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Thoughts while drinking [Open, NK etc.] Empty Thoughts while drinking [Open, NK etc.]

Tue Mar 03, 2015 8:12 pm
Rain, rain, rain. Nothing ever changed. Nori Osamu Ichiro Zankuro, Noiz to his friends, sat in the corner of cafe. He was currently watching the droplets of rain running down the panes of glass that served as windows. Like a few of the inhabitants of Amegakure he had stuck around after it's destruction, though not because he wanted to rebuild the place. The young man had simply nowhere else to go, and that had sucked. The young unemployed but currently looking for work former bartender had witnessed the rebuilding from afar, and like the few who had not taken part had settled back into the place shortly after. He had not however come across a bar that was looking for workers at the moment. Perhaps it was the lack of active searching that was screwing him over, but whatever the case he was running low on cash and needed something soon. He took a sip from the cup of tea and rested his cheek on his hand with a sigh. "Seems I'll finally have to go back to school." Noiz mumbled, his eye's narrowing in disdain at the thought of having to sit in a classroom. Shinobi seemed to be the most popular occupation these days however, something he had come to accept a long time ago. Still, he much preferred working in a nice warm bar than being out in the cold, wet, harsh world like the shinobi of the world. Was there even any shinobi left in Amegakure? Noiz expected that they would have likely just ran away, off to search for better hunting grounds as it were. A few might have stuck around, but not enough to make Amegakure a contender in the world, not that it was to begin with anyway. He took another sip of tea, his expression thoughtful. "Maybe I should take the time to get to know the area, see if anything's changed for better or worse." Glancing between his warm cup of tea and the cold rain beating down upon the village as he said that the decision was easily made. "Screw it, I'll stay here for a bit longer."
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Thoughts while drinking [Open, NK etc.] Empty Re: Thoughts while drinking [Open, NK etc.]

Thu Mar 05, 2015 7:30 pm
Clyde peddled through on his unicycle upset, and overall just feeling bad. He had saved a child from psycho parents, but at what cost? The child was going to grow up to become just as crazy as Clyde was. He could only hope the child had gotten a good home there. He sees a cafe up the street as the rain pours down him. Everyone in he village have gotten quite used to this pesky rain. It has become quite a huge part of the village now. The cafe seems like it would have some warm tea to cheer him up. Clyde opens up the doors to see a man who seemed rather lonely with a cup of tea. This man needs me company, Clyde thought to himself. He walks over and sits right next to the man, and sets his unicycle next to him. This man wouldn't know his pain or crimes. Clyde never liked his crimes or killing. He had serious regrets for all of it. He calmed himself down, and became friendly to what he presumed to be a lonely man.
"Hey there! You look like your lonely just like everyone in this tiny village."
Clyde activated the first level of his eyes and saw the amount of chakra the man had was puny. He assumes the man must be an academy ninja.
"Hey, would you like to do some training together? I am always happy to teach people a thing or two. Here, come over with me and I can teach you a bit."
Clyde made a friendly gesture of a hand out for a hand shake. He had few friends, so might as well go with anyone at this point. He might have been the nicest missing ninja at first glance, but there was a reason he was a loner. He had gotten more control over himself, and knows he can hold back even while insane. This man has nothing to worry about. Clyde ends the first lvl of his eye, and has a huge smile on his face.

AP: 231/251
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Thoughts while drinking [Open, NK etc.] Empty Re: Thoughts while drinking [Open, NK etc.]

Tue Mar 24, 2015 5:28 pm
His thoughts were disturbed, the appearance of a strange male having interrupted them. Noiz gave his hand a slight shake. The liquid in the mug swirling around, a whirlpool like effect being made thanks to the rotations. It brought a small smile to his face, something so simple yet amusing. The male spoke to him, though Noiz paid not much attention to it. "Sorry, I have things to attend to." He would reply, getting up from his seat at the same time the man was sitting down. "This place does a nice brew though, I'd recommend trying it." He flashed the guy a smile, then walked out of the building into the rain. Oh well, perhaps he would find something to do given more time. He'd stick around for awhile though, it might be entertaining at the very least.

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