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Royalty <3
Royalty <3
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Hospital Water (P, NK, IO) - Page 3 Empty Re: Hospital Water (P, NK, IO)

Sat Sep 03, 2016 3:13 am
It became almost nauseating how the flickering of the chakra signatures persisted through the eyes of Royalty. At this point, it was too distracting to even consider continuing the spar between he and Kyson. He could not focus properly on his opponent. As he stood in his place, his heart rate grew a little rapid. His breath increasing in speed as well. 

Before the clones had their chance to attack him, Royalty fell to his left knee and leaned to his left. His left hand would be on the ground with the palm facing first. Since his head was down, his hair shielded most of his facial features. Something was off with him. He could not tell at that very second. With the strength he had, he rose his right hand into the air above his head and waved his right hand back and forth.


With this, he hoped this would be a clear signal for Kyson to cease his attacks. If he were to continue his attacks with his clones, Royalty would unwillingly have his chakra absorbed from the clone to his left side while simultaneously being struck by a punch from the clone to his right. Whatever happened, Royalty was surely now ready for it. 

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Hospital Water (P, NK, IO) - Page 3 Empty Re: Hospital Water (P, NK, IO)

Sat Sep 03, 2016 3:42 am
As the clones were closing in on Royalty, they were ready to attack. As they were getting ready to connect their attacks. They heard Royalty say something. he had said wait. With the mist, he could tell he fell to one knee. The clones would stop their attack just in time. Kyson would begin to clear  the mist and make the training grounds visible again. He wanted to know what was up with Royalty. He know it wasn't something serious but he was still a bit concerned. he would dispel his clones as they turned into mud and fell to the ground. 

"You good?" Kyson would say as he began to walk towards Royalty. It looked as if he was a bit fatigue, at least from Kyson's point of view. He assumes that is the reason. Maybe they should take a break? Kyson thought to himself. He would continue to walk over to Royalty until he was about 2 meters away from him.

(Words: 2966)
Royalty <3
Royalty <3
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Hospital Water (P, NK, IO) - Page 3 Empty Re: Hospital Water (P, NK, IO)

Sat Sep 03, 2016 4:04 am
Kyson had stopped his clones from attacking Royalty. This was expected as Kyson cared much for his rival and best friend. Upon stopping, Kyson had done something that would change the way Royalty would feel at the current moment; dispelling the Hidden Mist Technique. The second the mist cleared up, the flickering would seemingly stop. Royalty felt no fatigue afterwards. It was odd.

"As soon.. as the mist cleared. I started to feel better immediately..."

Royalty would say as he rose to his feet and brushed off some of the dirt on his pants leg. After briefly cleansing himself. He looked over to Kyson and spoke once again.

"I am okay now.. It is just, when you used the Hidden Mist Technique, it's like my head started to hurt because I could still see where you were.. Sounds hard to explain but I knew the clones were coming at me too. I just saw flashes of blue in my head and it overwhelmed me but right when the mist cleared, so did the blue images..."

Royalty had not known what had just occurred with him. He did not know if this was related to his Shining Medical Eye. It could not be because he had not had the eye active at the time. Different questions started to build up into his head. All questions that he had no answer to, just curiosity. 

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Hospital Water (P, NK, IO) - Page 3 Empty Re: Hospital Water (P, NK, IO)

Sat Sep 03, 2016 9:33 pm
As Kyson was walking towards Royaty. It seemed he started feeling better the moment his jutsu was dispelled. Did Kyson's mist cause this to happen to him? Couldn't be, its just a simple D-Rank technique. Its only use is to take away ones vision. So what really happen to him.

"So what happen, my mist couldn't have caused this." Kyson said in curiosity. He is a bit curious as to what could've made Royalty react like this. Kyson thought it was fatigue but he mentioned that he was fine as soon as the mist cleared up. This really isn't starting to make sense to him. Hidden mist causing headaches? Royalty also mentioned that he saw Kyson through the mist... impossible. Kyson is aware that Royalty's dojutsu can see one's body. But seeing though mist is a much. The only dojutsu Kyson knows of that can see through the mist is the Hyyuga's byakugan.

"So wait, your shining medical eye can see through the mist?" Kyson said to Royalty. This was really fascinating to him. But the same time it still wouldn't make sense. Royalty's used his shining medical plenty of time, so he shouldn't be exhausted or having headaches. Unless he put more pressure on it to see through the mist. Kyson just continued to look at Royalty to make sure everything was okay.
Royalty <3
Royalty <3
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Hospital Water (P, NK, IO) - Page 3 Empty Re: Hospital Water (P, NK, IO)

Thu Oct 06, 2016 5:15 pm
The effects that Roy was not used to completely subsided at this point. He was able to stand up fully with correct posture and a resting stance. He noticed Kyson approaching him. The two would concur that it was a bit absurd that the mist would have any type of effect on him. After all, this was not the first time that he had seen someone even use the Hidden Mist Technique. He could recall the mission in which they had to fight the three missing ninja. Kyson had used the technique then, so why was he feeling peculiar about seeing it now?

"I am not sure.. I am okay now.. As if some magic had happened though," Roy replied to Kyson when he had asked him what could be the cause of his nausea. He then asked Royalty if his Shining Medical Eye could see through the Hidden Mist. That did not seem plausible either. Despite not using his kekkei genkai a lot, he would know by now what it was capable of doing; and this was not one of the capabilities for sure.

"That......That is impossible... As many times as I have explored what I can do with my eyes, never has it made someone appear blue. It was like you were a blimp on my radar. Plus, I felt nauseated when it happened. That is also one thing that I have never experienced while using my doujutsu."

The thought sounded good until Royalty broke it down in his head. He could not comprehend the possibility of his doujutsu evolving into something greater than it had already been. It just sounded too overwhelming. He would swear that he would of noticed a change prior to today. 

"You know what is even more insane? I did not even have my Shining Medical Eye activated. It was if the sight I was seeing had been innate. It was more natural rather than some ability." Royalty still tried to put it together but it wasn't coming along for him. Neither was it for Kyson. There was only one way to solve it; trial and error. This sparked an idea.

"Put up the mist one more time.....I need to see something." As Royalty waited for Kyson to initiate his jutsu, he would activate his Shining Medical Eye. He was going to analyze the situation and get to the bottom of it. 

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Hospital Water (P, NK, IO) - Page 3 Empty Re: Hospital Water (P, NK, IO)

Thu Oct 06, 2016 6:27 pm
As Kyson heard the words of Royalty, it was very clear he had no idea of what was going on. So there was no point of asking him any more questions. He probably wouldn't know what to say or answer the question since he himself is still unsure. He stated it had nothing to do with his shining medical eye. Kyson was aware of the main effects of his dojutsu, so he wasn't surprise when he stated that it would be impossible. But Kyson just wanted to ask anyway to make sure. Though that question wouldn't have mattered because he claimed he did not even have his dojutsu activated at the time. So what the hell did he do and how did he do it. How could he see through such dense mist. Mist that is so dense, you can barely see your hand in front of you. Kyson was out of words to say, he had no idea what could have caused this. Royalty then requested Kyson to use the hidden mist technique again. 

"Alright, here it goes." Kyson would back up with his hands in his pockets. And without any hand seals, Kyson would activate his hidden mist jutsu around the training grounds, almost in an instant. Kyson would then begin to walk away backwards, as he created some distance between him and Royalty. Kyson Kyson could still detect Royalty's position due to his chakra being infused in the mist. So Kyson would stand about 10 meters away form Royalty to see what he would do.
Royalty <3
Royalty <3
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Hospital Water (P, NK, IO) - Page 3 Empty Re: Hospital Water (P, NK, IO)

Fri Oct 07, 2016 1:49 pm
The wind blew gently. Royalty was still standing facing his best friend Kyson. His eyes were still shining brightly as his doujutsu was steadily active. Kyson would agree to use the Hidden Mist Technique again so that the two can finally decipher the situation at hand. Once Kyson had started to use the Hidden Mist technique, Royalty would notice that he would be backing up into the mist. Roy knew Kyson would try to hide so it would be hard to find him. They would know soon enough.

As Kyson backed up into the mist, Roy would be looking down towards the ground. The wind blowing had a few grains of sand flying past his ankles. His point for looking down was to surprise himself. He did not want to know where Kyson was if he would glow blue again. He wanted to look up and be able to spot him if possible. Waiting a few second, Roy would then look up. His bright eyes letting off slight illumination were facing the direction that Kyson had been standing. The mist was indeed thick. It almost made Roy want to squint as he was looking outwards. The mist slightly hurt his peripheral vision, being clouded that is. But one thing was for certain.. he did not see Kyson at all..

"I don't understand..... I can't see you now.... Don't tell me where you are.. I am going to figure this out," Royalty said confidently as he started to rotate his head. He wanted to patrol the area to see if he could be able to spot Kyson as previously done a few minutes ago.... but he wasn't having any success. It didn't make any sense. The blue images couldn't of been a mirage.

Feeling useless as he couldn't spot Kyson's positioning, he thought of something. The first time he had experienced the weird sight, he did not have his Shining Medical Eye activated. Maybe this could be the key...? With that thought, Royalty closed his eyes. While facing forward, he opened his plain eyes. They were no longer shining. This is when it occurred once again.. Royalty could see Kyson as he didn't change his pivotal position. He just moved away in a linear fashion. Whatever this was, it was helping Royalty sense where his friend had been standing. This time was different however. He didn't feel a sensation as if there was a strain on his brain. It's like he was used to it now. Maybe it was a new technique? But how did he develop it?

"Alright...." Royalty said to himself as he started to walk towards Kyson. His movement was fluid as he approached his friend. The blue dot that had been emanating from Kyson's position had been like a beacon that was alerting Roy. It was no ordinary sensor. The distinct sight seemed to be expanding as well. More blue dots were moving through Royalty's peripheral vision. These dots were many meters away. Roy assumed they were regular civilians just walking by. After noticing, he would reach his arm out to attempt to touch Kyson's left shoulder with his right index finger. He awaited Kyson's feedback for what he had just done. 

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Hospital Water (P, NK, IO) - Page 3 Empty Re: Hospital Water (P, NK, IO)

Fri Oct 07, 2016 2:13 pm
As Kyson walked away from Royalty while being within the mist. Kyson was about 10 meters away from Royalty. As Kyson awaited to see how Royalty would react. He heard him speak, saying he couldn't see him Kyson. Could Royalty had just been seeing things. Maybe, but it wouldn't be far fetch if he could. Besides, Kyson was told Byakugan could see through the hidden mist as if it was never there. So Royalty being able to find a way to see through it wouldn't be that far fetched. As Kyson heard Royalty speak, he just stood there quiet and didn't say anything.

After waiting a few more seconds, Kyson felt Royalty beginning to move. He was moving in Kyson's direction. Kyson awaited to see if he really is going to reach his exact spot. Kyson could sense him coming closer and closer. Royalty is now about 5 meters away from Kyson. Could he really see my exact position right now? Kyson thought to himself. How is this even possible and it has nothing to do with his shining medical eye. And before he knows it, Royalty touched Kyson's left shoulder as if he knew he was here the entire time. Kyson would then clear the mist a couple seconds after he touched him. And almost in an instant, the mist would clear up and the training grounds was now back to its bright sandy scenery.

"That is insane, how the hell did you even do that." Kyson said to Royalty. Whatever Royalty just discovered, can open the doors to so may other sensory abilities. Kyson was really amazed to how he did what he just did. From Kyson's point of view. It literally looked like Royalty just walked over to Kyson while being in the mist. As if it was nothing.

(Words: 3751)
Royalty <3
Royalty <3
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Hospital Water (P, NK, IO) - Page 3 Empty Re: Hospital Water (P, NK, IO)

Fri Oct 07, 2016 4:36 pm
Upon touching Kyson's shoulder, Roy could tell that Kyson was surprised. In fact, Royalty was surprised just like his friend was. His composure was just slightly different from his counterpart. The effects of his newly learned sensory technique surely was stunning. It was amazing to find out that he could see through the thick mist. The Hidden Mist technique is one of the most evasive moves that Kyson knows. Now if someone else tried to use it, it would have no effect on Royalty. He smiled while Kyson just stayed confused.

"I still don't know how I am capable of doing this but you aren't the only one I see. All the civilians in the area....I can see them. Even people on the other side of the building. I can see them as well. It doesn't tell me exactly who they are though. I just know they're there. All your signatures are identical. I was only able to distinguish you because we are the only ones here. I need to focus on combining this with my Shining Medical Eye. With those two, I can see a lot of different things."

Royalty looked down at the hand he used to touch Kyson. His fist was clenching as he felt himself growing each and every day. The two of them have certainly come far from their nights training in the hell known as Kumo. Soon enough, the two will probably become apart of something bigger. As long as they continued their loyalty to Suna, it would be a matter of time. 

Seeing as the two have been here the majority of the day, Royalty felt it would be a good time to call it. He stopped looking at his hand and rose his head towards Kyson again. "So, you want to grab something to eat?" There was certainly enthusiasm in his voice. That inner kid shot out for just a brief moment. It was either that... or their hard work really emptied his stomach.

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Hospital Water (P, NK, IO) - Page 3 Empty Re: Hospital Water (P, NK, IO)

Fri Oct 07, 2016 5:11 pm
Royalty told Kyson that he still wasn't sure how he did what he did. But what was even crazier was that he could sense even civilians outside of the training grounds. When he said that, Kyson already knew for a fact that this was some type of sensory type jutsu. He even saw people on the other side of a building that was outside of the training grounds. Which made Kyson question, how far can he actually sense people. Kyson could sense chakra signatures. But that's it.. just sense them. He couldn't see them in any type of way. Just know the area from where they are coming from.

"The way your explaining it, it seems like its some type of sensory type technique. Which could be real helpful. Should probably practice that every now and then." Kyson would say to Royalty. Seeing chakra signature from a good distance. It reminded Kyson of Togirama. A Hyugga who was in Kyson's squad before they disbanded. They were a really talented group. Too bad the four of them had to disband. Kyson felt kind of awkward being in a squad and leading them. It was the first time he ever did anything like that. So it was a new experience. Royalty then asked if Kyson was ready to get something to eat. Kyson thought that was a good idea and decided to agree with his suggestion. 

"Yeah, I'm kinda starving after all of this training. Just lead the way." Kyson would say to Royalty. Wherever Royalty went to go eat, Kyson would be right there following him.

(Words: 4016)

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