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Touka Keisuke
Touka Keisuke
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A lonely district with a new spark - Page 4 Empty Re: A lonely district with a new spark

Sun May 17, 2015 11:39 pm
Tatsuya's eyes grow skeptical as Kira spoke. The man who she said referred to must have been Youka. As it seemed like he was the one in charge especially when he saw how Youka ordered Xyxer around. When she spook of 'the cycle of abuse' and assuming Tatsuya was interpreting it the way it ment to be Tatsuya understands why she may bow to his powers once again. Anyone stuck in the dark chambers that lay under Moon Country could be conformed to certain behavior.
Wile Tatsuya did not have the worst of the torture he did get castorized...twice, which when you thought about it was quite unusual. 

"I cant imagine what you went through" Tatsuay says sinserly even if at the end of her sentence Tatsuya would feel like he were being used.

Tatsuya passes around a few times thinking. He wanted to go and he wanted to help/fight on the global scale but he had so many roots here in Konoha. As well the idea of becoming Hokage grew on him with the slightest amount of greed slithering around his body.
Tatsuya bites his nails becoming uncomfortable with the situation, not with Kira but with the choices he had to make.
He wanted to ask if he could have time to think about it but there was not much time in the world to decide on what to do. People were dieing, villages were being destroyed and actions needed to be taken.
Cosplay Queen Saya
Cosplay Queen Saya
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A lonely district with a new spark - Page 4 Empty Re: A lonely district with a new spark

Mon May 18, 2015 12:04 am
"They um... Killed me twice, and Went screwing around with my memories at least once. I thank the goddess for the day I met the old lady who gave me a soul amethyst but.... There's something about feeling your life wane away. coming back from death. It..." As she spoke tears formed in her eyes, though she turned trying to hide it. As she spoke on her death..No, murder, They flowed freely from her eyes. 

"It terrifies me. I'm the only one in this world who can stand up to him. The only person who truely knows what he's capable of. He wasn't always evil and my heart beats in his chest. Literally. WHen the time comes if I try to hurt those I care about I dont..." She let the words trail off, drawing in deep gasping breaths as emotion overtook her. "Please Tatsuya. Only a nara clansmen can protect them."
Touka Keisuke
Touka Keisuke
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A lonely district with a new spark - Page 4 Empty Re: A lonely district with a new spark

Mon May 18, 2015 12:57 am
A little shocked Tatusya didnt know one bit what she had gone through and couldn't help but to be sorry. Thinking about his options Tatsuya wonders why cant he do both. He had public opinion so really he just had to meet with he Kage which should not take more then a day and then he could leave Konoha to help fight. As well any village affairs that needed attending to could be a job for Kasai or even a shadow clone if necessary.

With a light in his eyes and a smile on his face Tatsuay goes up to Kira and placed his hand on her shoulder.

"Okay im with you."
he says with a strong voice.
Cosplay Queen Saya
Cosplay Queen Saya
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A lonely district with a new spark - Page 4 Empty Re: A lonely district with a new spark

Mon May 18, 2015 4:25 pm
It took her a few moments to collect her thoughts, her breath slowly calming as time passed. "th. thank you." As the passage of time brought back her resolve her eyes raised to meet his. "Now then... Let us begin the training process?" 

~Heh. You're too much like him sometimes little bird...~ Ambers words met her consciousness in a giggle, followed by the feeling of a gentle nod. 

"Alright. There's an Item I'll need to have made for you that allows us to speak telepathically no matter the distance, but first.... Let us train." As she spoke she formed two seals, first the summoning jutsu, calling her earth and wind body before her, and second a jutsu specific seal, her hands turning in a circle that looked almost as if she were dancing. "I'd like to introduce you to the core of my team......." The second body finally poofed into existence as her summoning jutsu finished. Each drew a heavy breath as if the life were poured back into them and the two bodies that were clearly dead moments ago opened their eyes, turning their glance to tatsuya. 

The bodies shifted forms. The first quickly became what was expected of the demon of chance, long jet black hair flowing over her shoulders as she pushed off the ground. her eyes were soft pools of aqua blue that studied this new boy, and her smile turned almost sinister as her lips curled into a smile. She was clearly taller then Kira, standing at about five foot eleven inches, her body thin as a rail with ample chest. She was clothed in an obsidian that looked similar to plate and seemed to glow a soft green light. 

The other woman wore a standard kimono of a light blue, her hair a gentle blonde and her eyes resonating the pain of the world. As she rose a horrific screech could be heard and the scythe of her name formed in her hands. 

"These... Are selene and Amber. together we are the trinity of power, The demon of chance, The hell's angel, and the avatar of sorrow."
Touka Keisuke
Touka Keisuke
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A lonely district with a new spark - Page 4 Empty Re: A lonely district with a new spark

Mon May 18, 2015 8:43 pm
[Sorry for the shortness]

Tatsuya takes a step back and nods to the instruction. He watches the two summons form with curiosity as it was a strange technique and a technique that was completely unfamiliar. Looking up to the talk stalky summon who was quite intimidating and then look to the other Tatsuay notices a difference of emotion between the two. One being the spawn of pain and suffering wile the other being a victim of it.

"That is a very interesting jutsu, do you use them when sparing?"
Cosplay Queen Saya
Cosplay Queen Saya
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Village : Kirigakure
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A lonely district with a new spark - Page 4 Empty Re: A lonely district with a new spark

Mon May 18, 2015 11:01 pm
"it's one i've just recently finished. Amber... Is this strange voice who's always kinda been in my head. Confusing bit of story i won't bore you with, and her gift to me was that scythe. " She pointed to the domia scythe just as selene lifted the chain seeming to come from it's base, revealing an enormous spiked ball attached to the other end and slinging it over her shoulder surprisingly easily. 

"The three of us are the reason I'm so powerful. I've put their spirits into bodies through a resurection jutsu of sorts. Also.... I'm working on a new jutsu if you'd like to assist."
Touka Keisuke
Touka Keisuke
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A lonely district with a new spark - Page 4 Empty Re: A lonely district with a new spark

Wed May 20, 2015 12:26 am
Tatsuay checks out the summoned and listens to Kira. They jutsu was interesting and to the looks very useful. It was like having a three man squad in one making that person quite powerful.

"A new jutsu?" Tatsuya had created his own custom jutsu but he was still much of a novice in coming up with them. He could read books on how jutsus worked all day but beign hands on was the best way to learn. "I would be thoroughly interested in helping you." Tatsuya says.
Cosplay Queen Saya
Cosplay Queen Saya
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A lonely district with a new spark - Page 4 Empty Re: A lonely district with a new spark

Wed May 20, 2015 10:20 am
"Yes. I new jutsu that should be incredibly high in power. I predict it's strength to be in the S ranked level..... Selene?" She turned her attention to the avatar of sorrow who gently nodded her head. 

"yes. It will be another of your strongest jutsus if we can make it work. The idea behind this jutsu is to create a powerful construct of your shadow manipulation. If you can animate them to that level it should be simple to take the next step." 

"Shadow clone." Amber continued her weapon avatar's words only moments after they'd began, grinning like a schoolgirl. "Yes. What a powerful tool......." In unison the three turned to tatsuya, speaking a single word. "thoughts?"

(TWC 2970)
Touka Keisuke
Touka Keisuke
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A lonely district with a new spark - Page 4 Empty Re: A lonely district with a new spark

Thu May 21, 2015 11:23 am
I was a very cool concept and one that would be hard to preform. Unlike earth or water shadows unique in that they were no physical. It were possible to make shadows more real and solid but then to give them the traits of a shadow clone would be a difficult but possible task. 

Thinking about the jutsu Tatsuay asks "I do think that creating a literal shadow clone would be cool but what would make it different from other "shadow clones? How would it be better then the earth shadow clone that I already have?"
Cosplay Queen Saya
Cosplay Queen Saya
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A lonely district with a new spark - Page 4 Empty Re: A lonely district with a new spark

Thu May 21, 2015 3:43 pm
A sly grin slid across kira's lips. She'd done this jutsu before, though it had been some time. Unfortunately the power left her long ago, her mind cleansing thoughts of her shadow jutsu. Fortunately that also meant she could do more interesting things with it. "well. it will work on the principle of shadow sewing I'd suppose, calling our powers into the material plane. Ripping them from their two dimensional prison and out into the world of the living. " She stopped, taking a seat on the ground... assuming she wasn't alrready seated considering i honestly dont remember what she was doing cuz lazy! at any rate, she would take a set, one leg out stretched as the other curled in, knee almost flush with her chest, her mind slipping away.

"Appologies." Selene began flipping her long hair off behind her back. She was always the polite one of the three. Her life was one of servitude, from the day she was first made aware of her existence through the lives of the blades now named Jun and Jin. The avatar of sorrow they called her but more so she was the recipient of pain; the relief of agony. "When she begins to plan she often forgets the world around her exists. I've been told it's a nara trait to get caught up in your own mind and as much as she was raised Hyuuga I fear the girl's blood ressonates in her personality. The gift these clones will give is fairly strait forward and simple. From what I've gathered the strength of your clan ability will prove to be power in the jutsu itself, it feeding off shadow manipulation instead of taking power directly from it's host."

(TWc 3257)
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