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Kenshin Gets Serious Part 2 (Private) Empty Kenshin Gets Serious Part 2 (Private)

Sat Dec 26, 2015 4:56 am
Kenshin’s shot open as he felt something small and hard smack him right in the side of the head, he had no idea just what had hit him or how it hit him but one thing was for sure, he was not happy about it. He sat up and faced the direction that the object that hit him had come from and was immediately hit again, this time it hit him right in the centre of the forehead and he noticed what he was being hit with, stones, small stones were being thrown at him, and when he saw what was throwing the stones he had to resist the urge to laugh. It was a monkey, he was being attacked by a monkey armed with small stones, and the funniest thing was he recognized the money, it was the same one that had been tugging on his silk earlier, the same monkey that he had thrown a stone at, and now it seemed the monkey was taking its revenge by throwing stones at him

But that amusement quickly turned into annoyance as the monkey threw a third stone at him, he grabbed the stone in mid-flight and quickly threw it right back at the monkey, hitting the small primate right between the eyes, at first it seemed to daze the monkey but before long it released a small screech of pain and fled into the bushes, it obviously had not been expecting him to return fire. Kenshin stood up and looked towards the tree that he’d attached his silk threads to but what he saw shocked him, his silk had completely fallen apart, and that meant that he’d been sleeping out in the open with no way to wake him up if anybody entered the area. He came to the conclusion that it must have fallen apart because unlike true spider silk his webs weren’t created from protein and as such they must decay a whole lot faster than regular silk

Kenshin released a small sigh of annoyance when he figured it out, but even though the technique was actually a lot less useful than he had first thought it was still quite a useful technique. Kenshin walked over to the remains of his silk and picked up the ten bells that had fallen to the ground when the silk had decayed, he then stuck them back into his weapon pouch and walked back to his rucksack, he was feeling very well rested and felt that it would be a good time to get back into his training, so he grabbed one of his Fuinjutsu scrolls and began reading

Apparently the technique within the scroll was known as the Mark Seal, the seal was originally designed to be a prison seal, it would be placed on any and all prisoners so that they could be tracked down in case they ever managed to escape, and it didn’t take too long before seal came to the attention of shinobi, as it provided them with a very efficient way for them to track and hunt down their targets. Eventually a group of shinobi improved the seal so that it could be used for a number of other techniques, including human summoning, but unfortunately that group of shinobi disappeared from the face of the earth, whether they disbanded or were killed nobody knows, but the latter seems more likely as the secrets to their new and improved seal appeared in the black market. Ever since then the seal’s design had become extremely widespread, and it had become the basis for a large number of new seals that had popped up all over the shinobi world, and despite the extreme simplicity of the Mark Seal some of the seals based of its design are used by the highest levels of military of all over the world

The things that Kenshin liked the most about the seal were the fact that it had no hand seals, it could be applied by even the lightest of touches and that the entire seal was a small dot that was mere millimetres wide, and to make things better shortly after the seal is applied it becomes completely invisible to both the naked eye and chakra vision, the only way to reveal the seal was to have a Fuinjutsu specialist examine it. Another thing that impressed Kenshin was that the seal never faded away, it could only be removed, either by the user or by a Fuinjutsu specialist, meaning that for as long as the seal was active its user always knew exactly where the marked party was and could use it to track them down. Kenshin closed the scroll and placed it into his rucksack, that scroll held a lot more background information than any of the other techniques that he’d read, but he wasn’t complaining, he had actually found learning about how the technique was created and some of the history behind it to be quite interesting

Kenshin frowned, he understood just how much chakra he needed to use and how he needed to mould it in order for the technique to work but he had absolutely nothing that he could test it out on as he could only place the seal on a living being, and he highly doubted that he could perform it on himself, although he had been wrong before, so he decided to try it out on himself. He placed his left hand upon the palm of his right and began trying to place the seal, but just as he had expected it proved to be impossible, no matter what he did he just found it to be impossible for him to place the seal upon his own body. Kenshin released an annoyed sigh as he realised that he’s actually need to test the seal on someone else in order to find out whether or not he actually had the seal down. He decided that the best thing for him to do would be to just continue with his current course of action and keep training, so he grabbed one of the two remaining Fuinjutsu scrolls and began reading

The technique was known as the Fuinjutsu Lock, and as the name suggests it allowed the user to place a Fuinjutsu lock on a targeted surface, such as a doors, chests, scrolls, really anything that can be opened. The user applied the lock by simply placing their index finger on the object that they wish to apply it to, this prevents the object from being opened unless the person attempting to open it either have enough raw strength to force the lock open, have a jutsu powerful enough to destroy the seal or have a technique known as Fuinjutsu Breaking and possess chakra powerful enough to bypass the seal, at which point they are able to either completely break the seal, or just dull the dull the seal temporarily to ‘unlock’ it. But it was the next part that really caught Kenshin’s attention, unlike most techniques this one actually had multiple ranks, the lowest rank of the Jutsu being E-rank while the highest is S-rank, and the rank of the jutsu wasn’t the only thing that determined how strong the seal was, the more powerful that the chakra of the user was the more powerful the seal would be, but obviously the higher ranks of the jutsu had higher strength than the lower ranks regardless of how powerful the users chakra was

Kenshin closed the scroll and placed it down on the ground in front of him, according to what he had read about the technique he’d be able to perform it on the scroll and at the moment it seemed like the perfect thing for him to test the technique out on. Kenshin extended his index finger towards the scroll, the digit starting to glow a bright blue colour as he touched the scroll, and when he removed his finger a 6 inch Fuinjutsu array had been inscribed on the position that his finger had been, thereby sealing the scroll shut. Kenshin picked the scroll up and attempted to open it, just to test out whether or not he had applied the seal correctly, he had to put quite a bit of his strength into doing so he still managed to open the scroll, the small seal that had been on it fading away once it had been opened. Kenshin frowned slightly when the scroll opened, if he had applied the seal properly then no matter how hard he tried he wouldn’t have been able to force the seal open, he just didn’t have enough raw strength to be able to force it open, nor did he possess a jutsu that had enough power to destroy the seal so that he could open it that way. Kenshin once again extended his glowing blue index finger forward and place it one the scroll, and once again when he pulled his finger away inscribed in its previous position was a 6 inch Fuinjutsu array. Now that he had replaced the array on the scroll he once again tried to open it, except this time no matter how much of his strength he used to try and force the scroll open it didn’t even budge

Kenshin smirked and placed the now locked scroll on the ground, a small sense of accomplishment filling him now that he had learnt yet another technique, but he wasn’t anywhere near done with this training session yet. Kenshin grabbed the final Fuinjutsu scroll and unrolled it, before beginning to read about the technique within, it was known as Fuinjutsu Breaking and just as its name implied it was a technique that was used entirely to break Fuinjutsu. Apparently the technique worked by making the user inject their chakra into an existing Fuinjutsu seal and then using said chakra to dismantle the seal from the inside out, although this can only be done on seals that the user is able to understand, if the seal is out of the users range of skill then they would be unable to understand which parts of the seal need to be dismantled in order to get the seal to break. Kenshin also realised that this was the technique that can used to dull the Fuinjutsu Lock technique, something that ended up being good news for him since with the scroll he’d locked he had a way to learn if he’d leant the technique right. Apparently this technique could only be used if he came into direct contact with the seal, something that was a little annoying since it meant that if the technique was under a layer of clothing he would have to remove said layer to use it  Kenshin closed the scroll with a small frown, unlike all of the other techniques that he had been learning this one was actually quite vague since it didn’t actually describe how he was meant to use it, although that was most likely because this technique was used differently with each seal that it was used on

Although the technique did have one thing going for it, just like the Fuinjutsu Lock technique it possessed multiple ranks, of course the lowest rank of the Jutsu was E-rank, which he was learning right now, and the highest was S-rank, and just like with the Fuinjutsu lock the level wasn’t the only thing that determined how powerful the technique was, the more powerful the users chakra the higher level seals the user could dismantle. Deciding to test the technique out Kenshin placed the index and middle fingers of his right hand against the Fuinjutsu Lock array, his fingers starting to glow blue as he manipulated his chakra into flowing through them and directly into the small Fuinjutsu array that they were touching, he then began to manipulate the chakra that he was injecting into disrupting the flow of the chakra that was keeping the array from falling apart. He could feel certain parts of the array beginning to fall apart from the lack of chakra, and before long the technique began to falter and the lines of the array began to waver, until eventually the array completely faded away and left the scroll without a single piece of evidence suggesting it had been locked in the first place.

Kenshin tried to open the scroll and found that he could do it without the slightest bit of effort, something that made him release a small smirk, both this technique and the Fuinjutsu lock would be very useful for him in the future, especially when he learnt how to use their higher level variants. Kenshin placed the scrolls of the Fuinjutsu Lock and Fuinjutsu Breaking technique into his rucksack before grabbing one of the three chakra manipulation scrolls and reading the technique within. Unlike the other scrolls though this one didn’t actually contain a jutsu, what it actually contained was a type of skill, the skill of Chakra sensory, an extremely useful technique for everyone to learn, especially Missing Nin, but unfortunately he was not interested in learning it at the moment, he would definitely learn it in the future but right now he was focussed on learning jutsu. So he placed the scroll back into his rucksack with the others and grabbed one of the other two scrolls, but when he opened the scroll he had to resist the urge to sigh, because just like before the scroll contained a skill rather than a jutsu, this time being the skill of Chakra Suppression, and like before while it may be extremely useful for him as a missing nin he was interested in learning jutsu, not skills

Kenshin placed that scroll into his rucksack as well and grabbed the Chakra Manipulation final scroll, looking at it the scroll in his hands with narrowed eyes, he really didn’t want this to be yet another skill. Kenshin opened the scroll and smirked when he saw that it was indeed a jutsu, or at the very least it was close enough to a jutsu that he was going to focus on learning it, the technique was known as Surface Walking, and technically it wasn’t really a jutsu it was actually a technique used to increase the users chakra control. The technique worked by making the user channel their chakra into their feet so that they could either repel themselves off a surface or to or attract themselves to it, thus allowing them to walk up completely sheer and vertical surfaces and even walk on the surface of water, it can also be used to anchor the user to the ground, and the stronger the chakra of the user the stronger the force that they were anchored to the ground with. He closed the scroll and once again had a frown on his face, just like the last technique that he’d learnt this technique was extraordinarily vague and barely explained how it was supposed to be done, it didn’t even say just how much chakra he was supposed to channel in order to either repel himself from a surface or to anchor himself to a surface, all it said was that he was meant to channel his chakra into his feet

Kenshin decided that his best bet would be to practice using the technique on the ground before he actually tried to walk up the trunk of one of the trees that surrounded the clearing, otherwise he could end up falling or even launching himself completely off the trunk, both of which could lead to some pretty nasty injuries if he were to land at an awkward angle. First he decided to see what would happen if he channelled a massive amount of chakra into his feet, so he began to channel an extremely amount of chakra into his feet, his eyes widening when he was shot at least fifteen feet into the air by the resulting explosion of chakra. Kenshin quickly did a flip and righted himself so that he would land safely, he landed in a crouch and looked at the position that he had been standing in, becoming quite surprised when he saw the cracked earth and slight crater that was there. He quickly came to the conclusion that if he were to channel too much chakra into his feet then he would be shot off the surface rather than adhere to it like he was aiming for

With that part figured out Kenshin began to channel a small amount of chakra into his feet, using nowhere near as much as he had been before, and just as he suspected he was not shot off the ground, so to test whether or not he was being attached to the ground he let his body go limp, knowing that if he was doing the technique right his feet would stay attached to the ground, but if he wasn’t doing it right that he would hit the ground hard. He smirked when he felt his back hit the ground, only the top half of his body toughing it since his feet were still firmly attached to the ground. Kenshin quickly righted himself and walked to one of the many trees that surrounded the clearing, from there he took a run up start and began to channel chakra into his feet as he ran right up the trunk of the tree, before letting the flow of chakra stop and kicking himself off the tree and into a flip, once again hitting the ground and landing in a crouch. He smirked as he stood up, that technique was actually a lot simpler than he thought that it would be, although that was probably because his chakra control was already quite good, so it would come to him a lot easier than it would to people with bad chakra control.

Kenshin walked back over to his rucksack and the scrolls next to them and grabbed one of the other scrolls, not paying any attention as to which scroll he had grabbed nor the pile that he had grabbed it from. He quickly opened the scroll and began reading its contents, and to his great surprise he had picked up the scroll to one of the only medical techniques that he had been able to find in his parents’ house, but then again it wasn’t like either his mother or father were medical ninja or jutsu hoarders, they were both simple Chunin and the only reason that had any jutsu scrolls was because most of them were back from their time in the Konoha shinobi academy. Kenshin shook his head and began to actually read about the technique, this particular technique was known as the Basic Medical Ninjutsu, and just as the name of the technique suggested it was an extremely basic medical technique that most people are able to learn, the technique was designed with two rather simple purposes, for use a quick fix out on the field of battle so that shinobi could get back into the fight quickly, and to reduce the amount of shinobi that actually needed to go to the hospital to have their wounds treated by professionals. This technique was quite literally one of the simplest medical Ninjutsu around and that is exactly how it was designed to be, so that it could be easily learnt by any and everyone who actually tried to learn it

This technique had two levels, the first was extremely quick and simple to learn, being so simple that even an academy student would be able to learn it without too much trouble or effort, the second level on the other hand was more suited for genin and chunin level shinobi, but even then the technique was still extremely simple when compared to most medical techniques and could be learnt by almost anybody of that skill level or higher. Kenshin decided that his best bet would be to focus on the first level of the technique, since while he knew that he was skilled he was most likely not Chunin level yet, maybe Genin but not Chunin, so began to study what it said about the first level of the technique. Apparently the first level of the technique was only really used to heal things like surface wounds, and it worked by speeding up the rate at which the patients’ blood clots and thus makes the wound close and get covered by a scab much faster, so fast that a cut along the length of the users arm would only take around two minutes to heal

Kenshin closed the scroll and almost instantly his eyes were drawn to the bruises and cuts that littered his knuckles from his last training session, and that caused him to smirk, he now had something that he could test the technique out on. Kenshin formed the required hand seals and hovered his now glowing white palm above his cut and bruised left hand, and almost immediately he could feel the dull throbbing pain begin to leave his hand along with the wounds, and once he felt the pain leave his hand completely he repeated the process with his other hand. Once both of his hands were completely pain free he held them in front of his eyes, marvelling at the pristine white skin that he was met with rather than the bruised and battered hands that he’d seen around ten minutes ago, they had already healed slightly during the time that he had been sleeping and now they were completely healed by the technique

Kenshin placed the scroll to the technique in his rucksack with the others and then looked at all of the techniques that he still had to learn, there were only two of them left and based on the fact that he had yet to train in Taijutsu the two techniques could only be Taijutsu.  He grabbed the first scroll and began to read the contents, the technique within was known as the One Thousand Years of Death, and as soon as he read the name of the technique he began to imagine a Taijutsu technique of ultimate power, so he began to read through the scroll with renewed vigour and a smile on his face, but by the time he got to the end of the scroll his smile had been replaced by an annoyed scowl and his right eye was twitching, this was definitely not a technique of unrivalled power, it was more of a crude joke than a jutsu, but regardless he could see the use of the technique, it would demoralise and enrage the victim that’s for sure, and maybe if the user was strong enough or if the user were to replace their fingers with a kunai or something else than it could definitely prove to be lethal, and that would definitely be a bad way to die

Kenshin closed the scroll and placed it into his rucksack, as much as he hated to admit it he would more than likely use the technique at least once in the future, if only to see how the person that he used it one would react, but he would wash his hands very thorough afterwards. Kenshin grabbed the final scroll and opened it wearily, hoping that the technique was not another joke like the last one, the technique was called Dicipline, and almost immediately he could feel a sense of annoyance creeping up on him, because just like with the one thousand years of death it was more of a joke than an actual technique, since it was nothing more than a glorified backhand slap, and just like before he placed the scroll in his rucksack in annoyance, although just like before he knew that he would use the technique at least once in the future just to see how the victim would react, he’d assume that unlike the feeling of violation that the person he would use the other technique on this one would be more of shock that he had backhanded them

Kenshin picked up his discarded coat and placed it on top of his rucksack before he sat down in the middle of the clearing with his legs crossed, he closed his eyes and began to meditate, letting his mind go blank as he focussed on the peaceful sounds of nature

WC: 4070, claiming 20 stats

500/500 for Mark Seal, claiming

500/500 for Fuinjutsu Lock, claiming

500/500 for Fuinjutsu Breaking, claiming

500/500 for Tree Climbing/Surface Walking, claiming

500/500 for V6 Medical Ninjutsu, claiming

500/500 for Taijutsu Dicipline!, claiming

500/500 for 1000 Years of Death, claiming

570/2000 for Chakra Sensory
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Akihana Akari
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Kenshin Gets Serious Part 2 (Private) Empty Re: Kenshin Gets Serious Part 2 (Private)

Sat Dec 26, 2015 7:15 am
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