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Mason's Genin Exam Empty Mason's Genin Exam

Mon Mar 21, 2016 5:44 pm
Mason was confident with his new abilities and decided it was time to take the genin exam. After being so nervous he couldn't sleep half the night it was finally time to goto the academy. Coming an half hour early he sat outside practicing the two abilities needed to pass. Feeling he was confident he walked into the academy.
Yasahiro Yagami
Yasahiro Yagami
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Village : Kemonogakure
Ryo : 27500

Mason's Genin Exam Empty Re: Mason's Genin Exam

Tue Mar 22, 2016 8:42 pm
Perhaps that last drink was a poor idea?

Ashi's entire head felt as if someone were slowly drilling into it with a dull drill. Suffice to say she was not having a good morning. The night before was a blur in her mind as it so often was at onset of her time off. Normally she could sleep it off the whole next day, but the academy required a proctor for the genin exams after the original proctor fell sick. So, here Ashi was in all her hungover glory.

Hair more astray than usual, clothes slept in and eyes that seemed to be still in dreamland. Yes, the Inuzuka woman was truly a vision of beauty. Piping hot cup of coffee in one hand and clipboard in the other, Ashi was ready for the first round of testing. Scanning the list she picked out one name, Mason Uchiha. Seemed a good a name as any to start with.

"Mason Uchiha," Ashi called out. "You are up first. Please come to the front of the classroom and perform the transformation and clone techniques."

I wish I was home with Chai...

[Please create an 800 word post performing the aforementioned jutsu and you will be promoted to genin. Good luck!]
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Mason's Genin Exam Empty Re: Mason's Genin Exam

Tue Mar 22, 2016 9:33 pm
Mason had taken a nap in the classroom and had just woken up hearing his name. "Me first?" He thought to himself. He looked at the proctor and has seen the look on her face more times than he could imagine on his mothers face when she was hungover. Mason sluggishly got up and walked to the front of the room about two meters away from the proctor and clears his throat. In the leas annoying voice he could manage so he wouldn't bother his proctor Mason explained the clone technique. " The clone technique is a ninjutsu technique in which one makes a non-solid copy of themselves. Perhaps a use for this technique is to make a distraction for a team mate or your self to act on. The hand signs for this technique goes like this Ram-Snake-Tiger." Mason had stopped talking focused on making a copy of himself in his head, and then weaved the signs Ram-Snake-Tiger flawlessly on his first try. Upon the last hand sign two copy's of Mason appeared to both the left and right of Mason. Mason had the clones talk for a little bit more about the jutsu then released the jutsu after about a minute or two and the clones dispersed. Feeling that he did fine on that part he continued to the transformation part of this exam.

Mason thought for a minute on what he was going to transform into and it just poofed into his head feeling a bit groggy still he yawned. " The transformation technique is considered one of the hardest beginner level jutsu for a beginner ninja like ourselves can do. To do this jutsu you weave the signs Dog-Boar-Ram. Oh yeah by the way this is a ninjutsu if any of you were wondering. By the way I wouldn't suggest trying this jutsu until you have looked at whatever your turning into for a long time or know the object perfectly. " Mason focused hard on what he wanted to transform into which happened to be his newly found familiar Murphy. Mason weaved the signs Dog-Boar-Ram and while doing that he focused one his wolf's jet black fur, his one pure red eye, and his regular eye, the streaks of white and orange in his fur. He emitted a very thin cloak of chakra which happened to be the "transformation" it was more like a disguise. Mason was on all fours and looked like a carbon copy of his wolf who was at this moment sleeping on Mason's bed or eating all of his ramen that he hid in his cupboards. After about a half minute Mason released the jutsu going back to just regular Jet black hair, scarred chin, One pure black eye, and one weird grey eye. Who was around 5'7 and 150 pounds.

He continues even though he has already done the minimum amount of jutsu needed to pass the exam to show what he had know. Mason began to speak "Here is a technique I bet most of you wished you could so right now the Body Flicker Technique! In this jutsu what happens is your use your chakra to increase your speed by a great amount and what happens when you do it is this. Also the only hand sign is just the ram sign." Mason did a very quick Ram sign and then dispersed in a blur of speed to his desk and grabs an apple faster than anybody but the proctor could probably see and puts the apple onto the proctors desk before returning to his presentation spot. Mason thought to himself "Overkill? I think not they are just beginning to see my greatness."

He told the proctor he was going to do another jutsu that he thought should have definitely have been on the exam. Mason spoke in his Melodious voice once more and said "This justu I'm doing next should be on the exam but isn't so I will do it anyways. All you need for this ninjutsu is basic chakra control. The surface Walking jutsu." Mason focused his chakra around the soles of his feet and walked about three meters to his right and just stepped onto the wall and climbed it until he was going to hit the ceiling which he walked on also until he was right above where he was previously and releases the chakra but does a flip sticking the landing barely.

"Before I leave you to the next chump who comes up here I must show you one last thing as a true testament to my greatness." Mason says this all still in a melodious voice as to not bother the proctor who is probably upset by how much time he is taking. "The Leaf Whirlwind is a taijutsu move that requires no chakra but involves a large amount of kicks that begins with a feint high kick. I can't demonstrate this because I don't wish to harm any of you." Mason throws a weak-ish high kick followed by a spin than a sweep a spin to his feet then a kick that would definitely break a shin. Finally Mason winks at the proctor and tells her "You should drink lots of tea to get rid of that hangover that your suffering from." Mason then waits to see if he has passed the exam.

[W.C. 890]
Yasahiro Yagami
Yasahiro Yagami
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Ryo : 27500

Mason's Genin Exam Empty Re: Mason's Genin Exam

Tue Mar 22, 2016 10:10 pm
Great, a show-boater.

Ashi had proctored more than her fair share of genin exams in the past. Yes, she knew the type. Showing off, making a scene, causing a commotion. Normally it might be endearing, but in Ashi's current state she simply watched with an almost vacant look. Suffice to say she wanted to be anywhere but here preferably somewhere with a bed. Yet here she was.

One not used to teaching would probably take Mason's advice the wrong way. However, the Inuzuka woman had years of experience teaching. Maybe a few years back she would have snapped at the boy or even spitefully failed him. That was the past though.

"Thanks," Ashi said with a weak smile. "I'd say you went a bit overboard here and there, but all in all you seem to have a good grasp of the basics."

Taking a sip of her coffee, Ashi put down the clipboard and fished out a headband from the open drawer next to her. Throwing the headband onto the table she spoke up again.

"Congratulations on making Genin. I wish you the best of luck in your future endeavors."

Glancing down at the list of genin Ashi noted with dread that she probably had three hours of work ahead of her. Good thing she had brewed a whole pot of coffee in the staff room. She was going to need every drop of it, liquid patience.

Maybe a little tea wouldn't hurt either...

[Congrats, you're a genin! I'll change your rank in a moment. Also, do not forget that you get 15 stats and a free specialty of your choice for this rank up.]
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