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Ash & Rei Sun
Ash & Rei Sun
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once more with feeling, Welcome to ame - Page 2 Empty Re: once more with feeling, Welcome to ame

Tue Feb 17, 2015 12:23 am
Perfect. Everything was happening exactly as she'd hope and Aios was overjoyed with the situation, even if her face didn't show it. He reached forward, exactly how she saw in her head, but then things went south. Terribly horribly south. Instead of putting his hand through the whole like any rational human being would have done who'd seen the fictional story that was only in her head he actually took it. What was he doing. This. Jerk.

"No no nonon That is all wrong. This is not how it goes. Have you even SEEN GUILTY CROWN?! you're supposed to nod and thrust your hand forward and it goes into my chest and blue light spreads out. Then your arm is encased in genome crystal that goes back abbbboouuuuuttttt this far, " She would punctuate her response by shifting around him to stop about three feet behind his body. She reached up on her tip toes to point out the end point she saw in her head and then finally continued. "THen you pull it back out and a giant sword that can make force fields appears and you use it to destroy endlaves and save the world. Oh. My. God. Come on Leviticus. I'm going to need you to brush up on your story line if this is going to work. "

In response to her rant, though she did await the end out of respect, Ai finally commented again. "Aios. Back. You know the rules. " There was a sigh of annoyance before Aios took about five big steps back, putting distance between the boy and herself of about twelve meters at an incredible speed. Her final bounding step would end with her feet planted on the ground, heels together. She quickly lost balance due to the momentum, but caught herself easilly flipping backwards once and this time sticking her landing quite efectively. "Now... Second. We are the only ones who know about the stories and situations going on in your head sister. Forgive him. Now please continue. "

If he continued his actions as described Ai would respond this time, offering him a pleasant smile to diffuse the girl's childish freak out. "he is a little bit crazy. Everyone in Funka is crazy. I suppose it makes sense considering he had his arms and legs ripped off by shouten but since that day... Well things were different. he was mean and angry. Threatened to beat and kill us far too often for being weak. "

She'd let her response set for a moment, listening to his words as her sister danced about, tugging on the strings controlling her robot like puppet which spun twice before zipping off her direction. She was dancing now, clearly seeming like she wasn't paying any attention at all, though her use of ventriloquism proved otherwise. Unfortunately Ai was so perfectly realistic that it would be impossible to tell she was a puppet, making Aios seem even more air headed then normal.

"Yes please continue. "

(TWC 2154)
Phoenix Wright <3
Phoenix Wright <3
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once more with feeling, Welcome to ame - Page 2 Empty Re: once more with feeling, Welcome to ame

Tue Feb 17, 2015 1:32 am
"Huh?" Levi was really confused at this point was he not supposed to grab the string but instead her breast? Really that's rude why would he ever think to do such a thing not only that it seemed him not doing so made Aios angry or well he didn't know how to react but stand there with a blank face. "Guilty Crown?" Levi questioned as he would imagine a crown in handcuffs in front of a judge. "Uh sorry but...if I did what you said would I have gotten that sword? I mean is that really possible?" Aios had Levi questioning her mentally which was amusing him all the same. "So your going to help me know the storylines? I don't know what that means so you will probably have to tell me or like I don't know write them down in a book......wait! Whatever this Guilty Crown thing is isn't like invented by someone else?  If not turn that into a book or play and then...we get money!" Levi was now euthastic about these story lines and what more creative things Aios could do.

"Well don't worry about your brother your apart of my family now well business family/ Ame family I will treat you better than him." Levi said with a smile and nod. "Ok there is a problem. ..I don't think there is a place decent enough for you to stay..yet but we can build one to fit your needs fine with that?"
Ash & Rei Sun
Ash & Rei Sun
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once more with feeling, Welcome to ame - Page 2 Empty Re: once more with feeling, Welcome to ame

Tue Feb 17, 2015 1:45 am
They would all stay silent until the point when he asked about the sword, immediately shifting gears to all answer at the same time.

"Yes." Aios' response was stone faced and matter of the fact, almost as if it were something he should have already known. Common knowledge if you will.

"No." he other two responded in tandem. Dear god, they thought in unison. This would be..... THis would be an incredibly dificult change. THey were used to their sister's um.... Eccentric.... needs. No. the term was bat shit insane tendencies. They were used to the fact that she was clearly completely off her rocker but newcomers would be a challenge to handle. And to be clear when we say off her rocker we mean rocking mechanism detatched, brought out of the house, and driven three or four states away. This boy seemed... Impressionable. Ai preyed to the goddess of cosplay, who was not Aios, though she would most likely disagree if promted, that he was simply playing along. If he was actually beliving her goddess help them. She was encouragable after all.

"OF course. I'll teach you everything a good studen cosplayer needs. And I'm pretty sure I have..." She paused, forming the hand seals for storage displacement and then waiting for the large balck portal to form. With this void of seeming nothingness beside her she would simply reach in down completely to her shoulder, standing on her tip toes in an incredibly comical way with her face contorted by determination and her tongue sticking out and slightly to one side, and then pull out a set of clothes. They were immaculate. They were beautiful. They were the kind of clothes you'd expect to see in the biggest department store or worn by the richest of spoiled little kids, and they were also made to fit a two foot tall puppet.

"Here. Try these on they'll fit right?"


"They'll totally fit. probably. "

"While she ignores the fact that those couldn't fit on your arm..... Yes. Building a suitable structure would be fantastic if you would. " Pinoch zipped forward, playing to his robot facade perfectly before finally stopping in front of Levi, his metalic white ears shifting up and down addorably. One thin leg lifted to offer him a thumbs up, though it wasn't terribly obvious if it was to the outfit or the suggestion of shelter. THey ignored the family comment, and thankfully Aios was too absorbed in her fashion to have actually paid that much attention. It was some what of a touchy subject after all.

(TWC 2584)
Phoenix Wright <3
Phoenix Wright <3
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once more with feeling, Welcome to ame - Page 2 Empty Re: once more with feeling, Welcome to ame

Tue Feb 17, 2015 3:07 am
"Teach me about cosplay? I didn't wa- whatever floats your boat, teach me as much as you like." Well he figured Aios would teach him anyway so there was no point in causing an argument and making her sad plus with this he might get to understand and probably bond with her but he would probably regret it later which is why his smile would slowly become more like a awkward smile. When he saw the black portal he was blown away and totally wanted to know how she did that until...she pulled out a small outfit and said it would fit him. "Hehe..I don't think that will all" He said with a shake of his head. Levi was seriously hoping though that he could get that sword but in the end it wasn't possible he guessed I mean seriously a sword coming from someone's chest sounded weird.  Levi watched as the little robot would zip in front of him and lift one of its legs..or arm and really he didn't get it at all.  He would nod at the little guy and would proceed to walk the other direction towards the village with skateboard in hand because he could tell Aios wasn't interested in talking a about her family and was more interested in her costumes if anything. "Alright follow me! We shall find a place to start building wait thats tomorrow project you probably want to rest after your long journey and you can A) Stay at my camp B) Stay at the grocery store with the others or C) I'll help you find a place until we start and finish building yours k?" He said as he would wave at them to hurry up.

Ash & Rei Sun
Ash & Rei Sun
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once more with feeling, Welcome to ame - Page 2 Empty Re: once more with feeling, Welcome to ame

Tue Feb 17, 2015 12:25 pm
"Absolutely! I'll crash with you I suppose. Thanks for the help kid. She followed, the two puppets in tow in a grand display of turns and spins that would not in any way suggest they were simply going to a predetermined distination. Yet still they were. Aios was a strange greature indeed.

As they moved Ai thought. What woud benifit us next. The rain flowed heavilly down upon their heads still, soaking their clothes quite obnoxiously. She could feel the wood begining to swell under her skin like coating. Perhaspe, she thought, In a land filled with the power of suiton, where it never seemed to stop raining Maybe..... She reached out with her chakra, her body almost seeming to glow with the energy flowing between her sister, through the strings, and into her wooden body. Could they make use of the rain? They needed to learn everything they could, of course, and just as they learned earth, a powerful tool to make their lives easier.... Maybe she could also learn to harness the power of suiton that flowed so abundantly across this plane. That would be incredible. She traced each water droplet with the power of her chakra, coating it in the energy from her sisters body and feeling the way the water moved and shifted. The heavy precipitation that once tried to soak into her skin seemed now to bead up, quickly running down her arms to drip off, falling to it's death, and shattering upon the rain soaked ground. It was remarkable.

"AI... Whatcha thinking about..." AIos had noticed her silence. She was silent often but this was different. This was her analytical silence.... Which would be undiscernable to the outside world but as Ai was within the small girl calling herself the queen of cosplay's head.... Well she supposed she got a few benifits others didn't.

"Nothing sister. Move quickly. The more quickly we get to this camp the more quickly we can rest until morning. you know you get cranky when you dont sleep a full fourteen hours.... At least. " It was true. Aios would never admit it but it was so incredibly true. If she failed to sleep sufficiently she would be incredibly iritable and nearly impossible to deal with. The water began to trail behind Ai as she worked to controll it's incredibly power, small waves of light blue glowing in her wake. It was magnificent. The more she concentrated on the power the more it felt like it would bend to her will.

(TWC 3005 claiming the WC towards suiton which learns me suiton and 15 stats! and exit.)
Akihana Akari
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once more with feeling, Welcome to ame - Page 2 Empty Re: once more with feeling, Welcome to ame

Tue Feb 17, 2015 12:28 pm
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