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Let's burn bright! (Rae Homare Genin Exam) Empty Let's burn bright! (Rae Homare Genin Exam)

Tue Aug 23, 2016 7:32 am
It was finally that day. Rae's crimson eyes shone with excitement as she walked confidently down the academy halls. She had revised through the school material several times just to make sure that she had understood it all. Many students and teachers wished her luck and red-head thanked them with a confident grin. She was always on top of her class in grades, she would not allow herself to loose first place. She was determined to completely burn through this exam. 

As she walked into her classroom Rae bowed politely to the proctor as a sign of respect before heading up to her seat. She could feel the eyes of her fanboys following all of her moves causing her to chuckle.  The beauty never minded the extra attention.
Akihana Akari
Akihana Akari
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Let's burn bright! (Rae Homare Genin Exam) Empty Re: Let's burn bright! (Rae Homare Genin Exam)

Tue Aug 23, 2016 7:37 am

(Hi there, as mentioned on your stat page, you need to claim your stas/jutsu in your training thread, get them approved by a member of staff and then add the link to your stat page. Once that is done, we can proceed with your exam <3)
Akihana Akari
Akihana Akari
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Let's burn bright! (Rae Homare Genin Exam) Empty Re: Let's burn bright! (Rae Homare Genin Exam)

Tue Aug 23, 2016 8:09 am
The proctor was ready and waiting as the student arrived, her dull golden locks tied in a no nonsense bun and her thin rectangular glasses perched high on her nose. She had seen every type of student there was in her fifteen year long career as a teacher and she was proud of it. Ushering the young girl in, she spoke sternly.

"You will demonstrate for me the clone jutsu and the transformation jutsu that you have learned. You will also demonstrate a different use for each of these jutsu," she would say, gesturing for the student to stand in the middle of the class room. Once she was properly situated, the proctor would say "You may begin."

(Please make a post of 800 words with the instructions given above <3)
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Let's burn bright! (Rae Homare Genin Exam) Empty Re: Let's burn bright! (Rae Homare Genin Exam)

Tue Aug 23, 2016 6:01 pm
"You will demonstrate for me the clone jutsu and the transformation jutsu that you have learned. You will also demonstrate a different use for each of these jutsu." Rae felt herself blink at the proctor. She was well aware that she had to be able to perform the techniques but now she had to find uses for them as well. How would she demonstrate those uses in a classroom nonetheless. There wasn't a lot of space and all of her fellow students were watching her. How annoying. As the blond proctor gestured to her she told her that she may begin. Wonderful. Rae though sarcastically in her mind. Not only was she first which meant that she lacked time in thinking of utilization methods for the two techniques, but she was also in front of all of her classmates which meant that no mistakes were allowed at all. 

Standing up from her seat, the redhead headed down the stairs quickly, not wanting to make the examiner wait. Rae took off her long white coat and placed it on one of the desks as she headed down. Below it she wore a black zip-up crop top on the back of which there was a dark red tattoo of a flame. It symbolized many things but at this exact moment it symbolized her burning passion to become a full fledged kunoichi.  

As she reached her spot in front of the lady she bowed with a polite smile. "Rae Homare. I'll begin with the Transformation Jutsu. " The student introduced herself before taking a couple of steps back and taking in a deep breath. Remember what you revised. She though to herself as she attempted to clear her head. The hand signs weren't the issue. The issue was the method of utilization that she had to think of. The Transformation jutsu was good because you could technically transform into the enemy and sneak into their ranks without them noticing you. But who could she turn into in order to demonstrate that. A small idea suddenly popped into her head as she remembered an article that she read on the Suna newspaper a couple of days ago. It involved a picture of a member of a dangerous missing-nin organisation. A small smile quickly slipped onto Rae's face as she focused the chakra around her body. Her hands quickly and confidently began moving to create the Dog sign, closely followed by the Boar and then the Ram. "Transformation Jutsu." The red-headed beauty chanted before going up in a puff of smoke. As the smoke cleared in her place stood a figure in a black cloak. The cloak went up to the neck and ended just a bit above the feet which were put into a pair of white sandals. The cloak had an occasional red cloud on it hear and there. Covering the head of the transformation was a large straw hat. The hands and feet which were in plain sight had been transformed into much more manly ones. The picture that Rae had seen didn't really give much off about the Akatsuki member's facial features so she simply turned into a male version of herself. Her face wasn't all that visible anyways. "One use of the transformation jutsu would be to infiltrate the enemy squad." She explained her idea, making sure that she dropped her voice lower than it usually was. Rae waited for the proctors' evaluation, listening to it carefully, before changing back into herself and focusing on the next technique. 

"I will now proceed to the Clone Technique." The orphan spoke. She tried to remember what the signs were. She knew that she could do this. The Homare girl would never forgive herself if she were to fail. Her wish to become a ninja was what got her disowned after all.  Shaking her head at her own head Rae let her usual casual smile spread over her face in an attempt to wash over her negative thoughts. Her focus shifted to remembering her handsigns for the technique. Taking a breath, the crimson-eyed girl focused her chakra and did the signs for the jutsu. It was the Ram, the snake and then the tiger. Afterwards she chanted "Clone Jutsu" before going up in another puff of smoke. As the smoke cleared in the place  of the original stood two copies of Rae. The original had taken the little puff of smoke as a distraction to hide behind a desk. After a second or two she popped her head from behind the desk and send the proctor a smile. "The clones can be used as decoys or a way of distracting the enemy while you escape." The redhead beemed before walking out from her hiding spot and scratching the back of her neck.  As she stood next to her clones she listened to her examiner's response calmly and politely before dispelling the jutsu and waiting for the overall evaluation.  The redhead hoped that she had not disappointed with her performance.

Word Count: 832

Last edited by JulienneValon on Wed Aug 24, 2016 10:41 am; edited 1 time in total
Akihana Akari
Akihana Akari
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Let's burn bright! (Rae Homare Genin Exam) Empty Re: Let's burn bright! (Rae Homare Genin Exam)

Tue Aug 23, 2016 8:24 pm
"Very well done to you then," the examiner praised, granting the young lady one of her rare smiles. "You seem to know what you're doing, something we expect from all our genin." With that, she beckoned the pupil forwards and presented her with a Sand headband. "Congratulaions, and may you do your village proud."

(Promoted to genin, you get 15 stats and a free spec <3)
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Let's burn bright! (Rae Homare Genin Exam) Empty Re: Let's burn bright! (Rae Homare Genin Exam)

Wed Aug 24, 2016 10:48 am
Rae's face lit up as she was praised. The redhead stepped forwards and took the headband off of the proctor with a polite smile and a "Thank you." She then proceeded to do a quick bow before she walked out of the classroom and into the academy hallway. She woudn't be missing it much. So began her life as a full-fledged kunoichi. Needless to say, she couldn't wait. 

(YAY, thank you Lady Aki, Can I claim the rewards above and exit?<3)
Akihana Akari
Akihana Akari
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Let's burn bright! (Rae Homare Genin Exam) Empty Re: Let's burn bright! (Rae Homare Genin Exam)

Wed Aug 24, 2016 11:39 am

(Yes you may <3)
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