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Growing Strong (Rae Homare Training) Empty Growing Strong (Rae Homare Training)

Mon Aug 22, 2016 11:32 am
Black on white. Ink on paper. Studying was simple, really. Listen to what the teacher says, and write it down. Re-read it and understand it. If there was any difficulty with understanding the lesson you could always ask your Sensei. Most of them were sensible anyways. Rae tucked away the strand of red hair that obscured her view of the board , focused and continued copying down the lesson. Today they were going over what all Academy students needed to know in order to graduate into genin and the female was very focused. It's not that she didn't like being an academy student, but she wanted to get started on the adventurous lifestyle of an actual kunoichi. The exams were fast approaching and she wanted to maintain her spot on the top of the class. Looking down, she re-read the notes that she had just written down in order to not forget them. The handsigns for the transformation technique were the Dog, followed by the Boar and then the Ram. It wasn't that hard to remember. The teacher demonstrated the technique with ease as he transformed into the Lord Kazekage. Some of the kids cheered as they saw their ruler. Rae leaned her head on her hand and smiled. While she had only seen the Kazekage once in her life from far away, the resemblance was uncanny. The bell rang and students scattered out of the classrooms and into the hallways of the academy. 

It was lunch break, which automatically meant that it was time to for some delicious homemade food. As Rae took her bento out of her bag and headed up to the roof of the Sunagakure Academy she was immediately greeted by a crowd of fanboys waiting for her outside the classroom. She gave them all her usual polite fake smile and attempted to get to her favorite place as fast as possible only to have her way blocked. In front of her stood a pair of blond kids. A boy and a girl not much younger than herself.  The boy's hands were shaking and his eyes were not really looking at her. The girl on the other hand couldn't stop looking at Rae with a small blush spreading across her cheeks.  "Rae-chan," The boy began, his voice was trembling with the emotion that she could easily recognize as nervousness. "Would you please accept this bento. My sister and I made it especially for you." The kid bowed low, with the bento held in both hands towards the Red-haired female. The entire hallway fell silent, waiting for the Homare girl to respond. "I guess I might as well accept it," Rae said, her hand picking the box up from the boy. "After all, Tamaki-kun and Rika-chan put a lot of effort into making it." She explained in a polite yet warm voice. The faces of the two blonds in front of her immediately became a bright shade of tomato red when their names were mentioned. Politely pushing past them the Crimson-eyed female hurried off to the rooftop, now two bento boxes in hand. As she arrived there, she closed the door behind her and exhaled loudly. Finally, a bit of calm.
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Growing Strong (Rae Homare Training) Empty Re: Growing Strong (Rae Homare Training)

Mon Aug 22, 2016 6:18 pm
Rae's back slowly slid down the metal door as she looked up at the blue sky. It was so calm and beautiful. A perfect contrast to the scorching sun which hid behind the wall, making a very nice shade over the red-haired female. Picking up the Bento that she was given from the two blonds earlier and opening it, she let a small smile slip onto her face. Several pieces of omelette lay on one side of the box, next to them was rice topped with kimchi in the shake of a heart. It was simple, really, but the fact that someone even made her bento made her chuckle. She'd have been living alone for several years and had forgotten the taste of homemade food. The red-haired student tended to eat outside most of the time and made money making little deliveries around her neighborhood. As she heard the first bell ring she looked down at the food in her hands. She had barely eaten anything at all as usual. She loved food and it was rare for her to not have the apetite of a tiger. Unfortunately with the fast approaching genin exams the stress seemed to be taking a toll on her body and well, mostly on her appetite. Walking back into the hallways of the school she was greeted by several students and members of staff to which she always replied with a smile.
Class this time was, let's say, amusing. They were going to go over the Clone technique. It was generally simpler than the transformation jutsu so while taking notes this time she allowed herself to look around the classroom. Rae knew this material already as they had studied it at least twice before. Closing her eyes she tried remembering the handsigns that it needed without looking at her notebook. She had to start with the Ram which was followed up by the Snake and then ended with the Tiger. The crimson-eyed student smiled at her own success and her eyes scanned the room. Two boys were clearly sleeping in the back of the classroom. A black-haired girl was painting her nails while a blond boy, Rae took a closer look just to make sure that it wasn't a mistake, was drawing the handsigns neatly in his notebook. Tamaki, the boy that handed her the bento for lunch, was a surprisingly good student. The fire element ninja noted to thank him after class finished. "Now everyone, come down so that we can practice." The sensei called the class down to the front. Running a hand through her long red hair, the orphaned girl took her place in between two random students and waited for her turn. "Hey Rae-chan, you'll kill today again won't you?" The one on her left asked. A small chuckle passed through the girl's lips, "Of course." She replied back confidently and as her name was called at the front of the room she greeted her sensei with a smile. "Perform the clone jutsu for me please Rae." He instructed and the girl in question happily obliged. Her clone was a perfect replica of herself. After the entire class had finished they were told to sit back down. The teacher then proceeded to explain to them how the examinations were going to go through. It wasn't a difficult matter really.

As the final bell rang Rae slipped on her long white coat, packed her items into her black backpack and slung it over her shoulder. "Thank you for today sensei!" She cheerily said as she exited the classroom. It was common courtesy, after all. The moment she stepped out however she was, yet again, greeted by a crowd of fanboys. Some of them gave her winks which she casually waved off with chuckle. Looking around the corridor she spotted a pair of blonds talking to each other and she quickly made her way over to them with a confident stride. The crowd split in front of her to open a path for her. As Rika noticed Rae approaching her face became a shade of bright pink. Tamaki noticed the sudden distraction on his sister's face and turned around. "Yo." The school queen greeted the pair with a cool smile. "I just wanted to thank you for the food, it was a good refresher from what I usually eat." She explained her presence and winked at the pair while scratching the back of her head. The crimson-eyed girl was not used to thanking people. She saw the boy's mouth open and then close. It was a funny sight. When she realized that she wasn't going to get a reply from the siblings she tilted her head with a smirk before walking past them and towards the door into Suna. "Well, I hope you have a good evening."
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Growing Strong (Rae Homare Training) Empty Re: Growing Strong (Rae Homare Training)

Mon Aug 22, 2016 7:17 pm
As Rae stepped out of the Academy Building into the hot streets of Suna her crimson hues landed on the everyday view students being hugged by their parents. She clenched her backpack a pit harder at the picture. That's right. I'm disowned. The red-haired beauty remembered her family circumstances and frowned. There was a sour taste in her mouth all of a sudden. They never approved of her being a ninja, that was the main reason that she was now without them in the first place. She didn't regret her decision. She never has, never would, never will. The female was the top of her class and the most popular student there anyways. Her grades were flawless. Gritting her teeth, the red-haired kunoichi walked passed the crowds of families and headed towards the training field. She now needed to blow off some steam. 

The scorching sun was as hot as usual as Raw walked along the streets of Suna. The heat didn't bother her. She didn't need to wear hats or carry umbrellas in order to not get burned. Her affinity with the element of fire seemed to help her survive in the desert conditions. It was either that, or the fact that her family used to come from Funka many many generations ago. Whichever one it was didn't matter. The important fact was that she was still much more resistant to heat than the everyday person. It also showed on her hair. The fiery shade of it gave away a whole lot more about her personality and origins than anyone would originally think of. 

As she arrived at the training grounds she dropped her bag on the sandy ground and opened it, taking out her notebook and flipping through several pages of it. Her crimson eyes scanned through it until they landed on the page of a simple Fire-style ninjutsu called Fire Stream. It only required one hand-seal and it wasn't extremely powerful or anything, but it was smart to know it if she ever wanted to set up a campfire at some point on one of her future missions. Looking around for something that she could make go up in flames she signed when she found nothing and instead pulled out one of her unused notebooks. Way to waste paper. Rae though to herself as she placed her notebook around two and a half meters away from her. 
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Growing Strong (Rae Homare Training) Empty Re: Growing Strong (Rae Homare Training)

Tue Aug 23, 2016 7:04 am
"Fire Style: Fire Stream Jutsu." The red-head chanted before releasing a small cone of flames from her lips and onto the paper notebook which quickly lit on fire. A small sign escaped Rae's lips as she looked at her end product. A warm flame flickered on top of what used to be her notebook. She enjoyed performing Fire style ninjutsu more than anything else and it was the simplest for her to learn. Her crimson eyes looked up, noting that it was nearing sun down. The great ball of fire was beginning to hide behind the dunes of sand that surrounded Sunagakure. 

Putting the fire out with her boot,  Rae picked her black backpack up and slung it over her shoulder before heading back into the streets of the village hidden in the sand. She could feel that she was hungry so she looked around for a place to get some cheap but delicious food. The popular kunoichi didn't find that hard as her sense of smell quickly caught on to a scent which made her mouth water. Her legs moved on their own and soon Rae found herself face to face with a ramen noodle shop. Moving the hanging material aside she looked inside. It was a nice place. Several stools stood in front of a bar behind which worked a magical chef. There was a couple of boys sitting on one side of the place so she casually took a seat on the other side of it. "Can I have a Chicken flavored ramen please?" The girl ordered before taking out her notebook and revising over the transformation technique and clone technique once more not noticing that the three boys on the other side of the show were staring at her. Just as her ramen arrived she heard whispers and several mentions of her name. She ignored them and just enjoyed the warm food, a small happy sigh escaping her lips as she savored its delicious flavors. Tomorrow was a big day, she needed to eat up to keep strong.
Akihana Akari
Akihana Akari
Stat Page : [url=statpage]Stat Page[/url]
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 223500

Growing Strong (Rae Homare Training) Empty Re: Growing Strong (Rae Homare Training)

Tue Aug 23, 2016 7:38 am

Please add up all your words and make your claims for a mod to approve. <3
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Growing Strong (Rae Homare Training) Empty Re: Growing Strong (Rae Homare Training)

Tue Aug 23, 2016 7:43 am
SORRY LADY AKI. I'm still new to this. The word count is 2067. Can Rae claim the Clone technique, the Transformation technique and the Fire Stream Technique along with 10 Stat points?
Akihana Akari
Akihana Akari
Stat Page : [url=statpage]Stat Page[/url]
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 223500

Growing Strong (Rae Homare Training) Empty Re: Growing Strong (Rae Homare Training)

Tue Aug 23, 2016 7:52 am

Yes she may, though keep in mind that at least 3/4th of your words should be devoted to training for it to count in future. Here you've only subtly implied training but that's fine since this is your first try.

Approved <3
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