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Risa Hasegawa
Risa Hasegawa
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Helping Classmates! [P, NK, Training] Empty Helping Classmates! [P, NK, Training]

Sat Dec 20, 2014 3:34 pm
Risa had been walking about the village of Kumogakure and exclaiming excitedly to her friends of her new rank and showing off her headband, proudly displaying the symbol of Kumogakure upon the center. She had smiled the entire day and even decided that she would visit the village's Training Grounds to see if any of her former classmates needed help and if she could do anything, since she after-all had mastered the jutsu required to pass the exams and was more than willing to help others do the same so that all of her friends could one day go on missions alongside her and they could begin helping the Village together and maybe even more than that at some time. She had eventually returned to her own home after wandering about the Village for some time in order to retrieve her bow known as Blooming Rose: A gift that her father gave her at a young age but nonetheless was still important to her to this day, and even served as her primary shinobi weapon. Although it would seem a strange choice, she had a few secrets up her sleeves that allowed it to be a contender against other weapons.

Her mind then wandered to the strange voice that she had heard a few nights ago, just before she had taken her Genin exams: It kept mentioning Darkness and of becoming it's servant, but she knew better than to accept some weird offer from a stranger and as such she would refuse the voice if it asked her again, although she couldn't help but be at least a little curious as to what that was all about, and if it may one day become important. 

With these thoughts in mind, Risa emerged onto the Training Grounds as she gazed up at the bright blue sky, noting happily that it was a rather cheerful looking day and that not a single cloud littered the sky, not a sign of dreariness in the entirety of the blue sky as she then took a deep breath of the crisp morning air and closed her eyes, reveling in just how everything seemed to feel better since she became a Genin, even the small things like this clear sky made her especially happy and as she then turned her eyes to the Training Grounds she placed her hands on her own hips and began to look around for anyone that may need help, hoping that she would find someone that would allow her to train with them, or at least talk to her; Either was quite welcome to her. 

[WC: 434]
Karumi Yukata
Karumi Yukata
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Helping Classmates! [P, NK, Training] Empty Re: Helping Classmates! [P, NK, Training]

Sat Dec 20, 2014 3:51 pm
Karumi resided within the Training Grounds that morning, having heard that another student of her class had achieved the rank of Genin before her, she couldn't let it go. The words were prominent in her mind, recalling the voice of that sword that emitted the darkness that shook her to the core, she having met the wielder of it just a few days prior. Listening on repeat how she had to keep training, keep getting stronger so that one day she could finally take on that mysterious girl and the sword once more. It burned in her mind about as painfully as the heat of her fists repeatedly taking blows against one of the grounded logs that stood at the center of the field. The rough bark etched against her knuckles and only when she heard incoming footsteps of someone did she stop and turn her gaze over towards the girl whom had arrived.

It was none other than Risa Hasegawa, Karumi was only familiar with the name since the Proctor of the Genin Exam had called her up when she was taking it, there were few to none of her peers that didn't know the name already. Some were happy for her but like Karumi, some believed it just served as a reminder that they were falling behind and needed to hurry up before the others around them would just leave them in the dust. 

For now, Karumi doesn't speak and simply glances downward to her hands, making sure that they were alright and that no bandaging was required. They were aching however it seemed her hands didn't need any aid yet.

[WC: 273]
Kino R. Kyodo
Kino R. Kyodo
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Helping Classmates! [P, NK, Training] Empty Re: Helping Classmates! [P, NK, Training]

Sat Dec 20, 2014 4:05 pm
Kino walked towards the training grounds, finding a break from his chores as a child to go and perfect some of the most basic techniques known to Ninjutsu. He sighed, he needed more time to do this, what with his exam fast approaching. He didn't practice them before, he was too busy learning sword styles, what with preferring sword combat when in battle. The reason for this being that his grandfather was a swordsman, and had shown Kino a few techniques, however that man died. Kino's goal in present time is to become strong enough to challenge the random fucks he comes across. However right now he wouldn't even challenge someone to a fist fight, due to him being weak, he'd rather not lose. He wasn't confident in his current abilities at all, especially in terms of Taijutsu. He wanted to use weapons, mainly swords, long swords in a sense, so he didn't really practice all that much Taijutsu. Something else he was learning was Ninjutsu, for the prime reason of having a back-up plan and that his father dabbles in the arts somewhat, making him nearly on par with his grandfather.

As Kino approached, he would notice two people whom of which he'd seen around the academy a few times, maybe had even had conversation, if not than mere small talk with before. He didn't have any classes with them, but they seemed familiar. At least he didn't think he had classes with them. One was wearing a Headband, which meant she was at least at the rank of Genin, one of the lowest ranks according to his research. "Oiyo," He said, approaching them. If the girl was a genin, maybe she could give some hints as to what to do for the exams. He ignored the one, for the most part, that didn't look like a genin.
Risa Hasegawa
Risa Hasegawa
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Helping Classmates! [P, NK, Training] Empty Re: Helping Classmates! [P, NK, Training]

Sat Dec 20, 2014 4:12 pm
Risa quickly turned on her heels at the sound of the boy's voice behind her, smiling brightly as she saw him approaching and exclaiming happily: "Hi there!-- Are you here to train, too?" She asked, tilting her head to the side somewhat in a curious manner as she asked this question, hoping that the answer would be 'yes' as she desperately wanted to provide her abilities to someone else, and she had even recognized this boy vaguely, having seen him in the halls and notably he had always seemed to stray from the large crowds that usually formed, but his name was at least one thing that she had a clue as to what it was: "You're Kino, right? Kyodo?" She asked further, blinking as she awaited a response from the boy, her eyes bright and full of excitement at the opportunity to help and possibly even make a new friend.

She had noticed the other person on the Training Grounds, but she seemed to be lost in a world of her own, staring at her own hands in a strange manner as she had likely been training intensely or something of the sort and had hurt herself and, while that was a shame, she couldn't necessarily do anything to help since she had no medical experience whatsoever, and she looked much older than Risa herself, which was rather odd for a Student. She almost looked like an adult, which made the girl wonder even further how many times she must have failed the exams to have been forced to stay an Academy student for this long, but she didn't want to be rude and ask, so she decided to simply keep her attention on Kino for the time being, waiting for him to reply while still giving him a smile that she tried her best to seem friendly and not just creepy like some people could manage to look if they smiled too big. After-all, it would be kind of embarrassing to scare someone off with something stupid like that.

[Total WC: 775]
Karumi Yukata
Karumi Yukata
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Helping Classmates! [P, NK, Training] Empty Re: Helping Classmates! [P, NK, Training]

Sat Dec 20, 2014 4:50 pm
It was true that Karumi was older than most other students however it was more so that she had a late start when it came to the process of becoming a village ninja. The problem had been resolving issues within her family that had to be addressed, however her heritage was a story for another time. Listening to the two interacting across from her she decided to step over and introduce herself, it was only proper even if she did not exactly know the two personally. 

"Apologies for the intrusion, I know that you two attend the academy too, I just wanted to greet you both if such is alright. My name is Karumi Yukata." Her gaze turns over to Risa with a sense of curiosity, deciding to attempt at small talk and then slip inside her question that was wriggling at the back of her mind. "You must be miss Risa, congratulations on making it to Genin. you can see I started quite late, so please do not let our age difference confuse you. I hope we can become friends-" Her eyes turned over to the boy that was near Risa and nodded to him as well. "-you as well, of course." 

Refocusing onto Risa she makes her inquiry verbally known finally. "If it would not be too much trouble, would you mind helping me get the academy's 3 basic jutsu down? I heard you preformed them very well, I was thinking watching you preform them would help me get a better feel how to properly use them for the exam."

[Total WC: 537]
Kino R. Kyodo
Kino R. Kyodo
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Helping Classmates! [P, NK, Training] Empty Re: Helping Classmates! [P, NK, Training]

Sun Dec 21, 2014 12:58 am
The genin woman asked if Kino was present at the training grounds to train. "Aye, I'm here to train. I'm making an attempt to make my basic jutsu look decent enough to pass the exams." He stated, he wasn't really sure why anyone else would come here if not to train, considering these were the grounds for shinobi to train in. She would then ask if Kino was indeed a man named Kino Kyodo, "Yes, I'm Kino, Kino Ryodo Kyodo." He would state his full name. There was no hassle with it, seeing as he had no clan, and he didn't really see the purpose of hiding his middle name. He began to ponder over the thought of once having her in his academy class, it might have been so if she knew his name. "Pardon, though. I don't recall you." He said, somewhat grinning while rubbing the back of his head. "What's your name?" He asked, assuming it was more polite to be truthful and request her name rather than make a random attempt at finding it in his memory and being wrong. Saved embarrassment too. The second one began to speak up, after Kino had asked. Whether or not she spoke up before the genin did was up to the genin and when she responded to Kino's question, but the academy student wanna-be ninja chick began to mention her name, Karumi, quote and quote, 'fact' that she had started late in the academy, but it looked more or less like she had failed quite a few times, on top of starting late. He didn't judge, though. At least not out loud. Karumi's conversation attempt wasn't initiated towards Kino, so merely remained silent as he waited for either the genin to reply to him once more, or for Karumi and the genin to refer to Kino again. At least, for now that is. If he thinks he can jump in, he might consider it. Not everyday he prefers a good chat over training, but he felt somewhat lazy right now.
Risa Hasegawa
Risa Hasegawa
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Helping Classmates! [P, NK, Training] Empty Re: Helping Classmates! [P, NK, Training]

Sun Dec 21, 2014 2:37 am
Risa blinked as Kino spoke his full name, smiling as it seemed to flow like a sort of river, though that was purely metaphorical and she didn't mean he literally had a river coming out of his mouth - that'd just be silly. She responded quickly afterward, before the other woman interjected: "Risa, Risa Hasegawa." She spoke her name gently toward the younger male as she bowed her head in a respectful manner before the two were interrupted by the other Academy student that she began to introduce herself as Karumi Yukata, a woman who apparently wanted to become friends with Risa and furthermore had asked if she could help her with the basic jutsu for the Academy, both of these things were rather sudden to ask in the Genin's opinion, but she would blink a few times and smile nonetheless: 
"Oh, sure -- I'll help!" She exclaimed cheerfully, before looking back to the young male who had spoken to her first and was being a bit neglected by the elder female. "I'll help you too, if you want..! -- We can all train together and maybe get to know each-other a bit. Wouldn't that be great?" She asked with a bright expression, seeming very excited by the prospect of training with and getting to know her fellow students and hopefully soon to be squad-mates if they managed to pass the Exams.

She would wait for a reply from either of the two Students before her as she held her bow in one hand in a relaxed posture, her other hand resting on her hip as she smiled between the two softly and looked from one to the other, trying to give equal attention to either of the two as she waited silently, hoping that they would take her up on the offer and that she would be able to train them both in the jutsu that she had managed to master for the Academy, so that they could pass as well - After-all, Risa always enjoyed helping others, even if they were a bit strange. 

[Total WC: 1117]
Karumi Yukata
Karumi Yukata
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Helping Classmates! [P, NK, Training] Empty Re: Helping Classmates! [P, NK, Training]

Mon Dec 22, 2014 2:22 pm
Karumi smiled to herself, overjoyed by the acceptance of Risa to her request for them to train, it seemed that Kino was also intrigued by the idea and the more the merrier she supposed. She takes a few steps back and rests a hand on her hip, keeping note of the slight winter chill that left her breath visible with each exhale. "So what shall we all practice together first, Risa?" Despite the age difference, she retained a sense of eagerness to her, perhaps she simply was putting up a facade or maybe she was enjoying the idea of having the two as her friends, regardless she stood and awaited instructions from Risa.

[Total WC: 650]
Kino R. Kyodo
Kino R. Kyodo
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Helping Classmates! [P, NK, Training] Empty Re: Helping Classmates! [P, NK, Training]

Mon Dec 22, 2014 2:44 pm
Kino would only sit back and listen, mentioning to catch the name of the genin woman. Risa, she called herself. The two seemed to be doing some training, Kino, being rather insistent, at least at the moment for learning this shit by himself would begin to leave, "I'mma head off now," He would begin to say, walking away, though head turned so that he could see both Risa and the failure, "Bye, both. See y'all later, hopefully." Not that he really cared as to if he had met them, but they had bothered to make some conversation with Kino. At least Risa did. So he wanted to appear somewhat polite, to Risa, the failure didn't deserve anything.

He began to head home, untying his red headband from around his forehead, and stuffing it into a pocket on the inside of his little blending cloth vest. He sighed, pondering over if he should have stayed and picked up the trick for the basic jutsus, however it would look too awkward, at least now. Randomly coming back, probably in the middle of the demonstration. He just proceeded to head home, deciding not to head back. He would struggle with the jutsus until another chance would arise and allow for him to pass the exams with basic Ninjutsu knowledge. The sad part of this was, he knew more about Ninjutsu than his preferred fighting style.

{EXIT; no stats. I didn't train}
Risa Hasegawa
Risa Hasegawa
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Helping Classmates! [P, NK, Training] Empty Re: Helping Classmates! [P, NK, Training]

Mon Dec 22, 2014 3:12 pm
Risa would frown softly as Kino had begun to leave, telling the two that he was 'heading off'. She was a bit saddened by this loss of another member of the training, but knew that he was likely going off to do things on his own and probably without the strange student that was so clearly obsessed with Risa at the moment, which she found very odd and somewhat creepy. She would raise her voice and offer a small wave toward the leaving boy: "Bye Kino!" She exclaimed in an attempt to be at least courteous toward the younger boy, before then turning her attention back to the older woman that had asked what it was that she was going to train her in first, to which she would respond in a gentle and even tone: "Well . . . We could start with the Substitution Technique, since it's the easiest!" she would then smile and step a few feet away, ensuring that a single block of wood was not far from her current location as she would then begin to explain the technique and how to perform it correctly as she had during the Academy's Genin Exam: 
"Alright, so first off . . . You have to concentrate on what you're substituting yourself with, imagine yourself as being where the object is and it being where you are - then close your eyes, make the seals and concentrate . . . " To accentuate her point she would then perform the Jutsu by making the seals with her hands and closing her eyes, a poof of smoke would envelop her body as she would be replaced by a block of wood that served as the object to which she was substituting.

Smiling, she would gesture for the woman to try and do the same: "Go ahead and try, let's see if that helped!" She said brightly, while gazing toward the woman before her in such a manner that she seemed to be utterly devoted to helping her achieve this feat and was excited in doing so, something that some may consider a bit oddly happy, but it was merely how Risa was, always willing to help and happy about doing so. 

As she awaited a response, Risa's thoughts wandered to the other techniques which they would have to learn and just how well this older woman would be able to perform them along with the current, though she knew that no matter what, she was going to be there to help. After-all, she had already agreed to do so and she was not the kind of person to go back on her promises. Not to mention that she had nothing much else to look forward to on that specific day, especially considering that when-ever she was alone in the dark, she kept hearing that scary, evil voice speak to her. She would mutter to herself aloud while waiting for the woman to perform the Substitution Technique: "I don't want the Darkness..." as she shivered, remembering how terrifying the things that the evil voice would show to her in the dark were, and just how much they wanted her Soul - something which she was not so keen on losing, especially being that she had no desire for Dark Powers or anything of the sort. 

A soft frown formed on the young girl's lips as she fell silent now, her mind moving off in a trance into thinking of the Evil Voice and the visions it showed her, thinking to herself that tonight she should sleep with the lights on, just in case. But that was all for another time, now she snapped back to reality somewhat as she looked up again, hoping that she did not miss the other's demonstration. 

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