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Touka Keisuke
Touka Keisuke
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A lonely district with a new spark - Page 2 Empty Re: A lonely district with a new spark

Tue May 05, 2015 12:47 pm
"Indeed" giving her a strange look as he then stops walking to face her. She was leaning in and Tatsuya couldn't help but to take a step back and try to resist. However as he looked into her eyes Tatsuay gets the feeling of trust and in turn allows Kira to lick him. 
Blushing slightly he says "That was odd..." Tatsuya was not sure why she had licked him but did feel a strange sensation of a chakura alteration when she did.
Cosplay Queen Saya
Cosplay Queen Saya
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Clan Focus : ninjutsu
Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 58600

A lonely district with a new spark - Page 2 Empty Re: A lonely district with a new spark

Tue May 05, 2015 12:53 pm
He started to resist, but then allowed her to perform her trick, tasting of his cheek and getting an immediate cool sensation followed by an earthyness. "Hm. So you have earth and water style hm? Good combination. " Natrually she would let what just happened sink in before the next step, which was to borrow a bit of his chakra in order to take any techniques she didn't already have. Thankfully it wouldn't cost him his chakra stat as it had in the past.
Touka Keisuke
Touka Keisuke
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A lonely district with a new spark - Page 2 Empty Re: A lonely district with a new spark

Tue May 05, 2015 3:17 pm
Tatsuay still a little wireded out wonders what the purpose of licking him was. 

"Yes the two elements that breed life," Referring to his elements. 
Tatsuya touches the spot where he was licked where it feels cool and tingly. 

"Tell me why did you do that?'' Was it merely to know  what his chakura natures were or was there more to it? 
None the less Tatsuya looks at Kira with his subtle green eyes that were full of curiosity.
Cosplay Queen Saya
Cosplay Queen Saya
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Clan Focus : ninjutsu
Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 58600

A lonely district with a new spark - Page 2 Empty Re: A lonely district with a new spark

Tue May 05, 2015 3:24 pm
"Well... I can tell you... BUt it's more fun to show you. " She moved foward once more, a small grin on her lips. She showed no hostility. There was no need, no. Only an almost innocent sense of excitement to draw him in further. 

If he agreed she would brush her lips against his for a moment before slipping down lower. Her teeth would trace a line against his neck before finally biting down lightly, drawing a barelly noticable trickle of blood for about three seconds before releasing, her cursed seal flowing to ensure her supremacy over the boy, and if things went as described he would feel in the short time the ammount of chakra slowly dwindle down. She would take his jutsus and 75 ap, but nothing more before pulling back to allow him to contemplate what just happened.
Touka Keisuke
Touka Keisuke
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A lonely district with a new spark - Page 2 Empty Re: A lonely district with a new spark

Tue May 05, 2015 3:45 pm
Tatsuay eyes grow calm and his body relaxes. He is intrigued on what Kira wants to do as well cant help but to fall under her spell. Like an insect in a spiders web Tatsuay leans forward and falls in the the kiss. Once again the cool tingly feeling returns and when her lips moved to his neck Tatsuay feels a small prick and a drane in energy. 

Once she pulled away Tatsuya becomes slightly dizzy and stumbles a bit before re gaining his full conciseness. He knew he had loss some of his chakura supply and it got drained quite quickly which made the event more  overwhelming. And well just the kiss alone was a very different experience.

"Now in insist, what do you gain form that?" Tatsuay asks in a serious tone still feeling a bit light headed.
Cosplay Queen Saya
Cosplay Queen Saya
Survived 2021
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Clan Focus : ninjutsu
Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 58600

A lonely district with a new spark - Page 2 Empty Re: A lonely district with a new spark

Tue May 05, 2015 4:23 pm
She felt the vitality surge through her body as she used the summoning jutsu to call out another of her Execution by kiss bodies. Before them simply poofed what seemed like another of her lying with it's eyes closed unbreathing. "Well... First, It allows me to learn other elements. More elements then I could actually learn myself. Next it grants me chakra, with the option to take the very potency of my opponents chakra or simply take bits from their pool. Finally, and the reason why I took from you... It works as an accelerated training method. Any elemental jutsu you hve i can learn. "

As she spoke she touched the body, pouring it's energy into it and granting her earth body any jutsu she'd learned and the seventy five AP.
Touka Keisuke
Touka Keisuke
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A lonely district with a new spark - Page 2 Empty Re: A lonely district with a new spark

Tue May 05, 2015 5:32 pm
Kira explains the jutsu that she preformed. It was very interesting and sounded to be very us full. The ability to summon a body that was killed by the user and then eventually have it preform jutsu sounded very beneficial. 

"That sounds like it could do some damage...Glad I could help" Feeling a little used Tatsuya wonders how he can grow the relation ship between the two as well if it were to be beneficial to do so. 
Tatsuya knew that he wanted to get stronger by expanding his shadow manipulation techniques as well his elemental powers. He admired the Senju clan for their earth growing abilities but Tatsuay wanted to take that a step further. Instead of just merely encouraging plan growth Tatsuay wanted to become ingrained with natures power. He could go about this in learning to harness nature energy or even enhancing Senju cells but when Tatsuay got down to it he didnt have a clew on how to go about things. As well he was not fully set on any one path. All he knew for sure is that he wanted to become powerful but beyond that he wanted to protect people. 

"Let me ask you something, and maybe im going out on a limb but do you think you could help me become more powerful?"

Tatsuay was not sure what her response would be or what situation this may put him in.
Cosplay Queen Saya
Cosplay Queen Saya
Survived 2021
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Clan Focus : ninjutsu
Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 58600

A lonely district with a new spark - Page 2 Empty Re: A lonely district with a new spark

Tue May 05, 2015 10:12 pm
"it is incredibly helpful especially with the jutsu I have that use it and my guardians." In time with her words two of her guardians popped out, the barette holding her bangs out of her eyes seeming to glow for a few moments. unfortunately for her it wasn't exactly the guardians she was speaking of. 

"Miss Kira. Who is this?!" The small blue pixie zipped off, floating just above Tatsuya's head and spinning around his body in a way that following her movements would cause the person to become dizzy incredibly quick. Unlike her sister however the Black princess Daruku floated just to the left of kira's head wearing an annoyed scowl. each looked remarkably strange, a product of their Fae heritage, their bodies seeming to be plant like asside form the head. Two vine like arms and legs moved about as the small blue pixie flew slightly pointed at each end and a dark almost brown tone. Their skirts were aqua blue and black respectively and looked in every way like the leaves of a four leaf clover asside from the arcane mark of their heritage in the center of each. 

"I um... Shuurin stop. It's rude. " She motioned for the over energetic princess to come back to her. She didn't listen at all. 

"Of course she can make you powerful. I'd venture to say there's nothing stronger in this world then the power of the trinity silly. Is this a new student? Do we have new students miss? Oh I hope so. I've been itching to try out my bow again." She was the most annoying thing but soo damn cute it almost made it okay. 

"Yes. I can probably teach you a few things. If you'd like we can test your power. Do you know shadow sewing?"

(TWC 1255)
Touka Keisuke
Touka Keisuke
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A lonely district with a new spark - Page 2 Empty Re: A lonely district with a new spark

Wed May 06, 2015 10:39 pm
Tatsuay nods to what Kira says but then two little sprite like things come out form nowhere. As one zips around, Tatsuya chuckles slightly trying to fallow it. Chuckling slightly at the energy filled enthusiastic sprite Tatsuya gets a lighter feel for Kira. Before she seemed dark and frankly she seemed like some one who would preform necromancy. Wile Tatsuay did still feel this way it was interesting to see a little humor floating around.

"Yes i know it quite well."
Quickly preforming  Rat → Bird eight tendrils that were 3 meters long shoot up behind Tatsuya in an arrangement similar to a peacock's feathers.  Tatsuay awaits further instructions.
Cosplay Queen Saya
Cosplay Queen Saya
Survived 2021
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Clan Focus : ninjutsu
Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 58600

A lonely district with a new spark - Page 2 Empty Re: A lonely district with a new spark

Thu May 07, 2015 1:16 am
"Alright. so a little test we can do. Tip to tip lets test the strength of your shadows versus mine hm? I've not actually had the pleasure of meeting up with another nara and testing the true power of my shadow manipulation. Concentrate on cutting through the other person's shadows but don't aim for anything else got it?" She finished speaking, giving him a calm nod as she formed two seals, Rat, followed by bird and just like his six tendrils of deep black shadow rose up at her command, the tips pointing towards him to show she was ready.
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