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Semper Fidelis (Training, Open) - Page 2 Empty Re: Semper Fidelis (Training, Open)

Fri Oct 07, 2016 4:39 pm
Kirin dropped hr hands to her sides as the guy spoke again, feeling like taking a nap honestly, but she was no slouch. He seemed to mean well enough with his lecture though, so she listened intently and didn't point out that he was a non-teacher trying to tell a student what to do. Or was she being rude? It could easily have been her fault she needed the extra teaching even before class started for her.

"It's cliché, but I'm doing this to protect the village.." she replied, kicking a clod of dirt out of its place on the hard ground as she stepped towards the cleaved dummy, examining it, "I don't want to see it fall into chaos like it did before, where everyone is in danger, and there is no justice. I.. want to work at the prison, and keep the criminals at bay so people like by family can sleep soundly. We can't always rely on shinobi to not be on a mission and protect the civilians. This is a job as much as it is a lifestyle." She straightened up and turned back to the guy.

"I'm sorry, sir, but I never got your name. My name is Kirin" she added, giving him a slight bow of respect. But before she could say anything else, she had checked the time, then straightened up again, "I need to get to my lesson. Thank you for the advice." she replied, then waved as she turned to head into the building, leaving the raining dummy broken without thinking that the instructors may ask how it got cleaved in two. She didn't bring her sword to class.

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Semper Fidelis (Training, Open) - Page 2 Empty Re: Semper Fidelis (Training, Open)

Fri Oct 07, 2016 5:27 pm
As Itami heard the words of this girl. Words such as protection were like a plague in Itami ears. He's more of the, protect yourself kind of guy. But he kept his beliefs to himself. No need to preach this girl to death. When she spoke about the village and how it "used" to be in chaos, Itami just smirked casually. She seemed so naive and unaware of what was going on in the village. If only she knew about the killings and stuff going on around the village. Or what type of Kage our leader was. Which is why Itami follows his beliefs. 

"Peace.. justice.. you'll find out sooner or later that this isn't the place for that." Itami said as he began to walk away slowly. As she asked for Itami's name. Itami would then speak casually.

"Itami..." As he walked away, he would then put his right arm up half way to signal a good bye. 

Akihana Akari
Akihana Akari
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Semper Fidelis (Training, Open) - Page 2 Empty Re: Semper Fidelis (Training, Open)

Sat Oct 08, 2016 12:52 am

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