calm."
Tatsuya smiles at Zach hoping that this will work.
Soon after he hears foot steps and then a man walks into the room. The man was quite frightening but Tatsuya sees the warm smile coming fro his face. This is calming but still no indication that the man wants to be his friend.
Tatsuya hears the order an very quickly Tatsuya walks over in a quick maner. If Zach becomes frozen once again Tatsuya will grab him by the arm and bring him over to the cross as well.
In no time at all a new member by the name of Jason enters. Both the men are very intimidating and look as thought they mean business. However Tatsuya must not forget his manners and he bowed low allowing his blond hair to fall in front of his face. With the bow Tatsuya says as well.
"I am glad to have met you. My name is Tatsuya Nara."
Tatsuya trys to be as respectful as possible as he dose not want his head to get chopped off.
What will happen? Tatsuya thinks to himself. What will they have in store for us?
Domri Meijin
Domri Meijin
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Cargo drop off(Tatsuya Zach) - Page 2 Empty Re: Cargo drop off(Tatsuya Zach)

Fri Oct 31, 2014 12:50 am
Zach stood completely still as he listened to Tatsuya's words and attempts to calm him down. The boys bones started retracting back into his body as Tatsuya's effort seemed to had paid off as the only thing that came out of Zach's mouth was. "Friend?" Zach's voice was a confused tone as his head was tilted and his hallucinations had stopped. Zach heard the metal door to the torture chamber open and whipped his head around to see if the demon priest had returned but instead saw a massive man as Zach listened to what this man was telling them to do and saw the smile that formed on his face as he noticed Tatsuya heading towards the cross from his peripheral vision. Zach felts Tatsuya's attempt to get him to move but let his arm extend until it came out of Tatsuya's grip as then the boy noticed this other man as before he could move he felt something strike him as Zach's body lifted off the ground and hit the back wall of the torture chamber the back of his skull bouncing off of the wall as his vision was blurred from the blow and his consciousness was starting to slip away.
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Cargo drop off(Tatsuya Zach) - Page 2 Empty Re: Cargo drop off(Tatsuya Zach)

Fri Oct 31, 2014 1:25 am
The sadistic psychopath watched on from the doorway at Tatsuya's attempt to lure his terrified friend to the cross, it was an interesting tactic to try lead a sheep to it's doom, but one that was more than less bound to fail. Thankfully, that was why Jason was here if things were to increasingly become more boring, he could perhaps.. spice them up a little. Turning his head to look everybody currently in the room once over, he watched Tatsuya bow and announce his name, and before Zachariah could attempt the same he was soon struck by a tail that belonged to his friend's puppet, striking him against a wall with a rough impact which seemed to have result in his unconsciousness. Unconscious people tend to not struggle, Xyxer had noticed throughout his years. Deciding to give Tatsuya another chance due to his polite mannerisms, still chuckling somewhat from the action that Jason had performed. "Very well, Tatsuya, well met. Now that your friend will be less capable of forcing you both to get tortured via his defiance, you can attach him to the cross and Jason shouldn't harm you. Now, don't lie to me or you'll get tortured regardless, from what village have you been plucked from?"
Jason Fredriksson
Jason Fredriksson
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Cargo drop off(Tatsuya Zach) - Page 2 Empty Re: Cargo drop off(Tatsuya Zach)

Fri Oct 31, 2014 4:45 pm
Jason jumped back and held up his prehensile tail as a form of defense while he jumped back to Xyxer, awaiting an order. Jason had to stay focused on this one. if his mind traveled elsewhere, he would be unable to concentrate on the situation at hand and would most likely find himself killed. though it would only be a matter of time, that is, if he decided to make a run for it, or stay and fight. should he choose to do the latter, then he would probably be able to take on one of the genins and perhaps win. should he choose to fight against all of them, Jason would win with some effort. Jason awaited further instructions from Xyxer on what to do. while he did that, he assessed the situation. on the floor near the wall as a passed out genin. upon the cross was another. with his friend next to him. Jason had to focus. he had prepared his prehensile tail to protect him at all cost. and with the speed of 115, it would, maybe, protect him from almost all harm that would befall upon Jason.
Touka Keisuke
Touka Keisuke
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Cargo drop off(Tatsuya Zach) - Page 2 Empty Re: Cargo drop off(Tatsuya Zach)

Sat Nov 01, 2014 1:03 am
Tatsuya listens to the orders given by Xyxer and as his hands are slightly hidden he makes a fist in anger. Looking at Jason he sees that he is ready to strike and because of this Tatsuya calms down and walks over to Zach.
For why would a man want to tortured people who posed no threat to him. Or even want to tortured some one in general.
This man definitely had issues and Tatsuya wondered why some one would want to hurt another human being.

Tatsuya thinks this as he walks back to were Zach is located. Looking at his face he picks him up to the best of his abilities. Then Tatsuya has a thought strike him. Had it been Zach's closed eyes and helplessness that sparked it or was it that they were from the same village. Tatsuya looks back up to the two men as several tears roll down his cheek. Tatsuya's eyes are red with rage but soft with sorrow. Tatsuya places Zack back down and Tatsuya kneels down with his head low.
 "I am sorry but I will not help in the harming of my comrade for we are both members of the hidden leaf. I may be torture me as much as you wish but in the end that is better then harming ones friend." Tatsuya raises his gaze too look at the men and Tatsuya becomes alert to make a defensive move. It most likely will not work but he must still try to protect him self and Zach.

Tatsuya last thoughts before he gets hit are. I must protect the will of fire. With that one last salty tear rolls down his cheek.
Domri Meijin
Domri Meijin
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Cargo drop off(Tatsuya Zach) - Page 2 Empty Re: Cargo drop off(Tatsuya Zach)

Sat Nov 01, 2014 6:32 am
The boy was groaning as he was being moved and all he could feel was a great pain in the back of his head as his arms moved to let his hands cover his head as he felt his body was placed down. Zach green eyes started to open slowly as he could see the cross then Tatsuya kneeling before he saw the same tail strike Tatsuya as Zach was struggling to get back to his feet. The boy had finally made it onto his two legs and standing up straight after a few attempts. Zachariah growled as his temper started to flare up. “Stop it!” Zach yelled as he could only watch Tatsuya without even helping him. Am I really this weak Zach thought to himself as he never showed it on his face. Zach took in a deep breath as he walked over to the cross and put his arms and legs through the straps as he looked to the massive being who was clearly the one giving the orders. “Do what you want to me but don't hurt Tatsuya.” Zachs voice was a growl as if he was a small dog who was thrown to the wolves no chance to win but had to show the courage or stupidity to try. Zach let his head fall forward as his eyes let Xyxer and Jason and tried to get a view of Tatsuya to make sure he was okay. “Tatsuya there is no need for you to suffer along with me. They'd kill the both of us for fun right now if they pleased so just listen to what he tells you and you might survive friend.” Zach voice had went from angry growling to calm as he turned his head back towards Xyxer and Jason then started to growl again uncertain of what these men infront of him would do and If Tatsuya could even hear him.
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Cargo drop off(Tatsuya Zach) - Page 2 Empty Re: Cargo drop off(Tatsuya Zach)

Sat Nov 01, 2014 5:46 pm
Xyxer, whom was now slouching with his left shoulder resting on the door frame as he peered inwards at the two intruders, observed the duo share a moment of bonding.. Tatsuya had, this time, refused to tie his friend up to the cross. That amused Xyxer, as the boy seemed to have suddenly developed morals and lost his survival instinct, considering how seconds ago he was willing to strap his friend to a cross that would inevitably result in pain. Crosses tended to signify pain, so that was possibly why so much agony was coming from the two individuals.. Their eyes glaring, their expressions feral and much like cornered dogs.. Except they were not dogs in this dungeon. They were puppies, wrenched from the teats of their mother and thrown in with a wolf that had a dissociative disorder and his own pup. Xyxer felt their pain, truly he did.

Watching the brave one forfeit his own life for the protection of his friend, a small smile came to the face of the demon of Kirigakure, the Wrath of Tengakure.. It was as if he believed they had passed a small test, they were finally useful. With his smile still gentle, he walked towards Zachariah as he strapped himself to the cross, speaking slowly as he stood in front of him and fiddled with his restraints. "Very good, you've pleased me." Xyxer continued to smile, although, his smile now seemed to be much more pointed, his eyebrows furrowed maliciously. "As for you, Tatsuya.." Xyxer turned his head from the now restrained male, looking towards the male currently wallowing in his own sorrows in a crouch.. The will of fire surely did appear to be dead. There was no backbone in him, just empty words that he had previously abandoned..

"As for you, Tatsuya.. You've passed. You shan't be tortured." Xyxer nodded his head a little, smiling again as if his words were spoken with warmth and caring. Could Xyxer even feel those emotions? He liked to believe his emotions finally died when the hero of his story met her demise. "Not by my hand, at least. Jason, play with him and make sure he doesn't get too bored." He commanded softly, turning his attention back towards the restrained male.

Frowning this time, he grasped a hold of the cheeks male and applied a maintained pressure on the jaw of the male, if this pressure was to be maintained it would be enough to break the jaw of the unfortunate genin within two posts if he was not aided. Xyxer now began to snarl, his true colours coming out. "You, however.. Have not passed. You showed no courtesy. In MY humble abode, you did not tell me your name, nor rank, nor why you are so unforgivably rude to me. Help yourself and give me those answers now, perhaps my rage will find it plausible to not have Youka return to an injured Tatsuya and an unidentifiable sludge covering MY cross."
Jason Fredriksson
Jason Fredriksson
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Cargo drop off(Tatsuya Zach) - Page 2 Empty Re: Cargo drop off(Tatsuya Zach)

Sat Nov 01, 2014 6:30 pm
Jason heard what Xyxer said and walked towards Tatsuya slumped against the wall. Oh he is gonna play alright. Jason readied his tail and walked towards Tatsuya slowly, so as to make him scared. The only thing that could properly be seen through the darkness was the eyes of the puppet. The huge puppet leered from the darkness and appeared to be very intimidating. As Jason took steps, from inside the puppet armor, the steps were almost hollow. As if it was devoid of anything human. The prehensile tail rose up and lashed out from Jason, feigning a strike to his Abdomen but instead the tail coiled around Tatsuya's left ankle loosely. If Tatsuya would run away, he would most likely trip.
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Cargo drop off(Tatsuya Zach) - Page 2 Empty Re: Cargo drop off(Tatsuya Zach)

Sun Nov 02, 2014 6:55 pm
The Demon arrived back in Tenga dropping the kids back on their legs allowing them to walk on their own accord. Passing the gates he nodded to the guards and one of them again rushed off to inform Xyxyer of his arrival. This was almost like a second home now, he came and went as he pleased and it was only a day after trying to take it.

"Follow me closely, when we arrive at this place don't touch anything or gawk. This man is very interesting and he can be unpredictable."

Walking through the corridors and to the room he had stored the other two he could hear a commotion coming from the room. Increasing his speed he came around the corner and entered just as something in a large piece of armor was raising an appendage. From where he was standing it looked like someone was about to over step their boundaries on one of his prizes. Moving quickly he would be behind the armored man grabbing the tail and holding on to it with all his strength.

Not paying the armored man any mind and dismissing him as a nobody the Demon looked directly at Xyxer before speaking.

"I see you've found another playmate, that one is always rude. It's part of his nature, something that I told him would get him in trouble the first time we met. Well it was implied at least. Who's the guy in this weird contraption?"
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