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Anri Hyuuga
Anri Hyuuga
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The Day of Attaining Byakugan Empty The Day of Attaining Byakugan

Mon Jan 11, 2016 9:20 pm
Anri sat within her traditional japanese home, located within the Hyuuga compound. As a wealthy member of the Hyuuga clan, she was entitled to her own home. She sat with the lights off within the living room, the A/C on despite the fact that the weather wasn't very cold, but simply just to make her feel like it was. She wore a pair of lavender pajamas that covered her torso and legs, slightly loose-fitting and exposing her midriff only partly. She was sitting on a vibrant, indigo-ish purple pillow at the kotatsu, her eyes closed and a few black locks hanging down from the left-ish side of her head.

Her small, pale hands were pressed together firmly, digits aligning with one another. She was currently concentrating the chakra coursing throughout her frame, gathering it with growing dedicaiton to the activity. The essence flowed freely throughout the entirety of her well-endowed frame, while her legs were crossed and she was huddled up near the kotatsu with a beige blanket that had lotus flower-designs on it wrapped around her fair-skinned commendable figure.

Her pearl-white eyes jolted open, a look of determination printed on her facial features. She began to form a series of handseals to help knead her chakra. With great dexterity she formed the Horse handseal, then a special Tiger handseal with only the index fingers lifted, followed by a special Boar handseal with nearly straight fingers, the Hare, the Rat, the Dog, the Horse, the Dog again, the Hare again, the Rat again, the same special Boar handseal, and finally the last handseal finalizing the string being a special Snake handseal, with the right index finger only raised upright.


Veins protruded from beneath her pearl-like white eyes, and her pupils became far more discernable to the naked eye. She could perceive -many- distant chakra signals, complete with the 361 tenketsu knodes on each within the next tenth of a mile. She knew that from the textbook on the kotatsu informing her on the Byakugan that she hadn't trained her maximum potency for her full sensory. She had full 360 degree vision, however, and was capable of seeing through walls, perceiving objects, people and other things as well.

The girl could feel the massive drain on her eyes from using her clan's doujutsu for the first time, and thus she deactivated it. For the next hour she read within the textbook, occasionally sipping green tea from the mug resting beside the six-hundred page written documentary on the Hyuuga clan's doujutsu. After the hour had passed, she formed more handseals again, though she spared at least four of them, being more attuned to kneading her chakra in the right manner to activate the Byakugan.

Veins protruded beneath her eyes and her pupils became more distinct once more, as she could see up to a third of a mile this time around, and 'zoom in' on chakra signals that she could pick up on. With her x-ray vision, she could perceive the bag of Cheetos that she left on the table, as well as the crumbs that were on the floor. This was amazing! "Wow.." She couldn't help but murmur with awe in her voice, her plump pink lips parting briefly in surprise. She closed her eyes, halting the flow of chakra again.

She rested for two hours this time around, simply cleaning some stuff she noticed within her house up, then returned to the blanket under the kotatsu. This time, she only formed one handseal, the Snake handseal, kneading her chakra perfectly without all of the extra. Veins protruded, pupils became obvious, blah blah blah. She looked around, seeing for half of a mile. The girl coursed more chakra to her eyes, doing her best to widen the range on her Byakugan's sight, to the full mile that it permitted.

In the end, all she did was strain her eyes by trying that. She closed them once more, proceeding to allow the veins to vanish from sight and the pupils in her eyes to become far more unnoticeable. The Hyuuga girl impatiently tapped her fingertip upon the top of the kotatsu in front of her, nose wrinkled and lips pursed. Her narrow, pearly stare looked around the dim, light-less  room. She'd rest for the next five minutes, before proceeding to close her eyes and maintain the Snake handseal.

She kneaded her chakra in the proper manner, allowing the essence to course to her optic nerves. Veins became physically visible beneath her eyes. Her pupils became far more apparent. She'd close her eyes briefly, attempting to strain her ocular nerves only to a small extent by dialating the tenketsu within them using a calm pulsation of chakra that flowed through said knodes of chakra. Still she had her hands propped up for the Snake handseal, eyes open. With her Byakugan she looked about, finding that her range was increasing astoundingly by the moments as she increased the strange by very small rations.

In seventy five percenty of a mile's worth of range she could now perceive the frames of individuals with relative ease. She dilated the knodes of chakra near her ocular nerves, expanding her range even further. She could conifrm this by 'zooming in' closer to a mile's worth of range. She had to keep on trying, however. The female's Snake handseal lowered, the chakra pouring on through and flowing far quicker than normal by the forced expansion of the tenketsu around her ocular nerves.

"Even further.." The female would silently remark. She was soooooooo close to achieving the full range of the basic usage of her clan's prized, genetic possession, and their doujutsu, the Byakugan. With slightly more strain necessary, the necessary amount of reserves invested allowed her to zoom in for an entire mile to the western direction, seeing a -load- of people with her Byakugan...some of which were doing.. promiscuous things. She'd immediately deactivate her Byakugan when taking notice of this.. not really bothering to show any response to this traumatizing sight... other than lack of trauma and extreeeeeeeeeeme disgust.

(Byakugan and 5 Stats!)
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The Day of Attaining Byakugan Empty Re: The Day of Attaining Byakugan

Mon Jan 11, 2016 11:46 pm
Trial Approved

(couple of tips though - it would help if you include your wc in the bottom, around your claims. This is especially important if you partially train multiple techs and such, but is a nice gesture nonetheless.

Also, just for clarity, it's nice to space out your claims a bit more, or use some of the asterisks as a border or such. Occasionally people start putting in ooc comments and its harder to read, especially for the inebriated mods

If you need an example of what I mean, just let me know ^^)
Yasahiro Yagami
Yasahiro Yagami
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Ryo : 27500

The Day of Attaining Byakugan Empty Re: The Day of Attaining Byakugan

Wed Jan 20, 2016 3:36 pm
Hysterio insulting inebriated mods. Guess he is fired. Actual approval, good read.
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