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Cargo drop off(Tatsuya Zach)

Jason Fredriksson
Touka Keisuke
Domri Meijin
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Takashi Chishiki
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Cargo drop off(Tatsuya Zach) - Page 3 Empty Re: Cargo drop off(Tatsuya Zach)

Sun Nov 02, 2014 7:34 pm
Kasai nodded, and bowed to Youka. He suspected that from the way he was talking, the man was also very dangerous. 
"We hear and take heed, priest," Kasai said.
He followed Youka as closely as he could, down the twisting corridors and strange hallways. He slowed down as Youks speed up, also hearing the commotion. He was hesitant to step inside, wondering what was in there, however, he would follow Youka, seeing as the man had kept his word so far. 
Stepping into the room, Kasai saw Tatsuya and Zachariah, both seeming battered and beaten. He wondered what would become of them all. 
Kasai then saw a man, strange mysterious, that Youka addressed. (ooc: Is that Knight Artorias, Xyx?) Kasai bowed deeply to him, seeing as he was obviously head of this place. He waited to introduce himself, however, for it would be rude to interrupt Youka and this wraith-like being. 
Standing from his bow, he waited, just outside of the room, seeing what would happen.
Kikuko Hayashi
Kikuko Hayashi
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Village : Kirigakure
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Cargo drop off(Tatsuya Zach) - Page 3 Empty Re: Cargo drop off(Tatsuya Zach)

Sun Nov 02, 2014 7:53 pm
One of the aforementioned people, namely Makussu, jumped off of Youka's back and stomped out the pins and needles a they walked. Apparently the people here knew Youka, as they didn't even try to get any ID and simply ran off. Walking through the streets, he noted the command to not touch as he was then led through a complex serious of corridors, hearing the slowly growing sounds of a commotion. Eventually he saw it too, a freaky puppet man about to whack Tatsuya with this weird tail looking thing and another getting his jollies out of crushing the hell out of some poor kids jaw. Needless to say, rage filled him and he almost screwed logic and jumped the duo, saw consequences, when he saw Youka quickly grab the offending appendage which appeased his rage to the point where he let his common sense gain control for a few seconds though. Noting the bow that Kasai did as usual, for once he mimicked him too as he tried to school his face of any emotion despite the internal turmoil he was feeling right now. Once he was out of this blood soaked death trap he could tackle Tatsuya and do all other sorts of abuse making sure he was allright. For now though, he would stay silent as his chaperone of sorts talked with the original inhabitants of the room.
Kemuri Iburi
Kemuri Iburi
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Cargo drop off(Tatsuya Zach) - Page 3 Empty Re: Cargo drop off(Tatsuya Zach)

Sun Nov 02, 2014 8:31 pm
Upon reaching the destination, Kemuri would land and begin to walk alongside Youka as he led them through the village, listening to Youka give them instructions to not touch anything or really say anything either, though he didn't straight up say it to them. Following the group through the corridors, memorizing them as they went through, he would notice once they came across the room they were ultimately heading for that there were already others there, both of which appearing to have been, or were in the process of being, beaten by two others there, one of which seeming to be in some sort of strange suit. Seeing that Youka had gone to stop the assault the one in the suit were performing on Tatsuya, he thought that he at the least had no intentions of having them killed, which was certainly a good thing right now. Remaining completely silent throughout this process, he watched and listened to the encounter between Youka and Xyxer.
Touka Keisuke
Touka Keisuke
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Cargo drop off(Tatsuya Zach) - Page 3 Empty Re: Cargo drop off(Tatsuya Zach)

Sun Nov 02, 2014 10:43 pm
Tatsuya watches Zach run over to the cross quite quickly. Everything began to happen so fast Tatsuya watches Xyxer put his hand to Zach's jaw. This distracts Tatsuya and before he knows it he has his leg tied up by Jason. Tatsuya tugs on the tail slightly but it is much too strong to brake through.
Soon Tatsuya could hear foot steps and then fallowing Youka came back into the room. Tatsuya watches as Jason's tail relises his ankle at Youka's command. The actions of Youka made him seem like a angle compared to Jason and Xyxer as he holds the tail with all his straight.
Tatsuya was in relief but still worried about his friend Zach as the grip on him has not be let up.
Tatsuya as well watches more people enter the room. Seeing Kasai and Makussu, Tatsuya wants to jump and give them a hug but it would probably would be best if he stayed put. So instead Tatsuya gives them a smile.Tatsuya as well as sees a new face enter the room. It was some one younger and most likely from the leaf. Must have been another pray of Youka.
What Tatsuya wondered is why he took only Zach and Tatsuya first and not just brought every one at once. For Tatsuya, Kasia and Makussu were all sparing together and Youka could have just as easily taken the other too as well. 
No matter what was most important now was too see what happen next.
Domri Meijin
Domri Meijin
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Cargo drop off(Tatsuya Zach) - Page 3 Empty Re: Cargo drop off(Tatsuya Zach)

Sun Nov 02, 2014 11:54 pm
Zachariah watch the massive man known as Xyxer approach him watching him check to make sure the restraints were tight. Zach let his head fall forward as he saw the mans attention went to Tatsuya Zach let his eyes look at the ground as he listened to Xyxers words before letting out a sigh of relieve as he thought he wouldn't have to worry about Tatsuya now but then saw jasons tail on the move and felt Xyxers hand on his jaw as Zach was having trouble finding the words answer had seeked. A few long moments passed as he could hear the bone starting to crack under the pressure from the mans hand. Zach saw Youka save Tatsuya out of his peripheral vision. Zach couldn't see the others Youka had brought due to Xyxer being in front of him. The puppy started struggling frantically as he was trying to escape the awesome grip of this monster.  Zach mouth started moving slowly to answer the man. "I...I am Z...Zach...Zachariah K...Kaguya.. I'm a genin.." The boys mouth closed as he continued to struggle trying to escape Xyxers grasp. Zachariah all of a sudden stopped struggling or moving all together as if he has given up hope as the boys eyes looked to Xyxer's as he listened to Youka talk to Xyxer and thought to himself am i going to die here. Zachariah leaving himself at the Wrath of Tengakure mercy.
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Cargo drop off(Tatsuya Zach) - Page 3 Empty Re: Cargo drop off(Tatsuya Zach)

Mon Nov 03, 2014 6:36 am
Footsteps slowly began to patter down the hall that led to this room.. Not just one set of footsteps, there was a recognisable patter, and then two unfamiliar ones along with it.. Unless some kid had decided to walk on their hands and feet, of course, but that was unlikely. Diverting his attention momentarily from the two genin, he continued to constantly apply pressure to the jaw of the kaguya and awaited the arrival of the new trio. Naturally, after a few seconds when they came into view Xyxer took them into regard, naturally doing what he had done before and merely used logic to decipher their whereabouts, "Five genin from Konoha.. My, you have been bus-" However, before Xyxer could finish his sentence it seemed to him that Youka had broke one of the rules of hospitality too. He had interrupted one of his hosts. Now, of course, the rage of Xyxer was not a thing he could merely subdue anymore. No, the key to his peace was forever dead, except for inside of his mind..

Regardless, the blue haired fellow's eyebrows furrowed and his eyes seemed to close somewhat, his anger being signaled. No longer deciding to play games with Zachariah was he was on the cross, he twisted the hand that was holding his jaw down to the side in a sudden lurching motion as well as applying all of his strength, attempting to break the jaw of the Kaguya instantly to show that he was not a very happy chappy. If that was to come to fruition, Xyxer now started to snarl, "You believe yourself to be so equal to me, Youka, that you can stop MY plans? If you don't unhand Jason, and if you do him any sort of harm, I will slaughter every last person in this room that is not of Tengakure's colour." Moving from Zachariah now, whom would most likely be either unconscious from the shock or in agony, he moved towards Tatsuya, seeming to actually ignore Jason and Youka. When he got to the front of the male, he had summoned his sword in it's smallest form, moving a hand towards the shoulder of Tatsuya so that he could rest on him as he stared the Nara down.

"Your master walks where he is not allowed to tread, here.. Why don't you tell him that for me?" With that notion, Xyxer suddenly carved the sword he's holding downwards, away from his own gut where it had been to start down towards the pelvic region of Tatsuya before attempting to move neatly down gut of the male and, unfortunately for him, his genitalia. Effectively, Xyxer eunuch'd the male before him unless he was able to react to the sudden motion a 125 speed sword from the short distance. Again, if this was to pass, Xyxer had still not released his fury, seeing the new trio of kids at the door, hopefully having not done something as foolish as having tried to release Zachariah. He then diverted his attention once more back to Youka, whom had now hopefully released Jason, "I do not give you permission, Youka, to dirty my students with your touch. If it happens once more, I am afraid, your student won't be the one to become a eunuch this time."
Jason Fredriksson
Jason Fredriksson
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Cargo drop off(Tatsuya Zach) - Page 3 Empty Re: Cargo drop off(Tatsuya Zach)

Mon Nov 03, 2014 7:06 am
Jason quickly moved, if he could, that is, if Youka had let go of his tail. If it happened, then Jason would move with the speed of 112 and run towards the cross. Jason then made a fighting stance, while readying his prehensile tail to strike and to defend. Jason quickly moved a bit forward while keeping his prehensile tail on guard. Jason had to be careful. if Youka would attack him, at least he would be ready. As Jason heard the pitter patter of people running towards this area, Jason had to be extra careful. Jason didn't think that he couldn't defeat them. there is a high chance and high probability that he'd win.
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Cargo drop off(Tatsuya Zach) - Page 3 Empty Re: Cargo drop off(Tatsuya Zach)

Mon Nov 03, 2014 1:37 pm
The Demon could really care less what happened to one our two of the prizes he had captured. Listening to the ramblings of Xyxer and watching as he fondled the boy on the cross. He never promised them protection from the horrors of stepping out of the village that protected them. He would have eventually done the same thing that Xyxer was now doing to the boy. They would have arrived at the same point just slightly later. It was good to get their bodies used to torture sooner than later.

The thing that he was holding was trying to get away and the Demon tightened his guard on the tail and moving his free hand to the throat of the puppet grabbing it tightly before ripping the tail off of the puppet and tossing it behind him. There was a pop of the boys jaw letting the Demon know it was broken. He increased the grip on Jason's throat before tossing him at Xyxers feet after the man with his sword had cut into Tatsuya.

"You're damaging the prizes, each one of them have been picked because they offer something valuable and useful to a cause. A cause which could benefit both of us, I don't mind you cutting into them, just don't kill them."

The demon spoke with a bored tone as he walked to the boy on the cross touching his jaw and forcibly pushing it back into place not caring for if the boy cried or passed out. It was Zach on the cross the same boy who had been the first to be rude when they had met in Konoha so the Demon was slightly amused to see him in this state.

"Please, stop calling me Youka, I keep telling you that is not me. Can we talk now instead of whatever this is?"
Takashi Chishiki
Takashi Chishiki
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Cargo drop off(Tatsuya Zach) - Page 3 Empty Re: Cargo drop off(Tatsuya Zach)

Mon Nov 03, 2014 7:33 pm
Kasai tensed at the sight of the blade moving towards Tatsuya. If death would be the result, Kasai could not stand by, and would lose his life without a second thought. 
However, Xyxer could yet pull back the blade, or perhaps Tatsuya could stop it himself. Either way, Kasai stood at the ready, but waited a second more to see what would play out before him.
Kikuko Hayashi
Kikuko Hayashi
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Village : Kirigakure
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Cargo drop off(Tatsuya Zach) - Page 3 Empty Re: Cargo drop off(Tatsuya Zach)

Mon Nov 03, 2014 7:50 pm
Makussu's head still bowed, he heard a sickening pop and then a sound that sounded along the lines of a splurch as presumably Xyxer had injured one of the torturees present. Not trusting himself to think rationally if his head was raised, he instead focused all of his will into not looking up as he remained in the same position as before. This guy was scary as hell and definitely pissed off if he was threatening mass slaughter. But then he just felt confusion at Youka's statement. If he wasn't Youka, then who the hell was he? Oh well, now wasn't the time to ask questions, his head would remain bowed and he would do nothing, despite the instinctive urge to change form and start throwing shuriken all over the place.
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