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Jason Hyuuga
Jason Hyuuga
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Energy of the new genin [open, timeline] Empty Energy of the new genin [open, timeline]

Mon Oct 05, 2015 6:01 pm
Jason sits in the fields just in front of his house, the blue Raikage chambers built into the tallest mountain just barely in view through the clouds. His recent admission to the rank of genin has filled his heart with joy and energy.

"Yo know... those are actually quite high in calories. You uh... you know what's a real good way of burnin' calories?" He remembers hearing in the Attack on Titan Abridged Parody by TeamFourStar just a few day ago.

"How about some training?" Jason tells himself, wrapping his headband around his head for the first time since he received it a few hours ago. It's true, what he's dreamed. He really can feel the cool metal against his forehead.

Jason stands, thinking of the best way for him to productively spend his time and maybe learn new jutsu in the process.

(OOC: No real training done yet so I can't start filling in my jutsu)

[0 / 2,000 towards Phoenix Flower ]
[0 / 2,000 towards Great Fireball ]
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Energy of the new genin [open, timeline] Empty Re: Energy of the new genin [open, timeline]

Mon Oct 05, 2015 6:15 pm
Chronos is walking by getting ready to go to the training grounds, then he sees a house he passes all the time on his way there. This time it has a kid in front of it. "Yo, up for some sparring or something." He asked the kid.
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Energy of the new genin [open, timeline] Empty Re: Energy of the new genin [open, timeline]

Mon Oct 05, 2015 6:39 pm
(Jason, I can teach you the phoniex flower jutsu for half the words if you want since I know it! Also, sorry for putting your other character in prison. >.<)

Ashur flew in after running his rounds around the village for training and noticed too newbies it seemed. He loved meeting new ninja for the most part, except this one seemed to have odd white eyes. Some kind of dojutsu right, he wondered to himself. He had to check this out! Ashur flew down at a speed the others would see only as a blur, and made it to the ground where he saw the african american ninja walking up to the other one in search of a fight.
"Hey, I'm Ashur, and I'm always happy to see returning or new faces."
He made a sincere smile as he spread his wings out for all to see. His outfit was baggy sweats for training, a flak jacket, black gloves, a necklace, some goggles on his forehead, and a blonde wig to hide his feather hair. He was only 13, and was seeking to age himself up when he got the chance with aging pills. Ashur always wanted to at least be 16 with those dangerous pills leaked to birth defects and other awful side effects. Who cared anyway though?
"So you guys gonna fight? This might be interesting. Hey if you guys are newbies, how about you two verses me? That might be some fun right there!"
Ashur made a great smile over his face as he concentrated on trying to figure out how to do that one jutsu Naruto had as a signature. It was rasengan! He then realized others might want to learn some jutsu as well.
"Hey do you guys want to learn any jutsu while I am here?"
The eager boy was too outgoing for his own good and hadn't realized how he just barraged in rudely. Such was the life of a immature 13 year old.

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Energy of the new genin [open, timeline] Empty Re: Energy of the new genin [open, timeline]

Mon Oct 05, 2015 6:43 pm
"Bet, I think this will prove challenging." Chronos said in a cheerful manner. Chronos than looks at Jason and sees if he is ready for this battle. 

"Yo, you ready or are ya scared, also before we fight. What's your name?" Chronos said as a bit of lightning forms around his hand shaking from excitement.
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Energy of the new genin [open, timeline] Empty Re: Energy of the new genin [open, timeline]

Mon Oct 05, 2015 6:49 pm
On his typical stroll around the village, Nejonin was walking about some random paths when he noticed the familiar ninja, Chronos. He began to walk over to greet him as any friend would when he noticed it seemed that two others were having a conversation along with him. “Hmm… I’ve got nothing better to do for right now so… I guess I could see what’s going on while saying hi.” Nejonin thought. Approaching from the right side of the house if you were looking straight at it, Nejonin walks up beside the three. He notices one sitting down, Chronos, who was standing, and Ashur who he hadn’t talked to but knew of. Ashur. Observing further, he sees lightning forming around Chronos’ hand. He flashed a smirk of interest that only those who show up at random can have. “Heh, what’s going on here? And who’s this new ninja?” 
Jason Hyuuga
Jason Hyuuga
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Energy of the new genin [open, timeline] Empty Re: Energy of the new genin [open, timeline]

Mon Oct 05, 2015 6:51 pm
(OOC: Thanks, Ashur. I'll cut down that 2,000 to 1,000. Also, no problem XD. This is a pretty fine reboot.)

The two ninja stood in front of Jason, both eager to become stronger the same way he did.

"Sounds like a great idea." Jason stands up and nods to the hooded ninja. "But what are your names? I just want to get to know you before we star-"

A new voice is heard from Jason's right side. When he turns to look, it's another shinobi.

"We were just about to start sparring. Would you like to join in? That'd make it two against two."

[0 / 1,000 towards Phoenix Flower]
[0 / 2,000 towards Great Fireball]

Last edited by Jason Hyuuga on Mon Oct 05, 2015 6:54 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Energy of the new genin [open, timeline] Empty Re: Energy of the new genin [open, timeline]

Mon Oct 05, 2015 6:55 pm
(OOC: Okay so the post order is as follows for the rest of the thread if nobody enters: Jason, Chronos, Me, and then Nejonin. Just post in this order and wait for the others, and you will be fine. If another person enters they will fall after the person that just posted on the post order. Just keep this in mind ^w^)
Jason Hyuuga
Jason Hyuuga
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Energy of the new genin [open, timeline] Empty Re: Energy of the new genin [open, timeline]

Mon Oct 05, 2015 6:55 pm
(Never mind, ignore this. I just saw Ashur as a different person for some reason.)

Last edited by Jason Hyuuga on Mon Oct 05, 2015 6:59 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Energy of the new genin [open, timeline] Empty Re: Energy of the new genin [open, timeline]

Mon Oct 05, 2015 6:58 pm
(OOC: Lets just follow the post order of you, Chronos, me, then Nejonin. XD So now it is Chronos's post)
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Energy of the new genin [open, timeline] Empty Re: Energy of the new genin [open, timeline]

Mon Oct 05, 2015 7:04 pm
"My name is Chronos Uzumaki!" a he said proudly as his chest stuck out in the air. "Next." He said so someone else will say there name.
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