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Karumi Yukata
Karumi Yukata
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Helping Classmates! [P, NK, Training] - Page 2 Empty Re: Helping Classmates! [P, NK, Training]

Mon Dec 22, 2014 3:39 pm
Focusing in on the other girl's actions and words she commits them to memory and when she watches the girl perform the technique before her, she thinks to herself for a few moments. When Risa spoke up once more and offered for Karumi to try it now, she was a little hesitant at first but nodded, thinking that she could manage with the information she had taken from the live example that had been shown to her. Though the slight mumbling that the younger girl had done had put Karumi a little off, thinking that she had heard a little something of it that sounded familiar but it was too quiet for Karumi to attempt to figure out so she just put the ordeal altogether at the back of her mind. Taking a few steps back she remains still and focuses, closing her eyes before weaving the handsigns. A cloud of smoke would burst free from her form and a log would clack against the ground in place of where her body was previously. She slips herself free from behind a small cluster of trees and back on over towards Risa, a smile placed on her lips as she had seen the technique was a success. 

"Huh.. it's a pretty useful jutsu if you're in a pinch, I can see why the teachers would want us to learn it. I wonder if this could be applied with other things such as a kunai or another weapon of some sort, though I suppose that really depends on the environment.." It seemed that Karumi was interested not only in being able to use the jutsu but also the uses of it in different scenarios, believing it is better to be prepared for uncommon situations and areas of use in the case they happen in the future.

Turning her eyes back over to Risa she brings a palm to the back of her head and rubs a few of her digits through her blonde locks, laughing softly in embarrassment. "Ahaha.. sorry, I guess I was rambling to myself." Although she had done it properly, Karumi still felt that it needed to be practiced more than once. Taking the log and placing it aside while she stands once more where the log had previously taken up. Weaving the signs together she focuses in and placing her earlier idea to the test she preforms the jutsu once again, however when the smoke clears instead of a log she had swapped out with one of her own kunai, the item falling down onto the ground and getting it's blade stuck into the solid footing. 

Karumi was a few feet from where the kunai had landed, not as far as before though her question had been answered on that different objects could be used for the substitution as long as they were within arm's reach of the user. "I think I've got that one down finally, or at least enough to practice it a bit more on my own, Risa. If you have any thing that needs to be pointed out with how I performed the jutsu then please let me know, otherwise which should we move onto next?"

[Total WC: 1,182 (Substitution training = 532) ]
Risa Hasegawa
Risa Hasegawa
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Helping Classmates! [P, NK, Training] - Page 2 Empty Re: Helping Classmates! [P, NK, Training]

Mon Dec 22, 2014 4:02 pm
Risa smiled softly as she observed the woman perform the tecnique and perform it well, not a single error or flaw that she could point out; Which was quite an accomplishment for a Student. She nodded approvingly before then listening to the woman's rambling for a few moments and simply giggling warm-heartedly and saying: "Oh it's fine, it's always good to think about things like that, even aloud!" She would then listen as she further asked if she had anything that needed pointing out, and if not then they should continue onward, something which she did agree upon.

"Next up is the Clone Technique, this one's a bit harder, but it's not too bad!" She would then close her eyes and begin explaining aloud how to perform this one without much trouble: "Okay, so just imagine yourself . . . That's really all there is to it! Just imagine yourself as three people, the real you and two other you..s! Or think of a mirror, that works too!" She would then perform the jutsu as two mimics of herself would appear and begin moving as she did, walking about to demonstrate the effectiveness of the technique before then dropping it after a few long moments with a single hand sign: "I want you to try!" She exclaimed happily, before then stepping back and allowing the woman to perform the technique on her own.

She waited for a long few moments in silence, either observing the woman performing the technique or otherwise if she had so done, either way upon finishing Risa would then speak up and say that they should quickly learn the last technique before the next rain storm came, since it was getting about that time and the weather was already starting to grey outside: "Alright, so last up is the Transformation Technique, the hardest part is just concentrating -- Focusing and stuff!" She would say brightly as she then performed the necessary signs for the aforementioned technique and transformed herself into a new form: The one which she had used for both the exams and her own personal training, a woman with long flowing blonde hair and deep green eyes with an armored blue and white dress with silken lace, along with a strange sword upon her hip. 

As she was in this new form, Risa would then approach Karumi and offer her hand for a shake to prove that she was able to keep the form even under the stress of actually having someone interact with it, which was the most common way to tell if someone was using a transformation technique if they were unskilled, was that they would fade upon being touched or interacted with. "And now..." She said, her voice soft and older in this new form, yet still clearly gentle and kind. 
"I want you to do the same... Close your eyes, picture yourself as a new person - Concentrate as hard as you can, and then make the seals . . . " She would then wait for the woman to do as she was asked, stepping back to allow her plenty of room as she would smile softly toward her, still keeping in her transformation until the other woman would do the same, since she wanted to show that she could hold it for as long as necessary.

Karumi Yukata
Karumi Yukata
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Helping Classmates! [P, NK, Training] - Page 2 Empty Re: Helping Classmates! [P, NK, Training]

Mon Dec 22, 2014 9:13 pm
Karumi couldn't help but to feel excited at the idea of learning the techniques and improving, observing the girl while she performed the clone technique and crafted two copies of herself that were exactly identical. The method of which had been explained that all Karumi needed was a clear picture in her head of herself and to produce the proper handsigns with the unspoken necessity of pouring chakra into the art itself. It sounded relatively easy in theory but as she would then mimic the other girls actions to perform the jutsu, two mimics of herself would appear although one had brown hair and the other had black, they were of varying heights and what appeared to be ages, one being a child version of herself and the other a slightly older version. She slapped herself on the forehead at her obvious blunder and dismissed the clones. "Sorry, allow me to try once more." Exhaling softly she begins to concentrate again and weave the appropriate handsigns, picturing herself as she was now.. the blonde hair.. her age and the curves of her body. With effort two clones would appear beside her, being exact duplicates of Karumi, she sighed in relief although the other two copies of herself did the same thing, making it quite the scene to behold. She dismisses them quickly afterwords with a couple of moments with the releasing handsign she had noted from Risa previously.

Watching Risa for a couple of moments in silence, taking in the girl's presentation of the second technique that was known as the transformation technique she becomes caught a tad off guard by the beautiful vision before her. The woman that Risa had taken the form of was a wonderful representation as it had reminded Karumi of her mother, waiting until she felt she was ready to concentrate and work her hands together, weaving until taking the form that was precious to her heart. Appearing as a woman with long black hair and vivid white eyes that seemed to pierce softly through everything that they bore witness to. She adorned a jounin vest with the Kumogakure headband resting around her neck, standing before Risa at a fair five feet and six inches tall. Though Karumi takes a moment and glances down to her mother's palms attempting to hold inside the feelings of sorrow that pierced her heart viciously with the need to see her again in reality. 

She keeps hold of this form until her feelings take the best of her and her eyes wince fully closed, clear tears running along the cheeks of hers right before with a familiar blast of smoke the form is lost and Karumi is revealed, lifting an arm up to brush her sleeve's fabric beneath her eyes in attempts to push aside her tears. "Ah.. sorry, I-i suppose I got a bit caught up in the thoughts of my mother, I guess I wasn't exactly ready to think of her again. Please do forgive me, Risa."

Soft droplets of rain began to fall from the clouds above the two females, trickling down a cold embrace of water upon the training grounds and their bodies. It was a good thing that Risa had wanted to hurry the training otherwise they probably would have had to stop mid-way. Karumi didn't mind the rain too much, however the aspects of becoming sick from a cold from staying in it for too long was not very good, especially if Karumi wanted to practice anymore later. Speaking up towards Risa she smiles, appreciating the help that the Genin had given her. "We should probably leave the grounds before either of us catch a cold, thank you again for helping me learn the jutsu, Risa. It means a lot and perhaps I can pay you back in the future."

[Total WC: 1,819]
Risa Hasegawa
Risa Hasegawa
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Helping Classmates! [P, NK, Training] - Page 2 Empty Re: Helping Classmates! [P, NK, Training]

Tue Dec 23, 2014 2:49 am
Risa would smile softly and offer a small bow toward the woman before her as she listened intently to her words, observing the form before her as she noticed with a bit of surprise that the woman was crying subtly and wiping away her own tears, causing the young Genin's eyes to widen as she would move forward and say quietly: "It's alright . . . There's no reason to be sorry about that kind of thing . . . " She would then frown faintly as the rain began to fall and she realized that it was soon to become a small storm of sorts and that they would likely have to part ways very soon.

Her notions were realized soon as the woman spoke up once more and mentioned that the two should part ways and leave the Training Grounds for now, thanking her for what she had done. To this Risa would once more regain her soft, gentle smile as she soke in a kind tone: "Don't mention it -- I hope we can see each-other again soon! -- Maybe we can train more? You can just leave a message at my home or visit me if i'm there. I look forward to it if so!" She would then wave in a friendly manner toward the older woman before quickly beginning to skip off toward her home, the puffy, colorful dress which Risa wore billowing in the air as she did so.

As she arrived home, Risa would quickly open the main door and go inside before then moving off to the dining room where her parents were and begun to tell them all about her day at the Training Grounds and the people that she had met, along with the fact she had helped an Academy Student learn how to perform the jutsu required for the Exams properly, a fact which her parents applauded and graciously praised the young Genin for. Smiling brightly she would tell her parents just how much she loved them before giving each a hug and moving off toward her own room, entering it with a soft yawn and placing her bow; Blooming Rose, beside her bedside. She would then take off her dress and stretch her arms above her head before climbing into the confines of her rather comfy bed and snuggling up beneath the blankets, closing her eyes as she drifted off to sleep with the sound of pitter-pattering rain able to be heard from outside as the droplets could be seen flowing down her windowsill. 

It had been a good day for Risa Hasegawa, and inwardly she hoped to have many more like it. She dreamed of a future in which she was one of the strongest ninja in Kumogakure, helping everyone that she met with a bright smile and golden heart, everyone appreciated her help but at the same time she remained humble and did not choose to brag or show off her talents, rather to share them with the world as she had always hoped to do. 

Later when she awoke she would note that she would make that dream a reality and that one day she really would be able to help anyone she came across and they would see her as a friend and a helper rather than some show-off or wannabe, since that was one of the few things Risa was afraid of, being thought of as pretentious, annoying, or something similar. 

[TWC: 2,855]


[14 Stats]
Karumi Yukata
Karumi Yukata
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Helping Classmates! [P, NK, Training] - Page 2 Empty Re: Helping Classmates! [P, NK, Training]

Tue Dec 23, 2014 8:12 pm
Karumi breathes out when watching Risa take her leave, the older of the two stays within the training grounds, watching the heat of her breath rise against the cold air around her. The rain patters along the blonde streaks of her long hair, dancing along her body as she steps towards the exit, feeling the soil beneath her begin to lose it's warmth. She began to feel the world detach away from her again and the voice of her mothers last words fills her mind, circling over and over while another soon raises however it is more ominous. A voice that only had the intentions of darkness and death, speaking cruel nothings to the woman. You'll never grow strong enough like this, cut all ties and come find me, stay with us and grow. Come to me, child.. it is your destiny. The voices only die down when she finds herself standing before her home, another day having finally gone by, surviving and progressing further to becoming the Ninja she promised her mother she would be. 

With an arm outstretched to take the slick handle of the front door, a clicking pop rings out and she leaves the cold world behind her for the evening, speaking out for her father whom was waiting within. "I'm Home, Father.."

[Total WC: 2,036]


[+10 Stats]
[Clone Technique Learned]
[Transformation Technique Learned]
[Substitution Technique Learned]
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Helping Classmates! [P, NK, Training] - Page 2 Empty Re: Helping Classmates! [P, NK, Training]

Tue Dec 23, 2014 8:53 pm
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