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Royalty <3
Royalty <3
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Hospital Water (P, NK, IO) Empty Hospital Water (P, NK, IO)

Mon Jul 04, 2016 12:31 am
It was around 2 pm in the afternoon. Royalty woke up with his leg hanging off of the bed. Aori had been face down asleep on the inner side of the bed seeing as it was in a corner. Royalty glanced at her for a second and got up quietly. After walking to the bathroom, he freshened up. Got himself a little clean before exiting. He donned no shirt black silk pajama pants. His metallic spinal cord feeling uncomfortable since he woke up on his back. He really looked like a guy at home. 

Not feeling like putting on any more clothes, he exited his room and walked over to Kyson's. Not knowing if he was still asleep or out, he knocked on his door. He had hoped he wasn't out.

*Knock Knock Knock*

"Hey Ky, you there?" He hoped to hear him eventually.
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Hospital Water (P, NK, IO) Empty Re: Hospital Water (P, NK, IO)

Mon Jul 04, 2016 12:54 am
As Kyson was sleeping in his bed. really knocked out from all the training he has been getting into everyday. He had overslept  today. As he was having a good sleep. He heard a knock at his door. He woke up quick as he looked at the time and noticed what time it was. Damn.. I overslept. Kyson thought to himself. He got out his bed and walked over towards the door. He was walking kinda funny since he was still tired.

"Yeah, yeah I'm coming." Kyson said as he was walking towards the door. Then suddenly without paying attention, Kyson tripped over his bag and made a loud thump noise. He fell on his face after tripping over the bag. He then started rolling on the floor towards the door and reached out his right hand while he was still laying down on the floor. And opened it slowly.

"Yeah, I'm up." Kyson said to Royalty. As he slowly gets up from the floor and begins to stand. His hair was all messed up as he just woke up.
Royalty <3
Royalty <3
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Hospital Water (P, NK, IO) Empty Re: Hospital Water (P, NK, IO)

Mon Jul 04, 2016 1:01 am
As Royalty heard Kyson respond, he got a little excited. It has been a while since the two had done anything together so it was finally time to break that drought. Then Royalty heard the loud thud. He barged into the door wondering if Kyson had been okay. Looking to the left and the right, he did not see anything until he looked down onto the floor.


Royalty did not know whether to laugh or to be serious. Kyson just looked so helpless on the floor like he just took his first steps as a child. It was a funny sight. He awaited a reply before he decided what to do.
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Hospital Water (P, NK, IO) Empty Re: Hospital Water (P, NK, IO)

Mon Jul 04, 2016 1:08 am
After falling on the floor, Kyson would roll towards the door and open it to speak to Royalty. But before he could do that, Royalty barged in there looking to see if the young Hozuki was alright. Which he was perfectly fine. Once he heard Royalty ask if he was okay, Kyson would begin to get up slowly. 

"Yeah I'm straight." Kyson would say to Royalty. He hasn't seen Royalty since the exams. So they really haven't had much time together other than that. Each of them had been busy with their own things. Kyson mainly focused on training and being with his squad. Which had disbanded due to things not working out. It was fun while it lasted, but if his former team ever needed help. He would help them in a heart beat.

"So what's up? Its been a minute considering we live with each other." Kyson would say to Royalty. How can two people who live with each other barely meet.
Royalty <3
Royalty <3
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Hospital Water (P, NK, IO) Empty Re: Hospital Water (P, NK, IO)

Mon Jul 04, 2016 1:38 am
As Kyson attempted to get onto his feet, Roy would give out his right hand for assistance. If Kyson would take the hand, then Roy would help him up. In fact, considering his immense amount of strength, he could technically just life Kyson off of the ground. This would be extremely uncomfortable for Kyson however. Considering all of his weight would have to be compensated through one arm. Roy just helped him. 

"Ahh, alright cool."

Once Kyson was up, whether he accepted the help or not, he began to say some things to Royalty. Considering that the two have been doing their own things, they have only had enough time for hi and byes. Nothing more. Today, Royalty hoped to change that. 

"Well, nothing is really up with me at the moment. You are always training so I figured you would want to go to the training grounds. We could maybe spar a little?"

Royalty asked because it had been quite a while since the two had sparred. He believed it had to be when the both of them were Genin in the Village Hidden in the Clouds. Well, I guess you could call it a village and not an asylum. But Roy could recall the first time they had met and sparred. Something along those lines would be fun.
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Hospital Water (P, NK, IO) Empty Re: Hospital Water (P, NK, IO)

Mon Jul 04, 2016 2:01 am
After Kyson asked Royalty how he has been doing. He stated today he was free and wasn't planning on doing anything. He figured Kyson was always training, so he would let him focus on his training instead. Kyson thought about asking what he was doing, but at this point it probably wouldn't matter. He mentioned the training grounds and having a little spar, Kyson loves the sound of hearing the word spar. The last time he sparred with Royalty was in Kumo. And that was how they really first met. Its amazing how time flies since then. He would mention that they haven't sparred since Kumo but bringing up Kumo always makes things a bit emotional. Especially for Royalty since his family was still there.

"A spar huh? Sounds like a plan. Let me get ready first." Kyson would say to Royalty. He would then head towards his bathroom, brush his teeth real quick and put on his clothes. He made sure he had his equipment but not too much. There's no point of bringing every piece of equipment for a spar. It isn't like they are going on an S rank mission. 

"You ready?" Kyson would say to Royalty. As he was ready to head out to the training grounds. If Royalty was ready to go, Kyson would begin to walk downstairs and head outside to the training grounds. If he wasn't ready and had other things to do, then he would wait until he was finished. And then head to the training grounds.
Royalty <3
Royalty <3
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Hospital Water (P, NK, IO) Empty Re: Hospital Water (P, NK, IO)

Mon Jul 04, 2016 9:34 pm
It seemed Kyson was ecstatic about the idea of sparring. Roy liked the sound of it. They were both long overdue for a spar either way. As Kyson got ready, Roy went back into the room. He noticed Aori was in the bathroom. He walked over and knocked on the door.

*Knock Knock*

"You alright?" Roy said on the other side of the closed door.

"Yup, I just had to use the restroom," replied Aori. She even sounded like she had just woken up.

"Well alright. Kyson and I are going to the training grounds. Thought I'd tell you before we head off. Want me to walk you home?" Royalty felt it would be rude to just leave her here. His offer was out of care.

"You don't have to..I think I'm just gonna go back to sleep. Your bed is better than mine.." Royalty immediately chuckled once he heard that. At first he thought she wasn't feeling too well but this gave the indication that everything was fine.

"Ha ha, alright then. I will see you later," said Royalty as he turned around, grabbed a t shirt and some sandals.

"Alright Roy, be safe," Aori said to a departing Royalty.

Roy was now putting on the two things he grabbed. Once he had been ready, it seemed Kyson was as well. The Yuka would then follow him to the door and proceed to walk towards the training grounds. So it wouldn't be silent, Roy turned to Kyson.

"So what have you been up to?" Roy felt he should ask because ever since about a few weeks ago, the two have been doing their own things. They felt older and more mature now. There was no need to do everything together anymore.

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Hospital Water (P, NK, IO) Empty Re: Hospital Water (P, NK, IO)

Mon Jul 04, 2016 10:08 pm
As Kyson was ready to head out to the training grounds, he was waiting for Royalty to see if he was ready. After he finished talking to Aori and getting ready the two of them were now ready to head out. Its been a minute since the two of them trained with each other. Royalty asked what Kyson had been up to. Since they aren't at the training grounds yet and they got a few minutes until they reached there. Kyson would begin to tell him everything that he has been up to.

"Heh, where do I start. I was part of a genin team and was was assigned squad leader. I did an A rank mission with them and then decided to become their squad leader. But then things weren't working out because of the exams and stuff. So I decided to disband the team until after exams. But I don't know if I can lead a team. Was a little too much responsibility... but other than that, just been doing intense training." Kyson would say to Royalty . Other than what he said, not much has been going on other than training with a couple other people. 

"So what about you.." Kyson would say to Royalty as they were heading towards the training grounds. The last time they talked like this was during that little mission/vacation. That was also the last time they trained with each other. But this time things will get more interesting since they will be sparring.
Royalty <3
Royalty <3
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Hospital Water (P, NK, IO) Empty Re: Hospital Water (P, NK, IO)

Mon Jul 04, 2016 11:45 pm
As Kyson replied, Royalty was a little overwhelmed. He had not known that he would lead other team after the one they had a while ago. Roy thought Kyson wouldn't be interested in other genin team after that. But it was nice to know that Kyson was helping out the lower rankings. Kyson then flipped in back onto him.

"Um, sheesh. Not really much. I've been lazy nowadays. Just been taking normal walks with Aori and doing regular things. I wanted to start back training because the next part of the exams are picking up. But I am just tired of waiting for them to start."

As Royalty finished speaking, he would be approaching the grounds. This area was shaded by two large buildings on the east side. There would be one pillar of sand about 8 feet tall in the middle of the 20 meter by 10 meter area. It was pretty small but they did not need any place excessively too big. Royalty looked at Kyson as he stood about 7 feet to the right of him. He wondered about what he was going to say next.

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Hospital Water (P, NK, IO) Empty Re: Hospital Water (P, NK, IO)

Tue Jul 05, 2016 12:34 am
After Kyson told Royalty what was going on with him. It was now Royalty's turn. He said he hasn't been doing much and he's been being quite lazy. Kyson could understand, ain't really been anything much lately to do. Kyson had to force himself to train. he loves getting stronger and improving his skills, But the training isn't really fun. he just does it because he has to. 

"Ha, I hope you don't pass out after this spar after taking days off." Kyson joked to Royalty. He referenced him passing out because of not getting a lot of exercise or training. As the two of them were approaching the training grounds. the two of them were right in the middle. Kyson was standing 7 feet from Royalty. As the sand was slightly blowing in the air. Kyson would do a little mini stretch.

"You ready? I'm not going to use my hyrdification unless a fatal blow accidentally occurs or something. Besides, I really don't like relying on it." Kyson would say as he is now ready to begin the spar. Even though this is a spar, Kyson won't hold back but at the same time. He wouldn't do anything to really injure Royalty. He wouldn't want an accident to happen before the exams and we both can't perform at 100%. But Royalty needs this training since he hasn't been doing much in a while. It will get him back into things.

"Lets see what you got." Kyson would reach in his weapon pouch with his left hand as he raised his right hand out towards Royalty. All this happening at a speed of 100. He would then use Dark River Breaking Seal, no hand seals needed. Sending 3 blasts of chakra towards Royalty's chest. The three chakra blasts would be coming at him at a speed of 75 and a power 40. And Kyson would be on his guard as he watches to see what Royalty would do next. He knows Royalty his faster and stronger than Kyson. Basically more athletic than him. So fighting him head on wouldn't be the best option.
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