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Cargo drop off(Tatsuya Zach)

Jason Fredriksson
Touka Keisuke
Domri Meijin
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Domri Meijin
Domri Meijin
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Cargo drop off(Tatsuya Zach) - Page 5 Empty Re: Cargo drop off(Tatsuya Zach)

Fri Nov 07, 2014 11:21 am
The boy had missed the current events but was just starting to regain consciousness as he slowly opened his eyes his vision was still  blurry. Zachariah instantly felt the pain that still resided in his jaw flare up. Zach kept making a fist and releasing it as he was also pulling his upper body forward trying to break out of the restraints but it was no use he wasn't strong enough to get out of this as each of his attempts caused the back of his head to slam into the wooden cross. Zach repeated this process multiple times with the same ending now feeling blood running down the back of his head. Suddenly Zach had a new idea as he tried to get his bones to come out and was started feeling tired had the cross been taking his charka he thought to himself. Zachariah let off a growl his temper now getting the better of him while he was wincing as he could only focus on survival of the current situation.
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Cargo drop off(Tatsuya Zach) - Page 5 Empty Re: Cargo drop off(Tatsuya Zach)

Fri Nov 07, 2014 3:33 pm
Watching the behaviour of the others that were at the door, he had lost interest in the unconscious boy that was laying with a mangled genitalia, and the one on his cross currently held nothing more interesting to do as Youka was here, and he did not wish to end up having to slaughter the male that could be so profitable merely for the entertainment of allowing him free passage to torture the genin, even if he was from Konohagakure. The quip from Makussu did entertain Xyxer somewhat, although the novelty would wear off soon and in his head he had formed a small hierarchy in his mind, concealed to himself and his own goals. It was at this point that Zachariah seemed to have awoken and was currently going ballistic on the cross that currently held him back and forced him to remain as a prisoner to Xyxer, he turned around slowly, his entire back opened to the three genin should they suddenly decide to attack him. Watching him, a small chuckle threw itself out of his throat, and the demonic entity that was Xyxer slowly advanced upon the male whom was now clearly trying his best to survive, yet, he was forcing his own stamina and strength to deplete from his actions. Oh well. Xyxer had had enough fun with him as of now, and so as he stood directly in front of the Kaguya, he shifted his hands towards his left wrist and undid the restraint that binded that arm, doing the same for the left ankle, and then the right hand side of things, doing it in that order to purposely make the guy feel awkward, just because that was the last bit of amusement he wished to get from him. Moving his body from the cross towards the table where his medical instruments were held, he turned around and sat on the table, waiting for the guests to leave his humble abode with a grim stare. Naturally, as this time was passing, he fiddled around with his Tidebreaker, swinging it around glumly occassionally throwing in one of his favourite attacking moves with it; the arcing swing over his shoulder which helped make the move so destructive. It was truly awesome.

[2623 WC]

13 AP gained

[2000/2000] Cloud Style: Crescent Style Beheading
[623/2000] Cloud-Style Deception Beheading
Stat Page : The Plague
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Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 134237

Cargo drop off(Tatsuya Zach) - Page 5 Empty Re: Cargo drop off(Tatsuya Zach)

Sat Nov 08, 2014 8:46 am
The Demon paid no attention to the words that the little boy was letting out so freely in a room where he could lose his life just as quickly as breathe. He had enough energy and balls to actually speak out, the Demon would just punish him in the training to come. What he was interested in however was the ability that Zach was showing off even though he was acting slightly delusional while doing it.

"Gather your friend laying on the ground as well and help them both up and out. Training begins now whether you're ready or not. I'll split you into two groups to make this a lot more bearable on myself. Tatsuya and Zach will be in a group, Kasai and Makussu will be in a group and Iburi, you can pick which group you sill go with . Be ready to show me what you can do exactly as well as how versed you are with it in combat. This will be full contact, try to break my bones and kill me, because I will be intending to do the same."

With that he walked out of the door heading to the plains where they would have ample room to go all out. If they followed him or not would be up to them. They could always stay in the room with the sword wielding maniac of course.

(TWC 1492 +700 ryo and putting 1k WC towards memory alteration)
Takashi Chishiki
Takashi Chishiki
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Cargo drop off(Tatsuya Zach) - Page 5 Empty Re: Cargo drop off(Tatsuya Zach)

Sat Nov 08, 2014 12:32 pm
Kasai saw that they were leaving now, but Tatsuya was still passed out on the ground. Hearing Youka's words, he entered the room, and made his way to Tatsuya. 
Pausing half way to his friend, he turned, and bowed to Xyxer again, another symbol of gratitude and respect. 
After bowing to Xyxer, he then continued to move across the floor, and gently pick up his friend from where he lay on the ground. Looking to Makussu, Kasai knew that in the upcoming training, they would have to try harder than ever before. 
Tatsuya slumped over his shoulder, Kasai followed Youka outside, to where the real training would begin. 
[exit, 452 words, requesting the pitiful 2 stats]
Kikuko Hayashi
Kikuko Hayashi
Survived 2021
You've completed the Christmas Event of 2021 and qualified for the last reward, by partisan you are awarded this fancy badge!
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Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 161300

Cargo drop off(Tatsuya Zach) - Page 5 Empty Re: Cargo drop off(Tatsuya Zach)

Sat Nov 08, 2014 4:13 pm
Makussu was a bit annoyed that he hadn't managed to get a reaction from Youka, but perhaps that was for the best. Finding that his team was going to be split for the next excessive made him want to protest but then again it was training, not lets play mob the priest so it was understandable. Noting his friend picking up the unconscious Tatsuya, he would have helped him but he seemed to be doing ok. Thus, he followed them out towards wherever. To be honest, he had no idea where they were going but did it really matter? It wasn't like he was going to stay here with Mr.Crazy Blades.


Total of 803: putting towards paper tornado spear (3545/4k)

+4 stat points
Stat Page : The Plague
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Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 134237

Cargo drop off(Tatsuya Zach) - Page 5 Empty Re: Cargo drop off(Tatsuya Zach)

Sat Nov 08, 2014 4:17 pm
(approving both of you)
Kemuri Iburi
Kemuri Iburi
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Cargo drop off(Tatsuya Zach) - Page 5 Empty Re: Cargo drop off(Tatsuya Zach)

Sat Nov 08, 2014 9:05 pm
Kemuri, having been standing silently in the same spot for the entire duration of this encounter, was beginning to feel how strange it was to be seeing that people were doing things such as this to others. He was well aware that it occurred in the world, but he had never thought that it would be him that was targeted for such a thing. All in all the entire situation caused him to feel uneasy, not in a nauseous way, but more so that he simply felt strange being in such a predicament as this. Unfortunately, there wasn't exactly much time for him to get over this strange feeling, as Youka had already begun to speak with all those he had kidnapped about beginning "training". While Kemuri were near certain this wouldn't be even close to the kind of training he were used to, he did still desire to do some even if it were practically a guarantee that he was going to be injured in doing so. Nodding his head to Youka after he spoke as a symbol of him understanding, he looked towards the two groups of genin which Youka had brought here, the group which were there before his own clearly being in bad shape while the one he were brought with seeming healthy as ever. Feeling as though he were obligated to go with the group which seemed to stand less of a chance against Youka so that they weren't as likely to get stomped, he looked back towards Youka as he were exiting. "I'll go with those two, Zachariah and Tatsuya." He said in his surprisingly deep and somewhat gravelly sounding voice for being as young as he is. In the assumption that Youka hadn't responded, he would look towards Zachariah, the conscious one of the two, and walked slightly closer to him. "I'll leave with you two as soon as you're ready." Kemuri stated to him before taking an idle standing position, waiting for either Tatsuya to wake up or Zachariah to grab him before promptly  walking to the doorway in which they entered and making his way outside, making sure that both Tatsuya and Zachariah were behind as he went. . Kemuri thought on how it was he would eventually be that he could escape, if he could at all. Surely he wasn't to be kept in sight of those two for the entire duration of his use to them, and it was also unlikely that they would keep someone on him to make sure he were where they wanted him to be at all times. Though this were quite obviously not how Youka would know if he were to be trying to escape, Kemuri still didn't quite understand how it was that seals worked, let alone the mark seal, thus making all of his attempts at escape futile, no matter how well thought out they were.

WC= 1070, all going towards Earth Dragon Bullets (Currently at 1520/3000), +5 stats
Stat Page : The Plague
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Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 134237

Cargo drop off(Tatsuya Zach) - Page 5 Empty Re: Cargo drop off(Tatsuya Zach)

Sat Nov 08, 2014 9:10 pm
Touka Keisuke
Touka Keisuke
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Cargo drop off(Tatsuya Zach) - Page 5 Empty Re: Cargo drop off(Tatsuya Zach)

Sun Nov 09, 2014 12:53 am
Tatsuya only feels a slight movement as he begins to gain conciseness. He dose not however regain full conciseness but more dipping in and out of it only catching bits of what people are saying. He feels as if he has not weight as he is carried by something or some one. They will soon leave the room as Tatsuya is only able to mumble a slight sentence.
"Looking forward to see you again."
Tatsuya was directing this towards Xyxer but who knows how the others would interpret it.
Now dipping back into the world of darkness in a fuzzy strange way Tatsuya see fragments of images. Various things from his friends to the village. His bloodline jutsu and finally is over all goal in life. It was only just a simple image that of a large old looking tree one that seems familiar to Tatsuya but he had never seen it.
Quickly Tatsuya is brought back into reality as the pain of his wound began to come back. The pain was bearable making Tatsuya think that it must have been healed but is was still there.
Soon enough Tatsuya feels the bright warm sun pounding his body as they leave  the dark reached room.


[TWC 2248 requesting 11 stats and 2k/2k towards Shadow neck binding]
Stat Page : The Plague
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Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 134237

Cargo drop off(Tatsuya Zach) - Page 5 Empty Re: Cargo drop off(Tatsuya Zach)

Sun Nov 09, 2014 12:14 pm
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