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Kenshin is Evaluated (Private, Akihana) Empty Kenshin is Evaluated (Private, Akihana)

Sat Apr 30, 2016 6:39 am
Kenshin walked down the streets of Hoshi with a small smirk on his face, the midday sun was high in the sky and shining brightly down upon the entirety of Hoshigakure, even Kenshin himself was not spared from the sun's rays, thankfully he was still wearing his robes and top hat, as the robes covered his whole body from the sunlight while the rim of the top hat kept his face covered in shade. He tried to avoid walking in directly sunlight too often, the reason for this being that with his pure white skin he quite literally glowed when the sun shone on his skin, and to be perfectly honest that truly annoyed him because it always made people look in his direction, but thankfully due to the shade his top hat was providing his face it was not glowing.

He was currently walking away from the academy and towards the hospital of Hoshigakure, following a set of directions that was given to him by the woman who was in charge of overseeing his Genin exam, he had passed on a conditional basis, with the condition being whether or not be passed a medical evaluation, something that his examiner felt was for the best after seeing his extremely scarred visage, not to mention his extraordinarily pale skin made him look rather sickly. ‘I suppose it’s for the best that I was wearing the robes and top hat, I wonder how she would’ve reacted if she’d known that my face is the least scarred past of my body, hell my arms, legs and torso and almost entirely stitches and scar tissue, plus the fact that she would’ve been able to see the threads squirming beneath my skin, yeah, very glad I wore the robes and hat’ Kenshin would think to himself with a small smirk, it was always rather entertaining for him to see how people reacted when they saw him for the first time, everyone reacted differently to him and he was always eager to see how a new person would act.

Kenshin neared the hospital he though back to who the examiner had told him to look for, someone by the name of Akihana Akari, and based on the fact that the examiner had called her Hoshigakure’s resident medical expert he assumed that she was a master of medical jutsu. After walking for close to five minutes he finally arrived in the hospital, and once inside he began looking for a member of the staff in order to find out just where this Akihana would be located “Excuse me sir, where would I find Akihana Akari? I was told to come see for a medical evaluation” Kenshin would ask a man wearing a white coat. The man gave him a quick look and paled slightly “Um, she’s just down the hall, follow me” the man would say, before leading the silver haired teen down the hall and to a rather unassuming door “She should be in there” the man would say, getting a small smile from Kenshin “Thank you for the help” he would say politely as the man walked away, before turning to the door and giving two light knocks. If he got permission to enter the office he would do so with a small smirk on his face, he would close the door after he entered and stand in front of it “Hi, I was told to come here for a medical evaluation” he would then say, the smirk still present on his scarred face. On the other hand if he did not get permission to enter...well, he would just stand outside the door and wait I guess

WC: 613
Akihana Akari
Akihana Akari
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Kenshin is Evaluated (Private, Akihana) Empty Re: Kenshin is Evaluated (Private, Akihana)

Sat Apr 30, 2016 7:14 am
Akihana had never wanted to be a coroner, and yet there had been little choice in the matter. While choosing the medical specialty had been her own decision, an affinity she could not have run away from even if she'd tried, the rest depended solely on what the village needed. Healers, bijuu binders, tranplant performers and, at the moment, morticians. Still, the skill had its uses, and the uses were the reason the blonde currently found herself with a sad frown on her face. The body in front of her had been examined thrice over and each time, the young woman had came to the same conclusion.


Found in her brother's possessions, the the body might as well have laid claims to the fact that he had killed this young man. Akihana didn't want to think of her brother as a killer, hadn't wanted to for a while now but all evidence pointed towards that very fact. It troubled the golden eyed kunoichi to the extent where she had almost made up her mind to write to Kasuga about it. But that would have to wait. Closing the boy's eyes carefully, Akihana extracted the small gem from her coat pocket, the dark obsidian stark against the pure white medical lab coat. Activating her pocket dimension, she sent the boy back into Sanctuary where he could be stowed away once more until she could decide where to go from here.

"Your Grace, will there be anything else?" Rabayl peeked inside through the door, her smile vanishing fast at the blonde's troubled expression. The smile would return however when Akihana would raise a two fingered salute to the intern, the waves of relaxing genjutsu lulling the young intern into a false sense of security. There was no need to trouble her assistant. Troubles were best left to her and Den.

"All good, please send in the next appointments from Shina, I might as well go over those while I'm here."

"Yes, Your Grace," the intern exited with a cheery wave, leaving Akihana to clean up the examination tools and stow them away. It was quick work and doing it precisely afforded her the luxury of not having to think over what she'd found out for certain. When the last of the equipment was stored away, the blonde stepped towards her desk, smoothing down her coat over her pale green ankle length dress. Cornsilk gold hair held back in a loose braid over one shoulder, the kunoichi peered over the details of her upcoming tasks. A genin sent in for a physical before joining active duty. According to Shina, the boy was injured. It seemed like this would be an average healing session so Akihana wasn't unduly worried.

The kunoichi however was to prepared for what she saw when she allowed entrance to the shinobi that knocked on her door a few minutes later. Through mostly covered, Akihana could immediately sense that his chakra was above that of a regular genin but this face and what little skin revealed through his clothing was heavily scarred.

"Mr. Raggedy, mommy, she looks like Mr.. Raggedy Rabbit."

"Sweetie, it's rude to point."

"Of course you were," the young woman would reply, fixing a kind smile on her face, golden eyes twinkling merrily as they took in the boy. "Please step behind the screen and change into your hospital gown. Then you can go ahead and take a seat on the examining table and I'll be right with you," Akihana added, gesturing to the place where she'd asked him to go change. Should he follow instructions, she would go to retrieve her stethoscope, the act more out of habit than actual necessity since all a good medical ninja really needed were his or her hands.

"Kenshin Uzumaki right," she called out while the boy changed behind the screen. The name had jumped out to her form the forms. "Well, your examiner was worried about you so lets see if we can fix that. Have you been ill lately? Or get into a fight?" she asked casually waiting for him to reappear.
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Kenshin is Evaluated (Private, Akihana) Empty Re: Kenshin is Evaluated (Private, Akihana)

Sat Apr 30, 2016 11:32 am
“Yes of course you were” Kenshin would hear the melodious voice of Akihana say in response to his words, a kind smile on her face and a small twinkle in her golden eyes “Please step behind the screen and change into your hospital gown. Then you can go ahead and take a seat on the examining table and I’ll be right with you” Akihana would add, gesturing to the screen she mentioned. With a small nod the silver haired teen would step behind the screen and begin to shed the layers of clothes he was wearing, but the very first thing he removed was his top hat, causing his specifically styled hair to become loose and once again reveal his eyes for all to see, the next item to be removed was the grey sash that he wore over his robes to ensure they didn’t come loose, with the sash removed his robes came open and he removed them as well, leaving him clad only in his grey sandals, black pants and sleeveless black vest, he quickly removed the vest as well leaving him naked from the waist up.

If the silver haired teen was completely honest with himself he would admit that he was feeling more than a little uncomfortable right now, he did not like the state of his body after the countless experiments that were conducted on him all those years ago. The countless poisons that he was injected with had the effect of removing any and all traces of pigments within his skin and hair, along with making his sclera turn red from the amount of burst blood vessels in them, the countless times he was cut open leaving almost every single inch of his skin covered in scar tissue, the only part of his body that was left alone being his face in the fear that it may end up killing his brain. But by far the most painful and life changing procedure he underwent was the procedure where the injected the threads into his body, he was forced to undergo the agonising procedure of having every single bone removed from his body, and then subsequently every one of his internal organs were removed bar his heart and his brain, this procedure covering his already ghastly and scarred visage covered in stitched cuts, and to make matters worse the threads squirmed beneath his skin, appearing to anybody who looked like thousands upon thousands of tiny worm-like creatures crawling beneath his skin.

With a small sigh the extremely pale teen reached over and grabbed one of the hospital robes that were folded neatly behind the screen, and without any hesitation he put the robes on in a failed attempt to cover his ghastly appearance from the world, even though he was behind a screen and his body was not visible to the golden eyed medical nin he could easily imagine the shock, horror and repulsion that would be on Akihana’s face when she finally saw him. He had seen the looks more times that he cared to count, he’d seen it on the faces of both men and women, no matter how young or how old, and no matter which direction their moral compass sailed, and sad as it may be he had grown so used to the looks over time that they no longer made him feel anything, he no longer felt a sense of sadness or sorrow from them, in fact it had warped it into nothing more than a twisted sense of amusement at seeing how people would react upon seeing him from the first time.

But for some reason that he was unable to explain it did not feel the same right now with Akihana, he didn’t find himself feeling a dark and twisted sense of amusement as he imagined how she would react upon seeing him, in fact he felt very conflicted, almost as if he cared about how she would react, much like he used to feel back before he had gotten used to the looks. He was unsure why he felt this was right now, maybe he was starting to get soft now that he had found a home within Hoshi’s walls, or maybe it was because the last time he received a look like that was quite a while ago, back when he gained his water heart in Waterfall Country actually, when that smart mouthed kid had said that he was the most atrocious thing he had ever laid eyes on. He was still unsure why he felt this way, but that didn’t change the fact that he did, he truly hoped Akihana proved to be unlike the people he had met in the past and didn’t scorn him solely on his appearance, but he wasn’t going to get his hopes up, he had put his faith in people too many times in the past and been disappointed to do that

“Kenshin Uzumaki right” Kenshin heard Akihana call from the other side of the screen, her voice snapping the silver haired teen out of his thoughts “Well, your examiner was worried about you so let's see if we can fix that shall we, Have you been ill lately? Or get into a fight?” she would question in a rather casual tone of voice from her place behind the screen, something that got a small chuckle from Kenshin. His nervousness was slowly fading away and being replaced by a rather warm feeling, he had no idea what it was or why it was affecting him but it was making him feel a sense of joy, an emotion that he hadn't felt in a very long time. As he began to concentrate on the warm feeling he discovered that it was coming from Akihana herself, it was her chakra, he had no idea why but it just felt warm and gave him a sense of joy, it felt like his trouble was melting away as he basked in the feeling of it, but alas all good things must come to an end, as he realised that it would be rude of him to just stand there and not answer her questions.

With most of his nervousness having faded away after basking in Akihana’s chakra the silver haired teen stepped out from behind the screen, the only thing covering the upper half of his body being the hospital robes that he had been told to change into, and they did a terrible job at hiding anything, but then again that was most likely why Akihana wished for him to change into them. “No, I haven’t been feeling ill lately, nor have I gotten into any fights, in fact I feel perfectly fine, I believe the reason I was sent here was because of...well these” he would say in a rather casual tone, gesturing to the scars and stitches that covered the entirety of his body, the only exception being his face, which still possessed one extremely large stitched scar. “Let me assure you I am perfectly fine, these are most definitely not new nor will they hinder my abilities in any way, in fact if anything they enhance my abilites” he would continue saying in a confident tone, taking a seat down on the examination table that she mentioned earlier, and from there he would let Akihana make the next move, be that move speaking to him or even beginning the medical exam with a jutsu of some form

WC: 1248
Akihana Akari
Akihana Akari
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Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 223500

Kenshin is Evaluated (Private, Akihana) Empty Re: Kenshin is Evaluated (Private, Akihana)

Sat Apr 30, 2016 12:05 pm
When the pale teen emerged from behind the screen, Akihana's suspicions were confirmed. his face wasn't nearly as telling as Alice's had been, the female ANBU had had to wear a veil to cover the fact ti that her mouth came completely unhinged from her jaw. Kenshin's only sported a large and perfectly respectable scar that could easily be interpreted as the sign of a veteran shinobi.

It was the marks covering his arms and torso that gave his EGF ability away.

As he took a seat on the table, the blonde neared him with a cheerful smile. "Good to know," she reassured him with a slight laugh. "I always think of a fight whenever I see an injury because I have a seven year old," she explained as she reached for her stethoscope. Akihana knew from previous experience that people with Kenshin's unique ability did not like being touched or stared at, so until she knew more about the boy's preference on personal boundaries, she wouldn't attempt to touch him. "And like all boys his age, he prefers to settle problems in the playground, which leads to a lot of split lips and scraped knees."

Reaching towards his torso, the kunoichi warned "This might feel slightly cold," before pressing the metal to his chest. Should he react in a negative way, she would take the instrument away but should be stay still, she would continue with her examination, listening for his heartbeat. After a moment, she would announce victoriously. "Both hearts seem to be beating fine and working in good condition, now lets see if we can get a read on your mind." With that, she would drop the stethoscope and, if allowed, raise her right hand to the boy's temple, keeping her slender palm about an inch from his silver head, just further enough to have the green glowing medical chakra extend towards him. If Kenshin would allow himself to, he would feel all muscular aches being reduced and a freshness entering his system, a bit like if he had just woken up after an extremely comfortable sleep.

"Everything seems to be okay there too, your vitals are fine and I've never seen a genin in better health, now to the misleading scars." With that, the kunoichi would extend her left hand to Kenshin's shoulder, not quite touching him but letting her chakra soak through his flesh, rejuvenating the skin and leaving a small bit of the scar tissue clean and completely blended into his white skin.

"If you like, we can work to remove some of the scars from your skin, but that's not necessary as you enticement they don't hinder you in battle anyway. If you'd like to remove some of the major ones for cosmetic reasons, I can show you a technique that will let you do it on your own," she offered kindly, stepping back and taking up his patient chart to give him a clean bill of health.

"Incidentally, I assume the earth heart is your original?" she asked, not looking up from ehr chart where she made notes. "I've familiar with EGF but by no means an expert on it. Though the two users I've known all had earthen affinities. Even though I can sense your water heart better seeing as I'm acquainted with that element."
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Kenshin is Evaluated (Private, Akihana) Empty Re: Kenshin is Evaluated (Private, Akihana)

Sun May 01, 2016 6:18 am
Kenshin felt a deep sense of joy when Akihana didn’t react like most people upon seeing him, the cheerful smile on her face never once faltering even after being exposed to the sight of his torso, in fact if anything the bright smile she wore almost seemed like it was growing larger with each passing second, something that gave the scarred teen a warm feeling in the pit of his stomach. “Good to know” Kenshin would hear Akihana say with the slightest of laughs “I always think of a fight whenever I see an injury because I have a seven year old” she would explain to him as she reached for a stethoscope, something that caused Kenshin to blanch slightly, but with his already snow white skin it was impossible to notice. He knew full well that if she were to listen to his heartbeat she would discover something amiss, most notably the fact that unlike normal humans he didn’t possess but one hear, he had two, one of them was his original earth heart, while the other was the water heart he had stolen from that unnamed teen in Waterfall Country. “And like all boys his age, he likes to settle problems in the playground, which leads to a lot of split lips and scraped knees” She would explain to him, the warm smile still plastered firmly on her face, the combination of her own smile and the rather amusing reason that she thought he may have been in a fight bringing a small smile to his own face, and causing a small chuckle to escape from his lips.

There was just something about Akihana that made the silver haired teen lower his guard, he didn’t know what it was nor did he particularly like the fact that his guard was coming down, but he just couldn’t keep it up while he was in her presence, he wondered if the reason he couldn’t bear to keep his guard up was due to the motherly feeling that she almost seemed to exude. The reason behind this feeling would remain a mystery to Kenshin as he had never known what it felt like to have a mother, this being due to the fact that his own mother had died shortly after giving birth to him, and due to that he had nothing that he could compare what he was feeling right now with. The small smile would fade from his face when he saw Akihana begin reaching her hand towards his torso, the metal of the stethoscope obvious in her hand, he had almost forgotten that he was here for a medical check up. He knew what Akihana would hear when she placed the stethoscope on his chest, the distinct sound of two hearts beating within his chest rather than the one that he assumed she would be expecting, but rather than attempting to stop her from placing the stethoscope against his torso he would silently sit there and hope she didn’t freak out too badly when he heard the hearts beating.  “This might feel slightly cold” he would hear her say before feeling said slightly cold piece of metal be pressed against his torso, the nervousness in the pit of his stomach growing with each passing second as Akihana listened to his hearts beat.

“Both hearts seem to be beating fine and working in good condition, now lets see if we can get a read on your mind” she would announce in a victorious tone, something that caused the scarred teen’s eyes to widen in shock, she didn’t seem surprised in the slightest about hearing the two hearts beating in his chest, which meant one of two thing, either she is the best actor he had ever met or she was truly not surprised to hear two heartbeats. Kenshin truly wasn’t sure how to feel about that, on the one hand he was overjoyed that Akihana hadn’t labelled him a freak already based on his looks and the fact that he had two hearts, and on the other hand he was quite suspicious as to why she was acting so calm about this, and he found himself beginning to wonder if she had met people with Earth Grudge Fear before. Kenshin would’ve been so caught up in these thoughts that he wouldn’t even notice Akihana raise her right hand and hold it just above his temple, he would however feel all the aches and pains of his body to fade away and a sense of freshness enter his system, and upon realising that it was Akihana causing this feeling with medical chakra above his temple he would allow himself to relax even more.

“Everything seems to be okay there too, your vitals seem fine and I’ve never seen a Genin in better health, now to the misleading scars” the silver haired teen would hear Akihana say in his relaxed state, he would notice her left hand moving over his shoulder, keeping it hovering just above the heavily scarred skin. He watched in amazement as chakra seemed to seep out of her hand and into his flesh, where it began it’s work in healing and rejuvenating the heavily scarred tissue that it found, by the end his eyes were wide in shock and awe as he stared at the scar free patch of skin, the scars looking completely healed due to the fact that they blended in perfectly with his albino skin. “If you like, we can work to remove the scars from your skin, but that’s not necessary as you enticement they don’t hinder you in battle anyway. If you’d like to remove some of the major ones for cosmetic reasons, I can show you a technique that will let you do it on your own” he would hear Akihana offer him kindly before stepping back and picking up a chart. Akihana’s offer that left him overjoyed with a true smile lighting up his face, he was unable to even remember the last time he felt this happy or gave anybody such a true and bright smile. He was truly overjoyed to find out that it was possible to remove these scars from his body, as all they served to do was remind him of the hell that he had been through in the past, and while he may not wish to change the past he had been hoping there would be a way to remove the hideous scars that covered almost every inch of his skin, while he didn’t mind the stitched cuts that came with having EGF, as they actually served to remind him of the power that he now wielded, he was truly disgusted by the scars

“Incidentally, I assume the Earth heart is your original” he would hear her ask, not looking up from her clipboard yet “I’ve familiar with EGF but by no means an expert on it. Though the two users I’ve known all had earthen affinities. Even though I can sense your Water heart better seeing as I’m acquainted with that element” he would hear Akihana explain, confirming his earlier suspicions that she was indeed familiar with Earth Grudge Fear. Kenshin decided that it was best to answer her question on whether the earth heart was his original before accepting her offer to teach him a technique to remove the scars from his body “You’re correct Akihana, the earth heart is indeed my original heart, while the water heart you can sense I...gained, from a rather unsavory character that I met in Waterfall Country. I’m not sure how much you know about EGF, but I feel that you should know I am unable to learn elements by any means apart from assimilating the heart of a person with an affinity to that element” the albino teen would explain, he was unsure if Akihana knew this already but he felt that it would be best to inform her, just in case she was unaware of this fact. “And also, regarding your earlier offer about my scars, I would be forever in your debt if you could teach me a technique to get rid of them” he would say in an almost pleading voice “All they do is remind me of the torture I went through in the past, of the…experiments...that were conducted upon me” Kenshin would say in a rather shaken tone of voice, he truly hated recalling the experiments and torture that he underwent in the past, it was the darkest point of his life and he never wanted to be reminded of it again, but he was every dsingle day when he was confronted by the scars that covered almost every inch of his body.

“Please Akihana, please help me get rid of them” he would say one final time in a truly pleading tone of voice, before reaching his right hand up to his face in order to remove any traces of the tears that had gathered in his eyes, none of them had fallen nor did he want them to but alas they had gathered in his eyes and seemed ready to fall. With that Kenshin took a deep breath and began working on composing himself, that was a moment of weakness and he didn’t really want Akihana to see it, but her offer of removing teaching him how to remove the scars from his body had truly affected him, and it meant more to him than she would ever realise. He would close his eyes tear filled eyes and exhale through his nose, before giving one last wipe of his eyes with his right hand before opening them once more, revealing the red sclera and silver pupils once more, all traces of his tears gone. From there Kenshin would turn towards Akihana and await her answer

WC: 1637
Akihana Akari
Akihana Akari
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Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 223500

Kenshin is Evaluated (Private, Akihana) Empty Re: Kenshin is Evaluated (Private, Akihana)

Sun May 01, 2016 9:13 am
As he confirmed her estimation that earth really was his affinity, Akihana nodded, replacing the clipboard. The report would go back to Shina soon enough. Kenshin Uzumaki was perfectly fit for duty, even higher ranking missions given his incredible durability. As he admitted to obtaining the water heart from someone, the medic's eyes grew serious. She let him finish but once he was done, she gave him a serious look.

"I understand the need to obtain hearts with your condition," she would speak firmly but not unkindly. "But we are a ninja village and as a Genin, your job will be to protect the citizens, not advance your own elemental prowess." All this was said in a soft, understanding way, as if explaining to a child without hurting their feelings. Akihana often spoke to her own sons that way when she explained what was right and what was wrong, and for all his unique abilities, Kenshin seemed so much like a lost child to her that the blonde couldn't help her heart going out to him.

"We have an EGF user in Hoshigakure in the past. He agrees not to harm anyone in the city and in exchange, we secure for him the hearts he needs to continue his training. These hearts were obtained from shinobi who died of natural causes of course. If you'd be amenable to that, I can inform the Hoshikage of your condition and we can offer you the same." She would wait for his reply before moving on.

When she offered to teach him a way to remove the scars, the boy's response made her heart ache. She couldn't even begin to imagine what he had gone through to first get those scars and then to live with them for as long as he had. Moving closer to him, the medic touched him for the first time, placing a gentle hand on his shoulder as he wiped his eyes."It's going to be okay," she soothed, her voice quietly reassuring, as though she somehow knew the secret that things would get better. "I can teach you to remove the scars yourself... But I also want you to know that your scars are not who you are," she explained, golden eyes looking down at the pale boy. "They don't define you regardless of what you've been told. Your deeds from here on will define you, always remember that alright?"

If the pale youth would agree and offer no resistance, Akihana would smile slightly, hoping to regain his lost good spirits. "As for the jutsu, it's simple. I'm guessing you know the difference between normal ninjutsu and medical ninjutsu. Normal ninjutsu causes damage, a stark, unforgiving blue while medical chakra is a calming green, aimed towards making whole." As a demonstration, she raised her right hand once more, slowly allowing green healing chakra to coat it for his benefit.

"Once you have the chakra distinction down, you need to be in close conditions with the area you're trying to heal." With that, she would move her glowing hand to his shoulder once more, targeting another scar on his skin. "Imagine the skin whole, smooth, blemish free and painless. Your mind should always be focused on recovering and making whole, in a way returning the injured area to how it used to be before the injury." As she spoke, the scar slowly faded, leaving another small patch of clear skin on Kenshin's body.

"Now let's see you try it."
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Kenshin is Evaluated (Private, Akihana) Empty Re: Kenshin is Evaluated (Private, Akihana)

Sun May 01, 2016 1:08 pm
After Kenshin finished explaining Earth Grudge Fear to Akihana he took note of the serious look that she sent his way “I understand the need to obtain hearts with your condition” she would say in a firm tone, it still held the same sense of kindness that the silver haired teen had grown used to hearing from her, but the tone also told him that she wanted him to pay attention to what she was about to say. “But we are a ninja village and as a Genin, your job will be to protect the civilians, not advance your own elemental prowess” she would say, but rather than the firm tone she was using before this was said in an incredibly soft and understanding tone, in all honesty it felt a little like she was trying to explain ethics to a young child to a young child while at the same time attempting to keep them calm. But despite this the silver haired teen didn’t take it as an insult nor was he going to fault her for it, as he just chalked it off as her motherly instincts coming into play, and if he was going to be completely honest with himself he actually found it to be a rather endearing trait, his own mother had died while giving birth to him and he had never had anyone else act as a mother figure in his life, he was not starting to think of Akihana like a mother figure or anything along those lines, he just liked the motherly traits that she almost instinctively displayed

“We have an EGF user in Hoshigakure in the past. He agrees not to harm anyone in the city and in exchange, we secure for him the hearts he needs to continue his training. These hearts were obtained from shinobi who died from natural causes of course. If you’d be amenable to that, I can inform the Hoshikage of your condition and we could offer you the same” she would say in the same kind tone as before, but it became obvious to him rather fast that she was awaiting his answer before she continued on. “I would be very interested in taking the same offer as he did, when I first arrived here I had no intention of harming even a single person that lived here, and that was when I was still a missing nin, now I’m a Genin of Hoshi, and believe me when I say that I would never betray the trust that this village has shown me by attacking any of the people that live within it’s walls. To be perfectly honest it feels like I am gaining these hearts for doing nothing more than the duties that any Genin would be given, so I swear to you that I will prove myself worthy of gaining these hearts, I’ll go above and beyond the duties of other Genin to prove that I have earned these hearts” the silver haired teen would say with conviction in his voice, if Akihana and the Hoshikage were willing to put this much trust in him, enough trust to let him join Hoshigakure and even give him the hearts of deceased Shinobi in order to help him gain more power in the future, then he was willing to put his own trust in them and the village itself in return.

It felt strange for Kenshin to place his trust in others after such a long time of trusting nobody but himself, but honestly it felt good, like a massive burden had been lifted from his shoulders, a burden that he didn’t even realise that he was carrying. When he began wiping the tears from his eyes after she offered to teach him a technique that would get rid of his scars he felt Akihana’s chakra signature get closer to him, before feeling her gently place one of her hands on his shoulder “It’s going to be okay” he would hear her say soothingly, and honestly he found himself believing her words of comfort, it truly felt as if everything was finally going to go right for him. “I can teach you to remove the scars yourself....but I also want you to know the scars are not who you are” she would say to him in the same soothing tone as before, he could feel her golden eyes peering down on him but he didn’t raise his head to meet her gaze, as his eyes were still filled with tears and he didn’t want Akihana to see him like that. “They don’t define you regardless of what you’ve been told. Your deeds from here on will define you, always remember that alright?” Akihana would tell him in a reassuring manner, getting a smile from the silver haired teen, who would finally raise his head to look her in the eye with a small but true smile on his face, before giving her an affirmative nod.

The silver haired teen would see Akihana give a small smile of her own “As for the jutsu, it’s simple. I’m guessing you know the difference between normal ninjutsu and medical ninjutsu. Normal ninjutsu causes damage, a stark, unforgiving blue while medical chakra is a calm green, aimed towards making whole” she would explain to him, getting a look of understanding in return, the silver haired teen did have one medical jutsu in his arsenal and he was definitely able to both see and feel the difference in the chakra that he put into that jutsu when compared to any of the other jutsu in his arsenal. He would watch her raise her right hand once more, and in what he assumed was a demonstration of what she meant a soothing coat of green chakra would coat her hand “Once you’ve got the chakra distinction down, you need to be in close conditions to the area you’re trying to heal” he would listen to her explain, giving a small nod of understanding, before watching as once again she placed her glowing green hand on his shoulder. “Imagine the skin whole, smooth, blemish free and painless. Your mind should always be focussed on recovering and making whole, in a way returning the injured area to how it used to be before the injury” she would explain as she focused her healing chakra on one of the larger and more noticeable scars on his shoulder, and he watched in awe as just like she said the skin smoothed itself out and the scar began to fade away, eventually becoming completely unnoticeable on his albino skin.

“Now lets see you try it” Akihana would say in an encouraging tone, urging the heavily scarred teen to give it a shot, he understood the jutsu well due to Akihana’s explanation, and after finding the calm green chakra within himself he channelled it into his hand, watching in awe as his right hand was covered in the same green aura that Akihana’s hand had been covered with. The silver haired teen tentatively placed his glowing green hand over one of the largest and most grisly scars on his left arm, he focussed his mind on making the skin whole and smooth once more, as well as returning it to the way that it used to be before he got it, at first nothing happened, and Kenshin began to feel a small amount of despair But eventually he saw it, the scar started to become less and less grisly looking, almost like it was being smoothed over, and eventually he was unable to see it anywhere, as it had completely faded into his skin, even after running his fingers over the area that it used to be he was unable to feel the difference in the texture of the skin. “I did it” he would whisper to himself in a tone filled with joy, just loud enough for Akihana to hear, he was truly proud of himself at this moment, but more than that he got an overwhelming feeling of gratitude towards Akihana, if it wasn’t for her Kenshin would not have learned this technique, nor would he have so much as thought that it was possible for his scars to be healed.

“Thank you so much Akihana, thank you” Kenshin would say to Akihana in a truly thankful tone, turning his head to face her directly, and revealing his own face, which was almost being split in two by the smile he was wearing, one that displayed nothing but the pure and unbridled joy that he was feeling right now, his eyes were watering slightly but this time it was due to the amount of joy he was feeling, and he felt no shame in allowing her to see them, as it would tell her just how much this meant to him.

WC: 1476
Akihana Akari
Akihana Akari
Stat Page : [url=statpage]Stat Page[/url]
Remove Iryōjutsu Ninjutsu Remove Default
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Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 223500

Kenshin is Evaluated (Private, Akihana) Empty Re: Kenshin is Evaluated (Private, Akihana)

Mon May 02, 2016 2:05 am
The blonde listened patiently as Kenshin made his intentions towards their village clear, a small smile blossoming on her lips as the boy spoke. She had mentioned their previous EGF user to him before but she had not been nearly as loyal to Hoshi at the beginning. Kyofu Ishi had caused a lot of trouble, stealing organs out of a misguided sense of self promotion, wandering into the royal palaces uninvited and trying to Mark Seal innocent genin. He had been quite a challenge to tame but now he had been. At jounin, Kyofu acted as an undercover leader to one of the more influential religious groups of Hoshi, slowly working to lessen the distance between ninja and civilian. Being locked in an underground monastery seem to do him good. He and his followers had little use of jutsu now, pretending to be civilians for neigh a year.

Kenshin however would progress because he promised to abide by all the rules, and it made Akihana happy to see a ninja put forth his life for his village. Kenshin may not be from here but he would embody the spirit of Hoshigakure. Hoshi was already a melting pot of cultures, faiths and ethnicities to the point where no matter what background they came from, it was the values these shinobi followed that unified them. And this pale teen seem to have those exact same values, she could see him becoming a permanent fixture of their city. And Hoshigakure would be better off for it.

“Well done,” she would say as he completed his attempt at mystical palm. He was a quick learner, quicker than many Akihana had seen and she could tell he would go far. “Well, looks like you’re all done here. You can go ahead and start doing missions now. And feel free to come see me whenever you get injured or even if you need to talk. I bake pretty decent cookies too if you ever want to drop by the palace for lunch with my son and I.” She offered kindly.

If after that, Kenshin had no more questions, she would motion for him to duck behind the screen once more and get properly dressed. He would then be allowed to leave with a clean bill of health and a new hope for the future.


TWC: 2, 307

2, 250 Towards: Ephemeral
57 Towards: Charity
Stat Page :

Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Default
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Ryo : 0

Kenshin is Evaluated (Private, Akihana) Empty Re: Kenshin is Evaluated (Private, Akihana)

Mon May 02, 2016 4:23 am
“Well done” Kenshin would hear Akihana say in a somewhat impressed tone, something that only made the silver haired teens grin grow even wider, feeling a small amount of pride as he heard the words from the golden eyed Kunoichi. “Well, looks like you’re all done here. You can go ahead and start doing missions now. And feel free to come see me whenever you get injured or even if you need to talk. I bake pretty decent cookies too if you ever want to drop by the palace for lunch with my son and I” he would hear Akihana offer in a kind tone of voice, an offer that the albino teen would be more than happy to take her up on. “Thank you for the clean bill of health Akihana, and once again thank you so much for teaching me that technique, I think I’ll spend a couple of hours tonight doing nothing but healing these scars, get rid of them once and for all. And in regards to your offer, I would be more than happy to have lunch with you and your son one of these days, and I’m sure the cookies will be amazing” he would reply with the smile still on his face, he hadn’t smiled like this in longer than he even cared to remember but smiling like this felt good, and he found himself hoping that the smiles would just keep on coming in his new life here in Hoshigakure.

With that said Kenshin would once more go behind the screen and remove the hopital robe, he would then pick up his previously discarded black vest and put that back on, he would then once again put his robes on above that, looping his grey sash over his right shoulder and back past his left hip, where he tied a knot in it to ensure that his robes didn’t come apart. Finally the silver haired teen would pick up his top hat and once again place it on his head, he would then style his hair again so that his eyes were completely covered by the silver locks. With him clad back in his normal attire the albino would step out from behind the screen once more “Thank you very much for everything Akihana, please enjoy the rest of your day” the white haired teen would say to the golden eyed kunoichi with a small yet true smile on his face, his day had been brightened considerably by this meeting and he felt that this would only be the beginning of how much his life would improve now that he lived here in Hoshi. With that said the scarred teen would give Akihana a small bow before walking out of her office and the hospital in general, all the while having his mind focussed on medical chakra and it’s many different uses, before this meeting with Akihana all he knew about medical chakra was that it could be used to heal injuries, he had no idea that he could use it to heal his scars, as they were wounds that his own body had long since healed on its own, but apparently medical ninjutsu was a lot more versatile than he had though.

With that thought in mind the silver haired teen began to think of the near endless possibilities of what he could do with medical ninjutsu, after all, if ninjutsu itself had that many different uses then he had no doubt medical ninjutsu would have more uses than just healing wounds and scars. He began to wonder just why Akihana had told him to keep his mind focussed on healing the skin as he learnt the technique, perhaps if his mind had wandered the medical chakra would have had a different effect on his body, maybe if rather than thinking of actually actually healing the damage he began to think about strengthening and enhancing his body. So with that little theory in mind the silver haired teen began to focus medical chakra into his hand much like he had with that jutsu that Akihana had taught him, but rather than focus his mind on healing he began to think about strengthening the muscles in his arms, and enhancing them far beyond the norm. He took a look at his arm and was rather disappointed to find that it didn’t look any different, there was no glowing aura surrounded his hand or his arm like he had hoped, but then again he was well aware that just because he was unable to see something that didn’t mean that it wasn’t there.

With that in mind Kenshin began to poke and prod at his arm in the hopes of discovering something different about it that he may be unable to see, but much to his annoyance and disappointment he was unable to see or feel anything different about his arm in the slightest. He would release a small curse of annoyance and smack his hand down against the wall that he was leaning against, but rather than the soft impact that he expected to feel he felt the wall give a little as well as hearing the sound of stone being crushed. With his eyes wide he would look down at the hand he smacked into the wall, which was now buried in a fist sized hole in the wall and surrounded by cracked and jagged stone, he was in no way expecting the results of his little theory to have been so impressive, his expectations being something along the lines of making the arm a little more durable, never in his wildest dreams would he have believe that medical ninjutsu would be used to increase one's strength to superhuman levels. With a large grin on his face he pulled his hand free from the shattered stone, he would look around the area just to see if anybody had witnessed him making the small hole in the side of the building, and much to his relief nobody had. For now he would continue on back to the inn where he was renting a room, but now that he knew that medical ninjutsu could be used for so many different functions he would continue to experiment with it, hoping to discover even more ways that he could use it in order to increase his power so that he was better able to protect his new village and the people that lived within it

WC: 1080


TWC: 6054

2000 words towards Mystical Palm (half WC for being taught), claiming

3000 words towards Chakra Enhanced Strength, claiming

1000 words towards Basic Medical Ninjutsu Lv2 (half WC for being taught), claiming

Claiming 30 stats

2000 words spent with Akihana, memorising her chakra signature
Risako Akara
Risako Akara
Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Ryo : 47750

Kenshin is Evaluated (Private, Akihana) Empty Re: Kenshin is Evaluated (Private, Akihana)

Mon May 02, 2016 7:48 am
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