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Kukla Nazar
Kukla Nazar
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Thu Jul 09, 2015 2:22 pm
Draconis wandered along the streets for character development or something like that. Hopefully he would meet someone friendly today. Just to expand on the amount of time that he spent out here in this first brief moment in time, he began training the water element by himself, gathering moisture on his hand.
Kuro Hozuki
Kuro Hozuki
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Thu Jul 09, 2015 3:56 pm
Kuro sat up on top of the  roof of a small vending stall booth thing that was selling small baked goods. Munching away at a sweet roll while Vixie ate a small bird, feathers poking from her mouth while she wagged her tail with a satisfied smile. Kuro patted her head then put his hand to his forehead to shield his eyes from the sun and took a look for someone to interact with. This village was awesome with peopel to talk to compared to the jungle and he loved it. He noticed someone holding their hand with thier palm facing upward, as if they were training something. Perfect. He hopped down from the wooden roof and walked over. "Hey there guy! What're you up to?"

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Kukla Nazar
Kukla Nazar
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yo yo yo what it is? (Private) Empty Re: yo yo yo what it is? (Private)

Fri Jul 10, 2015 12:18 am
He was in the middle of training his water element in a way that nobody was likely to think desirable, when he was distracted suddenly, the water dripping off of his hand and into his mouth - it was a hot day out side, it made sense yo.

Some happy dude had distracted him with cheerfully inquiring what Draconis was up to. "I am training the water element at the moment. I don't recognize you, are you a wanderer or something?"
Kuro Hozuki
Kuro Hozuki
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Fri Jul 10, 2015 12:43 am
Kuro shrugged in response and chuckled. "Kinda. I'm from Yuki, my bosses are here on business... I think. They've been busy anyways. And today's your lucky day! You're working on water element training, well who better to help you than someone made of water!" Kuro would then demonstrate his body's unique make up by liquifying his body, reducing himself to a puddle before reforming standing on his hands. "Ta dah!" Vixie would give him a push with her head and cause him to fall on his back. "Oof!" He would chuckle and get up, dusting himself off. "My name's Kuro Hozuki! This is Vixie." Kuro would give Vixie a pat on the head, but the vixen would ignore him and shift uncomfortably. Something was wrong. She could feel someone watching them though she couldn't figure out where from. She began sniffing the air while her ears stood alert, turning slightly as she listened for danger.

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Kukla Nazar
Kukla Nazar
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Fri Jul 10, 2015 12:47 pm
"Dang, that's cool" Draconis normally tried to be a little stoic but dam if he was not becoming more and more friendly with people. Must be the influence of certain toxic chemicals in his diet or something. Or he was just not quite used to friendly faces like this one. This fellow's sunny personality was quite unique, excepting Lingqi of course, but she was a little cuckoo in the head or something. This guy, while absurdly cheerful for such a character, did not seem like a loony yet, so no cause for alarm. "You make that look easy. Is that something any water user can do?"

Draconis gathered more water in his hand, instead of attracting it from the open air he had been forming it out of his chakra. Holding his hand out to one side, he let the water drip down hill, pooling on the ground in a small puddle. "Names Draconis by the way. Hozuki... I think I have heard that name somewhere, one of the Mizukage perhaps? I am guessing you are of a ninja clan then?"

The curious interplay between this cheerful fellow and his fox. The fox knocked him over but in a friendly way, but when he tried to pat her on the head, she seemed a little wary of something, and not of him. "Is Vixie always a little skittish about people patting her on the head?"
Kuro Hozuki
Kuro Hozuki
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Fri Jul 10, 2015 3:32 pm
Kuro smiled a bit sheepishly at Draconis's question on anyone doing what he did. "Uh, well... no, but there's lots of other water stuff you can do!" He shrugged and scratched the back of his head as he continued. "Turning to water is something only a Hozuki like me can do as far as I know. I haven't met anyone from my clan other than my parents though, so I guess we're kind of rare these days. Not a lot of people made of water walking around." Kuro would turn to look at Vixie as Drac asked about her behavior. "No... there's somebody around here giving off some kind of vibe that worries her. Could be a thief, or an assassin, or just a plain bully slash jerk. Just someone with less than the friendliest of thoughts about us. I don't want her searching around for them right now so she's just keeping her eyes and ears open. You don't really need to worry until she barks. That's when she's found whoever it is getting her all spooked. Until then, I've just got myself ready to defend without really stopping what I'm doing. If the person plans to attack us, Vixie's my early warning system. If she growls at somebody just keep your eye on them." 

Vixie shifted a bit on her feet and kept looking around in Kozai's general direction. She hadn't pin pointed his location, but she knew which direction he would be coming from. She wasn't sure if there was murderous intent so she wasn't barking yet, but she would growl slightly if Kozai came closer and her fur would stand on end.

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Kukla Nazar
Kukla Nazar
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Fri Jul 10, 2015 8:15 pm
Hot Damn. That was a mighty big chakra signature indeedy. Draconis looked at the oncomer, noting he appeared to be just a doctor of the village, certainly one he had never seen before. Mitsui had not seemed to be affiliated with the village, if he was this fellow's subordinate then he must be from elsewhere too. Despite his amiable demeanor he was quite clearly displaying his power for all to see. His power seemed greater than Mitsui's.

Draconis replied to his comment. "Mitsui was actually quite helpful. I take it he might not be staying around much longer at all then?"

In the mean time, he continued to train the water element. Holding some of the water in his hand, he began trying to swirl it into a circular shape. Hopefully this training did not take too long.

(ttl wc: 506)
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