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Kenshin Gets Serious Part 1 (Private) Empty Kenshin Gets Serious Part 1 (Private)

Wed Nov 18, 2015 8:36 am
Kenshin's eyes shot open as one was his fingers was tugged harshly by the vibrations of his silk wires being tripped, he immediately shot his head over in the direction that the disturbance came from, and when he managed to see just what was tripping his alarm system he let out a small growl. It was nothing more than a small monkey, but unfortunately for him said simian had seemed to have taken an interest in his silk, as the it was tugging on the extremely thin and yet durable thread in curiosity. Kenshin quickly got fed up with the constant tugs on his silk and disconnected the threads from his right hand, he then picked up a small stone that was lying on the ground next to him, he aimed the makeshift projectile and threw it directly at the small monkey, hitting it square in the back and making causing it to release a screech of terror and pain before it took off into the jungle

Kenshin chuckled lightly as he watched the annoying little critter run away in terror, scaring it like that had been surprisingly satisfying, most likely because the annoying primate had woken him up, he didn't get much sleep while Mayuri and Szayel experimented on him, and more often than not the little sleep he did get was when he passed out from the pain of their experiments, so he had learned to treasure the little sleep that he could get, and when somebody interrupts that sleep it makes him very annoyed. But now that he got to thinking about the two mad scientists he realized something that made him frown, he had been taking his training far too lightly, after he had killed the two of them he spent a full year training to get his muscles back into the shape they were in before the experiments, but ever since then he had barely put any time into training, and even when he did take the time to train he didn't do it with the same intensity as he had before, and that was something that he just couldn't stand

Kenshin disconnected the remaining silk wire from his left hand and stood up, he turned to face the tree that he had previously been resting against and began thinking, he really didn’t want to have to recreate his Spider Web Area later, and eventually he thought of a way that he could use it without having the silk attached to him, he began channelling chakra into his Salivary glands and used it to convert his saliva into sticky silk, he spat the sticky silk onto the tree trunk and then picked up the ten silk threads that made up his Spider Web Area and pulled them taut before sticking the taut threads onto the sticky silk. He reached into one of his weapon pouches and began feeling around for some items that he hadn’t used in a while, eventually pulling out a handful of small bells that he quickly tied onto the thin silk wires, he lightly tapped on one of the silk wires to test his theory, and gave a small smirk when he heard the corresponding bell chime, with it set up like this it would alert him when anyone enters the area without the need for the silk to be attached to him

With his alarm system set Kenshin grabbed his rucksack, which had been laying on the ground next to him, and walked into the centre of the clearing, where he opened the main pocket of the rucksack and tipped its contents onto the ground, revealing that it was filled with absolutely nothing other than scrolls, he then began sorting through the scrolls, placing any technique that was above E-rank or he’d already learnt back into the rucksack and keeping all of the E-rank techniques that he yet to learn, along with a couple of useful skills, into a pile on the ground, he then began sorting the techniques into type, and in the end he was left with four Ninjutsu scrolls, three Fuinjutsu scrolls, three Chakra Manipulation scrolls, two Taijutsu scrolls and one Medical Jutsu scroll. Kenshin decided that Ninjutsu would be the best place to start, so he opened one of the scrolls and read the name of the technique within, the Rock Section Cane, the technique only had one hand seal, a half tiger seal, the technique worked by using earth style chakra to turn a small chunk of stone into a staff, which the user can use as either a melee weapon or a makeshift spear, and according to the scroll the stronger the chakra of the user the stronger the staff would be, meaning that the technique would only get more powerful as time went on

Kenshin closed the scroll and placed it back into the rucksack, he then picked up a large stone in one hand, and using his other hand he formed a half tiger seal, once he had formed the seal he began pushing his chakra into the stone, and he could feel the stone beginning to change shape as his chakra flowed into it. And at first it went great, it was perfectly straight and looked solid, but before long Kenshin’s luck began to run out and the staff began to warp and deform, it’s thickness began to vary and it slowly lost its solidity until it began to crumble and fall apart. Kenshin frowned as he looked at the pieces of the failed jutsu, he completely understood the theory of the jutsu and the concept behind it but when he had tried to put it into practice it went completely wrong, but then he had a thought, what if he channelled more chakra into the chakra into the stone as he performed the jutsu, as doing so may help keep the stones form stabilized as it changed shape. With this theory in mind Kenshin picked up another stone and repeated the process, but this time instead of adding only a little chakra into the stone he completely flooded the stone with chakra, and when he felt the stone begin to change shape he focussed on moulding it into the shape of a staff

When the jutsu was finished Kenshin looked over the staff with a critical eye and gave a triumphant smirk, this staff was a massive improvement over his previous attempt, the thickness of the staff didn’t vary in the slightest, and unlike before it hadn’t gone brittle at all, although unfortunately it had warped slightly in a couple of places, making the staff look a little crooked and uneven, but despite that Kenshin was happy with the result, as he had figured out what he had been doing wrong. He dropped the slightly crooked staff and picked up another decent sized stone, he formed thee half tiger seal and began flooding the stone with chakra, and as soon as he felt the stone begin to change shape he focused on moulding it into a staff, this time ensuring that his chakra flowed in a perfectly straight line, as he knew that in the last two attempts his chakra didn’t do so, and this time the jutsu went perfectly, unlike the last two times the staff did not have a single imperfection, the entire staff was perfectly straight and its thickness didn’t vary in the slightest

Kenshin gave the staff a few test swings and smiled slightly when he felt that it was well balanced, he had a little experience in using staffs in the past but those staffs were nothing like this one, the sorts of staffs that he was used to wielding were light and highly flexible, whereas this staff was heavy and extremely rigid, and that would definitely take some getting used to, but he had plenty of time to do just that and he knew that this jutsu would be extremely useful in the future. Kenshin slammed the end of the staff down onto the ground, using enough strength to push the stone construct into the ground just far enough so that it could stand there without Kenshin needing to hold it up, he did this so that he wouldn’t trip over the staff as he trained, as right now he wanted to learn a few more jutsu more than he wanted to train with the staff

Kenshin opened another scroll from the Ninjutsu pile and read the name of the technique that was within, it was the Transformation Technique, it had three hand seals, dog – boar and ram, and as the name of the jutsu implies it allows the user to transform to take any form that they picture in their head, although they cannot exceed the general size of a human being. According to the scroll the Transformation Jutsu is one of the toughest E-rank techniques to learn, for one it required a constant emission of chakra from the user to stay in their desired form, and on top of that the user would most likely be interacting with the environment, something that puts quite a bit of mental strain on an inexperienced shinobi, but this does have its benefits, as the best way for a user of the technique to determine if it was successful or not is to feel this strain

In his head Kenshin pictured the form that he wanted to take and then performed the dog – boar and ram hand seals, and almost immediately after doing so his form was enveloped by a small cloud of white smoke. When the smoke cleared it became clear that the jutsu had worked as Kenshin’s form had been replaced by that of a tall and thin man, the man stood at 185cm (6.1ft) and had shoulder length pink hair with bangs on the right side of his forehead, and he was wearing a pair of rectangular framed glasses that looked to be made from bone. But the transformation was definitely not complete, the man still possessed the same unique eyes and snow white skin tone as Kenshin, and not only that but he was still wearing the same clothes that Kenshin wore rather than the clothes that he had been picturing the man wearing

Kenshin reached into one of his weapon pouches and withdrew a small mirror, something he generally used to peer around corners, but this time used to look at his reflection, and what he saw made him frown, he had tried to transform into Szayel and while he had gotten most of the man’s features spot on he still needed to change a couple of things, namely his eyes, skin tone and clothes, so with that Kenshin released the jutsu and was once again obscured by a cloud of white smoke. When the smoke cleared Kenshin was back in his original form, and he was trying to think of what had gone wrong with the jutsu, but he couldn’t come up with anything, he had used the right amount of chakra, he had used the correct hand seals and he had pictured Szayel perfectly in his head, and that’s when Kenshin realised just what he’d done wrong, he had forgotten that he had to keep up a constant emission of chakra, no wonder the jutsu hadn’t worked properly, in fact it was a wonder that the jutsu had worked at all

Now that Kenshin had figured out what he’d been doing wrong he went through the three required hand seals for the jutsu and he once again had his figure shrouded in white smoke, and once the smoke cleared his form once again been replaced by Szayels, except this time the transformation was flawless, he had Szayels fair skin rather than his own snow white skin, he had Szayels amber coloured irises and white sclera instead of his silver irises and red sclera, and he was wearing Szayels clothes instead of his own, something that made Kenshin smirk when he looked at his reflection. Kenshin could immediately feel the difference in the mental strain, whereas before the strain had been almost unnoticeable it had now escalated into a small headache, but it was still nothing to Kenshin, he had been through far too much pain to be bothered by a simple headache, but he didn’t want to waste any chakra so he cancelled the transformation and returned to his own form, before placing his small mirror back into his weapon pouch

Kenshin grabbed one of the two remaining Ninjutsu scrolls and began reading about the technique that was contained within, it was the substitution jutsu, it had five hand seals, tiger – boar – ox – dog and snake, and the technique worked by making the user swap places with a nearby object, the most commonly used objects being either logs or rocks, the moment just before an enemies attack is about to hit the substitution jutsu’s caster. The fact that the jutsu is performed just as the attack is about to hit causes an optical illusion that makes it appear that the attack has actually hit the caster, and from there the user of the Substitution jutsu can take advantage of the enemies lack of focus to either attack or flee from the battlefield, but once the caster of the jutsu gets further than fifty metres away from the object that they substituted with the illusion will fade away, revealing to the enemy that their attack was not actually a success

Kenshin closed the scroll and placed it into his pack with the others, and then he began looking for a suitable item to substitute with as he doubted that he’d be able to substitute with an item such as a leaf or a pebble, although he would definitely have to give that a try sometime in the future, but the problem was that he couldn’t find any suitably sized rocks or logs but eventually, after digging through a couple of bushes at the edge of the clearing he managed to find a nicely sized log. Kenshin pulled the log out of the bush and carried it into the clearing, once there he dropped the log on the ground and began thinking about what the scroll had told him about the substitution jutsu, it had told him that it was used right before an attack was about to hit him, but Kenshin figured that even though it had said that it wasn’t an actual requirement that the jutsu had to be performed at exactly that moment or it would fail, more likely it was just the best time for the jutsu to be used, either way he would find out when he tried performing the jutsu

Kenshin went through the required hand seals and almost immediately he found himself in the spot that he had dropped the log, and when he turned to look at his previous position, for a split second he managed to see an image of himself, but the image disappeared almost as soon as it had come and was replaced by the log that he had substituted with, which proceeded to fall to the ground with a clatter. When that happened Kenshin gave a small smile, he had managed to get the jutsu down on his first attempt, but he wanted to give it another try just to ensure that he actually had gotten the jutsu down and hadn’t gotten a fluke, so he went through the hand seals once more and when he found himself back in his old position a smirk made his way onto his face, this meant that it wasn’t a fluke, he actually had gotten the substitution jutsu down on his first attempt, and now that he had the jutsu down he had no need for the log, so he picked it up and tossed it to the edge of the clearing so that it wouldn’t get in the way of the rest of his training

Now that he had learnt the jutsu he grabbed the final Ninjutsu scroll and started reading about the technique that it depicted, and just as he had suspected it was the clone jutsu, it had three hand seals, ram – snake and tiger, and as the name of the jutsu implied it allows the user to create clones of their own bodies, but unfortunately these clones are completely intangible and thus lack any form of offensive power. Since the clones themselves don’t have the ability to attack they can only be used to confuse enemies, and is mainly used in combination with other Ninjutsu. It is an extremely basic technique but depending on the ingenuity of the user they can be used very effectively, and the clones may not always dissipate when they come into something, and may instead seem to fade through the object. The user can create at maximum two replicas of themselves that mirror the actions of the user, but the user must keep in mind that the clones are not solid and are only projections of the original

Kenshin closed the scroll and placed it back into his rucksack with the others, this jutsu would most likely be the easiest for him to learn as it was the only jutsu that he had began learning in the academy before he had defected from the Hidden Leaf, and even though that had been a long time ago, seven years in fact, he still remembered most of what the academy instructor said about how to use the jutsu effectively. Kenshin visualised a clear picture of himself as he went through the required hand seals, and almost immediately after a cloud of white smoke popped into existence beside him. When the smoke cleared Kenshin gave a small smile, as in the spot where the smoke had been now stood a duplicate of himself, and it was almost perfect, all of its features were spot on, even his unique red and silver eyes were perfect, in fact as far as he could see there was only a single imperfection in the clone, for some reason the clone looked to be quite haggard, and Kenshin knew for a fact that he was not haggard, in fact all this training was actually making him feel quite energised, more energised than he had felt in a long time

Kenshin surmised that the clone must look haggard because he didn’t put the right amount of chakra into the jutsu, so in order to fix the problem Kenshin released the jutsu and allowed the clone to burst into a cloud of white smoke. When the smoke completely cleared Kenshin once again formed the three hand seals, except this time he added just a touch more chakra into the jutsu, and just like before a cloud of white smoke popped into existence beside him. This time then the smoke cleared Kenshin gave a full blown smirk, unlike the previous clone this one was absolutely perfect, not even a single imperfection, in fact if he hadn’t known that it was a clone he would’ve thought that he had been staring into a mirror, something that allowed him to see the potential that this jutsu actually possessed if used in the right situation, and even though he would have liked it if the clone was able to attack his enemies as well as distract them he was not deterred, he would be able to work with it

Kenshin allowed the clone to burst into a cloud of smoke and walked back to the piles of scrolls that he had placed on the ground, he had been planning on learning all techniques and skills within the scrolls in one big training session but apparently he had grossly overestimated his own chakra capacity, as by this point he was running on little more than fumes. Kenshin refused to stop though, he was quite pissed off that he had been wasting his own time for so long by not training seriously, and he was determined to make up for at least some of that lost time by training until he could train no more, and just because he was running low on chakra didn’t mean that he was done yet, not by a long, so with that he took off his fur lined black trench coat and revealed his heavily cut and stitched torso, but the most disturbing thing about him was the fact that his very skin seemed to wriggle and writhe due to his threads, the effect not too visible on his face but clearly visible over the rest of his body, yet another reason why he wore clothes that concealed a majority of his body

Now even more determined to train Kenshin began to run laps around the clearing, starting out with a light jog and increasing his intensity and speed until eventually he reached a full on sprint, and he kept up that pace for as long as he could, able to keep it up for three laps around the clearing before once again slowing to a jog, a pace which he kept up for another three laps before once again he slowly began increasing the pace of his run, until it once more reached a sprint, and he kept repeating this pattern until he had run thirty laps, with fifteen of those laps being sprints while the other fifteen laps were jogs. Kenshin came to a complete stop after he finished the thirtieth lap, he was breathing quite heavily and was beginning to work up quite the sweat, and now he was going to move onto some light Taijutsu exercises, so he walked over to one of the trees at the edge of the clearing

Kenshin drew his right fist back and punched the tree with all his might, and ignoring the biting pain of the trees bark tearing the skin of his knuckles he repeated the process with his left hand, as he punched the tree over and over again he could see and feel the blood dripping from his cut and torn knuckles, but he paid little mind to the pain, and continued punching the tree until he had done roughly two hundred and fifty punches with each hand. Kenshin brought his hand up to his face and examined them, his knuckles were badly bruised, something which contrasted heavily with his pure white skin, and blood was flowing from cuts and tears that the tree’s bark had inflicted upon his hands, but he could tell that the wounds looked far worse than they actually were

Either way he was done with his training, he was standing on his last legs at the moment and he knew that if he kept on training it wouldn’t do him any good, so with that in mind he walked over to his rucksack, grabbing his discarded trench coat along the way. He laid the coat down next to his rucksack and proceeded to lay down on top of it, releasing a relaxed sigh as he laid upon the soft fur that made up the interior of his coat, and before long he could feel his eyelids getting heavy, the last sight he saw before he drifted off to sleep being the small rays of sunshine that shone through the jungles canopy



WC: 3886, Claiming 19 stats

607/500 for Rock Section Cane, Claiming

662/500 for Transformation Jutsu, Claiming

563/500 for Substitution Jutsu, Claiming

548/500 for Clone Jutsu, Claiming

Last edited by Kenshin Uzumaki on Sat Dec 26, 2015 4:55 am; edited 1 time in total
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Kenshin Gets Serious Part 1 (Private) Empty Re: Kenshin Gets Serious Part 1 (Private)

Thu Nov 19, 2015 6:56 am
Akihana Akari
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Thu Nov 19, 2015 7:21 am

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