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Ash & Rei Sun
Ash & Rei Sun
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once more with feeling, Welcome to ame Empty once more with feeling, Welcome to ame

Mon Feb 16, 2015 8:38 pm
IT was a beautiful day. The smell of rain awakened the girl, who'd been sleeping in a cover made from materials she'd packed for the trip set up into a makeshift tent just outside the village. It wasn't exactly the most confortable situation but it kept out the rain and with her bedding it was more then warm enough.

"Pinochio?" SHe called, unwrapping her arms from the sleeping girl beside her, Her sister's eyes fluttering open slowly at her call. Slowly they both uncurled from the mass of blankets, crawling out to see the light of day and smell the soft cool rain of Amekagure. This would be the start of their new beautiful day.

"Everything's good Aios. No one came in the night. " The small by said from his position seated just outside the large triangular entrance. Things were gathered quickly, Each of them changing from their sleep attire, matching puppy and kitten kigurumis for the girls and a long night shirt for pinochio into the outfits they'd left Funka in.

aios' outfit with wig and red contacts:
Aios Ai's outfit with wig and wheelchair:

pinochio's outfit:

QUickly they sped through the borders, searching for civilization, where quickly was of course a euphamism for abysmally slow, with Aios pushing her sister in the wheel chair the whole way. It was important, she would note as the puppet tried to point out that it wasn't eficient, that they make best use of the brilliant costume work.

"You see Ai, dear sister.... This is what separates us from the common people. Unwillingness to break character no ma....OH... Oh god." Before her was not the great city of her dreams. Instead it was a broken down mass of.... SHe couldn't even describe it. Her hopes were burried in the rubble of the destroyed city.
Phoenix Wright <3
Phoenix Wright <3
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once more with feeling, Welcome to ame Empty Re: once more with feeling, Welcome to ame

Mon Feb 16, 2015 10:01 pm

Levi was able to sneak off from Corin's watch and was now looking for one of those factories Corin had speak off so he could prepare to set up shop and clear it out. The down pour wasn't as strong as the other day so Levi would take his skateboard out  to get in a good skate session for the day. The wheels would splash in the puddles of water as he did a few kickflips. He would then reach one of the factories but sighed when he saw one of the walls was destroyed.  "This won't do." He said as he would keep skating along ever so getting closer to the edge of the village.  Pushing his foot to speed up he would look the other direction when he saw it. The perfecr factory, not to big or not to small the walls was not crucially damaged and it seemed to be close to the center of the village But due to the village being destroyed it was really hard to tell.

Yes he was still rolling on and yes he was to distracted to notice that he was beginning to go down a hill. "Is the world tilting. ..wait! OH CRAP MOVE! " He yelled at the three who he was speeding towards to. From where he was at he was more likely coming from in front of them but a little to the right at full speed down hill. Best case scenario he could get out this with bruises worst case...he might hit one of three people well the third person didn't really look like a person. Gritting his teeth he would try to stop himself by using al his force to turn the board sideways which would create a tremendous amount of force due to the stop and send him flying into a bush a few feet away from the three people. Best case scenario he didn't have anything broken but man his back hurted if that bush wasn't there to break his fall he would be in some trouble. "It's ok! II'm fine...I'll just lay here in this bush for a bit....sorry to startle you all." He said as he was taking really long deep breaths. So there you have it he was now soaking wet laying on a bush.

"Oh man forgot...any of you ok? We can't have any injuries there isn't a hospital. ." He was finally able to get out after three minutes of laying on the bush.
Ash & Rei Sun
Ash & Rei Sun
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once more with feeling, Welcome to ame Empty Re: once more with feeling, Welcome to ame

Mon Feb 16, 2015 10:03 pm
"Aios! move!!!" The three dispersed, asside from the young girl who's body felt frozen in place. Her arms rose defensively across her face as her eyes shut, terrified and waiting for impact that would never come. The Twin puppet Aios Ai spun the wheels of her wheel chair, zipping off to half roll half slide in front of her master just before the boy would crash into her, knocking her back and to the side to land on the ground, legs crossed and shaken a bit. The boy thanks to the large wheel chair that blocked his path would either get knocked back or well over Aios' head, flying a great distance before crashing into the ground as described, and pinochio within the strange robot costume zipped over to him, seeming to glide across the ground on the four fake legs before spinning in place twice.

"Thank you sister..." She spoke, just as the puppet pushed herself up onto her seat. Aios' face changed immediately at this. "WHAT ARE YOU DOING. I'VE TOLD YOU A THOUSAND TIMES. THIS IS WHAT SEPARATES US FROM THE PEASANTS. " She took a moment, breathing deeply before continuing in a now calm voice. "Now..... You know what to do."

With a nod Aios Ai would sit back on the ground, curling her legs under her a bit. Turning her eyes to the group she would ask in an almost annoyed but prideful tone. "If you would all please look away. As i've told you before I don't need help getting back into my chair, but I dont look graceful doing it either. "

Aios gave a bod, turning her back to Ai who crawled across the ground the short distance. Meticulously she turned it, her hands grasping onto the arm rests by command of the invisible threads, and pulled herself back up into the seat before wheeling back around beside her sister. "Thank you. Now..... Who is this...."

The scene was exactly how she would have wanted it, and exactly how she saw it in her head. This was perfect. Unfortunately, for the onlooker it would seem.... More then a bit crazy. The whole scene would happen but in silence, asside from Aios' words seemingly talking and responding to herself since her puppets only had the ability to speak in her mind.
Phoenix Wright <3
Phoenix Wright <3
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once more with feeling, Welcome to ame Empty Re: once more with feeling, Welcome to ame

Mon Feb 16, 2015 10:05 pm

Even though he had tried his best to avoid crashing into anyone it still happened.  The girl who wad in the wheelchair had got in front of the other girl. That's brave for someone in a wheelchair usually its the other way around. Still he had crashed into her sending him flying a few feet away and landing on his back knocking most of the air out of him. He would sit up and sigh with relief he wasn't badly hurt but he was more concerned about the girl in the wheelchair to notice he had skinned his elbow.

Huh?" Levi thought to himself as he saw the strange robot looking thing that was in front of him. He would then get up on his feet and dust himself off before witnessing the really weird strangeness of what was going on. "I think I hit my head to hard..."he said as he watched the girl who was in the wheelchair stand up...then sit back down and crawled her way back into the chair. Getting up slowly as the world was still spinning for him , Levi would drizzly walk towards the the group. "Are you okay? I'm really really sorry I couldn't stop on time and the rain really didn't help much with it." He said once he had stopped a few feet away because he really couldn't tell which was right or left now. The girl seemed to be talking to herself?  That was a first for Levi and man he really  didn't know if he should leave to go get Corin or stay but he didn't have an option. He would then give off a weak smile as he would slowly sit back down on the ground because standing wasn't helping the world stop spinning.  "Sooooo what brings you all to Ame?"
Ash & Rei Sun
Ash & Rei Sun
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once more with feeling, Welcome to ame Empty Re: once more with feeling, Welcome to ame

Mon Feb 16, 2015 10:07 pm
"Ah excelent. things are going perfectly as planned. Everyone places!" As sh spoke the other two quickly got into position. Aios Ai turned her wheels hard, the foot rest of the wheel chair lifting off the ground as she moved directly beside her sister. Meanwhile the small robot hiding pinochio spin once more, gliding on it's small wheels while continuing it's rotation to end up directly in front of the two, whipping about as it stopped itself.

"I am Aios AI." The wheel chaired puppet would speak, though the only thing he would actually be able to notice of her was the slight nod and movement of her perfectly realistic lips. Had she realized that this was in fact a thing and the voices were all in her head this would be a problem Aios would need to fix soon. Thankfully... or not so, She had not.

The small robot jumped up and down as it spoke, saying " I'm pinochio!" though once again no words came out. Awesome reoccurring theme am I right? Totally bitchin.

Finally Aios began to speak towards the boy, her hands sliding slowly up her sides to curl up against her slightly too exposed chest, hands clasped within the other as if she were begging. Her eyes dropped down for a moment before slowly raising to look at the boy innocently, almost in terror, her tone meeting the same effect. "And I.... Am Aios, The Cosplay Queen previously of FunkaKagure. "
Phoenix Wright <3
Phoenix Wright <3
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once more with feeling, Welcome to ame Empty Re: once more with feeling, Welcome to ame

Mon Feb 16, 2015 10:09 pm
The dizziness was wearing off now a d now he could almost tell what was going on but was more confused when the girl in the wheelchair moved move and nothing came out. "Oh no...did I knocked her voice box out? No that's impossible is it?" He had thought to himself then he would realize he might be going deaf. "I'm deaf? I lost hearing from that crash? That's-" he thought process was cut off when he now realized the other girl was literally half naked in rain well just a lot of skin exposed.  Great he wasn't good around girls much less half naked ones. "I name is uh...L-Leviticus. Leviticus Sin the skater of Ame and sorta In charge of business haven't confirmed It with Li but Nice to  meet you Aios?" He was really in a bad situation and he knew it man be wished Li or Corin showed up now be just had to sneak off. "Uh uh ummm what is your business in Ame if I may ask? We are sorta under reconstruction as you can see." Crap he couldn't take it anymore and it was really getting to hard to look at her. "Why does she looks like she's begging?" He had questioned himself but most of all 
Lhis face was becoming red. "Can you like cover up? Your exposing a lot of skin and uh it's raining can't have you getting sick, we don't have a clinic or hospital."

He couldn't help the blushing and he really didn't have much to look at  except the robot and the other girl in the wheelchair.  "Cosplay queen?" He had questioned her as he not knew much of cosplay  but ironically he did dress up like a skater instead of the businessman he was to avoid bandits of course. "Uh...about earlier sorry about crashing into you how can I uh make up for that?" He said sorta in an embarrassed tone.
Ash & Rei Sun
Ash & Rei Sun
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once more with feeling, Welcome to ame Empty Re: once more with feeling, Welcome to ame

Mon Feb 16, 2015 10:16 pm

"Hullo Leviticus. Don't mind those two I um.... I forget that they can only really talk in my head." She said, dropping character for a moment, her sad, almost white washed emotional display shifting to that of a bright excited young girl, as was natural for the cosplay queeen of Funka.

"Actually.... Um. We can talk.... But only in certain ways. You know of the Ventriloquism jutsu sister... You just conveniently forget that you need to use it. " This time The girl's words could be heard by the boy, a little snappy but overall quite matter of the fact. She wheeled forward to look him over, studying him up and down before turning to her sister once more.

"He.... can't even tell I'm a puppet. We've always wondered what would happen when we went out and about with actual people.... Apparently it is in fact impossible to tell us apart sister.... Good job."

" yes. No no. You aren't deaf or she mute. They're puppets... that is to say um.. I'm a puppet master. Mistress? Is that it? Whatever. Either way I'm Aios and...." As he spoke her body reacted, anger clearly evident now in her eyes. "What do you mean cover up?! This character doesn't wear a cover... Well... Except this. " Forming two hand seals she used the storage displacement jutsu and reached into it. The sound of a zipper could be heard from the portal of blackness and moments later a long black cloak clearly feathered in black at the neck appeared from within the jutsu.

"I mean this goes with the outfit but I couldn't imagine putting it on for a little bit of rain. We never got rain really. It was a privelege I could only dream of and it's sooo nice to get to see it. Granted, I didn't actually spend much or.. ANY time outside of my home if i could help it so perhapse it did rain and i just missed it. I'm Aios Cei! The cosplay queen of Funkakagure... Well.... previously of Funka. I ran away to be honest. If i'd stayed much longer my brother or one of the others would definitely have killed me. Also more importantly..... It completely stifled my creativity. It was all murder, maiming, and consumption of human flesh with the village. Horrible place for someone of my exceptional skills. "

Aios Ai didn't respond. She only gave the boy a downcast almost disgusted high browed look, which elicted a squeal from her sister.

"Excelent sister. Perfect way to stay in character. We really are the greatest Duo ever!!!! oh ... right and um.... Yea so we ran away and are looking for a place to be respected for our talents. That's about... it?"
Phoenix Wright <3
Phoenix Wright <3
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once more with feeling, Welcome to ame Empty Re: once more with feeling, Welcome to ame

Mon Feb 16, 2015 10:18 pm

"Puppets?" Levi was sure these where humans then was a robot and thag would explain the scene from earlier and not hearing her say anything.  This was really the second time he had ever seen puppets and compared to Li's these were really good. "Creativity you say?" A grin would appear across Levi's face. "It just so happens...I own a business that lacks creativity for example." Looking through his bag he would pull out the bear hooded blanket. "Something I made awhile back but it didn't sell to good as I thought it would." He said as he would stuff it back into his bag. "Sure you came to the right place aaaaand turns out our so called "leader" is also into puppets I think you and him will get along fine." 

Levi was actually more interested her talent more than anything.  "Cosplay Queen and Master of puppets? You seem alright by me but I'm sorta don't have a say on who joins or not then again..." Levi would think hard to find out a way so that everyone wins."I got it!" He said as he pounded his fist into his hand. "So you want to express your creativity?  We need people to help rebuild and I need someone to help me with my business. So how about you guys help me with my business, which you can express all your creativity and heck even can build whatever it is you like once we start rebuilding the homes and factories! " This was officially Levi's first business deal and he was sorta nervous about it especially since he made her angry? And crashed into her puppet. "I understand if you decline though probably too much to ask of you.."

Levi would then smile when he thought what she said about Funka...flesh consuming and murder. "Uh...did I just invited a killer in the village?  No no no she seems to nice for that but still what if her brother comes looking for her? This could be so bad but she seems so nice and friendly..AAAAHHH! I cant read her! Basic skill of a businessman is knowing how to read people and I can't!  Man she could be plotting to kill me. I can't tell, let's just hope for the best wait don't fall for the cute act... If anything I can't fall for the cute act." This was mostly one of Levi's mental freak outs which usually occurs when he is nervous and man he glad she couldn't read minds...right? RIGHT???

Ok that was enough off his mental freak out still he kept smiling and would extend his hand. "Just seal the deal and not worry about anything else." He thought to himself as always giving off his positive and friendly nature."So how about it? Deal?"
Ash & Rei Sun
Ash & Rei Sun
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once more with feeling, Welcome to ame Empty Re: once more with feeling, Welcome to ame

Mon Feb 16, 2015 10:37 pm
"This sounds perfect. I'll be needing a base of operations for the most important thing a puppet mistress needs and your little shop sounds perfect! Maybe I can even sell some of my more devious designs to people. " She was simply abuzz with excitement for several moments, jumping up and down with pure glee flowing across her face and body. Finally her sister Ai rolled over, tugging at the barelly there outfit clinging tightly to her body. She looked down, stopping immediately to recollect herself.

"Right. Um.... Thank you sister. Let me start again. " Her eyes cast down towards the ground once more, her hands falling loosely to her side. She glanced up, her body leaning forward on her toes and calmly, almost seductively she began to speak again. "Levi.... please. Use me." Her very essence held an almost disconected innocence, her body language the opposite of the words coming from her lips. She looked afraid and weakened, but willing to do what she could.

"Perfect sister. Exactly what she would have said to a T" From seemingly nowhere Aios pulled a bit of string, already wrapped in a strange formation almost similar to a cat's cradle. She offered it to the boy, her eyes glimmering with a touch of hope.

"Take it. You may do it if you try, bit if you dont.... You'll surely fail. Use me, please."
Phoenix Wright <3
Phoenix Wright <3
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once more with feeling, Welcome to ame Empty Re: once more with feeling, Welcome to ame

Mon Feb 16, 2015 11:44 pm
Levi would watch as Aios became excited with his deal which really made him happy. Her happy mood  which was somehow instantly replaced with something else. The moment she leaned forward to Levi he started to blush meaning he was falling for the cute what Falcone would call it. Ok so yes Levi is a teenage boy and yes he is very uncomfortable around females and was very intimidated by Aios appearance and they way she was acting. He was on edge and he was trying his hardest not to give off that he was weak against women but that wasn't working and he needed some space. His eyes would widen when she told him to use her and at first wasn't really a bad thing except how the way she was dress and the way she said it was really seductive and really making Levi uncomfortable.  "I uh..yeah....ok I will use you." He would sigh and smile now that they were officially business partners and he was glad he could get her help because he would need it.

She offered him to take the string but what importance did the string held? What was it supposed to represent?  Friendship maybe...he didn't know but he would nod and slowly pull the string from her expecting something to happen maybe confetti popping out or something.  Still smiling he would try and shake that uncomfortable feeling off with and look at the string. "Well it seems like your brother didn't care for you enough but at least you still have one so don't hate him that much yeah I don't know what he may have done to you but he is your brother I would give anything to have my brother or sister back but they are gone...." He replaced that uncomfortable feeling with something he was more accustomed by making himself feel alone. "Alright so we should probably introduce you to the others but business first right?"
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